Wet Track For Butte Opening.: Plant in Spick and Span Condition and Outlook Is for a Notable Meeting., Daily Racing Form, 1912-08-01


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WET TRACK FOR BUTTE OPENING Plant in Spick and Span Condition and Outlook Is for a Notable Meeting Biitte Mont July i It was raining steadily here this afternoon and the track will probably bo heavy for the opening days racing tomorrow Thu prospects are that this will IK the greatest meet ¬ ing held in Butte since the days when the late Marcus Daly was the guiding spirit of racing here The city has not been as prosperous in a number of years as it is at present and the ixioplc are hungry for racing Interest in the sport has been constantly growing in this locality during the last few years Everything has been renovated about the plant and stables The track is in excellent condition and to morrow will probably mark the greatest opening in the history of racing in Montana if the day be fair fairAll All the racing otlicials are on hand Judge E C Hopper arrived this morning from Salt Lake City Secretary Nathanson and Starter Morrissey have been daysThe here for several days The stable of Powell Parker which shipped from Windsor arrived In good condition W B Carsons horses are expected here in a few days from Vancouver He has applied for stabling for twelve head headJockeys Jockeys Selden and Morse came over from Van ¬ couver while Dave Nieol who was a star pilot in his day arrived yesterday from Oklahoma OklahomaThere There will lie no dearth of horses as live hundred are already quartered here

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1912080101/drf1912080101_1_4
Local Identifier: drf1912080101_1_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800