Tagalies Fluctuating Public Form., Daily Racing Form, 1912-08-08


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TAGALIES FLUCTUATING PUBLIC FORM FORMTagalie Tagalie is not to be left out because she dis raced herself in the Oaks and Eclipse Stakes in neither of which races did she show the least vestige of her One Thousand Guineas and Derby dash for though In front at Sandown for nearly seven furlongs she was all the way being worried and hard driven first l y La Boheme and then by Stedfast to keep her place I am convinced that she turns it up when fairly taeklnd and this weakness did not also bring alxiut her defeat for tho Newmarket Stakes when she suddenly fainted right out of the race after holug Interfered with by Lo ¬ mond Poor Hewitt who rode her on that occasion was blamed for not sending her along at that critical moment but he was quite right to sit and suffer and try to coax another run out of her Unfortunately she never took hold again till the post was passed but the jockey was up against an impossible proposition as Stern In the Oaks and Rein in the Eclipse Stakes found only too clearly The main point is to not for a moment accept Taga lios form in two defeats as any sort of criterion as to her true merits Somn people declare tho Derby was a fluke hut the One Thousand Guineas was also won by Tagalie in smashing style and her eccentricities in defeat are not to bo counted against her as implicating any of the runners to which she has on her licst day proved herscjfto be superior We shall hear of scores of other potential St Leger winners as time goes on hut I shall IK very sur ¬ prised if any one of them prove equal to the task of beating the admitted cracks Special Commis ¬ sioner in The Sportsman

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1912080801/drf1912080801_1_6
Local Identifier: drf1912080801_1_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800