Dufferin Park Meeting Closes.: Getaway Day at Toronto Half-Mile Track Marked by Defeat of All the Favorites But One., Daily Racing Form, 1912-08-08


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DUFFERIN PARK MEETING CLOSES Getaway Day at Toronto HalfMile Track Marked by Defeat of All the Favorites But One Toronto out August 7 The DutTeriu Park meet ¬ ing included disastrously for followers of form this afternoon only one favorite scoring Blagg suddenly improved and won the ninth and feature rti ii from a fair baud of sprinters by a length The iittiiidiiuce was again large numbering about 4000 4000Jorkey Jorkey Moudons riding was a feature he piloting I hive winners winnersJockey Jockey Hanover was fined 50 for rough riding in tin seventh race raceL L M MacClemmy who claimed Irish Kid from D Cambron on Monday today returned him to his former owner for l 5 5J J W Flyun received word of the death of The Golden Butterfly at Hamilton last night of colic colicThe The stables of Hugh McCarren and A Garson will be shipped to Baltimore tomorrow The majority of the horses will remain here for the tneeting which opens at the new Hillcrest track August 20 Some will go to King Edward Park Montreal for the meeting opening there on August 17 17Starter Starter William Murray whose work has boen good here has been engaged to handle the barrier at Hillcrest and Ed Cole will l e the presiding judge

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1912080801/drf1912080801_1_9
Local Identifier: drf1912080801_1_9
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800