S. C. Hildreth To Remain Abroad., Daily Racing Form, 1912-08-08


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B C HILDRETH TO REMAIN ABROAD New York August 7 Samuel C Hildrcth is satisticd with racing conditions abroad He has cabled from Paris to David J Leary who is train ¬ ing Charles Kohlers horses at Sheepshead Bay to ship the entire contents of his residence on Neck Road to Maisons Latlitte Needless to say the packing of the black white sash blue sleeves Mr Hlldreths famous silks was a hard blow to the utable lads at the Bay BayAVord AVord has been received that Fitz Herbert Novelty and Zeus have been going well in recent trials at Maisons Lallitte where Mr Hildreth is quartered The Futurity winner jf 1910 Is highly regarded by the English bandicappers and the weights assigned to the great son ot Kingston for some important races have been of such proportions tiiat the Ameri ¬ can hormmaii did not ship across the Channel to participate in the events

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1912080801/drf1912080801_2_6
Local Identifier: drf1912080801_2_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800