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BUTTE ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast Racing starts at 240 p in Chicago time 340 X Runs well in mud Superior mud runner M maiden Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Furlongs2yearolds Race 4 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record July 20 1902 53 3 110 Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan AWtHan44GS 44GS = t Mollie Richards 107 55 109X715 4285 Mrs Gamp 105 54 109 710 44252 Sierra M 10G 55 104X710 104X71044G8 44G8 Nifty 10G 55 109X710 4374 = t Holabird M 107X 4425 Vireo M 100 58 104 C75 C75Dick Dick Benson b c by The Friar Clear ClearNight Night 107 fBurbank Stable entry entrySecond Second Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds SellingTrack 3yearolds and upward Selling Track record 97794 138 9 US 1155 Miami 105 1 3S G 107X725 43G5 Beatrice 107X725Beatrice Soule 104 141 4 103X720 4428 Charreta 103X720Charreta 105X729Balrnnia 103 142 5 105X729 445 4459 Kalrnn Ralrnnia 105 140 5 1090715 1090715Star 3992 Star B B445G Blue 104 140 5 110X710 110X710Oscuro 445G Oscuro Oscuro437G 105X710Patriotic 108 140 4 105X710 437G Patriot Patriotic 105X710Gibson 110142 7 105X710 4455 Gibson 111 705 705Flying 4513 = Flying 110 1 43 5 107 X 705 705Royal 4379 105X705Lew Royal River 105 142 S 105X705 4455 Lew 105X700Round I I420G Hill 109 143 4 105X700 420G Round and Round 107 139 7 107X090 107X090Third Third Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds SellingTrack 3yearolds Selling Track record 97427 112 7 110 4377 Fleeting Fashion 108 115 111X725 4171s Mary Emily 90 113 1 14400s 111 720 4400s Evelina 102 114 1 111X715 44 0 Finnigin 101 113 1 113 710 4410 Bonne Chance 100114 I 110X700 4410 Judge Sale M 1 1Fourth 110X700 Fourth Race Futurity Course 170 feet less than 34 mile mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record 4183 109 G 114 4410 Napa Nick 5 51 514408s 115X725 4408s Uncle Ben 4 41 414427s 112X720 4427s Batwa 3 31 31394G3 105X715 394G3 Stare 4 41 112X715 4322 J F Crowley 114 109 C 1 14409s 115 710 4409s Jack oLantern S SI 112X710 4337 Horns 103 110 3 1 108X705 4289 Rue 100 1 109 09 4 1 110X705 4400s Annt Alice 104 111 3 103X700 3 10SX700 Fifth Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 4322 105 3 104 1043S37S 3S37S Dennis Stafford 10 1OG 7 109X725 4320 Deerfoot 107 100 5 107X715 4209 Miss Picnic 107 107 5 543lil3 1030715 43lil3 Miss Sly 107 OS 5 107X710 4451 s Clara W 101 OS 4 103X710 437 Billy Myer 121 07 7 74450s 105X705 4450s L e Harrison II 10S OS S 105X705 433 Clint Tucker Ill 07 G 105 705 442 Marsand 100 07 4 103X705 440 44053 Banonica 102 109 09 1 103X705 4257 Sir Barry 109 107 07 5 109X700 4455 Lady Adelaide 111 1111 111109 109 0 7 1 103X700 103X700Sixth Sixth Race 1 14 Miles Miles4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record September 3 1905 207 1 115 4428 Oblivion 4 100X725 4459 Montgomery 105 209 S 107X720 4514 Cabin 10 105X715 4459 OnatiiMSii 7 105X715 105X715I37S I37S Bon lncas 110 210 4 107X710 107X7104379J 4379J Murigot 101 207 5 107X710 Winner Wells t Valentinos ch f 4 by Tlie Irishman Minyon trained by A L Valentine ValentineWent Went to post at 315 At post 2 minutes Start good Won driving second and third tlie same sameOverweights Overweights ho Von 4 pounds Calypte 2 Irishtown 4 Lyuc 5 Sabo Blend 1 Christmas Daisy 4 4495 Third Race About 58 Mile Purse 400 3 yearolds and upward Colts and Geldings Sell ¬ ing Net value to winner 300 second 70 third 30 30Ind Ind Horse WtFinJockey Op Cl PI Sb 4419 Johnny Wise IOC I1 Willis 4 C 2 1 4445Ciilcthumpiuii 91 2s Montr 22112 444G2RidgeIand 10 S2 Jfensen 71071013 out 444GsIohn Marrs 109 42 JJston 4 ff 32 710 84942 Tory Tolton 111 5 IJollins 15 25 8 4 4442 Oakley 109 PuupWley C 5 32710 32710Time Time 58 Track fast fastWinner Winner J C Clements blk g 5 by Maty Deer Bird trained by J C Clement ClementWent Went to post at 345 At post 2 minutes Start good Won easily second and third driving Scratched 4442 Incision 111 Overweights Ridgeland 2 pounds John Marrs 3 Oakley 3 4496 Fourth Race About 58 Mile Purse 300 4 yearolds and upward Selling Net value to win iier 225 second 50 third 25 Ind Horse WtFinJockey Op CL PI Sh 4442 Waner 111 lit Russell 45 35 out 444GTee May 109 2s Allws 5 4 32 12 4403 Miss Cardigan 10G 3s Montr 10 10 4 2 4421 Doris Ward 109 4s Itollins 5721 4021 Joe Rose 114 5 H Burns 4 4 32 12 4419 Mt OConnell 111 C Jensen 21 35 C5 33 33Time Time 59 Track fast fastWinner Winner C E Brosius blk g C by Watercress Scarlet Rose trained by C E Brosius BrosiusWent Went to post it 410 At post 5 minutes Start good Won driving second and third tlie same 4497 Fifth Race About 5S Mile Purse 300 3 yearolds and upward Selling Net value to win ¬ ner 225 second 50 third 25 Ind Horse WtFinJockey Op Cl PI Sh 4422 Double F Ill 1s Russell 1 12 out 4422 Booby 103 22 Hodges C S3 32 4422 Grace Me 103 3 Montr 8 10 4 2 3994 Lyilia Lee 109 4 = Jensen 4 C 2 1 4422 Doll Baby 109 5s Cook 20 25 S 4 44423Tiger 4423Tiger Jim 111 C Minder 3 3i 1 12 4444Judge Ilowell 109 Bled Whley 322 12 out outTime Time 59 Track fast fastWinner Winner Arbour Stables ch g 4 by Salvado Biguiouth trained by A N Roy RoyWent Went to post at 439 At post 2 minutes Start good Won easily second and third driving Overweights Judge Ilowell 1 pound 4498 Sixth Race 1 11G Miles Purse 300 3 yearolds and upward Selling Net value to win ¬ ner 225 second 50 third 25 Ind Horse WtFinJockey Op Cl PL Sh Sh4422sMyr 4422sMyr Marion 109 I2 AMws 43125 4478 Cassowary 111 25 Russell 2 2 45 out 4478 Goleonda 110 S Rollins 3421 4404 Naughty Lad 112 4s Jensen 2 2 12 out 4445 Coal Shoot 109 u1 Hodges 15 25 S 4 4420 Monsieur X 97 C iWillis 5 C 2 1 1Time Time 151 Track fast fastWinner Winner G A Tacots b f 4 by Woolsthorpe Pocketpioce trained by G A Tacot TacotWent Went to post at 510 At post 1 minute Start good Won easily second and third driving drivingOverweights Overweights Myrtle Marion i pounds Casso ¬ wary 1