Butte Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1912-08-24


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BUTTE FORM CHART EUTTE MONT FRIDAY AUGUST 23 1912 Twentieth day Hutte Jockey Club and Fair Association hummer Meeting of 0 days 1 Ixioks on Weather clear1 Presiding Judge K C Hopper Starter Harry Morrissey Racing Secretary B C Hopper Racing starts at 240 p ui Chicago time 40 p m Indicates aoprentice allowance L Q A KmsT ISA K 4 12 Furlongs July 20 1902 3 110 1urso 2TiO 2yearolds dbO O J Allowances Net value to winner 200 second third 15 Hid Horses AWtPPSt 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 4 S53IRS GAMP w 103 2 4 44S74HOLAB1RD 2 23 1i in Buxton J O G H KeeneS5 Hi 85 25 out 4S74HOLAB1RD w 107 1 144C8SMOLLIE 4U out4U = = 2 = J MclntyreBurbank Stable tl C5 1 14 out 44C8SMOLLIE RICHARDS w 109 7 5 544GS 5 outh 4 4 = 3J Warren Burbank Stable tl 05 1 14 out 44GS XIFTY wn 110 3 h ill 43 j Moore Chanticler Stalde 8 11 10 3 75 4125 VIREO w 104 6 7 74125SSIERRA 0 5 5 51 Groth C H Wright CO 100 100 30 12 4125SSIERRA w 105 4 2 2DICK 35 C K C Anderson W Power 15 20 20 5 S5 DICK BENSON w 107 1 7777 Rosen CohenSchneitter 40 150 100 30 13 fCoupled in betting no separate bettingTime place or show betting Time 234 4S 55 3 Track fast fastinner KeeneWent inner 15 f by Mazagan Einnia Traunmiller trained by G II Keene Went to post at At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the faiw MRS SAMP held a forward position In the running from the start and taking a good lead in the st toh swerved against NIFTY at the eighth post nearly putting him over the fence then got squared away quickly and outstayed HOLABIRD in a hard drive HOLAHIRD was next to the rail and had to come around on the outside when entering the stretch then made a fast and game finish MOLLIE RICH ¬ ARDS closed a gap and finished well NIFTY set the pace to the stretch but was put out of contention when he appeared to have a good chance chanceOverweights Overweights Nifly 1 pound Sierra 1 A K O rr SECOND RACE 1 Mile 0771M 138 0 118 Purse 300 3yearolds and upward T J O I Selling Xet value to winner S225 second S50 third S25 AWtPPSt 14 Vz Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S w C 107 S S 5i 4 = 23 15 ll Buxton J O G H Keenel 111045 25 14 41M C54r BALUOXIA w 5 109 G 5 3 T 1 2l 2 Cavangh F M Hopper 4 8 7 2J C5 4r JJOYAL KIVER w S 106 3 I 1 = I1 3J 3 = 3 Rosen G A Robethan 12 20 20 C l 137 PATRIOTIC w 7 103 7 G C 5 r I 4 = Forsytho S Peck 12 30 30 10 fi 442S 7103i2 CHAUIIETA w 5 105 1 3 4i 0 C 5 = 53 Grilles W F Ford C S 7 5 710 3i2 STAR BLUE vu 5 110 7 7 7 7 7 C3 Parker J Tonkin S 15 12 4 2 44C OSriUO AVI 4 103 4 2 22li Ink f 7 K Cotton L McDonald 15 CO 50 15 I 4ir LEW HILL w 4 10S 2 4 S S S S S4 Warren O J Miireh 7 in 15 5 21 420G UXI AX1J ROrXD wis 7 ifTime 107 D 9 U 9 Anderson EJ Humes 10 30 30 10 if fastWinner Time 25 49 l15 5 l42 5 Track fast Winner KeeneWont H g by Count Sehomberg Itochelle II trained by G II Keene Wont to iHist at I1 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving MIAMI heziin slowlv but wns hard ridden through the last liveeighths and wearing the leaders down hi away HALKOXIA was a forward contender all the way ROYAL RIVKR tired Her showing speed in setting the pace to the homestretch PATRIOTIC closed a gap and finished fast iSCTRO threequartersScratched quit alter running a good threequarters Scratched li Heatriee Soule 10 44V Gibson 111 4iFlying 107 Overweights Royal River 1 pound Lew Hill J K O O THIRD RACK 34 Mile 07427 1 12 7 110 Purse 300 Hyearolds Selling tfcfJOO Net value to winner S22T second third 25 Im Horses AWtPPSi AWtPPStVi Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H G P 44COFIXX1GIX w 113 1 1 14377FLEETIXC 1J I3 1 = 1 = D Boland S J Durkee S5 85 75 f fO 4377FLEETIXC FASHION W 111 5 3 IJ 2nt 2J 2 Ormes O C Ilerskind 2 4 4 3 4 0 = EVELINA w 111 6 I I44713MARY 3i 3s 3 3 Cavangh Chicago Stable 5 G 5J 13102 44713MARY EMILY w 111 4 0 45 t5 4s 4 Buxton J 1 A Lawrence 4 4 18511102 4110 BOXXE CHAXCE w 110 2 2 2lilO 5 o 57 Rooney 1 O G II Kee Keene20 40 30 10 3 lilO JUDGE SALE w 110 3 5 G G 6 Warren R Schreilwr 30 10010030 15 fastWinner Time 23 4715 113 Track fast Winner Hr g by Runnels Went to post at 42 At p IINNIGIX went Into the lead at once and showing a high turn of speed won all the way without being closely approached FLBKTIXG FASHIOX ran gamely under punishment but could not cut down the vinners lead KVKLIXA challenged on the turn for home but soon fell back beaten MARY RMILY only ran moderately well FOURTH RACE Futurity Course 170 feet less than 34 mile 41 S3 iOOVf G 114 Purse 050 3yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 275 second S50 third S21 Inil Horses AWtPPSt 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H fl22 J F CROWLBY CROWLBY4427IJATWA w C 115 2 4 22 2 1 D Boland W St Vincent Vincentftt 2J 3 7T 35 13 4427IJATWA ftt 3 105 4 3 I1 I2 13 25 Cavangh Chicago Stable Stablen 2 3 3 1 25 4337 GUARAXOLA GUARAXOLA44QS3UXOLE n 3 108 2 4 21 33 321 3 J Melntyre Denver Stable 15 100 75 20 10 44QS3UXOLE BEX w 4 112 5 9 7 4 4 41 Buxton J F Xewnian 115115 4289 RUE W 4 110 7 f ah C C 5k A Murray H G Bedwoll 1O 100 100 30 15 15wn 41 0 = AUXT ALICE ALICE4X11 wn 3 103 6 7 c 3 5 52 Groth H T Batcheler 15 40 30 10 3 3w 4X11 HORUS HORUS4409s w 3 10S 1 S S 7 7 7 Warren Shook Phillips 15 50 50 12 4 4T 4409s A OK OLAXTER T w S 112 81 9 9 S SJ A Nelson C Cooney S 20 20 8 t twr 3 1GSTARE wr 4 112 3 5 C 8 9 9 Ormes F Dahnken 20 100 SO 30 15 15Time 1GSTAREWinner Time 23 48 110 Track fast Winner P h by Of OfWent sary Lovellght trained by W St Vincent Went to post at 41 41J 1 At ixist 1 minute Start good ami slow Won easily second and bird driving J F CROWLKY after aftergoing running close up from the start wore HATWA down in the homestretch and won going away HATWA si siOLA t a fast pace to the last eighth and held on gamely for second place GUARAX OLA was always in clos closlatter attendance on the pacemakers and outstayed UNCLK HEX for third place Tho latter began slowly but butThe was rushed up under the whip in the early running and tired in the final drive The others were alwavs alwavsScratched outpaced Scratched 1410 Xap n Xick lir 454O FIFTH RACK 5 12 Furlongg 422 1 iOif 5 104 Purse 250 3yearolds and up ward Selling Xet value to winner 200 second SXt third SIS AWtPPSt = J1 StrFiu Jockeys Owners O U C 1 445r = CLA RA W W 4 103 4 4 4442C u uj Uuxton C Kirscnbaum 4 15 15 5 8T 442C MARSAXD w 4 103 1 5 543G1SM1SS 2k Ormes 1 H Adams 3 3i Hi 655 43G1SM1SS S LY w 5 107 3 2 244r6 2 = 5 3i Rosen W C Clancy 85 1853 1 25 25fi 44r6 = LEEI HARRISOX II wn S 105 S S 4J 42 McDowH J McCranor fi 12 10 4 32 4320 DEERFOOT w 5 108 2 1 3t 45 53 5J Warren W R Street 2 125171071013 4209 MISS PICNIC w 5 108 fi 7 8 7 C ti3 Rooney H Fry 10 1C 15 6 2i 4257 SIR BARRY w C 109 73 52 G 7 7 J Parker W Denman 10 30 Tl S 4 4455 LADY ADELAIDE W 7 103 5 i 6 S S S E Cotton J Tonkin 30 SO CO 20 10 10Time Time 24 48 101 107 Track fast Winner Ch f by Sir Hercules Grand Shot trained by R Xeaves XeavesWent drivingCLARA Went to post at 440 At post 1 minute Start good and fast Won easily second and third driving CLARA W close up from the start went to the front on the far turn and drew away from her opposition oppositionand and finished easing up MAHSAXD was always in close attendance on the leaders and outgamed MISS SLY SLYTor Tor second place MISS SLY tired after racing closely with the winner to the homestretch DEKKFOOL as deliberately taken back on he far turn for no apparent reason LEE HARRISON II finished close up Scratched upScratched ST73Deimis Stafford 10 4r7r Hilly Myer 105 4T Clint Tucker 105 MOVHunonica 10 10Overweights Overweights Dcerfoot 1 pound Miss Picnic 5 A K t t SIXTH RACE 1 14 Miles September 3 1000 207 t 115 Purse 3TO 4yearolds tfc O 4t JL and upward Selling Net value to winner 275 second 50 third 25 1ml Horses A Wt PP St St Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 445 MOXTGOMER ERY w S 1W5 5 5 4l 4 = 1A 1 1J 1 A Murray California Stable fi C 41 2 1 1VS 4378 BEN UXCAS VS w 4 105 3 4 5 5 5 3nt y 23 Anderson H Branch 5 7 C 2 45 45wn 442SOBLIVIOX wn 4 108 2 2 3 3 3J 21 41 3 3 Rooney H Bagley 2 1352 1 12 12437UMARIGOT 12w 437iMARIGOT w 5 98 4 H G G C 51 42 4s McDowll S X Hexter 31 41 4J 4 32 710 445 CWATASSA wn 7 IOC 6 3 2l 21 4i 2s 5 5 J Parker J A Coburn 68521 4514 CABIN W 10 106 1 1 1J 1 3nt 6 f G Buxton UmsetrOXeil 4 8 8 2 1 1Time Time 24V5 485 114 141 207S Track fast Winner Ch h by Pessara Montgomery Cooper trained by W S Heath HeathWent Went to post at 515 At post 1 minute Start good and fast Won cantering second and third driv ¬ ing MOXTGOMERY soon took the lead and ran kindly through the race and although there was consid ¬ erable bumping on the far turn In which he received his share drew away into a safe lead again won in a canter and ran without blinkers today BEX ITXCAS moved up rapidly on the far turn and outstayed OLLIVIOX for second place The latter ran well and was on the outside all the way MARIGOT came fwt in the stretch but too late CABIN set the early pace and along with OXATASSA quit badly Overweights Montgomery 1 pound Oblivion 2 Onatassa 1

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1912082401/drf1912082401_1_10
Local Identifier: drf1912082401_1_10
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800