Sixth Race [6th Havre de Grace, Daily Racing Form, 1912-08-24

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SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3yearolds and upward Selling AMALFI ch g 4 By The Scribe Tarantella R T Wilson 4J94 Hamilton 34 l12g fast 25 104 9 31 11 S2 75 McCahey 11 KDiffcr Wintergreen Counties 4313 Hamilton 1 1S 154 good 145 107 2 3 3 S 3 1 I2 = McCahey Rolling Stone Busy 3404 FortErie Im70y 144 fast 10 106 4 6 6 6 BusyC 6 6Ji Butwell 0 Mediator CAshnieade Blackfrd 3205 Hamilton 1 116 1451 fast 20 107 3 3 3 3 31 21 Butwell Butwell2S65 S Mediator Duval Cliff Kdge 2S65 Montreal 1 1S 1554 good 30 90 5 7 6 5 5 Gl 6s Wolf 7 FroKlegs GuyFisher Picolata 2753 Montreal 1 18 1541 good 40 94 1 3 4 5 PicolataG 5 54Wolf G GFisher SCharter LOMLife 2404 Toronto Im70y 1472 hvy 32 96 6 3 5 6 G 6iHopklns 7 Cliff Edge Bob R Star Charter 2041 Pimlico Im40y 144 fast 41 113 2 3 4 3 32 34 Hopkins G Miss Wlggs Bounder Taboo 99375 Jamestown 1 1434 slop G 100 3 4 4 4 4 4 McCahey 4 Capsize MWLittlen Suffragist McCahey9S793 98918 Pimlico 1 116 147 fast 4 105 3 3 1 1 1 1 McCahey 7 Cliftonian Bounder Supervisor 9S793 Pimlico 1 316 201 fast 166 100 2 3 3 3 3 3s McCahey 3 Zeus Bounder BounderBy GATES ch s 3 104 By Planudea Love Note H K Knapp SSlJ I atonia 1336346 fast 34 SS 9 S S S S 82lJSmnter S WWool CAslimcade LenniPiire 3130 I itonia 1 116 154 hvy 32 101 4645 5 5 513JByrne G Brave Sir Giles Daingurtield 3045 Latonia 1 116 1451 fast 12 307 344 5 43 49J J Callah Callahan G I5rig Buckhorn Manager Alack 2730 Latonla 1116147 fast 1320 107 863 2 1 It I4 Loftus 8 Grif Rudolfo Cona ssmanJanns 2054 Lexgton Im70y 1524 hvy 1710 89 7 7 C 6 6 6 H Suint Suinter 7 Supple Galley Slave Explicit 99301 Latonia 34 1181 slop 65 1081 3 2 8 7 920 E Dugan 10 Hamilton Oreen Toddliug 99254 Latonia 34 114 fast 85 100 5 34 4 2l 21 Skirvin Skirvin9904S 11 ColHolIoway MMack GOrnard 9904S Latonla 61 f 106 fast 165 100 5 43 3 21 2 C Turner 7 Azyiade Kaiser Free Lance S9021 Latonia 61 f 1071 fast 12 10510 10 10 9 9 J Henry lo JlJIcbold Tourist Island Queen 9S932 Queen9S932 Latonla 34 1182 slop 45 306 7 4 G 5 4 J J Henry 7 Sleoth Col Holloway JDIebold JDIeboldMUD MUD SILL b g 4 99 By Captain Sigsbee Wyola A Turney 3222 Hamilton 1 310 3 47g fast 4 302 r 4 2 2 2s 3 C Turner 12 IAsInoriini Warllorn CnslStet1 2464 Toronto 34 1172 hvy 2S5 107 S 8 S 5i 6J C Turner 3 InLestrade F Yankee MKdwiu 2400 Toronto 78 131 hvy 24 JOG 755 4 44 S4i C Turner S Qu Mark Planutess Chepoutnc 2170 Pimlico 1 1433 hvy 32 307 7 C 5 4 Gs r JO Turner S Eyebrow Stairs Abscoudcr 2141 Pimlico 3m40y 144 fast 3 302 855 4 41 3 ° C Turner 8 West Point Agnar Otllo 2061 Pimlico 34 1152 good 4 307 8 6 3 21 2 C Turner 10 Pntoti Miss Moments War Horn 99367 Latonia 34 1152 hvy 135103 9 7 6 Gl 3 C Turner 9 Delect BcachSand SanchoPunza 99137 Latonia 1 1S 1534 fast 5110 991 2 3 2 2 31 4 C Turner 5 Stone Street SKnlght TBIgbee TBIgbeeSIR SIR DENRAH ch c 3 110 By Peep oDay Miss Marconi H C Hallenbeck 4312 Hamilton 78 128 good 1 107 411 1 1s 1 C II Shilg G Hehiiuoiir Stairs Lucky Gtort S200 Latonia 1 140J good 95 307 1 1 1 1 3 2i C H Sliilg S CdeMentlie Beautiful KutelY 3045 Latonia 1 136 l45g fast ISO 108 433 3 55 GlaJFain G Brig Buckhorn Manager Mack 2878 Latonia 34 112 fast 02 101 5 55 54 G8 Estep S G Hughes Isidora T M Green 2819 Latonia 1 140 fast 13 102 1 2 3 4 32 34 Estep 7 Presumption GUird Floral Onj HEDGE ROSE ch g 5 102 By Yankee Th Rose E Utterback 1421 Btimore Ab7S 127 good 1 333 2 Fhrotlier 5 Pedigree K William L England 377 Btimore ImGOy 46 slow 7 317 41i Fbrother G Homwrest KimlSir OU Buster 1339 Marlboro 1116354 slow 6 300 4 6 3 4 4 fi iSkirvin 9 WGriswell KIBarl D ofBxvitor J99G ofBxvitorJ99G Marlboro 1 336 353 fast 2i 313 332 2 Sl 312 Fbrother S Pedigree Henotic gamciitirn i 662 Electric 3336151 fast 2i 309 1 2 1 43J FMirotbir S Grecian Bend Gold Castle Otllii 2519 Elect Pk 1116352 fast 65 1CM 222 2 2 2i Fbrother 7 Otilo Camel Aiinio Scllirs 21SO Scllirs21SO Pimlico 1 110 151 hvy 4 112 3 2 2 4 u McCahey G Serviccuce F Miilliolland Agnnr CABOO AgnnrCABOO b m 6 103 By Potentate Turca H Meise 4065 Fort Erie 1 1S 1521 fast 10 100 S 10 10 G 72 510 Lounsby 11 Falcada Pulka Lesh 3400 Ft Erie 1 116 1408 fast 15 112 12 13 13 12 1H S101T Koerner 15 Caliph Paton Fred Miilliolland 3229 Hamilton 1 14 2042 fast 7 107 5 1 1 Pulled upButwell 11 C Swanson Jacquelina Boumfor 3096 Hamilton 1 116 1462 fast 8 303 32 31 12 S 81 5 Lounsby 13 Ozana Ta Nun Da Vreeland 273S Vreeland273S Montreal 1 18 158 good 31 109 1 1 3 4 54 81S Butwell 9 Scrimage FMuIhold R RReuort Report 2273 Pimlico Im40y 1441 fast 7 107 7 6 6 4 3s 3 J Rowley 7 LofLgden CHolwy C F Grar 2121 Pimlico ImGOy 145 fast 75 105 2 G 4 4 41 32 Hopkins 8 CSwaiuson BVandr F Mholiid 2041 Pimlico Im40yl44 fast 185115 113 4 444s C Turner G Miss Wlggs Bomirter Auialfl 1857 Charleston 78 l2Si fast 15 108 3 3 3 3 3 3J C Peak 4 Morristn MWLitton F Mary 1829 Charleston 34 1142 fast 100 109 6 6 7 7 7B1 C Turner 7 Marjorie A Sureget Merrick MerrickCALIPH CALIPH br c 3 95 By Planudes Cleophus R T Wilson R 9 9 9 MoCahoy 9 Pcing Lass Simroe Sal Volatile 4i78 Hamilton 1 11G 1 G02 hvy 3 304 4 2 1 33 3 McCahey 7 Warllorn JDookery Hnskylil 3701 Windsor 1 l45g slow 31 114 G 4 2 4 5J 512 McCahey 7 Hamilton Con James S Florcm 3532 Fort Erie 34 113 fast 12 99 9 9 9 9 SieiMcCihey 30 Perthshire SpgBoard il Barbee 3463 Fort Erie 1138 fast 20 95 G 6 6 G 6 6to McGahey G Granite Edda Buckliorn 3400 Fort Erie 1 116 1464 fast 5 100 1 1 1 1 I1 I1 McCahey it Paton F Miilliollund Leopold 3201 Latonia Im70y 145 good 14 99 3 2 2 2 2i 24 McCahey 7 P Callaway M Davis Riuiolfo S04G RiuiolfoS04G Latonia 34 1121 fast 14 100 5 G 5 5 5 Estep 7 Helmet Coy Lad Wondawhy 2359 Pimlico 1 l41g fast 8 306 4 2 3 31 2 Hopkins 9 Bounder MrGoIightly MIssNnft 2057 Pimlico 1 1411 good 3 110 6 2 2BILLY 4 42 7i Hopkins 8 JGeddes JnetteB L OM IJf IJfBy BILLY VANDEBVEER ch c 4 117 By Goldcrest Bethel T Oilman 4001 Fort Erie 34 l13g fast 20 315 0 4 PJ 2l rntwell 9 Ivabel Rosseaux Sherwood 3SS5 Windsor 51 f 307 fast 5 310 2 2 li I T Koerner 10 Pluvious Salali Edith C 3845 Windsor 54 1 13i good 4i 110 6 6 4 34 T Koerner 8 Veneta Stroinc Klma Kdllh C 3S34 Windsor 34 l14g Cood 20 107 S 5 72 in Lounsby S Chapultepcc S Cliff JHHliion 350 Fort Erie 61 f 1001 fast 8 11211 9 5 42 43 Maderia 31 Malitine Carrillon Bof Pleasure 3162 Fort Erie 34 1121 fast 7 132 8 65 5 51 S iMcCahey 12 Bettie Sue Reciprocity Anavrl 2273 Pimlico Im40y 1441 fast 10 112 1 7 7 C 6 04 McTagrt CHollomiy 2239 Pimlico ImGOy l47g slow 6 107 2 5 5 6 6 6McTagrt G My Fellow Qn Mark Supervisor 2121 Pimlico Im60y 145 fast 10 110 6 2 2 2 2 21 McTagrt S CSwauson Taboo KMnlhollanl 2059 Pimlico 34 115 good 6 95 1 6 6 G 63i Hopkins G Ivabel Lady Irma Black Chief 2042 Pimlico 34 1141 fast 7 112 1 5 G 4h 34 McTagrt S Senex Camel Cloud 99222 Mlboro Ab51 1 f 1081 fast 6 308 G Holmes 7 Apache M OConnell M Brldn 99179 Laurel 78 l26j fast 30 106 3 5 6 6 GJ 6 J J Mclntyre 8 Swpway MWLitton D Dner 99029 Pimlico 34 114 good 85 111 3 5 5ACCORD 4 22 21 C H Shllc G Onajrer Sherwood Moncreif ACCORD b c 3 107 10740GS By Voter Monarka T C McDowell 40GS Fort Erie 1 1402 fast 185 307 5 5 3 5 37 6ii Ioerner 8 Cousin Pnss Warllorn Ailolanlo 4004 FortErie 1 316 16 1591 fast 8 306 306J 5 556 5 6 i 54 510 T Koernc G Reybourn Falcada FMulholiind 3093 Latonia Im70y 0y FMulholiind0y 1503 slop 195 105 G 5 5 4 31 2 Byrne U Colonel Cook Henrietta W 2947 Latonia Im70y 70y W70y 143 l43g fast 10 105 4 4 3 3 32 24 Estep 7 Cong James C Touch Bay Cliff 2692 Latonla 34 Coppertoivuf 1121 fast 160 104 4 S SMINDINETTE 11 8 S ° 3 Byrne 12 Chapultepec Donau Coppertoivu MINDINETTE b f 4 103 1034ii7 By Garry Herrmann Vivandiero W P Austin 4ii7 Fort Erie 31 110 1162 hvy 3 107 5 3 33S34 l 4 J W Diinu 7 Pluvious Sen Sparks Moncrief 3S34 Windsor 34 1142 good 30 108 6 5 578 814W Dunn 8 Chapultepec Sciiff JH Ulilou 3709 Windsor 34 1161 slop 10 10S 10 11 11 11 II10 W Dunn 11 Rosseaux Montcalm Vreeland 3464 Fort Erie 34 133 fast 100 309 9 S 10 Snk giojW Dunn 11 KCommoner ChySeed Beaueoun 2824 Montreal 34 1141 good00 103 5 6 61S01 68 71 7J0iSchntger 9 Lahore C Hill Bwana Tumbo 1S01 Charleston 34 1152 mud 30 102 1 1 1 14 I1 Ambrose 5 Suffragist W Lad Morrlstown 1743 Charleston 51 f 1OS fast 100 306 5 4 4 GO 61 Ambrose 7 Eatdn Merrick Righteasy 99326 Jamestown 51 f 109 slop 8 1011 6 4 4 4 42J Schutger 7 Cooncy K All Red Fort Worth 98657 Laurel 34 135 j good 10 103 2 3 3PATRICK 3 7 6 Gordon 9 Miss Jonah Abrasion Tp Note NoteBy PATRICK S ch g 4 94 By Isia Sadie 8 P J Fox 3227 Hamilton 34 113 fast 2G 334 3 G 6 4l 6 i Robtsou 12 Paton Imprudent Carrillon 3141 Hamilton 7S 126 fast 5 107 1 3 3 4 64 7JB Martin 32 Sal Volatile Shelby Carrillon 3035 Hamilton 51 f l07g slop 100 106 4 2 2 4 47 Nolan 31 Senex Rye Straw THHoughfon 99612 Jamestown 1 l41g fast 8 95 7 5 4 9 103 101S C Turner 12 Cuttyhunk HarvevF WestPoint WestPointno no os To octmvn 54llS fast 12 305 5 KG El fi61 56J P C Turner K fipn Geo X S Tnv Davis rWl Cowl I Inn nn i MOLTKE b g 5 99 By Galore t Unterock D J Williams 3439 Baltimore 34 117 fast 7 100 Left at the post Moody 1 Gift Pharaoh Fond Heart 15352 Btimore Ab78 l26i fast 21 120 411 T Joliui Johnson 9 Mollie S Enip William I Hill 3117 Mrlboro Ab34 119 slow S 94 1 4 6 C 31 53Moody 7 Deduction KSir Bat Mustersnii 3023 Mrlboro Ab7S l2Sg fast S 107 1 2 2 14 2 Moody S Frog Golden Castle Otilo 2966 Mrlboro AbOJ f 125 fast S5 10S Otilo10S 6 3 G G O Ob r cj Bruce Bruce99S90 7 Gift Castlewood Rinda 99S90 Columbia 34 1191 hvy 10 110 6 877 7 Bruce Bruce9SS14 S Western Belle Otilo Oaklev 9SS14 Columbia 78 128 fast 95 105 1 1 1 1 I1 I2 Forsyth 5 Dick Moss Markham Agnler 99787 Columbia 1 140 fast 4 109 6 5 4 4 Gl 44 Bruce 9 Muff Otilo Irish Kid 99718 Columbia 34 114 fast 10 1MJ KidIMl I 64 647 7 fi i J Hanoi HanoiNORBITT Hanover 1O TtolleClera Oakley Montacnie NORBITT b 7 102 By Inspector B Varnish C R Fleischmann 3782 Windsor 1 316 149 good 40 107 4 2 2 4 9 9 9Butwcll Butwcll 9 The Rump Melton Street MyGal 3228 Hamilton 78 1263 fast 25 107 3 5 2 4 52 922JButwelI 10 O Em Chepoutuc Suffragist 3096 Hamilton 1 116 l46g fast SO 107 5 1 2 3 O2 1314lButwell 13 Ozana Ta Nun Da Vreeland 2573 Toronto 1 142 good 215 108 4 2 2 2 2 2l 3 J Butwell Chepontuc Siskin Dutch Ri Rock 2402 Toronto 1 116 1621 hvy 29 108 1 1 2 3 31 5i Butwell 6 CSwanson Scrirage TGarilener 2159 Pimlico 1 l41g fast 30 113 6 3 4 6 7 721JButwell 9 Bounder Caliph Mr Goligutly 2060 Pimlico Im60y 140 good 10 112 2 3 3 6 G2 5 l Butwell G Sandhill Rey Supervisor 2009 Jamestn Im70y 148 slow 21 10S 3 2 2 2 31 4 = 1 Butwell G El Oro Troy Weight Bertls 1964 Jamestown 1 142 fast 15 109 3 2 2 3 32 34 Butwell 5 JGeddes LitErne Montgomery AGAMENTICUS b c 3 101 I By Yankee Anodyne G E Hall 3079 Mrlboro Ab7S 129 mud 10 30 G 6 4 G3 4 Bruce 7 Christmas Daisy Gift R Onyx 2996 Marlboro 1 136 153 fast 6 9S G 5 5291G 5 4h 412 Bruce S Pedigree Henotic Hedse Roso 291G Marlboro Gi f 111 good 10 96 3 4 3i in Bruce 10 Red Jacket Exicutaute Fotsoh 2765 Pimlico 7S 129 fast 20 107 11 9 8 S 81 Sl4Ural 3o Jinso Red Jacket Himation 2701 Pimlico Im40y l47g slop 20 C 6 6 S1 S11 Bruce 30 El Bart Camel Henotic

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1912082401_6_4
Library of Congress Record: