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VANCOUVER FORM CHART VANCOUVER B C August 21 Fortyfifth day British Columbia Thoroughbred Associations Meet ¬ ing of days Weather clear clearPresiding Presiding Judge Thomas J Wellman Starter Edward Tribe Racing Secretary Robert F Ieigh ton 4640 First Race 34 Mile Purse 300 2ycar olds Allowances Net value to winner 210 second 00 third 30 30Ind Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey 4018 El Palomar 114 Ink Hill Hill4G2G2Province 4G2G2Province 100 2 C Ross 4533 Merciirium 108 311 E McEwen 4435 Oldsmoblle 101 43S J Hanover Hanover401S3CamIa 401S3CamIa BurlingameTime 105 5 Burlingame Time 24 49 115 Track fast 2 mutuols paid El Palomar 300 straight 300 place 200 show Province 1280 place 380 show Merciirium 340 show showAVinner AVinner El Palomar Stables br c by Ostler Joe Mary Aileen trained by J Lowe LoweStart Start good AVon driving second and third the 4641 Second Race 1 1 13yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Net value t winner 175 second 0 third 25 25Ind Jockey44012Annie Ind Horse AVt Fin Jockey 44012Annie Keogh44ClSallie AVells 110 H Keogh 44ClSallie ODay 112 25 Riddle 4401 Lillian Ray 112 3 J Hanover 4271 Gargan4414Tames AVild Bear 110 4U W Gargan 4414Tames Plackstock 107 5 Broadfoot 4500 Free 103 Cl Kederis 4348 Don Franco 119 72 R Hoffman 4340 Eel 117 8 B McEwen McEwenTime Time 23 48 54 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Annie AVells 1040 straight 020 place 300 show Sallie ODay 000 place 420 show Lillian Ray 820 show showWinner Winner Mncnshla Stables b in C by The Com ¬ moner Annie Lauretta trained by B John JohnStart Start good AVon easily second and third driving 4642 Third Race 4 12 Furlongs Purse 250 3 yearolds and upward Selling Net value tf winner 175 second TO third 25 Ind Horse Wt Flu Jockey 43403Short Cut 115 1J B McEwen McEwen44352Lyte 44352Lyte Knight 107 2 Kelsay 4C202Orizzly Kelsay4C202Orizzly Bear 100 3nk Bezanson 4414 Masiilo 105 42 J Hanover 4503 Phil Connor 112 55 Pickens Pickens4r002Pretty 4r002Pretty Soon 98 G Sieloff 4027 Minnie May 101 7 W Gargan 4380 Boas 113 AVheeledC Grand GrandTime Time 23 48 54 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Short Cut 320 straight 320 place 300 show Lyte Knight 540 place 440 show Grizzly Bear 520 show showAVinner AVinner II McEwens ch h C by Nasturtium Haste trained by II McEwen McEwenStart Start good for all but Boas Won easily second and third driving Overweights Boas 1 pound Minnie May 3 4643 Fourth Race 5 12 Furlongs Purse 4vearolds and upward Selling Net value to towinner winner 175 second 50 third 25 Ind Horse AVt Fin Jockey 4402 Risky 100 In Bezanson 4352 Lambertha 105 2 Pickens 4228 Tiisto 102 3i Kederis 1309 Pills 10 4Z J Hanover 4 022 Exchequer 103 5 Burlingame 434S Lookout 10T C2J Kelsay 4011 Bummer III 100 7 W Gargan Tlnio 23 J 48 J 108 J Track fast 2 mutucls paid Risky 4500 straight 1500 place 080 show Laml ertha 7SO place 440 show Triste 4OO show showWinner Winner McClintock Sons cli li 5 by Maxnie DouglasStart Dangerous Maid trained by D Douglas Start good AVon driving second and third the same sameOvenveishts Ovenveishts Exchequer 1 pound Lambertha 3 Pills It Lookout 3 4644 Fifth Race 5 12 Furlongs Purse 250 4 yearolds and upward Selling Net value to win ¬ ner 17r second 50 third 25 Ind Horse AVt Kin Jockey H Alder Gulch 113 1s C Grand 4414 Native Sou 109 2J Burlingame 40292Roy T 109 3i E McBwen 4 i2 Calla 107 4J Kederis 4501 Locust Hud 107 6l Bczanson 4412Alehemist 109 Gi C Ross 4414 Third Chance 107 73 Riddle Riddle4illSiim 4illSiim Tcinn 112 81 Pickens 4501 Bund 107 9 Crawford 4435 Hal AAorlh 109 10 Leeds LeedsTime Time 23 48 107 Track fast 2 inutiiels paid Alder Gulch 540 sti 420 place 3SO show Native Son 1120 place 000 show Koy T 4SO show Winner O oosts cli g 5 liv Yellow Tail JAidy Atheling trained liy C Oest OestStart Start good Won cantering second and third driving drivingOverweights Overweights Alder Gulch 4 pounds 4645 Sixth Kace 34 Mile Inrsc 230 3yoar olds and upward Selling Net value to winner 175 second 50 third 25 Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey 4550 Media 110 Il J Hanover 4439 Rubicon II 103 2U Schwebis 44JS Canapa 110 Si W Gargan 430S Giiuli 09 43 Kederis 443S Godfather 115 S2 Pickens 443S Lucille Allen 110 G Broadfoot 00101 Figure 00 7 Sielont Tlim 24 48 114 Track fast 2 inutiiels paid Media GiO straight 380 place 340 show Rubicon II 400 place 300 show Cauapa 440 sliow sliowWinner Winner Googe AAhites cli f 4 by Solitaire 11 GoogeStart Georgia VI trained by G AV Googe Start good AAon easily second and third driving drivingOverweights Overweights Gimli 1 pound Figure 3 4646 Seveuth Race 1 Mile Purse 300 4year olds and upward Selling Net value to winner 210 second 00 third 0 Ind Horse AVt Fin Jockey 4025 Lotta Creed 99 I5 C Ross I03t Eddie Mott 10 22 Jvederis Jvederis40303Layminster 40303Layminster 109 3 Burlingamc 4023 Kelsay4i25 Reenc AV 107 4U Kelsay 4i25 Kdna Stewart 111 a J Hanover Hanover40233Two 40233Two Oaks 109 Gi Crawford 4035 Phillistina 107 71 Pickens 4400 Wassail 103 S Broadfoot BroadfootTime Time 24 4844 114 1404 Track fast 2 inutiiels paid Lotta Creed 11 SO straight 480 place 020 show Kddie Mott 2250 place 5SO show Layminster 2 0 show showAAinncr AAinncr T II Mastersons cli in by Ilain 111011 My Fair Kentucky trained by J Masterson MastersonStart Start drivingOverweights good AAon easily second and third driving Overweights AVassail 4 pounds