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THIRTY LEADING AMERICAN JOCKEYS C Turner who occupied first place in the 11112 jockey list earlier in the season and who was dis ¬ placed successive by Taplin and Gross is once more at the top if the heap so to speak while Tapliu and Hill vho hare been riding successfully in the far west igure in a tie for second honors Tills rearrangemc it relegates Gross who recently was the leader ti fourth place All four of these aspirants for the premiership of 1 12 are so closely hunched that any one of them may be the leader a week hence The record of the thirty leaders from January 1 to and including the racing of Saturday last is as follows followsJockey Jockey JockeyTurner Mts 1st 2d 2dit 3d Unp PCLW PCLWTurner Turner C 51C it IIS SC 70 242 2 N Taplin ri4 114 ss Hill 1574 114 97 Gross 002 113 105 Butwell 421 1 Koerner T 428 79 4 Martin E 438 75 55 McCahey 412 74 Buxton 433 73 S2 McTaggart 322 71 Burlingame 450 70 S Loftus 321 G HO Hopkins 420 54 52 Keogh 07 c2 r Skirvin 493 r 57 573S Molesworth 3S 58 55 Peak C Shilling C II Schiittinger Hoffman H Callahan J Schwebig Goose Kederis Grand C Knight C Fain Carauaugh Ambrose McEwen E