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SIXTH RACE 1 316 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling 774 2MK 4 Juo MANAGER MACK b B 3 105 By Garry Herrmann Nethersole W J Young 4974 Lexington 1 l3Sg fast G 10 133 33 3 Gross 4 PrincbssCallaway Duval A Port 4S23 Lexington 1 1 421 slow910 103 4 4 2 2s Port2s 2nt j Callahan 4 Presumption Curlicue JDeihrld 4740 Lexgton Im70y 1442 fast 31 104 133 li in Andress G Hauly Ozana Joe Deibold 319 Latonia 1 116 1 4G fast 6 100 6 7 7 6 = 6 3 J Callahan 9 WWool CAshmeade Leamence 3218 Latonia 1 116 144 fast 23 107 6 6 6 51 U an2 G Frco Lance Sprite Presumption 3148 Latonia 1 116 1494 hvy 3920 102 2 4 3 2li Presumption2li 21 Estep 5 Coppertown Brig Cherryola 3015 Latonia 1 116 l45g fast II 102 6 6 5 31 35i Estep C Brig Buekhorn Gates 3016 Latonia 1 116 l49g hvy 32 100 3 2 2 11 Il J Callahan 8 Ilanly Colston Wander 2516 Latonia 1 l39i fast 4 108 7 7 7 4Z Wander4Z 4 J C II Shllg 7 Presumpn Brig C de Menthe 2857 Latonia 1 12 231 fast 22 114 6 6 6 4Z 414iLoftus G FrecLance The Manager Worth 2214 Lexington 1 141 slow 145 109 2 4 4 32 11 Loftus 4 Sir Blaise Souada Gnaranola 2131 Lex gton Im70y 1431 fast 3920 03 4 4 3 2l Gnaranola2l 21 J Callahan 4 PcessCallaway Jabot Crossover 2052 Lexington 1 144 hvy 2310 93 3 3 2 2 H J Callahan 3 Donau Helene 2033 Lex gton 1 116 151 hvy 81 103 6 5 3 3FLYING 3 31 Moleswh G Mockler AuyPort PrlnCallaway FLYING FEET b K 4 107 By Woolsthorpe Winged Sandals W E Applegate 5155 Louisville 1 1S 1 51J good 2 I0t 111 12 li I5orel r Limpet Nicins Dick Baker 4 7f LexKton 1116116 fast 2110 111 221 3h Baker3h 44 Borel Console Sister Florence Spindle 4674 Windsor 1 18 1572 slop 710 109 1 1 1 1s Spindle1s 1 Borcl 0 DrHolzbg LofLangden MyGal 473 Hamilton 1 18 151 fast 165 112 143 3s MyGal3s 3 Borel 9 Ta Nun Da LofLangden MyGal 4317 Hamilton 1 11G l4Sg good 32 109 2 2 1 13SS7 2 2 Schufger G Ta Nun Da My Gal Mad River 3SS7 Windsor 1 116 1471 fast 4 113 2 4 4 43S4S S1 1020JButwell 10 JHHoughton M Wiggs Shelby 3S4S Windsor 1 115 l46s good 4 113 2 1 1 2i 3J Butwell MclStreet Busy LofLangden 3715 Windsor 1 1S 2OOJ slop 7 109 4 1 1 1350S 2nw 2 i Borel 5 Font The Gold Butterfly Agnar 350S Fort Erie 1 116 1462 fast 5 111 3 5 4 21 in Borel 10 Miss Wiggs Husky Lad Otilo Otiloin 3435 Fort Erie 1 316 200g fast 8 106 2 4 3 332S6 in inv Borel 11 Capt Swanson Be Miss Wiggs 32S6 Latonia ImOy 1432 fast 6110 105 8 12 11 10 8 Wlugfld 12 Wish Ring SuraNight MCasey MCaseyBy DAINGERFIELD ch e 3 09 094SS7 By Dolce Far Niente Cher Wild C J Ryan 4SS7 Lexgton 1 1 16 l49g slow 2S5 105 132 35 21 Goose 7 Slccth Hanly Carlton Club 259 Latonia Im70y 143J fast 125 109 4 2 2 21 25 McCahey 10 Work Lad Yanker Carlton Club 3110 Latonia 1 116 154 hvy 4 100 3 2 3 31 3SJ McCahey G Brave Sir Giles Sister Florence 2859 Latonia 1 316 l59i fast 71 96 2 1 2 5 67J McCahey G MelStreet Star ORyan Helen 2570 Louisville 1 12 2332 fast 245 93 1 2 3 21 21 McCahey G Helene Limpet Steeplejack 2T99 Lsville 1 116 147 fast 19 931 4 6 2 21 11 McCahey 12 Hanly SFlorence B of Fortune 2251 Plmlico 34 l16e pood 115 107 3 2 11 I1 McCahey 9 Napier Little Ep Scholar 2141 Pimllco Im40y 1442 fast 95 94 3 4 4 5Z 6 McCahey 8 West Point Agnar Mud Sill 2093 Pimllco 34 l14g fast 8 107 5 6 5l 3 1 McCahey 12 Queen Bee Deduction Catula 99034 Jamestown 51 f 109 hvy 5 109 4 4 4 3 McCahey 8 Cmg Coon S Grump Camellia 99573 Jamestown 7S 1311 slop 7C 109 5 4 495S7 4l 31 McCahey 7 MadRiver Jawbone BreakerEor 95S7 Jamestown 5S 1023 good 135 107 G 5 5P93Jt 3 k 3 J Mclntyre G Camellia ComlngCoon JDockery P93Jt Tnmestown 7S 1302 slop 2 107 2 1 t 1 J J Mclntrri 10 Wood DOVP Gift Dorothv T TBy BRUCE RICE ch g 6 107 By Algol Lass of lanffden W W Darden 4744 Windsor 1316159 fast 20 101 3 1 1 147iS U 22 Teahami 5 Star Charter WliWooI AnyPort 47iS Vvindsor Im70y 1442 fast 165 10S 3 1 1 14C53 ink sij McTagrt S Falcada John Reardon Pliant 4C53 incisor 1 116 l46g fast 135 107 1 1 1 143P7 l i 1S McTagrt 10 Leopold Turbine Limpet 43P7 Hamilton 34 l13s fast 10 107 6 6 64iyHamilton 51 5 McTagrt 7 Bonnie Elolse Elma Turbine 4iyHamilton 34 113J fast 40 104 Fell FelliWOlA Kchutger 10 Sea Cliff Moncreif Miss Nett iWOlA Louisville 34 112J fast 10 110 6 G 8 S Taplin 10 Cohort Balronia Labold vll Latonia 1 1392 fast 115 96 3 1 1 1K63r 1J I2 Brannon 7 Pocotaligo Sinfran Ceremonius K63r I atonia 34 113 good 95 107 4 5 32 3 J M McGee G Selwik Marse Abe Ceremonius CONSOLE br g 6 105 By Sir Dixon Fair Penitent Weber Ward Ward2i 4975 Lsxgton 1 116 116 fast 31 107 144 2i in Goose G SisterFlorcncc Spindle FlyFeet 4514 Lexgton 1 116 l52i mud2320 112 222 31 4 J Goose 4 Letourno JlmCafferata Bob Co 4740 Lexgton Im70y 141J fast 31 110 4 5 5 5 61JXGoose G Mgr Mack Hanly Ozana 3 8 Latonia Im70y 144 good 195 110 2 6 7 6 61B Steele 10 RStone HHowdy PcessThorpe 2777 Latonia 1 316 159 fast 2120 106 4 6 4 41 4i Goose 10 Sister Florence Spindle Belfast Belfast3h 2731 Latonia 1 18 1531 fast 185 110 1 4 4 3h 2 Goose 9 Labold Hanly Helene Helene1s V 72 I atonia 1 18 159J hvy 3720 10t 323 1s 414 Goose f Feather Duster Hanly Helen 21 1svlllo 1 1 16 1 4S2 fast 17 105 1 8 71 4 = 3 Goose H Milton B Fairy Story Aspirin IMS I Louisville 1 1t 200g fast 37C 10l 445 41 4 3 Goose 9 Sandhill Limpet Helene 2035 Lexington 1 1432 hvy 1110 111 166 7 78i Goose 8 Sir Catesby Tay Pay Sleeth 1S70 Charlesn 1 116 1472 fast 41 10S 3 5 3 4 4ei Goose C JFurlong ColAshnieade Nuilzn 1837 Charlestn 1 18 1541 fast 116 109 3 1 1 21 33 C Peak B John Furlong Limpet Nadzu 1S02 Charleefn 1 1S l57i mud 41 107 4 1 1 1 ° I1 C Peak G JohnFurlong Helene Limpet