Dufferin Park Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1912-09-18


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DUFFERIN PARK FORM CHART TORONTO Ont September 7 First day Met ¬ ropolitan Racing Associations Second Meeting of 7 days Weather clear clearPresiding Presiding Judge Ed Cole Starter W M Mur ¬ ray Raclug Secretary W It Norvell 5010 First Race About 5S Mile Purse 300 yearolds and upward Selliug Net value to to winner 210 second 00 third 30 Ind Horse WtFin Jockey 1520 Sen Hubble 107 li C Knight 4194 Milpitas 111 2 E Grillin 4GG1 Foxcraft 100 3 Robbins 1001The DKlttcn 107 43 M Simmons 4520 Boray Minder MinderG 4072 Inclement G W Carroll 4CC1 Ruble 110 PullupFJackson 15 20 4400 = Cap Nelson 110 FellRussell 1 1 4350 Expatriate 110 FellMontour 10 12 12Time Time 102 Track fast fastWinner Winner W J Charltons b g 4 by Scintillant II Evergreen trained by W Bronsou BronsouStart Start fair Won driving second and third tlio 5011 Second Race About 5S Mile Purse 300 yearolds and upward Selling Net value to to winner 210 second 00 third 30 Ind Horse WtFin Tockey 44033Red River 4 01 Dr llollis 112 a F Jackson 4552 Sea Swell 115 Z C Knight 4001 Lit Marian 107 4CG1 Goldlash 110 C1 Russell C 7 744SO 44SO Ah Moon 107 61 Woods C C 3781 Horicoii lift 73 Shannon C 5 4215 La R Hindoo 102 S3 Robertson C 7 4370 Won Worker 112 9lu Warrington 15 20 204CG 4CG Noon 112 10 Mondon 3 2J Time 102 Track fast fastWinner Winner Simard Moores ch p 8 by Father FatheriAf iAf Lizzie II trained by R 1 Carter Start fair Won easily second and third driv 5012 Third Race About 5S Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Net value to to winner 210 second GO third 30 lud Horse WtFin Jockey Op Cl Cl4602McAndrews 4602McAndrews 112 1 Warrington 2 1 46002Curious 112 2 J Bergen 4 4 445513Calethuinpian 45513Calethuinpian 107 3 C Knight 2i 3 34G05 4G05 Martre 107 43 Shannon 7 7 74GG22T 4GG22T Thompson 110 i Woods 4 5 54G02 4G02 Sir MInceint 112 G1 Mondon 7 G G4GG7 4GG7 Donovan 112 71 Dreyer 8 10 104COG 4COG Camarada 102 S Halsey 12 15 15Time Time 101 Track fast fastWinner Winner M Burtons b g G by Scintillant II The Lady trained by M Burton BurtonStart Start good Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing 5013 Fourth Race About 5S Mile Purse 300 yearolds and upward Selling Not value to to winner 210 second 60 third 30 Ind Cl4GCS Horse WLFin Jockey Op Cl 4GCS Temmeraire 112 li C Knisrht 2 32 4GGG 324GGG Minnie Bright 112 23 F Jackson 2 3 4CG2sIrishtown 107 31 G W Carroll 7 7 4COOKyle 112 4i Mondon 5 C 4494 Pony Girl 102 55 Montour 7 8 84GG2Leilolm 4GG2Leilolm 107 C1 A Hanover G C C4GC33Cou 4GC33Cou Carne 112 7s AVarrington G 8 4023 J Patterson 112 S J Bergen G 7 7Time Time 102 Track fast fastWinner Winner T J Elwoods b g 8 by Ballyhoo Bey KelleyStart Miss Hamburg trained by E Kelley Start poor Won driving second and third tlio same 5014 Fifth Race About 5S Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Net value to to winner 210 second GO third 30 Ind Horse WtuFin Jockey Op Cl Cl4G05 4G05 Imprudent 112 l Warrington 5 G 4450Secrete 102 21 Robbins 4 5 54G672Monkey 4G672Monkey 2J4GGG 102 31 Connor 3 2J 4GGG = S of Rocks 112 4 Bauer 5 5 545093AVater 45093AVater WellesllS 51 Dreyer 6 8 84GOO 4GOO Chlppewayan 115 G2 C Knight 2 2 24GG73Sanctim 4GG73Sanctim 112 7 Shannon S 12 124G02Rusticana 4G02Rusticana 112 PullupMondon G 5 5Time Time 102 Track fast fastWinner Winner Mrs A A Finleys ch in 5 by Dick Welles Lunette trained by J S Baldwin Start good Won driving second and third tho 5015 Sixth Race About 5S Mile Purse 400 4003yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 280 second 80 third 40 40Ind Ind Horse WtFin Jockey Op Cl Cl4GGGBaretto 4GGGBaretto 102 lt Robbins 3 3 34GG4 4GG4 Falherola 102 2s Connor 5 5 54i 4i Starboard 112 3 B Grillin 5 G 112 41 G W Carroll 10 10 1551Jolinny Wise 107 CP Montour 4527Iundaniental 112 fi AVarrington 2J 2J 4GCC Dominica 107 7 C Knight 2 2 2Si 4419 Jennie Wells 112 Si Mondon 10 12 12454t 12I 12l 454t Western Bellell2 I jl l J Bergen 12 15 4 043lust 112 10 A Hanover 15 25 25Time Time 101 Track fast fastWinner Winner H C Airharts ch f 3 by Ornament Tweedledum trained by H C Airhart AirhartStart Start good Won driving second and third the same 5016 Seventh Race G 12 Furlongs Purse 300 3yearolds Selling Net value to winner 210 second GO third 30 30Ind Ind Horse WtFin Jockey Op Cl Cl4GG2 4GG2 M Priscilla 104 1 = Robbins 10 10 104GG4 4GG4 Chil Trance 104 2t Snider 3 5 54G04 4G04 Little Erne 10S S C Knight 4 4 4197 Henrietta W 105 4l Woods 2 2 24G043Mad 4G043Mad River 107 V Connor 7 S S4i01Dipper 4i01Dipper 109 6 = F Jackson 5 4 442173John 42173John Robert 10S 7 Warrington S 10 4474Miss Jean 109 PullupJ Bergen 2 2J 2JTime Time 125 Track fast fastWinner Winner J Sheridans br f 3 by Modred Leenja trained by J Sheridan Start good Won easily second and third driving 5017 Eighth Race 7S Mile Purse 400 4year olds and upward Selling Net value to winner M second SO third 40 Ind Horse Wt WtIGGI WtFin fockey IGGI Stick Piu 112 1124GG4 li 12 Gritlin 4GG4 Duncraggan 109 1094GOC 2 F Jackson 4GOC Irish Kid 112 3 Warrington IGGVSc Pimpernel 115 5 Mondon 12 S S4GG4 4GG4 L Marchmout 112 li O Kniglit S 4 44i54 4i54 Evelyn Doris 112 72 Woods 15 15 154S44 4S44 Radiation 112 8 = T Bergen G 7 72S03 2S03 M Camhon IOC J3 Robertson 10 15 4 i74liiu L 112 10 Shannon 10 S STime Time 131 Track fast fastWinner Winner B E Chapmans ch t 4 by McGee Scarf Pin trained by B E Chapman ChapmanStart Start good Won drivinir second and third the

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1912091801/drf1912091801_2_1
Local Identifier: drf1912091801_2_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800