Well-Backed Favorites Fail.: Altamaha, Double Five and Donald Macdonald Make Up Trio of Disappointments at Laurel., Daily Racing Form, 1912-10-23


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WELLBACKED FAVORITES FAIL Altamaha Double Five and Donald Macdonald Make Up Trio of Disappointments at Laurel Baltimore Mil October 22 Altamaha Double Five and Donald Macdonald were heavily backed favorites that proved disappointments at Laurul this afternoon On recent form they all seemed likely to win Altauialut managed to finish second Iwaten off by Carlton G but the other two were unplaced For the first time since the meeting opened the track was soft softThe The card which was in the main made up of sell iug races had as a feature a handicap at one mile Half of the eight horses programmed were with ¬ drawn Altamaha ruled favorite with Sir John Johnson next in favor The winner turned up in Carlton O which scored in a canter Sir John Johnson ran well for about lialf a mile Then he quit so badly that ho was last at the finish Jaw ¬ bone beating him for the short end of the purse purseThe The first race which was a dash of five and a half furlongs for maiden twoyearold found Flying Fairy leading her opposition from the start autl beating the good tiling Phyllis Antoinette a length Millie A tho dam of the winner was sold lu the paddock at Pirnlico last spring with a weanling by Aeronaut at her side for 100 The mare was guaranteed to be in foal to Sir John John sou When Flying Fairy showed suck keen speed in her trials last summer an effort was made to locate Millie A She is supposed to be somewhere in Maryland or Pennsylvania News of the death of jockey Ural readied the track at noon and Jack McGinnis scratched his en ¬ try Sam Jackson from the handicap and arranged to take the body back to New York for burial burialJoseph Joseph McLennan secretary of the Jamestown Jockey Club rejwrts that many of the horsemen racing here have reserved stable room at the Norfolk track The stakes to be run during the Norfolk meeting will close next Saturday SaturdayIt It was given out today that W L Oliver would again take over the liorseg of J S Tyreo at the conclusion of tho present meeting when Mr Tyrees contract with J J McCafferty would terminate The latter is considering an offer to train a stable In Germany vf i The HallenUcck stable will bo shipped to Aikcn S C at the conclusion of the Pimllco meeting to go into winter quarters Several of the horses hi this establishment have gone wrong A M Orpeii of Toronto was a visitor at Laurel today and will remain over for a few days before continuing on his way south Mr Orneniia racing a few horses among them tho iwoyear Id Chuckles ChucklesAlthough Although Manager H D Brown Is busy with the promotion of racing right now he is not neglecting I the big fair to lie held towards the close of the meeting lie has liecn actively engaged for some time in getting everything In readiness for tho opening ol the exhibition next week The fair will continue four days and it is expected will prove one of tho best ever held in Maryland New build ¬ ings have been erected since last fall including a new cattle barn with a capacity of T 00 head while the same number of sheep and hogs have been provided for Entries have been coming in for the various departments in such large numbers as to indicate a recordbreaking list The live stock department which will bo a big feature of the fair in tlie opinion of F H Cashell who is in charge will be one of the finest held In the east Mr Cashell has attended many of the large fairs throughout the country and has been assured of the presence of many wellknown exhibitors Entries for the horse show have closed with Manager Brown and many wellknown owners of show horses have signified their intention of attending The exhibi ¬ tion will be held on the infield during the fair days daysA A heavy early morning rain made the track sloppy at Laurel during the workout hours and nothing in the way of fast work was recorded The following worked before the rain rainActon Acton Mile In 140 handily handilyContinental Continental Threeuuarters in 118 118Federal Federal Threequarters in 1118 1118Lahore Lahore Half mile in 51 51Madeline Madeline L Half mile in 50 50Pnnobscot Pnnobscot Mile in 147 147The The workouts after the rain were numerous and were as follows followsAstute Astute Threeeighths in 38 38Berkeley Berkeley Fiveeighths in 108 108Blue Blue Thistle Threeeighths Jn 30 30Bunch Bunch of Keys Fiveeighths in 109 109Caliph Caliph Half mile in 51 51Detect Detect Fiveeighths in 108 108Excalibur Excalibur Seveneighths in 132 132Falconet Falconet Fiveeighths in 100 100Frederick Frederick L Threceishths in 3C Gencsta Threequarters ill 118 118Hamilton Hamilton Mile in 148 148Insurance Insurance Man Fiveeighths in 165 165John John Reardou Mile in 140 140Madman Madman Fiveeighths in 108 108Myles Myles OCounell Half mile in 52 52Kockrest Kockrest Fiveeighths in 1OG 1OGSebago Sebago Half mile in 52 52Silas Silas Grumii Half mile in 51 51Strenuous Strenuous Fiveeighths ill 107 107StiF StiF erstition Mile in 152 152Toddling Toddling Fiveeighths in 105 Troy Weight Fiveeighths in 107 107Union Union Jack Fiveeighths in 100 100Yorkshire Yorkshire Boy Seveneighths in 132

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1912102301/drf1912102301_1_7
Local Identifier: drf1912102301_1_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800