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SHIPPING RATES FIXED IN KENTUCKY Frankfort Ky December 10 Freight rates on race horses between Lexington Louisville and La tonia were fixed yesterday by the railroad commis ¬ sion The order follows A standard car shall be considered a car 30 Vj feet in length tlie race horse rate between the points In question shall not be in excess of 200 per cent of the common horse rate applied between said points for all cars which are two feet less than the standard car there shall be a reduction of five per cent of the race horse rates on standard cars on all cars exceeding in length the standard car there shall be collected five per cent in addition to race horse rates on standard cars on each two feet that the car exceeds in length the standard car and any sum charged col ¬ lected or received in excess of the sum herein pre ¬ scribed by the commission shall be deemed to be excessive extortionate unjust unreasonable and discriminating discriminatingThe The complaint was made in the case of H Mc Carreu W Hi Fizer Catesby Woodford W O Topi in and Daniel Lehan against the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company who complained that the freight rates on race horses from Lexington to Louisville from Louisville to Latouia and from La tonia to Lexington were excessive unreasonable and discriminating