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RACING GOSSIP FROM THE EAST. New Yoik. .January 4.- lochej McTaggart, who waa mam adi il ss punishment for the rough riding at Pimlico Hiat resulted in the death of the good racer Worth, is once more in good standing. Al Hie lime tin- limlico stewards suspended McTaggart for the rest of Hie meeting and referred bis rase io the stewards ol the Joehey c tub. That body continued the suspension for the rest of the year and Ho- expiration of the sentence automatically re- -toied him to nod standing. McTaggart has been passing the holidays with In- family in New York, lb has announced he will go i" Charleston, where lie purposes to tele flee lance. Pall T. China has written from Paris that be will sail for Asaerica shortly, lie went abroad with Hie -liipmenl of the mares id the late .lame- B. Ken.- thai were sold to William K. Yauderbilt: Hie stallion Peter Pan that went to Frank .1. Gould; i .n Bound, -old lo Joseph F. Widencr. and ii-iau. consigned t- a German sportsman. Joehey Hartj wants to ride in Canada during the sea* f 1913. He baa made application for rein -lalemeiil afle: having been on the ground for almost three years. He was suspended at Woodbine for an un-ai i-t aciery ride on an entry of the late John Dymeni In the running of the Toronto Cup that Waa won by King .lame-. .lame- Bowman, who trained Emperor William and Hipper rot Thomas Hatfield at Charleston last winter, has left New York for the South Carolina t ack. Jack McLeiah, Canadian turfman, passed throngb New York yesterday on hi- way lo Charleston.