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MORE GOOD HORSES FOR PALMETTO PARK. Charleston, s. c. January 4. A carload "i horses belonging to George I- Bostls and Samuel Bus-, oi Wa-hingion. P. C, arrived at Palmetto Park today. I in-, horses arc trained by W. I. Rurch, who i-one ■! He d an- among American trainers. Mr. Burch is a native ol South Carolina, an. i waa born .1 i inlaw iii this -tale. During the w.n in served with the Rut ledge Mounted Rifles, which were inns !•! •■! in at i barleston. Mi. Burch ran horse* on the Old course of the South Carolina Jockey " club and baa many interesting storlet to tell oi the raclag during tin- day-, of that noted organisation. Dr. Duenner and Khackletoa an- the best in tin string. Dr. Duenner i- oonaldered a handicap horse oi high ili-- -mil will be looked upon a- a danger oils factor in nil slakes in irbli h he runs. Shackle ion is an exceedingly npeedj horse Mr. I.u-n paid S2.50U for him last yrtr He boiighl him from the ri i in M ■ i nef, Man Allen. Mr. Burch also trains Southern shore for Charles Odeil of Savauaah.