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JUAREZ FORM CHART. .TUAREZ. MEX., TUESDAY. JANUARY 21. 1913. Terras** Park. Forty-eighth day. Jockey Chib lures. Wiiii- t Meeting of M« days, lu books ou. Weather cloudy. Presiding Steward, Charles P. Price. Presiding Judge, V. II. Shelley. Starter, Mars CassJdT. KacJng Secretary, Baward Jaaanr. Racing starts at 2:15 p. no. Chicago time 3:15 p at. , w Indicatea whip, 8 -puis, i: blinkers. Pig-:... - iii parentheses following the distance of each race ladieate index number, track record, age of hone and weight carried. Indicate* apprentice allowance. AQQl i I Us r RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 91978— 1:05% — a — 105. Purse 8380, 3-year-olds sad ap- J t_J £k A. wi i. Weight far Age. Net ■value to winner 8225; srcond, •• ■" ; third. 5. Ai:id Uoraea AWtPPSl , 4 ••, str Pin Jockeys owner- o H 0 I s * -■ GEORGE OXNAKD wm ; IM _• ! 2* :- : 1 .1 Henry .1 MacManus 1- 30 3 1- « i i , M.ijn tt a :; Mi ; i i . i- I] . Gross . W Fuller 2 il Bs 5 4-3 1-2 i , i;i.. i ; waS 120 :"■ :. 3 Moleswh .1 Wilkin- i i 9-5 1 -nut iSM5*BOBBY COOK wsnTiT :; ! !. I ..■• I i Job Keith * Spence :■•» 59 •"•» N 4 8837 KAMCHATKA W S MS $ 8 E •"• B Steele .1 OandG li KeeneW IS 1- 21 9-10 9912 FOUNTAIN SQCAREwa 6 129 l H 7 •".- 7 » Irvln R I Mackenzie 1 I 16-56-5 3-6 i:i;i- !■.; u i ;p s 7 v; J s 7" Robbina T K Hall 100 100 WO 41 M 6Su» SHKLOCK HOLMESwb 4 lit; 1 3 S ,: •"■ 8 Teahaa i: F Carman 39 38 30 8 3 Time. 23J6, 87%, 1:01. 1:07 "v,. Track fast. Winner Ch, c, by Islington Grey Agues [trained by .1. . Cahuii. Wei.i to post al 2:14, Ai iwi-t 3 minute*. Star! good and slow. Wen easily : second and third drirlag. GEoitGE OXXABD. alter running Uis.- up from the start, ■need np rapidly in 1 1 1 stretcb ami. wearing COLQUITT down, uon drawing away, COLQi ITT is speedy ami set a fast pace to the homestretch, bat tired near ;i;,- uni-h. li RLONG ran forwardly throughout, bul was easily held sate by the two leaders. HOBBY COOK was close up throughout, i of.viAlN SQUARE began slowly and was going last at the end. KAMCHATKA closed a Mg gap. Scratched -93338Senipronhun. 117: 6881 Mike Molett, 117: 6875 Amelia B-, 98. Overweights Kamchatka, 1 peoad, f* £k ± t J SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. 83023 1:11%—*— 188. Pane 08. 3-vear-Otds, Selling. 0 *ZJ £ d9 Net value l winner 25; second, $.~ i: third, 5. lad Ilia an AWtPPSl % M i StrFm Jockeys Owaen 0 11 c P s 6873 LOVING MOSE ■ M 5 5 8] •■- 3;. p.. Esiep i: A TramnsaU h IS i~ I J 6898 ERNEST II w 97 . | i. |k j»| -j .1 McCabe .1 C Calm 1 i l| I ,"» I E IS i jolly TAR w MS 7 «i ::•; -- i1 3*1 Robbina D Henry M M 8 I 8-5 «W« LUKE VAN ZANDT w 101 12 7 7 "; i Cress I E Clark 1 I ■" - 1 i" 69 I KING RAiE»X RD w I". 8 8 " 1*1 ■-. Borel R Osctewood 3 2 0-6 4-5 2-3 HS!»s PRETTY DALE x 91 9 1 ■ ■• 6*4 6J Forsytb W n Snearley 3 •". :. 1 1-u 88»S QUICK ivs ys 4 7 s s s 7, Oeaury I. L Jentry :5 30 M 10 1 BS04 DEBUTANTE «r yt :. ;: : iJ 71 8* Carter F Harrington 38 M M M I 6747 ORRICK w M0 I I • I • Coa Lame i; Alford :» m 88 M 10 Time. 2335. *•%, 1:15. Track fast. Winner— I!, e. by Abe Frank — Suffice trained by I.. Gray. Weal I" |h s| al 2:44. At post 4 minutes. Siar: .uxkI ami slew. Wen easily: secoad and third driving. iINi; MOSE began slowly, bat Bared ground by a close stretcb nun and. coming next ii» the rail in the uaarter, passed ERNEST 11. and won going awaj*. ERNEST II. set the pace, Imt was swerving out m llie final iu-htli and tired near the end. JOLLY TAB ran well, bat also swerved and tired in the Stretch. 1 I KE VAX ZANDT came from the rear. KING KADFOKD moved up on the turn lor home, then fell back. Il.r.l TANTK showed early -peed. PRETTY DALE was always outpaced. Orerweights Loring Rose, 4 pounds; Jolly Tar, 2: Lake Van Zandt 4: Kiag Radford, .: Pretty Dale. -: Quick, l . Bebataate, i. I" * O 6 Q THIRD RACR—1 Haa. 1334—1:37*4—4—112. Pane 88. 4-year alia aad aaward. Oilf O Selling. Net value to winner 25-; second. 8; third. ".. lad Banes AWtPPSl Si ■■■, StrFm Jsektys Owners » n c 1 B Ml Uiin;i LAD wr. 7 US 5 2 2»J 1 Ill" l Teahan M I 3-6 2-3 3-5 1-4 out is.-.i LOTTA CREED si N8 1 7 • i _ f -- Bur game .1 Masterson 3 1 •: 6890 LB6CAR wa 5 US 3 :. 1* l*J 3* V ■■ Rosen W M Cain l 15 IS E ! 6909 LAYMIN6TER w I MS 47 7 7 SI I"*- B Steele F A Hayes 477. 4-5 6M68 GRETCHBN C w 7 llu 4 3 5 •■- 6" 6s "- R HoffmanH G Badwell in 1". 1- 4 2 • i Ai i.Mr. x a | WR j i i. :.i :,■ ■;. t.- RbUntre R F Carman IS u« IS ♦; 3 6916*BONNIE BARD wa 9 MS : 1 PI I- IJl7 7 Halsey W J Riley M M M M 4 Time. 243/5. 48*.-,. 1:15»L, 1:41-,. Track fast. Winner— B. b, by Smile — Orbed Maiden I trained by !I. Bowers. Weal to pest at :.:14. At iMist i minute start good an. I slow. v»; u easily: second and third driving. ORBED LAD leek the lead at His riders will and won nnextended. LOTTA CREED moved np at the hall ground Into second place and easilj held LBSCAB safe in the final dtive. LBSCAR set tin early pace end was ■ close contender. LAYMINSTER came rapidly from the rear in the tin 1 1 quarter. BONNIE LARD ran well for three-quarters. Scratched — 6805s Jack Kllis. lit: 8810 The Peer. 186. Overweights— M. Camboa, - poanda. /♦rv/j FOURTH RACK -3-4 Mile. 83823— 1:11.-.-2— 108. Pane 88. 8-year ante. BeDlng. Ot/iii Nel raise to winner 25; ateaad. 0; third, .yj".. It: Harsea AWtlISt Si Jj :i StrFm Jockeys Owners H C I S 6SS6PAMPINEA a MS 1 ■ 3" 3 1*1 1 B Steele -l o,v G H Keene2 i:; »13 SO-101 -3 j827 MOTHER KATCHAM w mi 7 4 2| i"t r ■- Gross .1 K Newman I 4 1] t; :. , 10 * 6873 AZUREA w 101 3 3 I . " i -: ~ ■■■■ • Eatep CarUn ft Moody IS 30 25 7 : rv7A.sK MA w 97 : 8 4» 4; -l; 1: .1 McCabe .1 W Puller 7 M S 8-5 7 W 6898 FITZGElRAi«D » 97 •"• 7 •.- 6*1 5*1 61 Besan on .1 II Mehl 20 54 :; l- •; t»75*ARDBLON wm 107 8 2 7 7 7 8*1 1: HoffmanW R Mine 11 .: aVSS I 1-2 t*7i GARTER wb 103 : 8 •"■:i ■ • *i- 7" Bur* game B Gaylord l". 58 50 IS 7 «S»8:*INQlTIETA »i; K SI s s v v Nathan G M Odann S SB IS a -■ Time, 2343. 483i. 1:12*4. Track fast. Winner— Ch. f, by Marts Santa Uua Dunn trained by .1 O. Keene. Weiii t". i» si :: 1:43. At |m -i 1 iniiKite. Mail .«d and slow. Won handily: secoad and third drivmg. IAMPINEA wa dose up. bul outfooted, until a sixteenth out, then namely forged lato the had and won jruiug away. MOTHER KATCHAM displayed a good turn of speed and led In the stretch, hut tired in the final drive. AZUREA sel the early pt bul tired rnom strenuous racing with MOTHER KATCHAM. ASK i was closing np al the end. Al;! i:i.u. began well Inn was pinched out of position early. Scratched HB« 6=Masurka. 1 it»: B8»8*Loan Shark, 100. Orerwelgbts -Mother Katcham, 1 pound; Axarea, I; Aak Ma. 2; Ardehta, 2; Carter. ::. 00 ?v FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. 83823— 1:11%— 2— 106. Purse 08. 3-year-etas aad upward. j £ tj Selling. Net value to winner 25; second, 8; third. 5. lad llors« s AWtPPSl , M ■, StrFm Jaekeys Owaen » 11 C P S ggg GOLD P OPHIR aS 103 •". l i1 p I* i B Steele DoerboeferandWest 7 n 4 8-5 7-18 I •■.i.i I ST RESD Was 4 in! s .", t- 2«| 2 Si Cress L . Denker ■". "i J 2 I , [MORIOSO 4 MM I ■"• C ■ - s Wilier :: z 513-il 7-M S84S ci TTETR BALL a S l"7 l 7 7 •- i- I Bur" game Qainhvn s* ; Higel t 5] .". 3 t t* !SEPUL EDA wa 8 114 7 8 8 7 81 5S1 Snlatl Dickinson Pros :; :, ., J 4-5 • DELANBY rl 109 8 - |L " J ,;- Ormes H McDaniel Vt IS K •; 3 liSS] PE-RC. HENDBRSONlWB 4 102 ! 3 » 4 1 5 ■- 7 Carter .Edward* ft John 20 W 49 U i6S7KMASALO v. a ! 104 3 I i"1 8 8 8 Teahan R F Carman 8 12 M 4 3 Time, 23. 48V 1:1*H Track fast. Winner B. i. by Ben Brush — RoHeline tral I by P. M. West. Went to I"-: B1 4:1!. At post I minii! •.•. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the i, GOLD OF OPH1B t x k the lead al once and made all the running and. in a long and hard stretch -•irngglc. mitgamed JLST RED. The latter was always In forward pursuit and made ■ resolute finish. MIMORIOSO closed * gap Into ■ fasl training third. BUTTER BALL was away slowly and outpaced early. i was closing up well at the end. DBLANEY showed a good turn of early speed. PERCY HENDERSON wm pocketed uexi lo the rail in the early ramtlna and ass forced to fall hack. Scratched- 0807 Oakland, U s: 0007= Parka Boy, 102; 8859*Daddy ;ip. 113; ••0!»7 Peru I... 103; 8835 K. di i- 86, i"*OOlQ sixth RACK— 1 1-16 Miles. 83544—1:05—4—115. Pane 08. 4-year-otas aad apward. j £y Selling. Net value to winner 25; ntnad, 8; third. 5. Ind Horati AWtllSi ■. % StrFm Jockeys Owaen 0 H C P s SHORTY NORTHCUTw 6 110 S 6 6 8 ■■■ II B HuffmanD Ford i E ". 8-6 t-J . tiDMARY EMILY w 4 104 8 5 1 ■ |; 2* Teahan J Doyle 3] 12] i 2 MISPRISION w 7 104 - - t, 1- i 1 2] 3s Bur game QuinUtn ft Higel 7 s 7 _ 1 • ifRSl LA EMMA ! W3 4 4 J I I* 1 1 Steele DoerhoeferscWest I S ". 7-5 1 2 ■ •■ins ROSEVALE " 7 los i i Si 3f, ■ :i . ", Cavangb G Durker II S13-52 i 1 2 o:-~,, vi:iiK SAJ1 we. s K-J :: 3 2 | • R "ins WC Taylor I !■ 7 2| ; Time. 24. 483a. 1:14%, 1:42. 148*4. Track last. Winner Ch. g, by Handsel Ennerdale itrained i ;. P.. Smith. Weal to post al 1:42. At .ot 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the mi SHORTY XORTHCCT was badly humped when coming out ol the chute at the start, bul was capa- Idi ridden and noi rushed and. hems allowed to gel Into his stride bj degrees, mored np in the stretch ■ rush and oi up to win drawing clear. MARY EMILY set the pace and finished gamely, bul tired hi iin final hundred ranis. MISPRISION ran well and finished resolutel; and close up. SWEDE SAM I -—hi I,, tire at the paddock. ROSEVALE dropped back when an eighth "in. The winner, entered for i i w is bid up lo 05 and bought In, Orerweights— Marj Emily, •" pounds; Ursula Emma, 2: Swede Sam, 1.