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HAVRE DE GRACE STAKE LIST. .-w York. Fein-nary 7. -Secretary Fred Bekkerger ..I the Harford Agriculture and Breeders Assoca lion, lia~ announced the following stakes tot the l ring meeting a| Havre de Gra e: Harford Handicap. ,369 added; for three-yeai old* ami npward: ".■• furlongs. Philadelphia Handicap. ,300 added; for three rear old* and npward; :;, mile. I., •lair Handicap. ,000 added; for t li:*-«- year-olds ami upward; ■• mile. Si~i|ii.-.i. i iiau.iii -ap, ,000 added; for three- t. ai i.l.l~ and upward; l mile and TO yards. r.-nii Selling Stakes. ,000 guaranteed; for three i ii -.ill- an. I upward; 3Va furlongs. cii.-~i.-i- Selling Stakes, si.ihhi gaaraateed; far three roar-old* and npward; % mil.-. Vewark Selling Stake.- ,000 guaranteed: for I hree-ycar-old*. ami itpwanl; 1 mile and 7n yards. Wiluiiuglon Stakes, si.himi added; for three yea nl.l~: •. furlongs Al., i.i.-.-ii Stakes. ,000 added; for Iwo-yeer-dd*; i ■ . : nrhaags. I . : ■ — j *- Stakes, si. i added; for two-year-oM allies: , mile. IVrrvvllh si.k.-~ si.ihhi guaranteed; for two - . at »hls; »-.■ furlongs. «;.■. iiianii.H ii Staling Siak.-~. .ihhi goaranteed; I -,n ■ mile. i ; year-ohis; •