Fourth Race [4th Charleston, Daily Racing Form, 1913-02-08

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FOURTH RACE — 1 Mile. Charleston Hotel Handicap. 3-year-olds and upward. 1 124x 1 :io t CAUGH HILL. b. h. 5 119 By Caughnawaga— Whiplash J. M. Zimmer. 7026 Chai esrt n ! t 1:1-40 fast 11-6 127 1 ■ I Buxton 7 Carlton ;.. Locbiel, Volthorpe 6900 Charleston I 1:421 fast l Ui 222 1 I] 2* Gam B Locbiel, T. M. Green, Jawbone harleston 3-4 1:141 fast ]- 2 111" 1* Gaai 7 Locbiei, Carlton G., T. M. Green ma Jamestown 7-8 1:26*. fast 12-5 125 3 5 5 2 H U c Turner 8 Sebago, Cliff Edge, Sherwood 1 6 Jamestown 3-4 1:121 fast II 124 ;: 2 2 ll 21 C Peak 7 Buskin. Pr. Ahmed Or. Hughes 656S Jamestown 3-4 1:121 fast 0 w.i 1 3 3 21 i1 Lottos 8 Besom, Or. Hughes, Guy Fisher 6542 Jamestown 3-4 1:121 fast 6 ill 4 2 2 3"* 3l C Peak 8 Acton, Fly. Yankee. O.ivFisher 1.177 litonia 2 4 1:141 slow 7 315 5 6 2 23 21 Loftus 8 Hawthorn, C.onDelivery, N.Casb . 47 Latonia 3-4 1:17| inry 51 117 7 4 4 4 4H Loftus 7 Merrick, Kooteaay, Jim Basej 5448 Douglas Pk ,1-4 1 : 118 fast 21-5 112 6 4 2 2"1 21 Loftus 8 O. Hughes. I.Geutlemaa, CovLad 5402 Douglas Pk 3-4 1:131 slow 9-5 107 2 2 2 P 1" Loftus 4 GroverHughes Enfield, Meridian 6205 Douglas Pk 3-4 1:131 slow 2S-5 110 5 2 2 2" 2H Loftus 8 G. Hughes. Buckhorn, Impression 6242 Douglas Pk 3-4 1:12 J fast 31-20 111 3 3 3 3h 4J T Koerner » Kootenay, G.Hughes, MaryDavis 6152 Douglas Pk 3-4 1:12] good 14-5 107 5 4 4 41 3J T Koerner 6 H.P.arhee, Kootenay. T. M. Green LOCHIEL, b. g, 5 113 By Hastings— Lady of the Valley »H. G. BedweJJ ■ harli I 1:141 fast 3-2 113 7 7 5 4 3«1 Butwell 7 CaughHiil. CarltonG., Volthonie 11:42 fast 11 1" 108 2 3 3 3 2 l"1- E Martin .". CaughHiil, T.M.Green. Jawbone K948 Charleston 3-4 1:141 fast 2| Ml 3 3 2 2 :» H Martin ". CaughHiil. CarltonG., T.M.Green lamestn 1 1-16 1:40 hvy 20 105 8 8 8 8 S 7J1K Martin 8 His Majesty. Lahore, Sebago . : 1 im.-stii 1 1 s 1:55 slop S 115 2 4 4 4 4" t | A Pergusn .". Blackford. D.Macdoaald, MyLsd 6600 Jamestn 1 : 16 1:471 fast I 315 1211 2- 21 Buxton 5 Guj Fisher, Merry Lad Plamm.i lamestown I 1:391 fast 4 10s 9 9 7 9 7* •■ i;uton ■ Grover Hughes, Tartar, Sebago 6574 Jamestown 1 1:40 fast 7 5 1 12 f- 4 2 1 ll- Buxton ■ Tel. Byes, Kormak, Bosturtura 6554 Jamestn 1 1-M 1:40] fast 1M 101 2 2 3 2 11 4 I Butwell 7 GuyFisber, CarltonG., Altamaha 6542 Jamestown :: I 1:1.2 fast 12 310 8 7 6 V 5»| C 1 inner 8 CaughHiil, Acton, FlvlngYsnket 6412 Pimlico 7Sl:27gsIop 8 110 7 3 4 5 53 5" Mondon 9 Fly. Yankee, Acton. Spg Board • .. 1 mrel 3-4 1:131 fast « 1* 7 7 6 5l 4« MeTagrt 7 a. ton Sebago, Isidora 5039 H.deGce lmTOy l:43j fast 4 118 4 3 2 3 21 4J Kirschm « Rol stone. Dr. Duenner, Kormak C! 8 H.deGce 1 1-111:41 fastl3-10US I 2 2 I 1 23 C H Shifg 3 Guy Fisher, Beyboorn 4590 H.deGce 11S154 fast 20 110 7 7 4 3 3s 2nk Cross 7 Ad. Express. Sbackleton. Sprit* : ,:ie 1 1:411 slow 8-5 124 1 5 5 3 1" 42 Cohitm .r Spnhn. Enfield. Inele Ben 4287 Butte 3-4 1:121 fast 14-5 124 6 6 4 4 4S1 ltooney « Lady Panchita. Spohn, Kootenay 4098 Butts 7-8 1:29 mud 1 117 5 5 4 4 3h 4J Cobiirn 8 Enfield. Banorella. Manasseh CARLTON G.. ch. h, 6 112 By Carlton Grange— Resignation A. Malonel. arl iton 1 1:141 fast •"• *M 1 :: 1 1- Jv • Wilson . Caugh Hill Lochiel, Volthorpe • 77 Charleston 7-8 1:281 fast 8-5 11- 1 Wiisoi 6 Kepublirn. Volthorpe. Jscqnelina • ii- Charleston 3 11:11. fast 16 11" 4 4 3 3 3*1 J Wilson . CaughHiil. Lochiel, T. M Green Jai estn 1 1-16 l:48f hvy M ll" E 7 4 I • « • T Davies 8 His Majesty. Lahore. Sebago W14 Jamestown 1 1 Ai fast 9-6 in 7 3 3 2 t1 1M Butwell ■ MsskCash, Wh. Wool, Joe Deibold 1 »3 Jamestown 11:391 fast " "- - * ;; :; •"• ,; -T Mclntyre 9 Grover Hughes. Tartar, Sebago imestown 1 1:391 fast ] "- 2 3 1 1 -" ! C Peak 7 Lahore, Guy Fisher. Amalfi .1 Jam tn 11 K 1:461 t.f-t 8 110 E 4 11 ■ .1 Mclntyre 7 Guy Fisher, Altamaha. Lochiel •.it Jamestown 1 l:40ffasl 8-5 IK t 5 - 3 4* r Teahan 8 Auialri. Joe Deibold Pa ton Laurel I 1-8 1:501 fast 15 109 * E 7 lo W »»* J MclntyrelO Lahore. Bounder. The Manager • -,, Laurel 1 1 16 1:451 last 41 115 J 3 2 i 1; 2* .1 Mclntyre .5 Hamilton, C. Edge, ! ;■ Duenner :.,ii!l i 1:421 slow J»-6 110 1 " 1 1 : I* .1 Mclntyre 1 Altamaha. Jaw , S.J Johnson 1 l-l 1.51. not 15 MO 5 :; :: :; -i 4-? ■ Mclntyre B TheMaaager. Worth. Superstition REPUBLICAN, b. c. 4 107 By Stalwart— Miss Canale J. 0. Talbott. I fast A 10 13 1 1 v :h .1 Mclntyre « Carlton G„ Volthorpe Jaco • ■• ii:M fast 5 MS 5 :: :: :: .1 Mclntyre 8 Sherwood. J. Furious SB M v • i«.41 Jamestown I l:40| fast ■ 103 t 4 t S E Hopkins H AmalO. Joe Deibtdil Paton" • 1 . i: . 7-8 1:23 slop 1" 108 9 8 7 I 6* 611 Hopkins :i Fly. Yankee, Alton Spg Board 1 1:441 hvy 3-6 109 3 3 I _ 2* Butwell r» andJ. Johnson. Flam ma Peuobscol v".l Lam. l 1 1:40J fast 6-5 11: 15 4 :: 2 : Hopkins 7 Penobscot, Acton Surin-Board 11:391 fast -" W* " :: :; 1 A~ 1 J. Hopkins 0 Froglegs. Worth Sprite •.■ 1 .a ui. 1 1 1:391 fasl 30 103 6 C E E 7 •; ; J Mclntyrel.j TbeManager. Frozlesrs Vltamah. 1 3-16 201 fast 2-7 115 3 11 - 2*4»| J Mclntyre r J. Geddes, First Star Guaranola Butte 7-81:11 hvy 2 5 122 4 .1 2 1 r 1J .1 Mclntyre r, Batwa. J. Geddes Lieul Sawr»r 1 15 Butt. 7-8 1:90 slop 9 M 115 .; _ •_• 1 r 1 J Mclntyre 8 Th. Links. U Rankin Guaranol* 4162 Vancouver 1 1:40 fast — 118 • IS! I M Intyre R Flor. Boberts Dndo Mvcenae iv. r 7-8 1:291 mud— 104 5 - 2 2 13 3T1 J Mclntyre 5 CarltonG., O.M.Miller P Boberti 271 fast — 1"" - 4 :: :: : ■ ■ ■ Efclntyn 5 K.Roberts. G. Marchmont Fleeni ii. Vancouvei I m — 107 1 2 2 2 5 1 .1 Mclntyre 5 P. Boberts. G. M. Miller. Figeni ,10KN FURLONG, br. g, 6 114 By Wadsworth— Preference Tennessee Stable harlest 1st 3-5 109 2 2 I Musgi 1 T.M.Green. Milton B Jairhan Charlestoi 3-4 :14 fast J 108 1 8 8 4 •■ Musgrve 8 Sherwood, Republican S U MevTr Ooug.Pk 1 1 16 1:46 good 23 105 9 8 7 3* ."■• Spellman 10 Buckhorn, Pr.Callawar Anv PnH 4744 Windsor 1 :: it: 1 59 fast 11-5 109 1 I 6 E 4J 5 Hopkins ;. S.Cbarter, BruceRice WhiteWon Windsor I 1:391 fast H-5 l"1 E 6 1 - : 21 Hopkins 0 Bell Horse Mission Coy Lad Windsor 1 1-16 1:451 fasl 31 108 C E 1 4 2 2 Hopkins 8 Buckhorn. Cliff Edge Bell Horse Hamilton 7-8 1:251 fast 30 i- 7 066 6 t. 4» Hopkins « Plate Glass. Guv Fisher .;ranite 1 nLi • 11-16 ■"■■• hvy 10 HE 4 I 4 E Hopkins 5 Plate Glass, Lahore Star charter 1 S 1:5! last 31 112 1 6 6 S Musgrve fi Countless. M. stic-i SnnerstlHon •- i..ii Li •• 1 I 1 2:021 fast . 106 9 I 6 3 ::T Musgrve 9 Star Charter, Fro legs Countless Wind or lm70 1:451 good 7 105 4 6 7 4 21 1* Musgrve 9 Granite, Buckhorn Clin 15-,. B99 Windsor I I S 1:561 slow 6 H16 2 6 I 6 5 51,lMusgrve 8 Star Charter Fros-lesa Pont t I FortBrie 1 1 16 1:412 fast 12 107 677 3 21 2 Musgrve 7 The Manager Clifl Edre Bri* M loit Krie 1 1-8 1:51 1 fast 13-5 110 11 I 3 3 ." 4si Musgrve 7 W. Wool, UOMLife S Charter 1 port Erie 1 1-ft 1:461 fast M 105 I 7 E 3 9 i Musgrve 8 P. Glass. Altamaha. UOMLife T. M. GREEN, b. g. 7 105 By G. W. Johnson — Evergreen D. N. Prewitt Chart ■ fa* " 4 111 Vat lu I lohaFurtong. MiltonB Jawbone ll- fast i" I0S 1112 :: 3* Vandusei !i Locbiel. Caugh Hill Jawbone Charleston " I 1:141 fast 1 •.. . g 5 51 i Vandu 1 mgfa Hill, Ixtchiel Carlton R ; uonia 3 I 1:12 fast 11 1083 5 5 1; 3» ::- Loftus 1" Presumption. S. Blaise Meridian • 5 Latonla ■" I LlSlg 1 121 107 1 2 r 1 j .1 McCalx . c,,, I _., « t . Cotmtless, Meridian 6038 Latonia I 1:14 hvj 10 p.; 3 4 5 5 and»§ Grii r r» Gr.Hugbes. Th. Links, Kootenav Churehill 3 1 l:134slow87 lo im s 7 5= ;.-:i Loftus s Buekiiorn. II Private, Countless 1:39 rasl 39 !• Bill 1 1 ... Griner li Buckhorn Jr Ceddes. Cov lad 6544 Houc Pk 1 1 14 1:41 last 17 10 !•«. :. 1 1 j » :; Buxton i Starbottle, Wool, O.deMenthe MERRY LAD, ch. h, 5 111 By Knight of the Thistle— Merrytht F. E. Brows. 7025 Charleston I 1 121 fast 15 11:: 3 2 j 2 U I" Gans 3 Husk* Lad. Leaasence, Font .■no Charleston 7-8 1:171 fasl H 5 nt; 444 4 4 2" Musgrve 4 Sherwood. Amorct, Spohn 6960 Charleston 1 1:428 fast M no 4 I 4 4 6 6s Musgrve 6 Lochiel, Oaugk Hill T.M.Green I Jamestn 1 1-8 1:55 slop 16 5H2 :, : ;t a- I* 3*1 Ganx and Blackford D.Macrioaald, Lochiel 6600 Jamestn 1 1 l" 1:471 fast 8 hi g S | :: .;• 3fj Gans B tiny Fisher, Lochiel, ll.nnma 6566 Jam stn ll M 1:471 fast 15 115 8 8 7 5 5 ;. ;aii/ K C.Edge, Working Lad Altamaha 6529 Jamestown 1 1:401 fast 40 HO 10 7 7 3 Ill! Gans 10 Kormak.. Hilarious. Blackford 6481 Latonia 11 16 1:4»1 slow21-10 112 6 3 1 1 32 42J C Peak 9 Milton B.. Duncraggsn, Klwah 6,,a2 latonia 1 1-16 1:46 fast 34-6 114 6 4 7 6 3 1 C Peak » Wander. Vmir. Oen. Marchmont 6349 Latonla 11-16 1:48 slow 2 109 4 4 3 3 3» 3J Ganz 4 Sleeth. Gav Bird. Cliftonian 311 latonia lm70 - l:43g fast 12 llol 6 6 6 3 3 3i Ganz 7 Countless, Kill Brvson. Ozana t:.o Latonia lrn70y 1 :441 good 27-5 113 7 5 4 4 5« 5-J I»ftus 7 Console. Gen. Marcbmt. Sleeth 6174 latonia lm70y 1:48K hvy 13-5 107 7 6 4 4 45 3»J Goose 7 Coy Lad. Sleeth. Feather Duster 602t; Latonia 3-4 1:141 hvy 41-10 114 4 5 5 I1 l1 Ganz U Royal Tea. Wander. Follie Levy 5918 Churchill 3-4 1:131 fast 32-5 116 7 6 3 21 21 Loftus 7 C. on Delivery. Snreget. H. Lad E8S1 Churchill 2 4 1:121 fast 32-6 105 3 5 5 i1 4*J Buxton 0 T.I.lnks. Quartermaster. G. Bird VOLTHORPE, b. h. 5 105 By Woolsthorpe— Voltario F. E. Brown. 7»26 Charleston I 1 1:141 fasl 15 108 1 1 * 2» 41 C Peak 7 Caugh Hill. Carlton O.. Locbiel 6977 Charleston 7-8 1:281 fast 1" M8 1 1 :: 3 2 ■ 3* Musgrve « CarltonG., Bemiblicn. Jacquellna 6945 Charleston 3-4 1:14 fast 26 ill 1 7 7 7j 6*lGans 8 Sherwood, Republican J.Furlon 6614 Jamestown : 1:411 fast 41 in4 8 6 8 8 7- 7" Byrne :» NashCash. Wh.Wool. JoeDeiboM 6580 Jamestown 1 I:39f fast 25 107 1 1 1 I 6-o4 Ford 7 Lahore CarltonG., Guy Fisher 6 11 Jamestown 1 1:40] fast IS 112 1 2 E fi 61 5" Gans 8 Assail JoeDeiboM, Paton 6480 Latonia lni70v 1:45 slon-31-10 312 ill ?. 3 ::= C Peak G Wu. Wool. Joe Deibold. Coy Lad 6437 Latonia 2 4 1:171 hvy 38 5 115 4 5 5 5»» 5« Buxton 7 Merrick. Kootenav. .lin Basev 6293 Latonia 2-4 113 fast 12 112 7 7 8 7 7» Buxton 8 Semprolus, J.Deibold, Sou Queen 617a Latonia 8-4 1:171 hvy 6-5 115 2 4 4 4s 6:1 Goose 5 Boysl Tea. T.Unks. J.F.Crowley 6869 Churchill 1 1 :40g slowl9-10 108 14 4 4 2 l1 Gana 5 Joe Deibold. Reciprocity. Enfield 5769 Churchill 11-16 1:46 fast 2 112 3 2 2 2 l1 l1 Ganz 7 Sleetb. Sun Queen White Wool 5648 Hour. Pk 1 1-16 1 :461 fast 3-2 110 3 2 2 1 ll 1 J Loftus 7 Effendi. .LO. aides. G. Marchmont 5286 Doug. Pk 1 1-2 2:35ii slowll-20 107 2 2 2 2 24 2» Lortus 3 Manager Mack Sir Catesby 5176 Douglas Tk 3-4 l:13jf fast 1S5 114 1 4 2 lh V Loftus 9 E. Brvson * Morristown. Sea Cliff 4743 Windsor 11-8 1:53 fast 17-10 111 2 2 2 2 3 2« Loftus 3 Edda Brig 4_85 Windsor 1 1 -8 1 :52? fast 6 112 2 2 2 1 lh ll Loftus i Edda. The Rump. Busy 4.52 Hamilton 1 1-4 2:131 hvy 2 103 2 1 2 2 ll 1» MeCahey 3 Edda. Ta Nun Da MILTON B.. b. g. 6 102 By Claude— Ville Marie C. D. Chenault. 7003 Charleston 1 1:43 fast H ion 4 2 4 1 1* 3J, Buxton 4 J. Furlong, T.M.Green Jawbone 6978 Charlen lm70y 1:451 fast *-3 107 3 3 2 2 2.. 1 - Buxton 5 Husky Lad. Bffendl Font 6948 Charleston 3-4 1:141 fast 40 104 1 E 7 1« 6*1 Buxton 7 Cangh Hill, Lochiel, Carlton O 6481 Latonia 1 1-M 1:4*1 stow 71 Mi ♦ I :» i 2| H .1 Callahan » Duncraggsn, Blwsh. Merry Las 6460 Latonia I 1-8 2:4*1 hvy 37-M 107 2 2 4 4 3] 2»1 J Pallahan 4, Am Port. Prin.Callawav D.Bock 6420 Latonia 1 1-8 1:571 mud I i"6 :: I :: I 2°t 1- .1 Callahan 1 F. Duster, Console, Bruce Rice 6350 Latonla 3-4 1:131 slow 9 107 4 E 4 IS pi J Henrv- 8 C.onDelivery. Merrick, Dnqaeaao 6311 Latonia 2 4 1:12 fast 3 114 4 7 8 6.t 4" B Steele 10 Snreget, Merrick. Con Touch 4973 Lexington 3-4 1:131 fasl 7 105 2 4 I !■ ink b Steele T Joe Deibold. Mary Davis, Lsbold 4807 Lexington t-4 1:M| fast 44 Ml I E 4 4s i»jw Andreas 0 H. Barbee. LaboM, Casey Janes FONT, br. g, 7 99 By Hastings— Bellegarde Tennessee Stable. .068Charesn I 1-8 1:581 g 121 Ml E 2 2 2 2» 2- Musgrve » ILMacdonnld. Jacqnelina. ROVndi i0 .Charleston 61 f 1:251 hvy 1-3 ME 1111 1- ;- Musgrve 8 Stairs. Heretic Powers 7025 Charleston I 1:421 fast »" M 4 4 4 4 4 4*1 Minion r. MerryLsd, HnskyLad, Leanienee 6978 Char len lmTOy 1:451 fast :W : 7 2 2 4 4 4 4*i Minton 5 Milton B., Husky Lad Effendi 6481 Latonia 1 1-16 1 :491 slow 15 108 7 8 8 9 9 9* Goose » Milton B., Duncraggan Elwah 6439 Latonla 1 1-16 1 :531 hvy 37-10 108 2 3 3 3 3- o4l Goose 7 Coppertovvn. HiiskvLud TavPav i.L.Latonia 1 1-16 1:50| hvy 15 104 17 7 6 6a 5»i G W Carlll 1 F. Duster. Dutch Rook. Tav Pay 53S1 DouglasPk 3-4 1:16 hvy 3-2 ill 5 3 5 4" 3JT Koerner 8 Salesia, Royal Tea, Cynosure 5203 Doug. Pk DnTOy 1 :461 hvy 2 305 2 3 3 I 2 3- B Steele 4 Sleeth. Dutch Rock. Plying Feet d1 ,4 Douglas Pk 3 4 1 :12g good 43 306 5 7 7 7J 7i Spellman N Merrick. Hdene Feather Duster 4715 Windsor 1 1:411 slow 5 109 3 4 4 5 E 51U Hopkins 5 Brig. Hamilton, Husky Lad 46«S Windsor 11-8 1:571 hvy 8 100 5 3 4 3 41 4:1 Hopkins 8 Edda. Buckhorn, Anv "Port 4254 Hamilton ai f 1:081 hvy 10 10! 8 10 9 8 E*f Hopkins 11 W. Widow. Chapultepec. Moncrelf

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