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FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. 1334— 1:37% — *— 112. ACUMEN, b. g. 6 108 By Ildrim — Adele Harding Quinlan and Higel. it£4 Juarez 1 l:3fj fast 1 HK 7 . :• :; 1" :« Bur game 9 Calethampiau. Canteni. R. Doll? . Juarez 3-4 1:13 fast 12 86* 4 ti i 6" 6r Burgame 10 Tog Boy, Edasoad Adans. Gift SMC Juarez 3-4 1:16* slow 1 115 1 6 3 8* 5f, Gross a Swede Sam. Mazurka, Gelico 6881 Juarez 3 4 i:i3tf fast -i H6 6 8 7 6- l| B Steele !» Odelia, Chas.Goets, P. Henderson 6652 Juares :: 1 1:13| fast 10 112 E 4 3 21 l1! Bnrgatne lo Just Bed, Venetian, Caaaticlor GS24 Juares 1 l:39g fast S lit.". 3 4 3 6 6 51 |Gross 8 Zoroaster. OrbedLad, LottaCreed S7M Juarez 1-4 1:14 fast 10 M 1 6 7 7 5=3 J Henry S Visible. Flying, Venetian 67C6 Juarez 3 4 1:16 slow 3 112 1 3 1 l"k _- Gross s Setback, P. Industry. L.M.EcKert 8731 Juarez 3-4 1:131 fast 7 111 I 6 3 3T 3* Rosen S Caatesn, Or. Lad. David V a i Be Id i,7o7 .luarez 3-4 1:14J good 8 1M 7 4 4 3"t 5a3 Bchwehig 10 Lescar, Love Day. Mandadero 6M5 Juares t-4 1:141 Stow 1 106 8 n 5 53 51 J McCabe it A. Interest. B.Cook, Clint Tucker 6458 Juarez 3-4 1:1S| good 3J 108 3 4 4 3i 3* Gross 8 OrbaSniile. BobLyncb. Hti.Quian m.V Juarez 6-8 1:04 good 10 1M 2 6 6 6J 4*1 Gross 11 S.Peters, P.Hendsou. S.Alvescot I2S3 Denver 5-8 1:01 good— 110 4 3 3 32 2« A Brown ti Teddv. Mona Lisa. Silver Leaf R 2 Denver 3-4 1:181 slow — 112 1 2 2 22 33i A Brown t; B. Lucas. Farmer Boy. H. Ranee 4763 Butte 1 1:42 fast 6-5 107 3 3 7 5 4i 33i Forsythe 9 K. Moving, RoyalRiver. Patriotic j j 4 6M Butte 1 116 1:471 fast 13 Ml 6 2 2 3 4» 5*1 Forsythe 7 J. Eaxson. Bert Getty. Startler I I C. W. KENNON, b. g. 6 108 By Dick Welles— Nearest A. Peters. 7075 Juarez 1 1 :4 » fast Bl-5 MS 4 3 3 1 13 1 Oavan*gh 10 Adolaate. LM.Kckert, HeL Seotl 7048 Juarez I 1 -Ml fast 5 Mi I 4 :. :. ■ 3J Cavangh 10 J. Walton. Oe. Qoeea, Dei Frist 1ta2 Juares 1 :3Hfast 7 110 4 7 6 6 4- 33 Loftus 11 Aboaaa, Adolaate, GaleseGale 6740 Juarez 1 1-K 1:471 fast 5 10S 1 5 5 8 7 7nLGross 12 IfsJsfeGM. Mlnnoletle, ILQuinn 8748 Juares 1 1-K 1:471 fast 10 10S 8 3 4 5 3" 4*1 Loftus 11 Rosevale. Silver Oraiu, El Pato 6728 Juares 11-8 1:55 fast 5 1 H 6 2 2 3 3J 6*1 Paul Pt Misprision. Miunolctte, Lehigh 6692 Juares 1 1-8 2:001 mud 4 1M 5 3 3 4 5-° 6»1 Moleswh 7 Greichen G.. Sli. Northcnt. Rake 6677 Juarez 1 1:431 fast 4 114 2 6 6 6 6 3*1 Loftus LO SB. Northcut. LottaCreed. Force 6667 Juarez 5-8 1:021 sood 5 110 9 9 9 4- 5 * Cavangh 10 Serenade. J. Patterson. Gal. Gate G632 Juares 5-S 1 :03j slow 5 Ho 6 7 7 6* 4*1 Cavangh 7 Parnell Girl. L. Young. Auto Giri SS11 Lagoon F C 1:18* hvy 3J 109 3 4 3 23 2J J Hanover 7 Hazel C, Lescar, Sir Barry 6431 lagoon 1 1:501 hvy 18-6 113 4 4 3 4 4J 532 Hill 7 Lescar, Rake. Judge Sale 4384 Lagoon 1 1:491 mud 5 113 1 1 1 1 l2 1« Cavangh 7 Flving. Flor. Kripp. Sinn Feinn ■ :::i, I-agoon F C 1 :13g mud 18-S 115 4 7 7 6 58i Taplin 7 J. H. Reed. Abound. Bloudy C245 Lagoon ll:42jjfast 4* 115 111 I 5 5«1 Corey 7 Miami. Rosevale. Miss Korn 1.201 I.agoorr 3-4 1:13 fast 13-6 112 1 3 4 * * 3-J Taplin 7 L.Allen. B.Greenleaf. D.WarOeld 6104 Lagoon 1 1:42 fast 4 ill 3 1 1 1 l5 l9 Taplin 8 Aftermath, Gretchen G., C-tbin •864 Lagoon 1 1:411 fast 6 109 5 4 4 I 4-J 3~ Hill S Quick Trip. Firing, Montgomery 6932 Lagoon 1 1:49 hvy 16-5 109 1 3 4 4 21! 11 Cavangh « Firing. Miss Picnic. Rota 6873 Lagoon 3-4 1:16 slow 9-5 109 4 I 3 3» t* Hill tj G.Hartridge. F. Louise. F. Guard EEHIGH, b. g. 4 100 By Islington — Komurasaki L. BurlingameL ,.!.t; Jiuirez 1 1:471 mud 4] Mt a 4 3 3 2*1 2*5 Bur game 8 L.M.Bekert. Fsn.Rall. L.V.Z.-.ndt i»48 Juarez 1 :9g fast 12 l«M 1 s s 7 b V Bur game lit .1. Walton, o. Queen. C.W.Keanon : : Juarez 1 1:391 fast 8 103 W : ! 9 71 8*1 Bur game 11 Abound. Adolaate, C. W. Kenucii 6920 Juares X l:40g good 5 103 6 5 4 4 8 V Bui" game 11 Flying. Palms, L. M. Eekert 4899 Juarez 1 1:47 livv 4 103 4 3 3 2 23 2i Burgame 7 Ur. Emma, Lily Pax I on. 1 heleer 68C8 Juarez 1 1 and 1:553 fast 6 102 4 3 3 4 4- 431 Groth R Misprision, WadswthlL, S.Grain 6862 Juares 11:42 fast 20 M2 3 10 * 5 3Ji 2*1 Croth ]l laleada. Jack Ellis. Flying 6.",l Juarez 1 1:41 good 10 MS 2 5 5 2 t* 33J Burgame 8 Lit.Marcbmont. Flying, B.lneas 6736 Juares ll:41|gofK3 8 102 2 5 5 4 42 3» Burgame 6 Hnghie Quinn, nannis. Colinet 6932 Juares 1 1-8 1:571 g od 6 101 6 5 5 5 42 4*1 Burgame 7 Silver Grain, Fancy. Force 6772 Juares 1 1:431 slow 6 1 i3 2 5 3 2 2-1 2"» Burgame 7 Orperth, DonEnriqne. K. Stalwart 67 W Juaivz 1 1-16 1:471 fast 10 93 4 9 8 6 6j 4*1 Haleey 12 Maizie Girl. Mianolette, ILQuinn «748 Juarez 1 1-16 1:471 fast 7 103 10 9 9 8 8 91* Burgame 11 Rosevale, Silver Grain, El Pato 8728 Juarez 1 IS 1:35 fast 4 103 7 4 3 2 22 33 Eurgame 10 Misprision. Mlnnolette. B. Eneas 6713 Juarez 1 1:431 good 30 103 11 9 7 7 64 21 Groth 13 Balcliff, Force. John Ixtuis 6704 Juarez 3-4 l:14g good 30 107 10 10 8 8 8" Moleswh lo Calumpian, A.Imest. E.Harwo 84M Juares 3-4 1:141 slow 14 MS 1 2 6 6 663 Groth 8 Rose Oneil. Don Enrique. Lescar t M Juarez 61 f 1:101 mud 10 105 1 3 6 « 4*1 Groth 1 Orperth, KingStalwart, M.McEee I lj Denver 3-4 1 ;IS1 slow — 104 2 4 4 41 o4l Burgam* «; BenCncas. Farmer Boy. Acumen JACK ELLIS, b. c, 4 106 By Sempionius — Lady Balgowan S. Veiller. ,••1 Juarez ! UN East 3 1" ; s r, 4 7 S 9 * Roobins :t Calethumpian. Actuuen, Caatem ;o 10 Juarez 1 l::tjfast S Ml 8 1 4 4 8 8* Kederis a Hatteras. Doteh Boek, Orperth 6SW5 Juares 3 k l:14g slow 8-6 118 7 4 2 V !l Borel 8 KingStalwart, Bob. Cook. Crez 6880 Juarez 1 1:42 fast 1 iflt 4 7 3 2 lit l1 B Steele li SSlnkand, Pen Oucas, Pedro 6862 .luure/-. 1 1:42 fast 12 M 2 11 1 lnk 8*1 Dreyer 1" Falcada. Lehigh. Flying 8313 Juares 51 f 1:07 fast 6 110 11 11 11 10 10,uiB Steele 11 P. Henderson. Cay. Mary Emily 4739 Juarez 61 * f 1:07| fast 2 108 7 5 5 6*1 Z B Steele 11 Lady Willie. Cay. Ruth Estb.-r 679 Churchill 1 1:41 fast 70 100 7 8 8 8 8 8*° Ofeert 8 G.Marchmont. SeaCllff. Flrentsa 6770 Chun-hill 1 1-16 1:481 fast 43-10 102 7 4 3 6 6 6" Buxton 10 Moisant, Tom Bigbee, Winifred D MM Doug.Pk 11-14 1:48 slow 48 Mz 4 2 2 3 »* 6*1 Buxton 10 My Fellow. Work. Lad. Palrmlio 6284 Louglas Pk 2 4 1:151 slow83-10 112 5 4 2 22 22 Fain !t York Lad. Cynosure. Winifred D 4972 lxington 3 4 1:141 fast 5 112 4 C 3 21 3J Fain 9 Clubs. York Lad, Parisian 48"1 1-xington 3 4 1:171 slow 29 110 10 9 4 31 37 J CallahanlO Cbartier, Phil K., Billike. MM Latonla 3-4 1:144 fast 23 105 7 3 4 3U 4*i J Deavpt 10 Dorble, Detour, Winifred D. MM l-aton!a 3-4 1:17 slop 69 1 7 4 7 8 71 6" J Deavpt 10 Yauker, Bonanza, Cbartier 17M Charleston T-3 1:291 fast 7 *** 6 3 2 1 21 24 J Dm-Vi/I l:t Col. Brown. L.George. Andrabxta LILY PAXTON, b. m. 5 101 By Blues — Falomacita Street and McAllister. 7083 Juarez 2 1:141 fast 3 112 10 7 6 4i ::! Borel 12 Minnie F., Stare, Lajraaiastei 7036 Juarez •".. 1 l :07J 20 111 8 ; 4 6*14*1 Borel it Bonanza. Song of Rocks. Voice! 6M»9 Juarez " 1 1:47 hvv 4 H4 G 4 r, 3 8 :;:J Moleswh 7 Ursals Kmina. Lehigh. TkeFeer 6849 Juarez 3-4 1:14 good M 1M 7 3 1 .Ill* Moleswh YZ tiift. Buss, Pedro G8O0 Juarez 1 1 16 1:48 fast 30 Ki3 6 4 4 4 6 6*1 Nathan 1 Bit of Fortune, Falcada, El Pato 6777 Juares 11-3 1:51 slow 4i km* 211 2 "* 8*| Halsey 8 MadaworthlL, Zoroaster, T.Peet 6767 Juares 3-4 1 :14| slow M 112 9 9 7 5-1 3-J Kirschm lit Miss Jean. Pedro. Raima 6723 Juares 1 116 1:471 fast 20 105 6 4 4 4 51 i~- 1 McCabe 7 Compton, Rosevale, Rose Ouell 6695 Juarez 51 f 1:101 slow 12 110 S 8 8 8 4,Ji Kirschm 8 Olmli. El Pato. Good Intent M77 Juares 1 1:431 fast 8 W4 9 8 3 2 3-.J0i Halsey 10 S..-.rtlnut. L. Creed, C.W. Kenn MM Juares ll:45islowb 109 4 5 4 4 4J 6*1 Small 7 R. Oneil. Blk. Mate. Don Burlaw 6221 Denver 1 1:44 good — 109 4 2 1 1 14 2»f Burgarae Q McAlan. Voltrome. D.tloatSjSSBj ♦,-18 Denver 1 1:475 hvv — 104 6 2 1 1 1* 2" Burgame 8 McAlan. The Peer. Moment i48Dener 1 l:43i slow — 103 4 1 1 1 11 21 Burgame .", ponton, The Peer. Wicket 6133 Denver 3-4 1 :23J slow — 107 5 6 8 4* 3i A Morgan t; L. Adams, T. Hague, Sugar Lump 6019 Denver 1 1:47 slow — 105 5 11 1 l4 l5 Burgame 7 The Peer. Moment, Ben Eneas Mil Denver 3-4 1:21 slow — 104 4 5 4 31 2i E Cotton G Theliague. Camaiada. Bid. Hand MM Helena lm70y 1:46 fast — 104 8 14 Wicket, Hainmeraway. Ossian 5683 Helena 7-8 1:30 fast — #109 14 I.. Flying, GreichenG.. C.W.Kennon 5226 Anaconda 1 1:44| good 13-a 114 3 2 2 2 2! 4i n NIcol 7 Wicket. Shoot. Spray. Uar. M»«4 r,L55 Anaconda 1 1:501 slow 12-5 111 7 4 1 1 1" 2 Hill 8 E. Stewart, Hamaway, B.Uncas 5188 Anaconda 1 1:491 mud 6 111 5 4 2 2 2» 25 Ormes 6 Miss Korn. Ben Eneas. Lawn 5139 Anaconda 1 1:431 fast 6 MO 7 4 3 1 1"" 221 C H Miller S Rake. Patriotic, Ben Uncas f,u"2 Anaconda 1 1:46 good 7 107 5 1 1 1 1* li C H Miller 5 Sleepland. Hmeraway. Shawnee 4904 Butte 7-8 1:31 slop 8 107 6 5 3 3 321 3» Mulligan 7 Rue. Frog Eye, Gold Point 4M8 Butte 1 1:43 fast 41 107 3 11 1 2* 22J Mulligan 8 Patriotic, Ben Uncas. Charreta 4595 Put te 11:42 fast 31 10-5 8 7 3 5 6* 5* Taplin 8 Fair Louise. Miss Picnic. Hawley DAVE M0NTG0MEBY, br. g, 6 103 By Bowling Brook — Grenadine F. Borland!. 7087 Juares 3-4 1:131 fast 28 110 9 s 9 9 9"JHill » Cosgrove, Wilhlte, Balronia .,,.. iu;n -z 3-4 1:131 fast 34 M6 *; ". 0 ■■- 3*1 Guy 13 HaseK., s.Spra. Traaspareat 7809 luarez 3-4 1:131 fast ",0 101 7 5 5 6 4*1 Bobbins .s Sir Barry. Colinet. Caaaticlor 6973 Juarez 2-4 1:13* fast 26 lo7 9 9 9 9 B**JR HoffmanlO E. Harwood. Royal Dolly. Odelia St! Juares 61 f 1:12 hvy 40 mo 0 6 :: rill Halsey 10 Tim Judge, The Fad. Bvraa ♦;j5", Denver 51 f 1:08 good— 109 3 5 5 41 4-J Carpenter G Hidden Sand. St. Joe, Ronton 6231 Denver 1 1:44 good — 104 2 3 3 4 4s 4°1 Halsey ."1 McAlan. Lily Paxton. Voltrome 6-16 Denver 5* f 1 :113 hvy — 104 5 3 3 3s 1 Halsey 7 Hidden Hand. La Veita. Uueolle 6168 Denver 7-8l:"8 good— 99 7 6 6 5 5 5:olHalsey 7 Sugar Lamp, Originator, Meads 6130 Denver 5* f 1 :10J slow — 104 5 3 3 31 4 Halsey 8 Hidden Hand, Bonton, Odelia ."f ok la My f-S 1 -29j! fast 9 114 7 4 9 8 81; 93i loiui » Regards, Star Ashland. BsicllS 6630 OklaiCity 7-8 1:301 fast 12-5 111 111 1 1-1- Cloud 7 Sehuri. Meadowgteen, Ringer 6441 Okla.City S-4 1:18* fast 19-10 119 1 2 2 2s 2; Donovan 7 P.everstein. G.Dix. J.Waiuwrieht 5395 Okla City 3-4 1:16* fast 7 111 1 6 6 41 42J Cloud 11 Arrowshaft. S.Northcut. Carondt • • Tulsa 3-4 1174 fast 7 116 4*1 Pattson Moment. Ban Norton, Jack Witt 37M Tulsa Ab7-8 1 :28i fast 10 111 4 i Patson 8 Georgia fJssad. Moment, Hiram MBS Tulsa 3-4m5ity 1:191 fast 5 Hi 5*1 Barnes 6 Voisel, Mawr Lad. Moment RAKE " blk e 5 105 By Wild Mint— Lady Gay F. M. HopporL i liriivz 11-SMfast M M 9 9 9 9 7 7»1 McDonld 9 Freewill. Gift, Indge Walton 7037 luarez 1 1:M fast *■ M2 7 7 7 7 7 7Mlill 7 Orbed Lad, Lot 1 a Creed. Gimli 67M luarez 1 1-16 1:471 fast 4 MS -".6 6 6 4 0 ° Selden 6 B. Mate, S.Northcut, Minnolette •M2 luarez 1 1-8 2:001 mud f-i M8 7 7 6 3 KJ l« Seilen 7 Gretchen G., S.Nartacat, R.Oneli 6474 Juares li 16 1:50 good 10 105 7 7 7 6 6* 11 Paul s Swede Sam. J.Lonis, DonKnriqtie 6666 luarez 11-14 slow 6 1M 2 7 7 r. 61 7? .1 Henry H S. Lump. P.obbyCook. Lamberfha 6431 Lagoon 1 1:50? hvy 4 113 7 6 5 E 5»t ? II Radlke 7 Lescar, Judge, Sale, Flying 636" 1 agoon 1 l:47g mud 3-2 1H7 4 4 3 4 4 410 Orates 4 Miami Rosevale Lamhertba 6331 Laaoon lmOvlMS hvy 1 1M 5 6 5 4 8H 3*1 Selden ti Judge Sab. Miss Korn. Miami r,S5* Lagoon lm20y 1:47 hvv 6-5 110 3 4 4 3 I2 1* Selden It Miaaai. Miss Korn. Montgomery 19 Anaconda 1 1-8 1:57 good 9-5 109 I 1 3 1 l3 1* Selden 8 E. Stewart. Ossian. Montgomery -.139 Anaconda -1 1-431 fast 4 144 8 S S 4 2* 1= Selden S LilyPaxton. Patriotic. Ben Uncas , tAnac nda 1 1-16 1:51 good 5 106 3 4 4 I 3» 3* S Johnson 4 Miami. Bert Getty, Montgomery 4UJ1 Butte 11-8 1:68 slop 10 101 16 1 1 1*11* S Johnson 1 Ben Uncas. Oblivion. Miss Ivora 4SM Butte 1 1:402 fast 50 9S S 8 8 8 S 8" Forsythe S Beit Getty. Hanuis. Miami 4773 Butte 3-4 1151 fast 100 1M 6 7 7 7 6" Cavangh 7 Hazel C. ClintTucker, HughCray ■■-,• s-iii Tike ; 1-4 fast 13 Pi7 2 7 7 7 7 7** Corey 7 Rd. Graney. Wolferton. R. River 3274 C dAlene 1 lVu =low 1" 102 6 5 E 2 2» 211111 9 L. Creed. KdnaStewart. Whhl.len 1 ■"! C d-Mene ■! 1-4 2:10 fast 5i MS 5 11 3 4- 6* Sehwebig 7 S. Lump. My Bouquet. B. Uncas c dAlene 1 1-8 1:564 fast 41 109 6 2 2 3 4! 41! J Mclatyrc * Juan, Icarian, Johnstown 2743 1 dAlene 11-16 1:481 fast 13 104 14 4 5 E 5« R HolTuian 5 Wbidden Michael Augelo. Sakt 9 r-d lene 1 1-16 1:431 fast 4 107 8 8 7 8 7 7 1 Gross » Lay minster Salpearl. Whidden •."7 C dAlene 1 1 :421 mud R-6 HM 4 4 4 4 4 " 4=5 Selden • Oscuro. Rntn. Sona SHOOTING SPRAY, b. h. 5 108 By Oddfellow— Ferrol W. G. Jenkins. ,»K7 luarez : I 1:131 fast v M» •JRobbinf 9 osgrove. illnt.-. Balronia 1 ,,,.,. ; 1 1 i:;j •, , t ■ i«tfj 3 1 1 2*1 21 1 rsyth IS HsselC.. D.M tgonsery. Transp 1 • :.- Juarez S-« 1:121 fast 20 148 J 2 2 2* 4 »1 Forsyth in Suffragist. Angelus. Mandadero t,965 Juarez 3-1 1 :131 fast 1 ill 4 4 I 3* J* Forsyth P.Industry. G.Agnes. P.Hend son 6811 luarez 3 4 116 slow M ill 1 1 1 1" -" Forsyth 7 Colinet. Caatem, Peess. Industry «.7.,4 .Iitatex 1 1-.3H fast 16 T S 2 2 1 3 8 8* OBrien 11 John Louis. Suffragist, Love Day 6752 Juarez 1 1:41 fas! i 1 . 2 4 1 1 «• 4 Pool, ins 8 Orperth. Lescar .Rue •.710 luarez 11:42 geod ■ l w 2 22 2 li 2*1 Forsythe 1 Don Enrique. M.GIrl, RoyalRiver : ! luarez 1 1 •431 good M h,K 4 4 4 6 6 4» Forsythe «J Flher Duster. Balcliff. Lngraver 6684 Juarez 3-4 1:141 Slow 12 U-" 6 3 4 2- 6*1 G W arll !t I!. Lynch. Swede Sam, D.Wsrfleld I i:i;.."» Juarez 3-4 1:141 slow 41 HO 4 111* 1" Forsythe 8 Zool, Transparent. Rue 6630 Juares 3-41:171 good 12 no I 2 4 42 7* Forsythe 7 PHier Duster. Frazzle, Hstterai , 6475 Lagoon F r* 1 :181 it.ud 21 111 8 8 8 8 8» Forsythe B Great Friar, Free. F.veiina 6*74 Lagoon 11:42 fast 3 2 107 5 2 2 2 1| l1 Forsythe !t It. Warllehl. S. Shaidro L.Clay 6138 Lagoon 11:411 fast 2 115 3 2 2 1 li 1-1 Forsythe 7 Flying. Klgln. Force 6894 Lagoon 3-4 1121 fast 15 117 5 6 7 7 7 » Forsythe 7 Klora. Tremargo. Clint Tucker 6T6 A nacomla 1 1 441 good 31 106 4 1 1 1 11 t*k Forsythe 7 Wicket. Harlem Maid. L. Paxton , 62S4 Anaconda 3-4 1:181 slow 12 110 6 7 7 7 7" Forsythe 7 Definite. Jack Stryker, Lngraver 44t.9 Butte 5-8 Ifiol fast 3-2 11! « 7 6 5 3* MeCskey 10 tri. Lad. Tilllnghast. Saltigrada , 44?3 liutte FCLHlhvy 2l 112 4 6 5 5 6*1 Taplin 5 Oxer. Little Jane, Lngraver 4im Butte 61 f 1-078 slow 41 112 4 6 6 5 3" Taplin 7 JoeKnlgut. PaJarolU. Naps _Nlc* CMt Butte t-4 1:131 fan* 6 K4 3 3 I 8*1 3*1 Taplin 7 Lngraver. KSuDaek. F. G. Hocan , GOLDEN AGNES, ch. m. 5 103 By Gold. Maxim— Grey Agnes Flowers and Campbell. 0S4 Juarez • rasl 18-6 57 1 7 7 7 "■ 5« Hal s t Freewill. Gift. Judge Walton . 1 3f fas M 97 3 2 2 2 2* V Hill Fern I... Mol. Street, Dang. March Juarez 3 1 1:13 fasl 13 »■ 7 9 3 7 -s B Steele 10 To Boy. Bdnaoatl Adams, tiift 6985 Juarez 3 4 1:13] fast 12 M3 I 8 7 7- 6*1 Hill 1" Suffragist, Angelus, Mandadero 4846 luarez 3 4 1:131 fast li M6 2 6 6 41 21 Hill 7 IV Industry, S. Spray. P. Hendsos luarez 1 1:39* fast 100 hM 5 4 5 6 6 6* Halsey 8 Puck. Mycenae. MaisieGirl i;S95 Juarez 3-4 1:181 hvy :l 146 " 6 4 4* V* Gross ". Caaaticlor. Jim L.. Bab I.vich 6881 Juarez 3-4 1:131 fast 16 9.8 2 S 4 6*16" Halsey It Odelia, riia-. Goels, Acusaes 6846 Juarez 3-4 1:14| fast 20 1M 1 7 7 7 5*1 Hill R Mandadero. Masalo. Anae McGea ■ 2 Juarez ,:4 1:14 fast 15 98 8 3 2 2l| 21 Halsey S Far. Roy. An. Inieresl. Orperth 4839 Juarez 3-4 l:14f fast 20 b»3 1 4 4 r.» 6*1 Halve » Frsssle. F. Harwooa, Miss Jean 43*9 Juarez 3 4l:13Jfast 50 106 10 M 10 8 8* Cavangh 10 Rogoa. Psrlor Boy. RthelSaiason luarez 1 1:411 fast 15 108 9 2 I i 6 7*lKirsch in lit Rosevale, Fancy, Ursula Kauss 6796 Juarez 3 4 1:13 fast 40 112 4 5 6 6 6SJ Kirschm 7 Sea lift. Mandadero, Parlor Boy 6761 Juares 8-4 1:141 fast 13-6 HO 4 2 3 3* 1 Gross Pt Tito Jadge, Venetian. Lookout 6740 Juares 2 -4 1 :14* good 15 112 7 6 6 04 f 5$ P Steele W Calumpiaii. A. Infest K.llarwd MM Juarez 3-4 1:141 alow 1 109 6 4 4 4- 4* B Steele 3 A. Interest. B.Cook. ClintTucker 1 , , I t I r j j I I EL PATO br g 4 103 By Conjuror — Pearl Barnes O. G. Parke. 7 S5 Juarez 3-4 1:131 fast 18-6 147 1 19 8 8 6*1 KJrachni 10 Trsasparent, Pedro, Mazurka KWK Jus 1 1:401 last 12 J47 2 :, 6 ."■ 1*1 3*1 Groth S Ihmersggsn. Cantem, Gelico i.-i.-..; Juan - 1 1:4*1 fast 10 91 I 6 I I 2* 2* Halaej 7 MaisieGirl, Flying, Roscrale 1 1 •. ,ii,,: j g 1 271 1-t-1 H 8fi I I •• I t"k 4J liaise . H Cbantielot Kye White, Suffraglul tetlfl .luarez 3 t 1:144 good IS l t :: 8 • 61 3] HaK. j s Gemmrll, Cosgntve, Balronia 6857 Juarez 3-4 1:14# fast 26 144 _ 6 4 7. 4*1 Halsey 1" MissJeaa, Balronia, Orbs Smile 6833 Juarez 3-4 ldll fast 2 97 7 7 6 H V Halsey 10 DocAllen, TsllowDtp, King Lear 6814 Juarez 1 1:40 fast 10 97 4 4 3 4 8 8* Gentry 12 L. Day. L. Marcfamont, Sleepland 6804 Juares 11-16 1:48 fasl 15 94 12 1 1 1* 33 Halsey 12 B. of Fortune, Falcada, BenLucas 6787 Juarez 11:411 good 10 99 1 2 5 5 4-1 5"JGentry and Baby Doll. Ixtta Creed. Rue 6748 Juarez 1 1 16 1 :471 fast 6 94 2 1 1 1 1* 31 W WTlorll Rosevale, SI. Grain. C.W.Kennon 6736 Juarez 3-4 1:144 fast 15 103 8 7 7 6*1 3*j Moleswh 11 G.of Opbir. C.Marchmont, Ulfriin 6713 Juarez 11:431 good 7 103 13 10 10 8 6 5«J Gentry l:: Balcliff. Lehigh, Force 6695 Juarez 61 f 1:M| slow 8 107 1 3 3 21 2l Gentry 8 Cimli. Good Intent. LilyPaxton 6659 Juarez 11:43 good 6 103 3 4 3 5 4 34 AVatts 6 Sepulveda, lane Day, Mandadero 6626 Juarez 3-4 1:171 good 10 104 1 4 6 4s ::■ Watts 8 SepulTedS, B. Lynch, DonKnriuns 337.9 Ok. City Ab7-8 1 :3*li fast 7 98 Is S Johnson 7 Electric, Jack Witt. Plautlaud 3334 Okia. City 3-4 1:22 slow 13 102 4*1 H Mthews 8 Misslippln, J.Caliitiiss, l og Star t Mil Oklafity 3-4 1 :22| mud 110 104 5luIVatt» Creat Friar, Camarada. Ojwtcaas 1 1633 Juares E I l:44j last 8 lo7 9 6 5 5-l 4 - Gross 12 Flor. Roberta, Wild Bear. Dugstar 1471 Juarez 6-8 1.-411 fast 8 Kt2 6 4 5 4"k 43i Carter 11 Dronti. Lteat.Sswyer, Wild Bear 1343 Juares 61fl:071fast 6 107 6 9 9 8 7aJ Taplin 10 Batwa, Florence Kripp, M. Emily 1333 Juarez 5-8 1:00 fast 7 100 4 6 8 61B 57i Hill 11 Free. Hardy. Ra.iuette. 1293 Juarez 5-8 1:011 fast 16 97 4 6 6 6s 3»i Hill 9 S. Stocking, VenoVoa, C.H.Pattan K«7 Juarez 61 f 1 :08 fast 6 98 3 2 4 41 4» Hill 6 Free. Upright. Secrete. 1026 Juares 6-8 1:01 fast It Sfi 8 4 8 71 3=1 Hill 8 T.Boy. L.Stalwart. J.U.Sheehao, AH MOON. b. f, 4 93 Bv Cesarion — Peavine J. B. Sweeney. 7072 Juarez 1 l:4tl fast 24 13 E 6 14 9 9 6*3 Neylon 12 Coopers. Deleaa, Lawn 7030 Juarez 1 l:44f fast 34 !.:11 1 I 0 9 II" A Neylon 11 Baaais, Crex. Harlem Maid M33 Juares 3 11:141 fast 4j lu3 6 12 12 12 12" J McCabe 12 Boberts, A. Girl, Coainiendstloa 8880 Juares 1 1:42 fast 20 .k 8 3 4 5 54 4;1 Halsey 13 Jack Bills. Zinkand, Bern Uaeaa 6861 luarez 1 1:41 good 6tl 93 3 12 3 5- 5" Nathan S Lit. Marchmont. Flying. Lehigh 8825 Juarez 1 1:421 fast 12 98 12 8 11 12 11 8* J McCabe 12 Colinet. Lambertha, Zinkand 6795 Juarez 3 4 1:331 fast 8 !!8 I 9 8 6 4*2 Halsey 10 Angelus. Hazel C. Loving Mose 6719 Juarez 51 f 1:088 fast 12 107 8 9 8 6 64 J McCabe 10 Ktbel Ssssoa, Auto Girl. Bvraa 6434 Juares 61 f 1:101 slow 4 107 4 I I 2 . V J McCabe 9 Bells. Dorothy Ledgett, Zinkaud MM Juarez 5* f 1:101 mud 8 105 I 5 3 Si 4*1 J McCabe Don Knrique. Coed Intent. Pedro 6664 Juarez 3-4 1:151 slow 15 HX 2 9 5 6 6*1 J McCabe 9 QuidNunc. Aagelus, Sliver Grata 5656 Hillcrest Ab5-8 l:00g fast 3-2 10=; li Steinhdt 8 St.Agathe. Sati. Bprtagsteel 6519 Hillcrest Ab5-8 l:02g slow 2 100 21 Snider U Bony, Stalmore. Laura A. 5077 Dufferin Ab5-8 1:011 fast 31 107 6 7 5" 6"JShanuon 8 Monkev. Mother. Chess 3C11 Dufferin Ab5-S 1 :02J fast 6 107 6 7 5* f : Woods 10 Red River, Dr. Hollis. Sea Swell 1480 Hillcrest Ab5-S 1 :07| hvy 3-2 101 Fell. Shannon 8 Nada Mas, Mother. Lit. Marion 4449 Hillcrest 5-8 1:051 slow 3 103 21 Shannon 9 Monkey, Jim L.. Senator Hubble 4214 Duf:erin Ab..-S 1:02 fast 3 103 21 Woods S Stcrete, Gert.Maloney, LadyBtaa 4172 Dufferin Abo-S 1:02 fast 3 107 34i Woodson it Dipper, Chri-ttnas Daisy, League SLEEPLAND. ch. g. 4 100 By Dolce Far Hiente— Ld of the Free W.L.Sthaeferi 6935 Juarez I 1:461 fast 8 82 7 7 6 7 7 ? • McDonld R M.Lmih. Dcrsggan. Calumpinn 6920 Juares I 1:40| good 2 102 2 8 ]4 s 10 ID* Mulligan 11 Plying, Palms, L M. Eekert 6814 Juarez 1 1:40 last 13 S4 13 11 M 10 43 3*1 Kederis 12 L. Hay. L. Marchmont, Zoroaster 4741 Juarez 3-4 1:161 slow 28 106 S 7 6 21. 411 OBrien 7 Lye White. Sir Barry, Caatem 6044 Lagoon 3 -4 1:131 fast 7 104 1 4 4 4*1 S»l Pauley 7 fancy. Visible Lucille Allen 6337 Lagoon l 1 :4Gg hvy 4-5 103 4 2 2 1 1* 1U Pauley 7 Oscuro. Gretchen G„ Miss Picnic 5870 Lagoon 11:4j slowll-10 1M 12 2 2 2 2- Selden 15 Judge Sale. Rota. Hsntmeraway " si 1 Lagoon 51 f 1:091 hvy 6 108 7 7 6 2 Is Cavangh 8 V. Fashion. HnghGray, Balronia 5376 Anaconda 3-4 1:151 fast 6 144 3 3 4 4 2« Selden S Cool. The Monk. Briton 63M Anaconda 1 l:46i! slow 13-5 107 2 3 1 1 I3 I3 Selden 7 Patriotic. Wicket. Fair Louise 6221 Anaconda 61 f 1:14 hvy S 103 3 5 4 2nk 1*1 Forsythe i B.Greenleaf. BenStoae, TlteRose 6437 Anaconda 7 8 1:31 good 60 106 5 3 3 3 4° 4SJ J Parker 5 Horns. Fleet. Fashion, ilaalgin 6022 Anaconda 1 1:46 good 41 103 3 2 2 2 21 21 S Johnson ." LilyPaxton, Hamaway, Shawnee 4S06 Butte lm20v l:42g fast 12 98 4 5 5 4 4s 45 Groth T Orba Smile. K. Moving. Oblivion 1772 Dutte 1 1:411 fast 15 98 5 4 6 6 5* 3*1 Groth 8 J.Stryfcer, Oblivion. Hamraway 4460 Butte 3-4 1:181 Slew 13 104 3 6 6 5 4-J J Mclntyre 8 Finnigin. Aunt Alice, Kvelnia 4406 Butte F 1:121 slow 12 103 6 4 5 4 42 J Mclntyre ! Hannis. HaseJ C. Quick Trip 4366 Butte 3-4 l:17g slop 51 109 4 5 5 4 4] Anderson 5 Lvelina. Error, Greet Frist 4143 Dutte F C 1:121 slow 5 99 4 4 4 3*1 li Forsythe • A.Slnpskey. M.Hyde. Miss Picnic 3945 Salt Lake 11:411 fast 8 102 8 3 2 3 7 I" Buxton 10 FirstFashion. Bert Getty, Ossiau 3s40 Snlt Itke i 1:42 fast 12 97 4 5 4 5 5 5»J Carter 7 The Monk. Stare. MarigOt