General Sanfords Sturdy Love for the Thoroughbred, August Belmonts Wonderful Collection of Breeding Stock, and Other Topics Discussed by Judge Burke, Daily Racing Form, 1913-02-20


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b y GENERAL SANFORDS STURDY LOVE FOR THE THOROUGHBRED, AUGUST BELMONTS WONDERFUL COLLECTION OF BREEDING " STOCK, AND OTHER TOPICS DISCUSSED BY JUDGE BURKE 1 4. A i i ! j . . j . , New Vork, February 15 11 was with great regret s| that we heard of the death ol that splendid old si spin Ismail. Gcu. Stephen Sanloid. which tuck place the 11 al his hmn the night of the 13th. He was tl eighty-seven years "Id. ami so it coutd 1101 i e ex- in not peeled that he ei.ulil lire much longer. What a fi greet aid he was t,, high class racing may never he tv t known, but I have been t"lil thai he ami his son F .Iolni were able to influence the vols of two state 11 senators in behalf of the signs defense, ami that gi their lime ami money were .11 the command of the Ii In Jockej lull ami ils in all matters where S; tbei ci :ilil in- .it i~i-. Race-goers ai Saratoga never in will forgH the npruarious enthusiasm which always | 1 greeted the rrequeul successes of the "purple ami ai geld stripes" of the Sawfurd horses, and all day lens and every i.ty during the season Hie veteran breeder B was 11,.. center ol an admiring throng which sur- ■ at rounded him as he sat wiih his s ,,, am! daughter-in- 11 law in tliiii box immediately behind the Judges il stand. There was no hypocrisy shoal General Sen- 11 foul. He believed in rai tag as a means of Improv .. iu the breed. He condemned in nnmeaswred terass si lie- short sirlitiil men of his own parly 1 he was a II stalwart Republics a whe played to the galleries !: when they denounced what thej. called the "gam p Ming" which went on at the race Hack. The sue- S cess of General Saniurd as a breeder of tine, stal s wail, iiitccii bones, able to run fast as well as go y far, has in .come a bye-word ail over the Iaited p Slates. Wleui be announced a -ale of roaug horses d iu the sunnier of I.lll to he held at Buffalo 111 -Inly of ihat year, I know ■■! some racing nun who had ti iiivcici from California cxpresslj to buy aoaae of r I Iii-iii . liin uliii I. mail ai the sale thai competition I was tou keen for I heir soaaewhal limited purses, li ami si, they went back without any. i As a HMtter . fact, loo, tin- Iiiiil coin itiut-d sin I eeaa of the Hurricana Stud, situated about an hours I_ ride from Saratoga, proved thai breeding of good s horses is mil limited I" any one state or loealiiy. To in- sure, there was -, soBd FoandatWm laid when the Messrs. spent money lavishly for English I stallions and broodmares some yearh ago. 1 know I lhat thej pa hi 0,000 for Laureate, a brother to S the well known SI. Leger winner Ielranli. anil that I at Hie sale ol the first Augjisl llcluionts stml in H ISM they paid 0,300 for the mare Viola. llnv gave 3,000 for Clifford and $:ii.ihki for Potomac, a 2.KK for l.a I us, a. and for Lady Primrose :1.000. - You recall the racing matinees which were for v years features of the Hurricana Stud. How the 1 whole town of Amsterdam was invited to I he out A ins on each national holiday, saw the whole stable I of racers in contests under punishment at General I Saafords private track, and a few weeks later hundreds of them would j;o to the Saratoga races. I primed with information baaed on vvhal they had seen on the Fourth of July, and bet with success I on the Sauford horses. Another side of the picture was when the country. Influenced by hypocrites, sent to the Legislature representatives who were opposed to racing, and s then General Sanlord and hi- son shut down 011 the J matinees and thousands were deprived of their ■ ph inure. A good many years ao General Sauford • paid a lare price for a horse known as Hen. J Phillips, by Glenelg. He was a first class racer on : the flat, but the Messrs. Kanfonl soon devoted him to cross-country racing, of which tiny were all ex- , eeedingly fond. In fact, tbey owned at one time another crack jumper. Chiiunevsveep. and at about J that periHl both John Sauford and his brother Wil liana took [iart in a moonlight steeplechase at New port, particulais of which John Sauford once wrote me for publication. Long before he hrcamri a stat . Baring Commissioner, .lohn Sanford was known .1 a heavy bettor, but as it became apparent thai plunging was not a seed thing for the well ire of ! the sport be discontinued his wagers. "Jack" Me Ginnis was bis conrmissiouer and in that capacity J earned a lot of money. Mr. Sanford also wagered heavily at one time on presidential elections and to orge Win clock was hi accredited commissioner . in those transactions. Mr. Sauford always backed I Hi" candidates of bis party— Republican. While on the subject of high-priced, valuable I hoi eflesh, I venture to that what ij eon I I did by breeding experts to be the most costly collection of stallion . broodmares and horst ■ in 1 j training in a!! He world h as yet fin property of ■ August Belmont, who now owns 190 head in three 1 : countrie . soon to I" increased by at least sixty - j additional foals dUL iKfore the end of May. How mock longer Mr Belmont will see tit to maintain , Intai t his famous Nursery Stud in Kentucky no . doubt depends upon the demand in Oils country for thoroughbreds. Should that demand decrease po . sib!, ilso this famoua bom* of the thoroughbred ■ maj be devoted to other uses as has been the ease . ■ with aranj othi 1 blue crris., farms. Mr Beteont has recently had published for private circulation an elaborate catalog of all his t!."!oii_!-bred pos es ion . The book comprises 242 pagt ■ f Snely-printed paper, embellished with photographs , taken bj Mr Bilmont himself, not onl in Kin tacky, but also at his li neb stud. Numeroui ■•ins of the Nursery in Kentucky and of the Haras de Villers at Kmicarniont are Incur pora ted j within He maroon-enclosed pages, and 1 peru 1] of I this mini Mui tod Ink with it- famous stallion ! and mures, 1 full of sentimental recoUectloos of 1 the great days of the turf for the pa I thlrt] v"ii Just how much uioucy Mr Belmonts turf pos sessions represent, cuuuoi be accurately stated, but I the same lot of stallion- ami males would live von. ago I" estimated as worth a million dollars. and, as a matter of fail, taking into account the ; remarkable soccesses achieved on the English. French, imericaii and Canadian turf in the las [ Hue., seasons bj 111~1n bred Im.i-is there has been , an increase rather than a decrease in the value ol I J Mr. Itelmonrs stallions and mares and if they were . all to be sold under the hammer any time this veil in Copland or Prance, ii is asserted by experts that 1 sensational |»rices would be realized. This being . conceded, turfmen are hoping thai s etbing may happen in the matter of legislation which will keep , this superb collection iu America. The most remarkable feature of Mr. Belmonts s| si the 11 tl in not fi tv t F 11 gi Ii In S; in | 1 ai B ■ at 11 il 11 .. si II !: p S s y p d ti r I li i I I_ s I I S I H a - v 1 A I I I I s J ■ • J : , J . ! J . I I 1 j ■ 1 : - j , . . ■ . ■ f , j I ! 1 I ; [ , I . J 1 . , stud is the predominance of the gel of the 30,000 stallion Bock Sand. Though thai horse is no longer properly of Ihe chairman of ihe Jockey Club. there are iu existence, the property of Mr. Behnout, less than seventy sons and daughters of thai famous stallion. Not only that, but there are Went J seven mans now iu Kentucky and rive in France all ill foal to him. so lhat for generations to conic there wiil be an abundance of the blood of this j;ood young horse available to American breeders. addition there arc thirteen yearlings by Bock Sand al Ihe Nursery Stud, so thai ill all. of the L5ll head which will I wned by Mr. Belmont at the lose o; the foaling season ol 1913 about May next, about forty per cent, an- by Bock Sand. Now thai Bock Sand has been expatriated. Mr. ltd its stud is beaded with the stalfion Hastings. present In his twentieth year, and whose son Hawthorn is a formidable candidate for the highest three-year-old boaora. In twelve years the get of Hastings have won more than KM mm to. Fair Pkay, one of Ihe best sous of Hastings, is also at the stud, and ihis year his 1 wo ear olds will appear for the flrsl time, one well liked one is now in Knff land. Recently Mr. Belmont said that his maul promising two-year-old for 1913 is by Fair Play. Siugleton, by Si. Simon; Trap Rock, brother to the St. Leger winner. Tracery; Perole, by Orme, and Factor, by Fume, sou of Henry of Navarre, com prise Hie other stalUoUS in Kentucky. Factor is derided to breeding polo p, ales. Ihe mares at ihe Nursery are: Anuot l.ylc. Astoria, Brldame. Black Poplar, Bon Coeur. Chinkara, trossways. Dance Spirit. Delusion. Dissembler, Douna in- Ore, Donna Mia. Dragnet, Fairy Gold, Fe-liiiu. Ferment. Fides. Pixgig, Plittermousc, Gene sieve, itoldeu Sand. Gwendolyn, Haute Boche, Han lesae, Lack-a Daisy, Lady Languish, Lady Madge, l.niy Paramount, Lady Rayon, Lady Violet, Linda Slope. Lucky I. ass. l.ney Cross. Madcap. Mem Sahib. Merry Token. Miss Hanover. Nineveh, OctOTOOO. Orioiiia. Peccadillo. Pocketpiece, Pyramid, Qoeea of Trent. Retained II.. Si. Agnes, si. Bndora, St. Ii is.illi. Sand Dune. Sans Gene, Seliua 1.. Shilda, Sourlaute. Sou vera lue, Sprite. Tapestry, Teas Uver. Tiptoe, Toaatmck, Toggery, Toscana, Tour an. Tur- ■lUOlsv. Typical. Velocity and Woodbine. Iu France Mr. Belmonts stallions are F-ihelbcrt and Flint Hock. His mures are: Amieilia dam of Amour-UN 1. Anodyne. Bach -Motto. Ballot Bred. Bivouac. Boudoir. Bridlepath, Dame Beauty, Douna Henrietta. Drama. Dalcibella, Pargone. Plnenia, Field Mouse. Fond Hopes, Golden View, Half Sovereign. Hour Class. Kings Favorite. Lady Amelia, l.ady of the Vale. Lady of the Vallev I.adv Rosoiuarv QiF Bile est Belle. Lady Viola. I.uckstone. Maze. Misgivings. Oriau, Prickly Pear, Sandwich. Six Oclock. Topiary dam of Tracery, and White Thorn dam of Hawthorn 1. Al handily. France. Mr. Belmont has t wentyone horses iu training under the care of Richard Carter. Jr.. who was exceptionally successful with the sialic in 1912. These, except Belie, were all bred in America, but foaled in France. Their nam ea are Bdie. Curieux, Orage II., Austral v.. Bavard III., Brigande. Aaitie, Beaoclere II., Donna Bella. Dramatiste, Klneade, La Valliere IV.. Mais 111. Miette. Boxanna, Sibylle IL. Vol an Vent v.. Mille Pardons, ►rphee. Vaillaut V. and Vuleaiii VI. At Newmarket, under the care of John Watson. Mr. Behnout has the following seven horses iu train in: Tracery. Monotone. Golden Book. Don de Boca. Black Walnut. Shndglow and Yuba Bill. At the Beaming race coarse, Washington, Mr. Bel ■outs strine; for racing on this side of the ocean comprises twentj seven head, as follows: Priseil Man. Merry Tusk, Belamour. Mission. Bock View. Belray, Top Hat. Sandvale. Mabnbah. Poolacap, Ha Penny, Defendom, Sandbar, FlittergoW, Stonehenge, Nicety. Single Bay. Tradesman. Patbom, Violet Bay. Checkmate. Olyuinia. Mi, play. Flitanav. Tea Enough, Crosslun, and a Ally by Scintillanl II. — Plaxenbair. The horse Watervale, is expected to join the stable shortly. I recently heard a well authenticated ton- of how-Mr Thomas F. Ryan missed twoomiuj; the owner of Ho horse Fits Herbert. It was while the horse a 1 under Frank M. Taylor care at Qraveseud, in tin mouth of January. 1910, goon after it wis announced that John E. Madden had purchased him from S C. Hildreth. Tin sab had created a furor" and tin stable hid been over-run with visitors eager to get a look at the 0,000 horse At last trainer Taylor became tired of this and. on going to town one day. he told his stalwart negro stable man that if anyone came down to ee ritz Herbert, t; show another horse, ac he did not degirt to interrupt the craik at or between meal times Thi re appeared nn-I announced one- day at the stable an elderly man ot no particular distinction, in he opinion of the 1 .i.if. man. Hi raid, without giving his name, that br-would like to look it 1 Uz Herbert. The negro bearing In -noil the orders of bis employer, opeue I a box in which was 1 t,;. ;:iess two-year-old and told the visitor that this was Fits Herbert. The Stranger, who "as Thomas F. Byan. did not think much of the horse which was shown him as the 010 famous ill over the country, and left th" com 1 on impressed Thus hi missed owning the great racer. 11 il le hid Ill Ho real Fitz Herbert iu his 1,11 old not fail to have been enamored with him mil h- could hie raced iu 1"- • "ii" . for in- wanted to bin him and when he retired he would have eone to Mi Ryans enormous Oak Ridge Farm in Virginia. instead of being in France, ■ he is now. 11 was four 1 illis later, after fitz Herbert had wop a race [ at Belmont Park in Mr Maddens colors, trained bj Frank Taylor, that "Sam" Hildreth. tormented i hav inu lei go his "mil ■••." re-purrhased him from Mr. Madden al an advance "t s . mm nnd in the Tall of Mill, when Hildreth had come down from Camilla alter a disss trou betting campaign there li Id his whole stable ■ Charles Kohler II will always he 1 source of keen disappointment to Ameri cans Ilia I Pita Herbert could not be trained and yoi hi to show the Frenchmen what sorl ol 1 horse he was. I understand, however, dial even though he is iniw at the Stud there, he is Mot unsound and may again be trained. Let us hope s., JOSEPH J. BUBKE.

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