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NOTES OF THE TURF. The name of Tears and Smiles has been conferred by II. I. Whitney upon his two-year-old chestnut coii hj Brooaastlck Whimsical. Jockeys T. Rice and G. Archibald are to sail from New York within a day or two Im Germany, where tiny have lucrative engagements for the coming s.ason. IMwin oiylord. wealthy Denver mining man ami former owner of several well-known race horses, js to b,. married his week to Mrs. Florence Burke, •I Cripple Creek, Col. Ihe Snath Carolina Legislature will adjourn this week without baring taken acib«n on lis1 bill de sjn,,i io legalise t.n pari uniluei method of specs lai ion in 1 oniiccti..!. w it li racing l the aiiiuil niiu of Ihe Coii.v Island Jockey club tin- following «..,,. re-elected: Schuyler I. Parsons, president; IV K Slurgls, rleepresideat ; Prank It. Hitchcock, treasurer, v. M. Scbaumburg, secretary. Thewe, with -lohn M. Bowers, II. C. Bell nil w. K. Vanderhilt. Jr.. will compose the executive committee. Mr. H. is. Deryeai cell Bugler has 1 a sent from li mi illy io England. Sweeper II. will probably follow him s..,,:i bavin-- DO engagements in France While in Kugland In- is in the Chester Vase ii Chester. Hanlwiike Stakes al A wH and other valuable elcuts. Iu tin- opinion of Secretary J. C F. Merrill, of ihe Chicago Board of Trade, insurance, speculation ami gambling are in the same category. In an address iu an Fvaiision • -liureli be Is reported as say fog: "A man who pays 0 for i .*.".. mm policy on his bouse, Ihe speculator who places his u y on a conn liiv which In- ep.o|s I,, lis,- iii piie, . M ml He- gambler who iicis on a hois,- ra. 1 ..,- boxing are all • •ii ihe s. u.i-is. i-,i,, - latum ami insnranci ii.- . nodi .lie. I io -o. i-u a- a hcncOt 1.. hnmanit.i Specula 1 1 s secessart to handle the vast anionul of pi-ode -Is that c.ines from Ihe soil in lliis country."