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HALF-MILERS MAY NOT USE DATES. Baltimore. Md.. February Mi. Boeing dates hav-be. n assigned Gentlemens Driving Park. Prosper! Park and Timonlum by Ihe Baltimore County Baring Commissloa. bin Jusl wh.-il use tie three half mile ovals will make of tin- assignments is ai Hie present i inn- an open question. Secretary FIN. of ihe Hen lleim-ifs Driring Mark. ,i--s.-ip thai unless Hi,- com mission i:fos an open book, the runners will u..i i o. i-l Ho- track oM-r winch he has supervtfcVia, while s., it. Gardiner, of Thnoninm. is eqnally as p.-niM- Henry A. Brelim. presideul oi Prospect Park Fan ami Baring AsseriatMu is undecided.