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SEES GOOD IN FRENCH RULING. Lexington. Ky.. March .:. John B. Madden Is quoted a- follows: "Ih. placing of the bar against American thoroughbred stallions by the French an ihoriiies i-. in mv opinion, bonml i. result in good ior Vi;.. nii ami will eon tribute nothing to the ipialiti oi the French equine product, since the sfnul American bkaid asserts itself wherever it ia em ployed Im- infusion. Ii will have ihe eaTeel of keen lug ai me ■•! ih. desirables that otherwise might have i i sent to France in line ..t pro. -i-a in hind in. several stoni horses thai had gom before. This action will in- displeasing to i! A i reformer, who cares nothing for the nee-ls of ..hi army, but who would be overjoyed -n ih.-complcp extinciion of the thoroughbred horse in the I iiin-.i States In short. I believe thai America -horse interests will in- iinmeasureahh benefited In ihi- action en Ibe part at the Prea h.