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THE MANAGERS LAMENESS DISAPPEARS. Lexington, K.. March X— Thomas C. McBowel -maguiScenl fonr-ycar-old tborougbbrol i-olt, l a • Manager, by Voter — Braceglrdle, was bronghl .-. the Knituck Association track this morning Im i. the Oois farm and showed in sign of the la men -thai caused his retlremenl laal Oelohcr. All win. ■;• The Manager Im- been under the care and treatment • a 11. E. si -wari. an expert in handling lame racers. His rehabilitation of Wintergreen was nothing sba i ui marvelous ami it K hlstorj how be pal bed up rim east off Caviar for a conn m . r which the late Joe Illmau to.k Sil.iMiii I,-,, in the bookmakers Major McDowell Is highly pleated with The Manager appiiii -iin-i- ami i- sal i-iii-d thai in- will stand train ng Soaada has also been nndcr Mr. Stewart**. care an. I he has been turned ovet to Howard Hots, won w iii 1 1 .in him this seanmt. Thomas .1. Healc.t arrived from S a Vork lodaj ;. have a look at Olambala and the bnmdmares al Kirklevinglon Farm thai are owned bj bla em ployer. B. T. Wilson. He found them in good condition. Foals from Ibe Keene estate mares at Kingston Farm Ihe lasl i-xv days Inclnde a cheat mi i ,-uii in I II inns Forbidden Fruit; it Imj eoli Iiv Hippodrome Uayfair: a black tiiu bj Peter ran -Harpsichord, and a ha.t rail bj t itimus ! ilge. Mrs. Clarence I..-I.U-. wife .i the president of ilm Burlei I ■ baei o Society, ht idannina * three-da j race meeting on die [rack al Hlnata. Mr. I. wins country place, im the enteriainmcni of a large part of friends during M.i or Jnne. Horses are ii, he entered by local owners and fbe priaes will I,, silvct ewpa, llinai.i was formerlj the Newman Stock Farm, In charge of Robert Sbor-kency. and II was devoted then to the production aim development ,,i trotters. li has an excellenl lra«*k. barns and stamls. ami :- ait Ideal place for private meeting* such as Mrs. Lebns. who, before li r mai was Miss M.irj Frazi : of Harrison Cmint.t Intends to give. ___