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* 1 j INDIANA LEGISLATURE ENACTS BILL PROVIDING FOR APPOINTMENT OF A STATE COMMISSION TO GOVERN RACING lad.. March II. -lust before ad Joarniag siae die last sight, Ibe Indiana Senate passed bj a vote ni -v.: lo I. Bepresewtative Millars llmi-e bill providing f . Ibe apiaalntuienl of a rae in eonimi--io:i of three to regolale and govern horse racing in Indiana. Tin- bill bad | n vioaslj i a sued the lower ln.ii-1- and an- In the pronioters Of the Mineral S|iiing-. track iu Iorfer Cooaty. Il will supersede il Id laws un lei which former G«»vermHT Marshall -.-at state troops lo the Imier County track to term! Bate the race meet lag attempted there last t m 11. It i- believed thai UoTeraor Balatoii will -ign tin measure as Bepreseutative Miller anaoaaced w inn ibe bill eame before Ihe House and was passed h.v a rote of 34 to 34 that it nui with the approval of Ihe governor. Wb n the bill w.i- before Ihe Meaate last night. S-naloi Will It. Wi.mi advocated il- passage on tie-ground that it- operation wiaild protection lo those interested ia racing ami . mmiv fairs. The bill provides for a commission which i- em powered lo gran! liven — to rare tracks and state and imiiitv fairs, where horse raciug i- to Im- held Ihe luli lixes tin time of holding race meetings between April I mid November lo, ami provide- for . a license Id- of fi si r. gfij per day, according in local conditions ami patronage. The pi oniolei - of i race wecting must satisfy the commission of their "good moral character" ls?fon a license i- gi anted, but in case of the refusal ol a license the promoters maj a-k ■ conn bearing The commission may also revoke a license If dis-satisied with the conduct of the meeting. The bill empowers the licensee to collect entrance fee-. Hues and forfeitures. Ibe Id. I had Ihe active support of A. T Knoll-. ] former mayor of Hammond, attorney and president of tin- Mineral Springs Jocke] Club. Oilier pro- ! motefs of that course also worked zeabnislv for the bill during the last month. The bill originally legal | i/.eii pari nuiim-l betting, but that provision was , stricken out because- Uovemor Balaton was opposed v lo it. It is expected that under the provisions ol Ihe i bill racing will be conducted al the Mineral Springs | track tin- coming summer. | l