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ALBERTA JOCKEY CLUB SEEKS CHARTER. i:.l in. m. All. eil. i. March 11. Three hundred and fifty thousand dollars in -bans of 00 each is the stated capitalization of th.- Alberta Jockey Club. which seeks Incorporation under the laws of the province in a bill introduced in the Legislature, aow sitting iu ialiimnton. Named as incorporators an: Oswald A. Crltchley. Ralph 1 Bevan, Allied L. fro—. George Lam-. Uexaader K. Morrison, Archibald McKHlop, Man laud s McCarthy, Samuel II. Row--. Bernard S. Mitiliell. Osborne Brown. William .1. Stofces. In, I erick C. Lowe- mid Freilerlck Johnston, with those who ma] hereafter become nionib--r- of tin- club. The in gani/.at ion asks for novvi-r to acquire land iu the province of Alberta and lo lay out. maintain mid operate race coatees, exhibition grounds, club houses am! all buildings incidental lo the purposes of the club, also to hold exhibitions and Contests and exercises Im- promoting skill in the use of .•inn--. borne races, foot race- ami other lawful games which require budUj activity nr address. It i- announced thai the Incorporators have ac quired certain land in the Vieinitj of Ihe city of Calgarj for Ho- isarpoae of holding race BKetings and exhibitions.