Schorr Horses to Race in Kentucky.: Rich Stake Programs Influence Last Years Leading Owner to Modify His 1913 Plans., Daily Racing Form, 1913-03-16


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SCHORR HORSES TO RACE IN KENTUCKY. R. h Stake Piogiams Influence Last Years Leading Owner in Modify His 1913 Plans. Lonlsvllle, Ky . March i-, Announcement wa» made vestcidaj by iobn r Si-borr that hi- fathet - ibildi stable of Hi -hi.i.-.i- would race here Hi rough the Cliureblll llowu. ami l ..iila Park pring meeting* instead ol k-avina after the raw in- i.i i lie Kentuekj Iterh] i. ■•■ the Canadian i ir l nit. I. a-; iMraaon Mr. S«*hori led the list of money w lining liorsemen In America, and hi* iitahle is re ganled a* •• i the strongest thai will compete al I , |.„ai tracks for iln rich stake which have r l.i en innour.ced- I .em -iian — . which earned consider |i|i i.,ii,i- last neasou on the Cauadiao elrcult. will i rj the color* ■•! the Tennessee lurfmi i the KentiH-k] Keri.v this spring, whik Btai I barti I ••. a, ii,.ii,inateil in start iii the all-aged iuhi- l; Kchorr bad prevloiislj am i-d that ati. i the running ni Ihe Kentnck] Derby In would tioi m io Oil nil. w here his great -i aeasoa a a one ol the feature* at I li -,,i, He wavered In thl* decision. uoweTer. when it ara found thai practical!] all ol tbi stake* ami pursea hail been Increased In value hi the Kentuck] track" lie Kentuekj Handicap, a HO.Otaj sildeil i ». i.i. whiih Is Isring inn on for its Initial rnnning rh -in in by the Oouglas Park Jockey Club, and ether iih events, were too tempting io !»• passed I I ji lt! the Hcborr string ihere are six two-year-old ■ Ii- iiml two tlHes which badk like future winners. Tliey have not ,ii-t been Banned. Willi this lot of youngsters the Memphis turfman hopes in win bis share "f Juvenile event- iln- spring. The two-year-old stakes thl* spring are rich enough Io attract tin best youngster* in the country. The Schorr stable i- unaltered at Douglas Park. I. oi no fa-t work ha* been given any of the Schorr liorses yet, as there i- -:ill plenty of time, ami they can be "prepared for the king campaign with, mi hurry. li i- hardly probable that all of the Memphis turf mans borres will l* taken to the meeting al Lej iugton, but they will he rend] on htaj it». when the spring racing season i- inaugurated here.

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Local Identifier: drf1913031601_1_3
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