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TRICKS FOR BEATING THE BOOKMAKERS. A week or two ago a funny little affair hapix-iied n We race coarse. The -mail Wye telegraph "ilii e was suddenly fiooded by a shoal of wins from London, ihe torrent started mysteriously at mid da.v. and did not ship till nealh three Tin- m.i--age-. which wen- unclaimed, turned out In be bogus -. used -imply to block tin- Inn-. |... three boon Hn- two telegraphists win- busy taking dowu messages ike "I am Henry the Kigbth, I am." ami "A Happy N.-u Veal Wh t doseos ..f peeple stood angrily demanding why llu* «. could noi get througfa in Londoa. The idea in "COUPS" like this i- to get a g.... I price "ii some borse by preventing the commission in town, with whom [he bets have been made, from covering themselves by backing her-- ..n the course, ami - spniling the starting price Tricks even more ingenious an- sometimes planned by the "heads," or the ••The Bays »f Kngland." as ibose persons are called win. make a profession ..f racing, and whosi gnat object in life i- t" •beat tin- bookie-." The cleverest turf trick ever carried out . i simply daxallng in iti neatness. Some war- ago. when one leading s|H rting paper supplied all Mi.-dallies with iln- racing returns, betting, etc. a man called mi Iln- editor "I that paper and offered :•• report an out-of-the-way meeting He had in be lli.i officially, -" could do it cheap. A- Ihe 1 1 1 --• -! ing was quite imiiiipnrtani. tin offer was accepted. in v.r course, tin- program •■! the meeting caine. in and was published in ai! He- papers, followed by the handicaps, the lis! nf arrivals", etc. Tlie I kmakers in town, of course, booked lad freelj over the little emintry meeting. Nexl day the racing results made tin- meeting out t" be ojuil - --fill. The papers complimented Hn- officials, ami eucouraged them to do even better nexl fear. Didnt liny wish they coold! The whole Hung was bogus from beginning to end. Town, fixtures. Nidge, jiicke.- ami horses wen- the pure luventloil of some brilliant "liny." S" WM llie race ciMirse tin- racing, in... P.ul Iln- belting was nol. Scores ••I bookmakers l-si beavUj ovar races that had ■ever been run. An attempt wis made aot long ago to repeal this nick by Inventing a -mall lumping meeting. II fell Hire ugh only by the merest accident. All Ihe details had mo been properly thought out In bubble was burst when the telegraph department began in make inquiries, their special telegraphists nm being able t" Hud the place. Another dodge depends for it- success on the fact Ihal bookmakers have no absolutely hard and fast rule against belting after the Hum a race i- down for S" an one in club- where betting is done can make a good haul If la e.ui get Hn- news through first, and thai without having to excite suspicion by leaving Ibe riinin. Iii om- famous case a confederate rented the boose next door t" the club and had a phone Iii led in. The wall between was secretly reduced in thickness and Hie name Of the winner lapped through in Morse code. Kven in tin- ordinary way the result nf a race is known in all public places .-is if by lightning. Haw, iheii. i an iln- Ingenious swindler get it tirst .-Well, partly by luck, out for the moat part by fore-light. Often a horses name i- -,-iit up a winner long before tin- race is over, the sender rely ing nu th,- fact that the bone has a good bad. etc. Ten seconds gained over Hie nilicinl result is as useful at leu minui . -. there was a case in London recently in which a watch "a- set mi a man addicted t.« betting at lh la-i momeat. It was noticed thai before batting he nsed I" keep casually glancing out of tin- window a.- if at tin- house opposite. Some one noticed that whenever a result was about dm- to arrive a pretty hoiisi-in aid would shake a duster mil of a window oppoeitr. According to iln- window need and according lo the color of the d aster the winners number was signaled In mean- of a well tlinllghl oill code, carefully prearranged. Answers,