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BALLOTS BOOK ALREADY FILLED. Lexington, Ky.. March 15. -John Mackey. who •• year- ha- been .lain-- 1. HagginS chief I lent en am in turf, racing and breeding affairs, i- - peeled to arrive at Elmendorf farm in about ten days. He ha- bei n spending ihe winter at Sacra men to, Cal. He i- footing to [ns|iecl the thorough bred stallions, mares, yearling* and foals and he will find t Ik in all in good health and condition. Thus far tie re arc seven foals this sea-oil. aS follows Baj coH by Galveston Lychea Nut. Baj cull by Hessian Teatro. Brown colt by Waterboj 1vonette. Brown colt t half -hrm her Io Hi— iau and Mar] Ha vis I, by Water boy Colonial. Bav tillv by Waterhoy Solllaqny. Bay m I x bj Watercn — Dgalala. Brown filly bj Galveston Phlda. I ne greal race mare. Tradition, was teal over from Elmendorf to Hamburg Place las! week and mated wHh Star Shoot. Hamburg Belle, which i-dm- io foal to Waterbo] iii about two weeks, will go t" the court ol the saute sire. Several of the Elmendorf mares will go to Ballot, but their names have not been announced. John E. Madden announced todaj thai Ballots book Is full. Hal IV lleadlev. master ot tin- U. -.iiiim mi and I.a Belle Farm-, ha- the distinction of having booked ihe largest i ..I mare* to BaHot. He will send seventeen of hia matrons to the son of Voter. The] include Princess orna. Ava Marie. Chiiin. .■ iuu-. Ma Hempstead, Tart. Lady Savoy, Jahusl Mi -hi-mi i. Xaioi. Dreamy Ryes, Tebera, Pauline Deeriuger. Spanker. Nigella, Stat Dreamer, Cut- liiir-.e and Il u -la ini In the event any of these prove barren, any of tin- following five m.-iv ha substituted: st Ursula, Undecided, "Hie Belle, I b :,-,in!e-- and DorvaL