Missouri Racing Measure Falls.: Passed by Senate without Dissenting Vote. House is Unable to Act on it Before Adjournment., Daily Racing Form, 1913-03-26


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MISSOURI RACING MEASURE FAILS. Passed by Senate Without Dissenting Vote. House Is Unable to Act on If Before Adjournment. .Iiilei-m City, Uo.. Miih 25. The hill lo nro- t "I !| I • i|Hxdi Imenl u a state racing em is sum im Miaaouri, nbicfa paaaed be Senate willi.nil :i dlHseiiting vote, waa ia l reached on the fiouae ■ ip inhii pii.i tn Hie ndjournm. ui . f the Legi»latnre mi ,n eniiiii if the iireaann o| other buaineKa. While l In- nic.isiiie failed of ciuwluieut into law, ii served ii naeful puip1- in ilemoUKtratlng that the aeutiiueul ■galnal racing in Ihia Ktate i iliaapiairlug. The t. w of tin- Idll. iiiti.Hlu.e.l lo Kenatiw Rogera, aud amended anil renmimemleil I- i paaaage by ihe emu JllHlee Ul ll-l |i lllllll . i- ;ls |i.li..Us: AN ACT t" NUd foster I.I1T »HHOrial plumule v in lllis -I. lie. to eataliilah ■ fair cooiiasion. prescribing its |M*«era and duties. -.. thai all tun- may i e iilucatiiaial and auxiliary aud providing Im the payment of ihlrtj per rent of the total amounts ..I preinUniiK at anj aunual fail or agricultural -■" n i. and aptiroprialiug auch atoney. Be it enacted bj the ieneral AaaemMi of the Ktate "l Missouri, as follows: Seiiimi I. State I nil l i.Mim The State I in miinii--ii.il i- hereby established, to uohsial .: live in. nil. , i- to i„- approviil by the goreruor. n;i iiiiiir holding hi- ofnee for four veara and until In- auccossoi i- ,iui a|tta inted and qua lined. I . ni-r meinhei ■- ..r ii inis-i.iii shall be ap p., ni.ii ivltblt twentj days after ihi- mi goes Into Each member ..l the cimimlaaion -hull recelvi .• .-.. iki p.-i ,i.i. !.., . .,, I, ila.i ,i actual -. rvie. . to get her with hi- uecessar.i traveling and ln t«-l ex- p.n-e-. The exiiense ol the State Fair miasi. ii ■ball be paid ian ul lb. i mid i-reat .1 by ihi- act. See. 2 S.-.-i.-i.-ii . •■niini — i.»n Ilulii- unil Salary. Tlie State I lit i unniisslon shall emplo.i :, aecretari who shall uoi I ,- of their imnjlier. who ahall bold bis office during Ihe uI.-.i-uh- of the i minnis-imi iiu.l who shall receive a salary nol to exceed SU.nti ■. year. The counuission shall pre acrilie ilic « I u i — of said necretarj and also the place where be shall hohl hi- ufficu ami shall pro run .,u Itliii room and necessary stationary im-Inu, •. Sec •:. M..i,inl Rema-ta to lli |„,ie The State • i. in Commission diall make montbli reporta n the Stati Board id Agrbidtnre. -" thai said laoard mai • I -1 1 1 l.ii i .- in Ihe t .mi of Imt l--t in- . i otherwise. :iil ■ - iccumulated for the better it of i.iin. i-. breeders and producers of the stm.- Bee. 4. 1" si.u,- Fair Cbmtniaslon shall aMke ;i full report to the general aaaembli ,.i Ita pro-reedimra fur Ihe paal t«,. years ending Ihe Brat il.-i ..f Heceiula-r. pi.ie.linu each regular session .it" tin- general asaemldy. rh,-m aball Im- eini.,»ii,-,i ,,, auch n-|."it soeli -u«. -i i.,n- ami recommendation* :,- ii.- eomnilsKion shall ileem mlvisalde. s,., .",. Iiumi- aud liuiie- The state fair maa im — ien -hull bare I Ik iwwer i" preacrllaa the rules. !■ i: illation." and WWdUluM under wiiith live siu.k and agricultural coaapeUtkm and contest* of -i.e.. I ami eniiiii .tn. , between buraea shall be etanlucted ii. ihi- state, .ml no contest, competitiou or exhiil shall he conducted on rue grounds owned or controlled by the heneticlariea ol tin- act by su.h ben cii.iaiie- until a license therefore i- dulj issued h i nt- slate fair commission ami a license fee there fore has Imm-ii paid; -m h fee -hall he determined by the commission according to the resources of the fair or association, and all of the expenses of the , luiniii-sion -hall I., met from ihi- license fee. In no cane, however, where fairs ot societies do not epeiatr more than two days in any urn- ve.ir ahull ihe lieeii-, I,-, exceed tive dollars r... each day. See ii. License Provisions. Everj corporation or association, or ronrpany. ileslring to become benefici- aiie- under till— ait -hall annu;tli apply to tin- State Fair toiiinii-sioii for a license to do so. If, In the Judgment of the commission, a proper cause Im the issuance of tin license i.- shown, the commission shall grant the same for period of one year! and every -in i, license shall contain a condition thai all exhlhi tjon-. eoinptiti.iiis ami contests conducted then under -hall be -uhj.el to the rule- regulations and eoiidit imi- which from time to time -hall in pre serihr.i by ihe State lair Commission, ami said com mission, for a vinlaih.ii of the terms of said license, may revoke tie same al any time; provided, that nothing in this acl shall prohildt any owner nt breeding stia-fc from giving an exhibition of the product "I -in h stock for pre una m other reward. See. 7. RcfMSTl lo Mini --ion livery a — mj, lion, i orpoi .ii imi or eompany. hohling such I license shall, within tneut.l day- alter hohling such ex l.ihii. make a written np.ui lo the state fair Com mission, according !•• the schedule submitted by such commission s.-i. s. it, ...i. ii, , I. in-.-, etc.. Prohibited. Nothing ill lllis ;nl -hill I- e. l-lllled .1- giving til tile io|||- mi-sioii power I i I ii. I I. mil in ■■! an. I imi i I- i Hi.- i.. hi. I I Im-|s in lasikliuikiiig oi :,n, iimi I I-. m lie acting a* cilstaallan of anx mm, l» i in hookniafclu* ", aiuiimi |„-,|- .1- prohildteil ami i,.iei, dettned iu Sectlmis tTls ,,,„i Tin of Ihe tteviaed Statutes, it may. however, grant auch privileges imi Inconalstenl with other statutes .-. may he aecessary for the successful maintenance of such lairs. Bee. .1. Exhibiting Without License Penalty Kvery exhibition competition or contest for any "take pur 1 reward, except as authorised by this act. excludes every person, corporation, company or association giving such exhibition, competition or contest from any of the benefits of this act See. 111. on on before the 15th day of Koveanbe: « each year the president or secretary of each ..1 r ■1 -, 1 Hty beneficiaries under this acl shall tile with the secretary ot the Stale lair Commission, a sworn -tatemeiit of the actual-a lint of cash premiums paid al the fair of the current season Such statement shall be accompanied by an itemized list ol all premiums paid. The secretary of the com-nn--imi shall thereupon tile such statement, to-zotber with a recommendation that such fair receive 30 per cent of said lisr. with the auditor of th--state ,.| Missouri, and said auditor shall thereupon draw his wan ant u|miii the -tat,, treasurer for such amount. Such money shall he paid to the treasurer " J1" county fair or agricultural society upon his receipt countersigned l.y the secretary ami tie..- nrm: provided, that the am. Is tn he paid to .- n -n,h county fair in agricultural society during any mie rear shall not exceed the sum of three hundred ivaxi.iHi, dollars. Sc. 11. The auditor is hereby authorized and directed to draw his warrant upon the state treasurer Im th,. moneys hereinabove appropriated In f.Mm- of the several county fairs or agricultural - defies nf this state who shall hae compiled with Ihe proi i-ioiis of this act. Sec. 12. There is hereby appropriated out of the general reenile funds of the state not otherwise appropriated the sum of thirty thousand 0,660.00 dollars per annum, or so much thereof a- may he annually necessary for the purpose of allowing aid paving such money to each fair or agricultural si el J . See. 13. SI. lie Pa ■ CMInpl The slate fair is exempt Ilmn Hie provisions of this acl. See. 14. Repealing Conflicting Sections .|| aei-aiid parts of acts in conflict with this ;l, t are hereby repealed.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1913032601/drf1913032601_1_3
Local Identifier: drf1913032601_1_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800