Pimlico Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1913-05-14


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PIMLICO FORM CHART PIMLICO MD TUESDAY MAY 13 1913 Tenth day Maryland Jockey Club Spring Meeting of 1G Weather clear P Riggs Starter A R Dade Racing Secretary William PRiggs 1ST RACE 4 12 Furlongs 2135 51 2 115 Purse 400 2yearpds Maidens Special Weights Net value to winner 320 second T 0 third 30 Index Horses A VtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 7i8CKO SBUN wu 10J 11 4 1s l t 1s I1 A FergusnA Delmont 70luO 70luO8I473VKILCHEN 8I473VKILCHEN w 112 2 2 4l 3 35 2J G Hums E J XIcGraw 95 8032 BKIA17 PERE WB 109 10 5 2t 23 2i 35 Butwell 11 Parr 40 758 GALUVNT BOY w 1W 1 1 G1 oh 4J 4 Schufger H Flippen 330 8147 SUPERINTENDENT w 110 4 3 oh C 5t fh Madeira F Xlannlx J30 814 CANTO w 112 79 73 7i G2 G Alex A II Xlorris 37 8147 SINGLE STICK wsn 101 Gil 11 S1 S ° 7s Frach J E Davis 72 7951 SINGLE KAY w 112 9 7 31 41 72 S2 Sklrvin A Belmont t t7G1 7G1 DEAD LOSS w 109 S 10 OJ 10 lOJ SJ Troxler L S Thoiupson t t7i 7i 8 L O KIRKCALDY WB 112 5 S ltll 11 10 C Turner J S Tyree t tHEARTBEAT HEARTBEAT w 112 3 C S U2 11 Ford F Johnson 09 fCoupled in betting JMutuel field Time 23 48 50 Track fast 2 mutuels paid A Relmont entry 340 straight 220 place 230 show Vcllchen 230 place 2CO show Reau Pere 300 show Equivalent booking odds A Relmont entry 70 to 100 straight 10 to 100 place 15 to 100 show Veil chcn 15 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Reau Pere SO to 100 show showWinner Winner Rr f by Peter Pan Lucy Cross trained by L Fenstel FenstelWent Went to post at 300 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing CROSSRUN went to the front with a rush In tlie first eighth and shaking off REAU PERE on tlie stretch turn drew away again and won easing up VEILCHEN responded gamely to punishment and out ¬ stayed REAU PERE for second place The latter ran well but was much used In getting to the leader while rounding the stretch turu and tired in tlie last eighth GALLANT 11 OV finished well and so did SUPERINTENDENT SINGLE RAY showed speed hut dropped back In the stretch Scratched 7SG23PomettP Rleu 109 8115 Master Joe 112 Xlr Sniggs 112 Overweights Vellchen 3 pounds Superintendent 1 f T SECOND RACE 34 Mile 95722 112 G 124 500 added 3yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 405 second 75 third 50 in ilex Horses AWtPPSt4 V A Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv Odds Strt 78D PALANQUIN WB 3 110 3 3 2 21 2J li 1 Wilson J O Tulbott 170100 170100G524 G524 = IiWANA TUMBO w 4 123 1 1 1J 1 Ins 2 G Burns C S Campbell Vi 8 13 1 TARTAR w S 110 2 Z 3t 3 3 = i3z Wolfe II T Wilson 2310 231080GI 80GI SHERWOOD wnG 122 4 C G u 4nfc 4s C Turner 1 W Hedrlck 315 315KlllMAHUBAII KlllMAHUBAII w3 103 5 5 4h 4nk 5 5 ° A FergusnA Belmont 1S f fGG90 GG90 TERRIBLE BILL w 3 110 G 4 5 fi C C Obert W R Mizell 13 13Time Time 23 47 114 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Palanquin 540 straight 300 place 250 show Rwana Tuinbo 090 place 520 show Tartar lSO show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Palanquin 170 to 100 straight SO to 100 place 25 to 100 show IJwana TumlK showWinner 245 to 100 place 100 to 100 show Tartar 40 to 100 show Winner JohnstonWent R c by Ilanudes Oncck Queen trained bv J Johnston Went to iwst at 335 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing PALANQUIN was saved behind the early pacemaker and moving up rapidly on the stretch turn wore RWANA TtMRO down and was drawing clear at the end RWANA TUMRO showed dazzling speed umler bis big weight but tired in the last eighth of a fast and game race TARTAR was a forward con tender all the way and finished resolutely but could not get up SHERWOOD was outpaced but finished will MAHURAH showed speed but tired Overweights Mahnbah 1 pound O Q f THIRD RACE I Mile and 40 Yards 92025 142 3 07 400 added 3yearolds O JL J l and upward Soiling Net value to winner 32O second 50 third 30 Index Horses AWtPPSt it Str Fin Jockeys Owners Knuiv Odds Strt 8076 TACTICS WB 4 113 I S 10 ° l 4i 3 1 Fbrother N K Beal 675100 807G3ROCK FISH w 3 101 4 9 71 3l I1 l t 2n K HoffmanOak Ridge Stable t333 80773XIOLLIE S wn 5 114 11 10 81 5l 2i 2J 33 Obert E Utterback 2 8130 ARRAN WB 3 97 5 3 1 2i 5 4 ° t 4h Nathan F Xlusante 295 8152 STELCL7FF WB 5 113 2 1 4S fih BU G 52 Pickens W C Weant Si 8130O U BUSTER w 5 111 7 4 22 1J 3 f1 6 Wolfe W D Althouse t 877BEN PUIOR w 5 111 1 2 Ch 7nt 7t 72 7 Dennler X B DaVi r 27 GG20 1IOWLET WB G 11G 10 u 61 Sh J 82 S Hobbins G D Smith JOT 8 130 KINDER LOU w 3 89 S G S 4t si 9 91 Snider Xliss E Palmer t G004NADZU w 9 116 G 11 11 11 11 11 101 Frach II G Bedwell 5 8077 GRANIA w 7 114 3 7 9J1010100 101 Madeira A Garson 15 15Time Time 24 49 115 142 145 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Tactics 15rO straight 890 place 470 show Rock Fish field G10 place 3CO show Mollie S 250 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Tactics G71 to 100 straight 345 to 100 place 135 to 100 show Rock Fish ied 205 to 100 place SO to 100 show Xlollie S 25 to 100 show showWinner RealWent Winner R g by Hastings Merry Token trained bv N K Real Went to post at 4OS At ix st 7 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing TACTICS began slowly but worked his way up on the outside and joining tlie leaders with a rush while rounding the far turn finished fast and won going away ROCK FISH closed a gap into the lead bung on well under a drive and outstayed MOLLIE S for second place The latter tired after making up ground and challenging for the lead on the stretch turn ARRAN and O U RUSTER quit early after alternating poorlyScratched in paccmaking and running well to the homestretch STELCLIFF ran poorly Scratched S152 Madrigalian 119 119Overweights Overweights Rock Fish 5 pounds Arran 1 O I Q O FOURTH RACR 2 Miles 8114 349 O JL t O and upward Allowances Net value to winner 175 second 125 third 70 fourth index Horses AWtPPSt 5 5 S 10 13 Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv Odd Strt N w fi 147 j 7 41 4 = 2 = 1 = I2 1 W KeatingXIrs A XI N Singer 383KiO 383KiOwf wf 137 S 1 1 1 15 3 = 2t 2h j i ylch J E Wldener 32 990 RICE GRAIN ws G 147 2 5 2 2 34 2t 3 3 Tuckey Xliss Chamblet US US80GO 80GO = KINGCASH if 4 14r 3 5 5 G G 5 5 4nk J KermathE XI Weld 15 15803MS 803MS OPT WINDW4133 7 2 5 5 5 P 4 = 5 Saffol EK Salisberry 10 J 98G43 WATIvUSPEED w 0 145 537 7 7 7 GU G2 E Holder H K Vingut LM 7752NOTTINGHAXI w 4 137 4 I 3 S2 4k 6J 7 7 Boyle W Long 3110 5733 Sill GILES w 4 130 1 S Bolted 87Time W XlurphyJ E Davis 87 Time 350 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Einiisklilen 970 straight 370 placo 350 show Exemplar 380 place 380 show Rice Grain S1500 show showEquivalent Equivalent lurking odds Enniskilleii 3S5 to 100 straight 85 to 100 place 75 to 100 show Exemplar 00 to 100 ulaee 90 to 100 show RUv Grain 080 to 100 show showWinner Winner KeatingWent Rr g by Rlaek Dick Rubrbpie trained by W Keating Went to post at 000 At post minutes Start good and stow Won easily second and third drlv i g LNMSKILLEN ran in clwc pursuit of the pacemaker through the first turn of the Held and having easily disposed of his opposition whie going the second time around drew away into a long lead and won in a canter EXEMPLAR fenced well and showed a good turn of speed for the Srst mile but tired anil rtss driving hard to outstay RICE GRAIN at the end The latter was a forward contonder all the wav and finished gamely SIR GILES bolted out of the course directly after the start K1NCCASH IMM VMI and SON MI MIScratched OK THE WIND went fairly well NOTTINGHAM quit and can do better Scratched 8132 Flying Yankee 130 811 ItTieket of Leave 155 Q 1 Q FIFTH U UACB 4 12 Furlones O JL r tt Allown Net value to winner 415 seci Ind Hordes AWtPPSt 4 10 13 Str Flu Jockeys Owners Eouiv Odds Strt SO8 SPKARIIRAD ws 102 1 1 1w 2 3 = 2 1h T Davies E I Cassatt XI R SNKU5S SNKU5SKl w 102 2 2 2wn JohnsonT 11 I lh 2 Ford F Johnson Kl IT MASTER JOE wn 102 4 4 4wn T 4k 4l SchutKcr Qulncy Stable 8058 PKACOOICATHLETIC PKACOOIC wn 102 3 3 3v 3 2l 3 42 O Turner It Iarr ATHLETIC GIRL v 102 5 f 4 S r H Radlkc Mr Earle Time 23 43 55 Track fast 2 mutncls paid Sponrlioail 080 straight 370 place 220 show Mr Sniggs 10r 0 place Show Master Joe 210 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Spearhead 210 to 100 straight 83 to 100 place 10 to 100 show Mr Snig 12 to 1X place CM to 100 show Master Joo 5 to KM show showWinner Winner Br c by Aeronaut Dartee trained by J S Hoaly HoalyWent Went to post at rilJ At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third same SPKAKHEAI in closest pursuit from the ttart came through on tlio inside after entering homestretch and proved ganivst in a lighting linish with MK SNIGGS TIic latter set a fast pace tiivd from withstanding PEACOCKS challenge but held on resolutely to the end MASTER JOK be slowly but closed a gap and outstayed the tiring PEACOCK for third place PEACOCK sh shiwed iwed a g turn of sxed but failed to stay stayScratched Scratched 8100 Heartbeat 102 8115 Centauri yt 77VJ Lily Orme yy yyOverweights Overweights Peacock I iKHinds Athletic Girl Q I Q p SIXTH RACE 1 11G Miles 924US 140 5 120 000 added 3yearolds and up O JL O ward Handicap Net value to winner 550 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPStVi V Str Fiii Jockeys Owners Eqmv Odds Strt 80il SANDHILL w5 85 10 5 22 22 2 1s li McCahey J Fitzslmmons 730100 742 Fl VKBBRGAST wsn 3 101 7 4 IJ I2 In 2 23 R Hoffman AV ISurttschell 41 8083 = DR DITBNNEB 5 10S 3 2 4 4X 4 41 = 3U 33 3l J Wils Wilson S Boss Bosst HIT I AMALFI t 5 99 4 3 8 8U A 9i h 92 OS 4 Volfe li T Wilson 7942 MISSION 4 108 5 C 3 31 3 31 4l 4l 51 A Fergi FergiSIGl2KIjBBURNE FergusnA Belmont SIGl2KIjBBURNE 3 3103 103 C S 7 7i O1 01 7t C1 C Turn TurnXOB1 Turner A Turney Turneyu XOB1 COU HOLIXJWAYW u 4 102 9 0 9 Oik ° k 7 71 u1 7i RobbinsJ5151 Bobbins Boverwyck Stable J5151 CSlY FISHER A t 7 110 2 21010 10 10 10 10 9J S Butwell ButwellSI i B F Cooney SI 5 1 11XCHIKL 5 5110 110 1 1 5nk fit i Si 9l Fracli H G Bcdwell 8151 PANDORINA w3 3 92 S 7 fit SI 8 = 10 10 Snider JIrs L A Livingston 79 79Timi Timi 24y5 48 114 141 147 Track fast 2 mutuels paid SiHidhill 1000 straight 1520 place 700 show Flabbergast 3000 place 1070 slow Dr Dncnncr 50 how howEquivalent Equivalent Ixwking odds Sandhill 70 to 100 straight 000 to 100 place 250 to 100 show Flabbergast 1145 to 10i place 115 to 100 show Dr Ducnncr 75 t 100 show showWinner Winner B g bv Kock Sand Mount Vernoii trained by J Fitzsiramons FitzsiramonsWent Went to post at 55 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Won cantering second and third driving SANDHILL under slight restraint was saved behind the leader to the stretch turn then dashed into a long had and was taken under restraint again in the last sixteenth FLABBERGAST showed a good turn of sKcd from the start and drew away on the baekstretch and while succumbing to the winner biId tln others safe for second place DK DIKNNEK ran forwanlly and gamely but could never get up MALFI closed a gap and finished with a rush through the last quarter MISSION ran well and showed decided improvement KLKltUKNE ran poorly LOCII1KL quit badly and ran far below bis true form formScratched Scratched 8151 John Furlong 12 12Overweights Overweights Flablxjrgast 1 pound Dr Ducnner S Ainalfi 2

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1913051401/drf1913051401_2_11
Local Identifier: drf1913051401_2_11
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800