Third Race [3rd Pimlico, Daily Racing Form, 1913-05-14

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THIRD RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selliog Handicap 95722 112 6 124 GOLD CAP ch g 5 102 Golden By Garter La Primera E McBrido 7419 Charleston 34 115 slow S5 107 1 2h 11 J Wilson S Tow Fi ld IMghtoasy Gagnant 73T9 Charleston 34 l16Hgood 910 102 3 Int 33 Montour Fathorola L Wells 7320 Charleston 51 f lOSg fast 1110 112 3 2 2 x Butwell i Tarts Rose Qnein Sylvestris HHutchlsoa 7201 Charleston 34 1154 fast 1 109 5 0 21 Butwell 7 Lord Wells Copportown Amorot 7122 Charleston 34 Il4g fast 1 110 2 2 2n J Wilson GSpobn ColAshnieaile 7091 Charleston 51 f l07g good 85 Koyal Tea 107 2 I1 I1 J Wilson G Tarts Lord Wells 7015 Charleston 34 114 fast 45 108 1 1i Rigliteasv1i 1s J Wilson S Malitine CToiieh Rigliteasv BVandorveer 6917 Charleston 34 115 fast 8 107 11 4ii 54 C Peak 11 Spolin BlackClilef 6S15 Jamestown 34 114J fast 95 104 1 1 1 A Fergusn 11 V Powers Haldenian Law Knufman Wiggins MAGAZINE SIS 114SIS b g 8 114 By Mazagan Pink Rose A Simons Pimlico 34 l15Jfast 41 120 12 23 I3 A MthewslJ Ambrose Horace E 7i97 Pimlico 34 l13fast 4 Arran 106 2 8 S 2 Butwell 7902 HdeGrace 51 Towton Field Y Bov Futuritv 34117 mud 75 115 1 I3 2ii A Mtbews Fred 7S66 HdeGrace 34 lUlfast 10 115 4 Levy TonlntnServieenoe 11 32 A Mthewsi 7S01 HdeGrace 5 f Ardclon Lad of Langden Spin l07Hfast 100 110 4 41 A GJ Mthews G Azyiade Altamalia Tarts 77R3 IldeGrace 5S 102 50 Tarts4t good 113 S 4t 64j A Althews S Double Five Monereif 6490 Pimlico 31 1154 good 4 118 G GRIGHTEASY BlkChlef 21 31 KlHwth 11 Ilniii The Busybody Rose Queen RIGHTEASY blk 7 QueenBy m 112 7419 By Lackford Edith Mo H G Bedwell Charleston 31115 slow 21 99 2 Ink 35 Deronda S 7416 GoldCap Towton Field Gagnant Charleston 34 ll44 fast 113 110 1 ink 2nk Deronda S 7370 Charleston 5J f l00mud 35 106 1 2l Clierryola TowtonFIeld Incision SJ Doronda 72U8 Charleston 51 f 1OS fast 1110 105 1 3l Vilcy Franklllldson ClBeachey 2i Deronda S Chtl 72GS Charleston 61 f 1233 6 Queen Grosvenor Fatlienii hvy 105 3 2 23 Deronda G Col Cook 71S7 Charleston 51 f 109J mud 13S 100 4 Ilnutcbon Cliomnlpo 41 43J Deronda G BChlef 7131 Charleston 5 f 107J fast 113 IOC 4 2n Continental Amerlcun ij Deronda 5 ThGill 7091 Charleston 51 f 107 good 135 BatMasterson Amerlcus 97 3 52 = 4 1 Deronda G Gold Cap Tarts Lord Wells 7044 Charleston 34 116 hvy 31 112 1 21 451 Deronda 5 Amoret Wander Fatberola FRED LEVY blk e 3 100 By Dick Finnell Hanoverino J V Hedrick 741 HdeGrace 54 f l07fast S 108 2 412 421 Halsey 79 12 r Tarts Honey Bee Progressive IldeGrace 34 117 mud 21 103 2 2ii Ii Wolfe l Magazine 7S39 Hdeprace 58 100 fast 5 102 2 2 k 25 Schnrf G Tonlata Sirvicence Palamiuin Fly Falrv 7S06 HilnGrace 31 115 fast S 102 4 1 = Il Wolfe 11 Barnegat Garry Star Gift 77S8 HdeGraco 51 f lOSIsgood 15 IIS 3 3U Frog3U 3 1 Teahan 4 Iysnnder Dlsioverv Frog 77C6 lamest wn BJ f lOSfast 3 Earlv Light 105 4 22 33 AVolfe S Toniata 6G11 Jamesfwn 5J f 110 hvy GO 103 7 S GrandaS S Ambrose S Yorkville S Ins Prlneess Man Smash R Granda STAR GIFT br f 4 By Star Shoot Carlotta C V CaLill 11133 Vandsen 11 SenSparks Star Rose Grace Me MISS MOMENTS br in 5 112 112S By Filigrane Stolen Momenta Parkvale Stable S X Pimlico 31 l14fast 1010 110 1 1 1 I 2 Ford I Nimbus Deduction Ardelon 7910 HdcGrace 34 l14fast 25 111 2 3 2 lnk 11 O Turner 7 Thrifty Aguier Cherry Seed SIS HdcGrace 51 f l fefast 8 110 2 2 1 Il I1 Teahan G Moncreif Schaller Hcnpeck 6641 Jamestown 3t 117 hvy 12 106 C CC590 3 4 4nt O2 D Hoffman 1 Dipper Berkeley Sc Pimpernel C590 Jamestown 31 114J fast 31 105 4 4C575 3 4 41 ink Teahan 11 ScPimpcrnel Viley Rubicon II C575 Jamestown 31 115 fast S5 103 1 1G543 1 2 3l 3i Teahan 11 Bredwell Astrologer Soil Sparks G543 Jamestown 51 t 1OS fast 5 107 4 46M9 3 5 7l fi3 K Martin III Patrick S Oalisse Berkcley 6M9 Pimlico 34 11C hvy 7 10D 2 i 2 2H 2 K Martin 10 M OConnell Berkeley L Wells 6329 Pimlico 31 l15J hvy CO 110 2 2 2 2 22 E Martin 9 Joe Knight TheRusybody Gartj GartjBy FUTURITY b c 4 109 109SMS By Ormondalo Futurita W F Carmody SMS Phiillcu 34 l15 fast 10 115 S G C 31 44i McCahey 1U Sylvcstris Deduction Muff 7997 Piinlico 31 l13fast 125 102 4 1 17S34 112 = 31 McCahey t TowField YIioy The Busybody 7S34 HdeGce Im70yl44fast 30 10S S 3 3 37S15 S 4k 5 Schuf gcr r DMacdonald Hasson Merry Lad 7S15 HdcGce Im70yl15ifast 30 112 C 4 5 4 62 791 McCahey 7 It Meteor TFicld FMulholland 707 Jamestown 1 142 fast 7 107 2 2 2 t 32 3 J McCahey G Merry Lad Hoffman GTreasuro 7751 Jamestown 1 l41mud 4 93 4 2 2 21 2s McCahey G Volthorpe Discovery Votes 7698 Jamestown 34 l16fast 1 113 3 1 1 I2 I2 McCahey S Ir Guinincll G S Davis Tackle TackleBy RYE STRAW ch g 5 115 By Griffon Ardstraw W Martin 7957 Piinlico 34 l14fast 112 6 1 3 2t s8 Connolly 11 Lord Wells Pop Gun line Belle 7774 Jamestown 34 116 mud 32 115 4 1 1 33 33 Connolly 5 Font Fatherola Katou 7750 Jamestown 31 l15 mud 83 110 1 1 1 1i I3 Connolly T Grosvenor Theo Cook Chy Seed 7699 Jamestown 34 l14fast 7 117 3 1 1 2nt 24 Connolly 7 Fatherola It Message Aviator 7663 Jamesfwn 5J f l07fast 910 112 3 2 2 2nk y Connolly G Martre Chemulpo Double Five 7631 Jamestown 31 l15fast 135 110 3 1 1111 Il Connolly 7 Qn lee Emily Lee Cherry Seed 6575 Jamestown 34 115 fast 3 111 2 2 3 71 9s D Connollyll Brcdwell Astrologer MMments 6313 Jamestown 51 f 108 fast 95 110 5 2 2DEDUCTION 2 51 S = i Connolly 12 Patrick S Calisse Berkeley BerkeleyBy DEDUCTION br g 4 110 110S14S By Broomstick Inference J M W Green S14S Pimlico 31 l15fast 15 112 1 1 1S030 1 11 2 Piekeus 11 Sylvestris Muff Futurity S030 Pimlico 34 l14fast 8110 117 4 2 3 3 S ° i Piekeus 10 Nimbus Miss Moments Anlelou AnlelouI3 7730 Mlboro AU7S 132 hvy 32 111 11177lo I3 Pickcns S WoodDove U II Gray Pendant 77lo Marlboro 5S l01fast 75 109 52 J Hanover S Fanchette Racing Bell Galinda 7707 Mboro Ab61 f 124 fast 1310 102 1027G79 2 V Adams S EofUichmd Casque HriettaW 7G79 Marlboro 58 l04J hvy 910 115 115NAPIER 4 Pickens 7 P Worth K Bell Miss Priuiity NAPIER b s 4 10G By Sempronius Lillian Foaso J M Cooper 55S1 Jamestown 1 1403 fast S 105 8 C G 3 2 2l 13 Martin 11 Colonel Cook Dynamite Pardner 6379 Jamestown 34 114 fast 1S3 104 9 1 1 4l 23 Duxton 1U Moncreif JoeGaitens JNunually 6313 Jamesfn 1 116 l4Sg fast 7 103 1 G 4 5 4i 421 T Davies 9 Apiaster Idleweiss LofLangden 6199 Pimlico 34 114 fast 30 103 2 7 7 52 4 l T Davies 10 Ivabel Joe Knight Yelfow Eyes 6190 Pimlico 31 1154 good 10 111 5 9 9HORACE S 72 55 Madeira 11 lima The Busybody Magazine MagazineBy HORACE E ch g 9 107 107S1SO By Bannockburn Miss Lynah R L Johnson S1SO Pimlico 31 l15fast fid 117 9 S 4 32 33 Stirling 1H Magazine Ambrose Arran 7939 HdcGrace 34 l14fast 40 107 10 S S 3nt 31 J C Turner 10 Edith Inez Patrick S Spin 7879 HdcGrace 31 l15slow 50 112 5 5 544 ° 4TJ Ford 7 Blue Thistle Ch Queen ChSecd 7850 HdeGrace 34 115 fast 30 113 7 7 7RALPH 10 11101112 Forehand 1 Agnicr Star Gift Baythorn BaythornBy RALPH LLOYD b g 3 100 100S172 By Marta Santa Piccola W R Mizell S172 Pimlico 34 llufast fid 102 7 5 S Gi 64J Snider 111 York Lad Toddling CIo Brush 7783 lldcGrace 5S 102 good 40 92 7 8 8 S S8J McDonld S Double Five Moncreif BIkChief 7558 Juarez 34 l15fast 7 105 1 4 3 3h 5i A Murray i Gasket Fitzgerald Pampinca 7442 Juarez 51 f l07 good 30 108 5 5 6 G G18 Kirschm G Parlor Boy Salesia Miss Jean 7260 Juarez 34 1118 fast 51 110 3 5 5703S 5 a3 5uJKcderis 7 Dynamo Kallnka Connaught ConnaughtC 703S Juarez 31 113 J fast 8 101 6 C C 6 6jTeahan G Pan Kareta The Cinder Gasket 7021 Juarez 34 11SJJ fast 7 103 5 4 4C070 4 2i 3J Teahan G CMrchmt V Rights DDghty C070 Laurel 51 f 108 fast 30 105 3 7 7LADY 5 43 31 Schweblg 7 B Path P Queen Capt Elliott LADY IRMA b m 7 105 By SemproniuB Lady Balgowan Beverwyck Btablej 8130 Piinlico 34 l15fast 10 110 2 1 2 51 6 1 Robbhis la Magazine Ambrose Horace E 5515 I aurcl 34 114 fast 12 112 6 7 6 GJ Byrne Back Kay Sixty Montcalm i439 Laurel 34 114 fast 30 101 Left at the post Teahan 10 Azyiade Sherwood Rose Queen 5132 HdcGrace 53 f l07g good 6 109 2 4 5 5J 4 411 Ambrose 7 Onager CherrySeed Mindinetio 6334 HdcGrace 31 l15g slop 10 109 7 10 10 10 10 = 5 J Glass 10 Ben Loyal Amoret Ochro Court 5123 HdcGrace 31 113 fast 15 115 4 2 25 5 61 5 5LA 52J Byrne 8 Sherwood Amoret Coining Coon LA SAINRELLA b f 3 OG By By7SS4 Sain La Rclla R E WatUins 7SS4 HdcOrace 51 f l07slov 50 120 7 9 9 10 ° 10 107S42 Halsey 11 Discovery Petulusr Fifty Five 7S42 HdeGrace 5S l01fast 8 107 5 522 2 2 = 4 47S1S 4T1 G Burns 7 Mileage Brynliinah Recompense 7S1S HdcGrace 5i f l07fast 100 10S 6 4566 4566f513 5 6 6 W Burns G Dble Five KdGrancy Oakhurst f513 Jamestown 1 l43fc fast 40 94 10 9 10 10 10 10 = JD HoffmanlO M Ann K Mimesis E Grluo C577 Jamestown 5J f 1084 fast 30 109 4 4C5C3 9 Si 10 ° Mondon 12 Jonquil Gardenia Liiidcsta C5C3 Jamestown 5i f 1OS fast 25 10G 9 8 91 83 Buxton 12 Ancon Willis Votes 6538 Jamestown 5i f l09j fast 7 lit 1 5 51 6ci C Peak 11 FBNight Tin thcStw Gdcnis 0117 Laurel 34 1I5S fast 9 98 6 4 Gnk 52 Knrrick 11 MAnn K Astute FlyByNight 6211 Laurel 5i f lOSg good 40 112 5 5UNION 5 43 4 = Small 0 PAntoinette M Ann K MGirl MGirlBy UNION JACK b e 5 103 103SKSl By Sorcerer Discard H B Bonfield SKSl Pimlic 34 114 fast 92 115 4 5 5 5 = W Ward 5 Horron Tartar Ringling 7927 HdcG ace 34 lHfast CO 111 1 17S5t 7 7 7AVVard 7 Blue Thistle Parrlner Cowl 7S5t HdeG ace 31 114 fast 60 101 0 7 7s 7IB XV AVard S Pardner WorkingLad Blackford 7774 James own 34 llGmua 12 102 5 57GU9 5 5 5 = W Ward fi Font Fatherola Rye Straw 7GU9 James own 34 l14fast 15 113 G G 6 Gt J W Ward 7 Fatherola UveStraw RMessae 6611 Jamestown 31 117 hvy 75 109 4 Pimpruelf 7 8 S = Wolf 0 Dipper Berkeley Sc Pimpruel 6518 Jamestown 5i f 103 fast 85 111 1 f 3l ID Teahan 13 Takahira JNunually JDenman 6528 Jamestown 34 113 fast 5 100 6 664fiG 4 4l 4J Ford Sherwood Uossoaux Spohn 64fiG Pimlico 34 l16jl hvy 85 109 2 261S6 2 2i I1 Ford a RStraw TBybody HHutchn 61S6 Laurel 34 11S hvy 910 10S 3 2 4 43 Snider 10 Garth Mlndinette Toniata

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1913051401_5_6
Library of Congress Record: