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THE MUTUELS AT PIMLICO The Baltimore News makes this comment commentTbe Tbe parimutuel system of betting received Its lirst tryout iu the east at the Pinilico meeting just ended and tlie general verdict is that It has proved a success successThere There were serious doubts at the start whether the Baltimore attendance would be sutlicient to make the mutuels a financial success but all doubts were disi elled on the opening day and the results from the entire meeting show that the Jockey Clubs receipts will be far in excess of the amount re ¬ ceived from the l ookmakers under the old system systemOn On the opening day the machines handled in round nuuiliers 85000 and that amount steadily increased until on the closing day close to 150000 was checked up It is likelv that Col Matt Whins prediction that Pimlico would be handling 200000 a day iu a years time will come true trueThis This has been the history of the machines in Kentucky and Canada and wherever introduced At lirst the public had been a little shy but when once familiar with the game it will have nothing else elseIt It was noticeable at Pinilico that tbe touts hangerson and riff raff contingent were pretty well cut down and tlie element seen in the ring was made up mostly of the great and general sport loving public not following the races as a business but out for a good time and willing to take a flyer in the machine to add to the excitement