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Belmont Park Entries and Past Performances for Tuesday June 24 WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST Racing starts at 2 ° 0 p m Cbicago time 1HO XBuns well in mud Superior mud runner M maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 5 12 Furlongs Straight StraightIMearolds IMearolds Selling Track record 7lSS 104 3 07 Ind Horse Wt Bee Beexirj AWtHan xirj = Gallop 112 lOG 110X72 iirs Delft 100 720 14S Small M 107 100 100 7ir 14S Flask M 1 1 09 100 715 715iot I14S Lancewood M 10S l051f iot 7ir 7irllli Water Lad M 112 107 llli 710 ill Mordecai 10 1 107 I7 I7Odd 10 700 7005IOSS 5IOSS Odd Cross 14 108 107 107705 107705SSOS 70r 70r10S SSOS Yodellng M 10 10 10S 10S700 10S700SS08 700 70010I5 SS08 Hildas Brother M101 111 10I5 10I5700 700 Charlon b c by Ce Cesarlou sarlou Charlcote 110 Second Race 1 38 Miles nyearolds and upward Handicap Track record KK 218 lOi lOiHOIS HOIS Sandhill r 117X710 IOUS Aiualll 5 10S740 10S740JIOS1 JIOS1 Mission 1 105X710 105X710llirl llirl Guy Fisher 7117x710 7117x710IMMSt IMMSt I H 5107X75 5107X75Iliilt Iliilt CoIomI Holloway 1 07X7T 07X7TAlsn Alsn eligible to start HOST Donald Maedonald 7 10S 10SilOSt ilOSt Annie Sellers 5 SIOX750 SIOX750llir1t llir1t John Furlong 5 111X711 111X711fBevonvvck fBevonvvck Stable entry tToimoMsee Stable intry intryThird Third Race 1 Mile voarolds and upward Selling Track record r7iS4 17 1O1 S04S1 Captain Swanson 10 lHf G110X72T SM1 Working Lad IflGlMOJf 4111X720 118 141 100X715 Hil7 Bouncing Lass LassK517 97 141 ife 4 9SX715 K517 Springnmss 87 140 r 108X715 108X715II 7818 uplaiu ICIHott ICIHottsr II 90X715 sr Lit Ho EP 110 142 1 108X710 lr 4 Beaueoilp 108 l40f 8 1100710 I151 Sir Denrali 102 140 if 4 WS70 S24C O II Pusler 102 l4t r 102x70 Hits Spin 107 141 4 r 105 705 HIST Km 100 141 G 105X705 SMU7S Sickle 4 111X700 1JVI C ld Spring 105 141 if r ii7oo SilDS Tactics 108 144 ifh 4 105X700 BlaiiUcuburg M103 14 I 102 CUO Fourth Race 58 Mile Straight StraightAstoria Astoria Dinner Stakes Private Sweepstakes 2yearolds Sweepstakes2yearolds Fillies Special Weights WeightsTrack Track record 090S5 5S 2 122 122d d Horse Wt Ree AWtI AWtIIan 153 EARLY ROSE 107 lOOVf 114 11470 917 Flitaway Ill 59 114 114OSG 745 OSG Mater 110 100 114X 114X710 1513 Naiad 101101 114 114i i Vega ins 105 jfr 111 MS = Aiiytimo M 114 The Spirit b f by Yankee Wes ¬ tern Lady Fifth Race 34 Mile Main Course CourseJvearolds SellingCrack Jvearolds and utiward Selling Crack record 57H47 111 4 117 Sleuth 11 Perthshire 10 lis Luria 105 115 Thrifty 104 112 Little Jupiter 105 114 Deduction 101 114 Sir Denrali 111 li Moncrelf 115 115 Henpeck 110 l14fe Golliwogg 105 l15ii Miss Moments 110 114 Bouncing Lass LassSelialler 105 lis Selialler 110 115 Mary Scribe 111 115 Mr Specs 11 115 Triller 105 115 Daingerlield 107 115 War Ix rd M 107 115 Sixth Race 34 Mile Main Course yenrods and upward Maidens Special W Track record 57JI17 111 1 147 M 11S 4 10T 10T10S 8S Fifty Five 10S 114 t 108 Bunch of Keys 11 11Bruin 104 114 a 108 Bruin Belle 10 10Rebound 105 iit if in Rebound 11 11Jack 107 ii j 10 Jack Wall 10 10Dixon 104 iit r 10s 10sSI8 Dixon II IIRook SI8 115 5 108 Rook Fish 11 11Mohawk 105 114 i 105 Mohawk Girl 10 10IDS Monmoiitli 10 10Sylvan IDS iiGji s 105 Sylvan oh f by byDisguise Disguise Sylva Sylvabolle bolle Eloganza b f by byGold Gold Heels Jam Oaker 1