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SECOND RACE 1 38 Miles 3ycarolds and upward Handicap SOTo 218 3 100 SANDHJXL b B 5 117 By Hock Sand Mount Vernon J Fitzsimmons 9018 Belmont 1 11G 145 fast 4 lit 222 1s Ii McCahoy 0 G Fisher ColHolloway Lahore 8933 Belmont 7S 123 fast 21 101 233 2 2 McCahey S Cotho Walk HJkson SBoarcl 8670 Belmont 1 1S l51fast 710 95 1 1 1 1S105 IS li McCahey Guy Fisher Starbottle S105 Pimlico 1 116 l47fast 71 93 5 2 2 2S061 I3 li McCahey 10 Flabbergast Dr Dneuner Amain S061 Pimlico 7S l27fast fid 102 2 4 4 452S9 7 J 9 McCahey 12 L O M LifeKleburue Lochiel 52S9 HdeGce Im70yl45good G 121 1 2 7 7524S S 8 = McCahey 8 Hedge Jacauelltia Amain 524S HdeGce Im70yl37hvy 95 119 232 I1 H McCahey 4 Reyburne Adolante Pretend 5159 HdeGce Im70yl44 fast 20 123 3 G C C4S73 3J 3i T Davies G MarjorioA Oakliurst Chryseis 4S73 HdeGce Im70yl43 fast 85 104 443 4434S29 43 4 1 McCahey 5 Gates Rolling Stone Shackleton 4S29 HdeGce 1 11C l46fast 1320 118 2 2 2 2 2i McCahey 2 Amalfl AmalflBy AMALFI ch B 5 108 By The Scribe Tarantella R T Wilson 9018 Belmont 1 11G 145 fast S 102 1 G 5 587S3 72 G8 Wolfe 0 Sandhill GFislier ColHolloway 87S3 PipUock 1 18 l54Vfast 4 103 2 3 3 31 lh Wolfe 5 SpringBoard Mission MMillur 8193 Pimlico 1 11G l47fast S 99 3 S 9 Gi MMillurGi 41 Wolfe 10 Sandhill Flabbergast DDueuner 8151 Pimlico 1 l40fast 31 103 5 2 5 9s DDueuner9s 713 Wolfe 11 Rock View Locliiei Buskin 7828 HdeGce Im70yl4ltast 3 108 2 2 3 3G5SO 4 42 Wolfe G J Furlong Fly Yankee Lochiel G5SO Jamestown 1 139 fast 7 10S 4 B G GG541 Cnt LochielCnt 45j McCahey 7 Lahore Carlton G Guy Fisher G541 Jamestown 1 l40g fast G 107 2 3 3 3595G 23 I1 Butwell S Joe Deibold Paton Carlton G 595G Laurel 1 l3Sg fast 4 103 277 2775SG7 42 2 J Glass 7 Hedge The Rump AmeliaJenka 5SG7 Laurel 1 1S 152 fast 3i 111 6 4 2 2MISSION 2s li Scliutgcr 9 Superstition Bounder CFGrgr MISSION br f 4 103 103DOS4 By CFGrgrBy Rock Sand Misgivings A Belmont DOS4 Belmont 1 l39 fast 5 10S 1 1 2 2S7S3 4 C T MeTagt fi S Jackson G Fisher Dr Dnenner S7S3 PipUock 1 1S l54fast 2 109 522 522SlK 2s 33i McTagrt 5 Amalli SpringBoard GMMiller SlK Pimlico 1 116 l47fast 24 10S G 3 3 41 r A FergusnlO Sandliill Flabbergast DDuenner 7942 HdeGce Im70yl43 fast 20 107 5 4 G 7 7Bntwell 7 Ten Point Buskin John Furious 6522 Pimlico 2 32Si fast 9 103 211 2s lh A Ferguson 7 Sotemia Bounder Airey 6394 Pimlico 1 1S l53g fast 4 103 2 4 4 31 3 A Ferguson 4 Froglegs B TiimlK DrDnenncr 6336 Pimlico 34 1142 hvy 2 112 4 3 3G300 41 4 Schutger 5 FYankee Shackleton Hlmatlo G300 Laurel 1 11G l4rg fast 125 103 3 2 2 2G16C Sot 2S Sclmtger G SJackson Sliacklefn SIasmin G16C PipgRock 1 18 1564 fast 75 110 3 3 3 3GUY 2S I1 Ferguson 9 lllination L O M Life Willing GUY FISHER b h 7 117 1179irl By WillingBy Sain Appollonia E F Cooney 9irl Belmont 1 11 203fast 12 10S 1 2 2 2KS4 31 lsi Butwell 7 WBomH JJLMiller STson KS4 Belmont 1 l39yfast 3 117 2 5 3 3901S 21 2 Wolfe G S Jackson DDiiennor Starbottiu 901S Belmont 1 11G 145 fast 135 111 734 734SG70 V 2 A Butwell 0 Sandhill Col Ilolkway Lahore SG70 Belmont 1 1S l51fast 2 109 222 222SC23 23 2 Bntwell Sainlhill Starbottle SC23 Belmont 1 139 fast 10 109 9 9 9 9 715llutwell 12 WBroomll G MAIillprMerldn 8195 Pimlico 1 116 l47fast 17 110101010 95 SJBiitwoU 10 Sandhill Flabbergast DDuenuer 8151 Pimlico 1 l40fast 30 1121010 9 97S2S 10 Sio iBiitwi H 11 Bock View Lochiel Buskin 7S2S ILUeGcc Im70yl44fast 12 US 4 G G GGGOO C G8 C Turner 15 J Furlong Fly Yankee Locblel GGOO Jamestn 1 11C 117J fast 35 118 2 4 4 4BOB 1 11 Butwell r Lochiel Merry Lad Flamma FlammaBy BOB R b h C 107 107901S By AllanaDal Lilly B Beverwyck Stable 901S Belmont 1 116 113 fast S 101 446 446S933 S S Flrctler n Sandhill GFislier CoiIIolIoway S933 Belmont 7S 123 fast 7 106 1 G 7 7S625 G r Fbriithor C the Walk Sandhill S Jsou S625 Kclmont 1 139 fast S 103 743 S GMbr HhiT 12 WBroomll G MMillerMeridu 4979 HdeGce Im70y 1422 fast G 112 5 5 4 44S91 32 2 C Turner 5 Shackleton Worth Guy Fisher 4S91 HdeGce Im70y l43g fast 3 110 4 4 3 3COLONEL 2J 2 C Turner n AExpress C Holloway Flamma COLONEL HOLLOWAY br c 4 97 By Ethelbert 9151 Belmont 1 14 203fast 12 95 2 3 4 4901S G tnl McCahey 7 WBomlL GMM 901S Belmont 1 11G 145 fast S 95 553 ° 3nk i ikji kji 311 iri Sllll Guy Fisher Lahore 311 5 Pimlico 1 11G l47fast 31 102 9 9 7 7SOGl i Lahorei 3 iU1 S 10 llill Tgast DDuennor SOGl Pimlico 7S l27fast 278 102 10 12 12 12G479 12riAJ ° yillls 12 ll ° M ljri Kl Mirne Locbiel G479 Latonia 2 14 35S2 slow 125 I OS 3 2 2 22 2 C Turner G Rudolfo Cousin Puss S Charier 6390 Latonia 1 12 232 fast 1310 IOC 3 1 2 2G324 ° ° ° u l ° fo HPrivate CdeMentlie G324 Latonia 1 31G 2014 hvy 32 103 233 233C206 i CdeMentliei s J U Itrner n Helone Mud Sill Mockler C206 Latonia 1 18 1522 good 195 100 4 5 5 5GOC7 45 45J Vandsen n HigliPrivate Joe Morris Colston GOC7 Latonia Im70y 1432 fast 20 102 3 5 4 4s 3 J Buxton G Hell Horse Joo Morris Colston ColstonBy Also eligible to start startDONALD DONALD MACDONALD ch s 1 103 10380S3 By Sombrero Berriedale J L Holland 80S3 BeJmont 1 11 2OS fast 310 115 4 3 3 3S93S J T McTnKLt 7 J i y T Walser Dangcrfiold S93S Belmont 1 18 lfast 12 110 1 2 1 1SSiiS 1 1 T McTagt r Kormak Daingerfield War SSiiS Belmpnt 1 11G 116 fast S5 110 4 4 5 5SSdO T Mo lag rt r Lysander Ella Bryson Flamma Horn SSdO Belmont 1 139 fast 75 109 443 4438CC9 o 2i 2l Butwell 5 Lysander Scallywag Cadeiu 8CC9 Belmont 7S l23fast 910 115 1 2 3 3S624 21 2i Bntwell r Lysander Campeoii Tarts S624 Belmont 1 11G 146 fast 35 110 1 3 3 3S322 3 21 J Glass G Everett Star Gaze Strenuous S322 Pimlico Im40y 145 good 710 120 542 542822G 1 Il Bntwell 7 El Oro Pop Gun Pliant 822G Pimlico Im40y l44good 2 109 3 3 3 21 2h J Wilson 9 Blaekford CSwanson Absconder 8059 Pimlico 1 142 fast 12 11G 4 5 5 31 In J Wilson 9 Hoffman Altamaha Paton 7900 HdeGce lm70yl4S mud 2 117 3 3 3 37SCM I1 1s T Wilson G Blaekford R Meteor Merry Lad 7SCM TTdeGce 1m70yl44fast 720 113 111 111ANNIE 1 1 J Wilson 5 Hasson Merry Lad Clierryola ANNIE SELLERS ch m 5 90 9090S3 By ClierryolaBy Sir Dixon Onwentsia Tennessee Stable 90S3 Belmont 1 11 208 fast 20 98 7 7 7 7S93S 5 6 Minton 7 DMacdonald JCaffrey J Walser S93S Belmont 1 1S l53fast 20 100 5 5 B B WalserB 51 Million r DMacdd Kormak Daingorliehl 7737 James n 1 116 l4Sfast 12 10G S S S S DaingorliehlS S Teahan S Caliph O Em Fairy Godmother 7695 Jamestn 1 1S l55fast 5 OS G C 5 4k 575 Montour G Irish Kid Lord Elam DickBaker 7639 James n 1 116 l49fast 5 103 G G G 4l 433 Musgrve G HcdgeRose Lord Elam Ilarcourt 7578 Charlen 1 11G l50mud 85 94 G G G G7SOO 41 2s Snider 7 Stairs Wood Dove Fiel 7SOO Charlesn 1 1S 157 slow 1 93 5 5 5 5743S 46 43i Snider 5 Stairs NaughLad LuckvGeorgo 743S Charlesn 1 1S 136 fast 95 1031 578 S Ss Musgrve S Irish Kid Spindle Supervisor 7340 Charles n 1 11G 153 hvy 7 111 4 5 5 5GC50 5l Supervisor5l 410 Musgrve G Banorella Naughtylad Pendant GC50 Jamestn 118159 hvy 2 111 2 4 4 4TOHN G20 G Butwell 7 Jacquelina Coppertn Mollio S SBy TOHN FURLONG br er 8 111 By Wadsworth Preference Tennessee Stable 9131 Belmont 1 14 203fast 10 110 7 G G 7 7iT McTagrt 7 WPomlL GMMiller SJson 9018 Belmont 1 116 145 fast 10 111 3 S 7 7S044 G1 5J Obert 9 Sandhill J Fisher Col Holloway S044 Toronto 1 1S l52fast 5710 114 177 4l Holloway4l Gi Obert 8 Horron Buskin Plate Glass 8274 Pimlico 1 l40fast 4310 121 3 G G GI GlassGI Gl Obert 7 Spg Board C Edge Astrologer 8151 Pimlico 1 l40fast 18 123 11 11 10 S1 AstrologerS1 G Obert 11 Bock View Lochiel Buskin 7942 HdeGce Im70yl43 fast 20 124 G 7 7 77S2S 3 331 Obert 7 Ten Point Buskin Lochiel 7S2S HdeGce Im70yl44fast 85 124 3 5 4 31 1 Musgrve G Flying Yankee Lochiel Amain 7773 Tamesn 1 116 148 mud 31 127 5 5 5 21 22 Musgrve Flabbergt Volthorpe Republin 7673 Jamestown 1 l41fast 45 119 5 5 4 I5 1 Musgrve TRumi Volthorpe JudgeMonck