Fifth Race [5th Belmont Park, Daily Racing Form, 1913-06-24

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FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Mam Course 3ycarolds and upward Selling 57947 111 1 147 SLEUTH ch c 3 106 106S914 By Woolsthorpe Espionage Oneck Stable S914 Belmont 34 113 fast 15 99 9 It jh Karrick 10 Scallywag Montresor Tarts 8 rJ Belmont 34 l13 fast 10 101 7 81 SJ Karriuk 11 Ella Bryson Lysder Perthshire 4591 HdeGrace 5S l01g fast 41 108 2 2PERTHSHIRE 11 Ink j Glass 7 Jonquil Ringling Ragusa RagusaBy PERTHSHIRE h h 5 112 112St2 By Caughnawaga Perth W N Adrians St2 Bcimont 31 l13fast C5 111 4 4S271 433 3 3 31 3s Troxler 11 Ella Bryson Lysander Sickle S271 Pimlico 34 l14fast 1310 124 2 2JJ2I7 4 2 lli 313 Bobbins Fred Levy Brynary Glint JJ2I7 Pimlico 34 l13fast 75 117 2 2SOtil 22 2 27S 11 J Wilson C Yorkville Magazine Big Dipper SOtil Pimlico 7S l27fast fid 100 1 2 2 5 10 = 1011 Skirvin 12 L O M Life Kleburne Lochiel 6317 Laurel 34 113 fast 41 113 7 544 4 = 4 = 1 Butwell 9 Ivabel Back Bay Itose Queen 5935 Laurel 34 113 fast 10 115 S 9 7 73 7T1 Schutgcr 10 Azyiade Bosseaux Isidora 5775 Laurel 1 l39fast 20 111 1 332 3 t 4 Small 1O TBump S Jasmine Superstitu 5459 Iaurel 34 114 fast S 113 2 24CCO 24CCO 7 7 7s 43 McTagrt 10 Azyiade Slierwood Uose Queen 4CCO Hamilton 1 141 fast 4J 11G G 334 S = S33 McTagrt 9 Jacquelina Ivabel Com Touch TouchG 4071 Fort Erie 34 l13fast 75 117 G G G 7 = G3 Musgrve S Rosseatix C Seed Chaptiltopec 4003 Fort Kric 31 l12fast 7 113 4 G G 71 7 ° a itusgrvo 9 Spring Board Altamaha Cowl 3SI4 Windsor 31 l13good 115 115 1 3 1 Li 32 T Kocrner 5 B Loyal 1C Commoner Hamilton HamiltonBy LURIA b f 3 101 By Sempronius Illustrious R F Carman UOS3 Belmont 34 lll fast S 101 3 1 1 1 Gh 6 1 McCahey 12 Cadeau L Lightning Hcupcck i911 Bel noiit 34 113 fast 30 102 S SG I HcupcckI 1 1 7l SujKhtmire K Sleuth Scallywag Montresor j 27 Jua xa G f 108 fast 7 105 10 10Gl 5 7 10 10 ° Rhtmire 10 InsMan SprighMiss Kamchatka KsOl Jua cA Gl f 1071 fast 115 105 3 3 3 3i 41 = iluxlon 5 Stout Heart Kiva Gar of Allah G729 Juarez 31 115 fast 32 IOC 2 1 1 I4 1s Drcycr 9 K Stalwart Bells Shar Knight G717 Jua ez i i6M9 51 f 107J fast S5 105 1 15S 1 1 IH 2 = Drcyer 10 Conaiight SKnight MKatchm 6M9 Jua cz 5S 103 good 45 109 3 2 1 1s 1 = 1 Booney S SKnight KSlalwart LVZandt iOS2 Latonia 51 f 109 mud 13 110 4 45S 567 7 = 10 Peak S AnnaRced AskMa TerraBIauco E91G Churchill 5S 101 fast 4 105 4 3 3 Gl G12 J Henry 10 Sptly Miss King Stalwart Cecil 5541 DouRlasIk 61 f 1072 fast S3 97 4 4THRIFTY fa 5 71 5s Hyde 11 La Mode Lodoua Rosemary RosemaryBy THRIFTY h m 5 107 107SM5 By Ogdcn Busy Maid W J McDermott SM5 Blue Bon 34 l14V fast 10 99 1 1S753 1 1 I3 I1 Ambrose 14 GoldCap Bigliteasy Star Gift S753 Blue Bon 34 115 fast 25 10S 4 1 1 11 6 ° 1 W Dunn It Lord Wells Fred Levy Cosgrme 7910 11 dcC race 34114fast S 106 3 37S 1 1 2J1 21 Dcronda 7 JlissMoments Agnier Ch Seed 7S 1 HdeGrace 5i f lOCfast 12 101 3 377S9 234 461 Itobbins 9 Double Five Spohn Tritler 77S9 1LdcGrace 5S l02good 3 107 3 3 1 I4 1 = W Dunn 8 Hasson Americtis Chilton Dance 7692 Jamesf wn 51 f lOS = fast 2 101 3 3LITTLE 2 2 21 3J Dcronda 9 Isl Queen Ancon NarnocJVJr NarnocJVJrBy LITTLE JUPITER b g 3 103 By Hastings Queen of Trent S Ross 14 Belmont 34 113 fast 10 105 9 9 S S1 7 i Bntwell 10 Sleuth Scallywag Montresor SS07 Belmont 31 111 fast 15 105 7 5544 = 3 = 1 Butwell 7 Bosom Grosvenor Moncnif S057 Pimlico 31 l15 fast 3710 107 7 3 1 l k 2h Butwell 12 Brynary Bryn Fairy Godmother fillO PipgBock 34 114 fast 6 127 3 8 8 8 S1 9 W Allen 9 Panklmrst H Prynne Verduru G105 HdeGrace 5S 102 hvy 4 107 1 1 2 3 = 4 Schnfger Continental Ringling Ins Man 5036 HdeGraco 5 f 1064 fast 15 103 7 KingB 4 6 6 = 510 T Davies 11 Striker Ringling Cuilton King 4S93 HdeGraco 51 f 108 mud 85 104 4 B 3 3 = I2 Schufger 11 GStoll FattyGrub Mary Ann K 45S8 HdeGrace 5S l01g fast 6 104 11 8 6 13114 = 4 Ferguson 14 Progressive Bh of Keys Crisco 3502 Fort Erie 5S 1014 fast 6 109 7 6 6 51 35 Schufger 12 Lysandcr Gerrard Phew 3103 Fort Erie 5S 101 fast 7 105 7 7DEDUCTION 4 3 21 25 Schufger 12 Benanet Flabbergast Ch Bell BellBy DEDUCTION hr g 4 100 100S733 By Broomstick Inference J M W Green S733 Electric AbG f l23fast 135 IOC 24 Skirvin r Wat Welles PTuorpeGolliwogg 8731 Electric AbaS 58fast 115 112 3 = Skirvin 7 Wat Welles VenoVon Golliwogg ifiOS Electric Ab38 r9goodll10 111 3 = AIex i Golliwogg Montcalm P Tlioriic S51S Klectric AbGJ f l30hvy C3 113 33i Tlioriic33i Doyle 5 PriniessThorpe Stairs EGrane EGraneink S41U Electric Ab61 f l23fast 1310 109 ink Skirvin G Sylvestris Pr Thorpe PrCliap S223 Pimlico 31 115 good 10 110 3 3SltS 2 1 21 In C Turner II Star Gift Rye Straw Fred Levy SltS Pimlico 34 l15 fast 15 112 1 Il 11 2l Pickens 12 Sylvestris MnlT Futurity S0 Pimlico 34 lllfast 8110 117 4 2 3 2 3i Pickens 13 Nimbus Miss Moments Ardelon ArdelonI3 77M Mlboro Ab7S 132 hvy 32 111 I3 Picltcns S WoodDove B H Gray Pendant PendantG43 7720 Marlboro CS l01fast 73 109 G43 J Hanover 8 Fanohette Racing Bell Galinda 7707 Mboro AbOl f 121 fast 1310 102 102SIR 2 V Adams S EofRicliind Casque HriettaW HriettaWBy SIR DENRAH ch c 4 112 By Peep oDay Miss Marconi H C Hallenhcck 9154 Belmont 1 116 146 fast 15 300 3 12 2 4 8 Jilusgrve 9 Flamma PMnlliolland WHorn 0017 Belmont 34 l12fast 15 121 3 567 GU fi13 Musgrve 7 Monlrosor Siekle Bouncing Lass 8396 Churchill 51 f lOGfust fil 110 S 5 G 71 93 Musgrve 12 FlorenceKoberts Martre B Bay 7851 HdeGrace 34 l14 fast 20 112 4 2 2 2 5 3 Musgrve 8 Pardner WorkingLad Blackford 5W7 Laurel 1 141 fast 3 105 5 7 9 10 10 10 = Ford 10 SJasmine Breaker Boy Kind Sir 6161 laurel Im70y l45fast S5 103 4 5 S 5 4 31 Ambrose S ColCook Aspirin L of Iingdcii IingdciiII 5 J1 HileGce Im70yl41fast G5 110 1 II 1 11 2 C H ShUe I d of Langden O Em Norbitt 4B77 HdoGrace 34 l13 fast 1110 111 2 1 1 1T I C H Shllg 7 Elwali Fond Sir files 4317 HdeGracc 34 l13fast 135 111 4 4MONCREIF 3 2 I1 21 C H Shilg 5 Joe Knight Chapnltepec Caliph CaliphBy MONCREIF ch h 5 112 112SS07 By Cesarion Lizzie Keller E F Condran SS07 Belmont 34 114 fast 10 115 2 32 2 2ii 43i T McTagt 7 Besom Grosvenor LittleJnpitor S622 Belmont 34 l13fast 10 114 2 4 8 6 Gl Gi Madeira 11 Ella Bryson Lysder Perthshire 7S61 HdeGrace 51 f lOCfast 12 109 8 8 6 GI G81 Madeira 9 Double Five Spohn Triflor 7S5 HdeGrace 51 f l07fast G5 115 G 4 3 2l 21 Madeira G MissMoments Schaller Henpeck 77S3 HdeGrace 58102 good SO 309 4 4 3 3l 2l Madeira S Double Five Black Chief Cowl W2 Jamestown 34 115 slop 15 101 1 2 3 4S G1 Wolf 9 Black Chief Vilcy Ben Ix yal CC02 Jamestown 34 l14g fast 31 111 7 5 G 71 SlulMadeira 9 TDtnman Premier Berkeley CTT9 Jamestown 34 114 fast 4 111 4 1 1 I2 1s Madeira 12 Napier JoeGaiteiis Jk Nunually G315 Jamestown 51 f 1OS fast 15 114 1 7 G S = 74J Madeira 12 Patrick S Calisse Berkeley BerkeleyBy jIHENPECK Hk f 3 101 101ISISS By Delhi Home Rule J 0 Talbott ISISS Belmont 34 l14fast 10 90 9 99 5 Sl 3J Pord 12 Cadeau Lady Lightning Chrysels fSfeT Pimlico 34 l15Mfast IS 109 9 7 9 7nt 541 Snider 12 Brynary Little Jupiter Bryn 7940 HdeGraco 31 l14fast 10 90 4 257 711iSnIder 7 Miss Moments Thrifty Agnier 7S9S HdeGracc 51 f 1 10 mud D 93 4 4 1 1s lh Snider 7 Brynary C dAlcno Paris Queen 78J5 HdeGracc Gl f l07V fast la 93 4 1 4 4 4 1 Snider G M Moments Moncreif Schaller SchallerC 7772 Jamesf wn 51 f l10mud 4 95 S C 3 73 91 Snider 11 Willis Queen Bee Joe Gallons 7C3G Jamesf wn 5i f l07fast 40 102 8 757 = G ° i Snider S Palanquin Flabbergast Yorkville GOLLIWOGG b g 4 103 103S739 By Gone Coon Cassandra Mrs W C Daly S739 Electric AbGi f l23 fast 4i 1M 4sJDennlcr n WWelles Deduction PTImrpo S734 Klectric Al 58 GSVfcfast 10 112 43 Bauer 7 WalWelles Veno Von Dcdnctn DcdnctnInk SCOS Electric Al 5S 59good 91 110 Ink Deimler G Montcalm Deduction P Thorpe S51S Electric AbGi f l30hvy 30 104 513 Feeitey 5 PrincossThorpe Stairs Deduction DeductionI S120 Electric Ab5S G9 fast 101 10G 10GS317 I T Johnston 8 JNiimially W Welles ThCook S317 Pimlico 34 115 good 31 103 4 47 47S273 Si 71 W Doyle 1 Springms TUoiland Montcalm S273 Pimlico 31 115 fast fid 98 4 21 21S221 1 = Snider 12 Gold Cap York Lad McCrcary S221 Pimlico 34 l15good fid 103 3 12 11 31 Doyle 1G Cynosure CBcachey JNimnally SIGS Btimore Ab3S l00i slop fi 107 7 7UJT = UJT Johnson 7 Panchette GIluby M Moments 3070 Mrlboro Ab58 101 fast 165 97 2 44 4 510iPcrguson 7 Bat Mastcrson TIIolland Smirk 2992 Mrlboro Ab51 f 110 fast 95 112 2 11 12 I10 D Murphy 9 Exicutanto E Hcrndon Abdul 2963 Marlboro 41 f 58 fast 10 101 3 3 4 4290S 41 4 = 1 J Pinder 8 Lucille R Galinda Sabo Blend 290S Marlboro 41 f 101 hvy 20 103 7 5 G 4i 45i J Pinder 7 Annagh Toniata Lucille II IIBy MISS MOMENTS br m 5 107 107SS1S By Filigrane Stolen Moments Parkvalo Stable SS1S Pimlico 31 115 good 75 102 7 54 54S223 73 757i Pord 9 WWelles Toddling J Nimimlly S223 Pimlico 34 115 good 33 312 5 39 39S030 10 ° 97j A Fergusiill Deduction Star Gift Rye Straw S030 Pimlico 34 l14 tast 1910 110 1 11 li 2 Ford 13 Nimbus Deduction Ardelon Ardelonl 7940 HdcGrace 34 l14fast 21 111 2 32 l ii c Turner 7 Thrifty Agnl r Cherry Seed 7825 HdeGrace 5 f I07y5fast S 110 2 21 Il 1 Tcahan G Moncreif Schiilier Henpeck Henpeck4nk 6641 Jamestown 34 117 hvy 12 106 6 34 4nk c = D Holtman 9 Dipper Berkeley Sc Pimpernel 6599 Jamestown 34 l14i fast 31 105 4 34 41 ink Tcalian 11 ScPimpernel Viley Kublcon II 6575 Jamestown 34 115 fast S5 103 1 12 12G543 31 SJ Teahan 11 Brcdwell Astruloger ScnSparka G543 Jamestown Gl f 108 fast 5 107 4 35 7 63i E Martin 12 Patrick S Calisse Berkeley 6469 Pimlico 34 11G hvy 7 109 2 22 2 1 2 E Martin 10 M OConnell Berkeley L Wells 6329 Pimlico 34 1151 hvy 60 110 2 22 24 22 E Martin 9 Joe Knight ThcBusybody Garti GartiBy BOUNCING LASS b f 4 107 By Yankee Caoutchouc P S P Randolph 9017 Belmont 31 l12fast 30 111 5 2 2 2 31 3J Ford 7 Montresor Sickle Canipoon 6368 Jamestown 34 114 fast 10 107 7 77 77CP03 7s 74 K Martin 12 Aviator Berkeley Fatherola CP03 Laurel 1 140 fast SO 97 7 5 G 7 75S02 7 7 ° 3 Karrick 7 Hamilton Cliryseis War II IIirn irn 5S02 Laurel 31 lllfast 15 110 10 10 10 105TS7 S1 S6 Small 10 Veneta Strome Kate K Detect 5TS7 Laurel 1 116 l47fast S 301 G G G 6 653S6 61 7i Byrne 10 II Turner Mich Angclo MyGal 53S6 Toronto 34 l15lwy 195 106 1 43 5 4 = 1 K Martin 8 Inlan Bay of Pleasure Miss Joe 3130 Montreal 31 l14good 10 107 6 S 7 7llSS 4 = G3 Connolly 10 Ben Loyal Viley Elma llSS Montreal 1 l41fast G 103 2 1 1 1 11 3 = K Martin 10 Lof Limgden Heretic II Turner SCHALLER ch c 3 100 100S333 By Ort Wells Betties Deceiver N K Beal S333 Pimlico Im40y l46fast S910 8 S 11 10 S 10 S43Ford 13 Moilie S Star Gift Mileage S057 Pimlico 34 l15MfaSt G 31 G5i Pbrotlier 12 Brynary Little Jupiter Bryn 7825 HdeGrace 61 f l Sfast J 106 1 32 3 3 = 1 Fbrother G M Moments Moncreif Uenpeck 7771 Jamestown 34 l CVbmud 8 112 1 11 11MARY 43 41 F brother G Brynary Arran Captain Jinks MARY SCRIBE b f 3 101 10190S3 By The Scribe Mary Black W S House 90S3 Bcimont 34 l14 fast 00 101 2437 2437S037 71 913 Wolfe 12 Cadeau L Liglitning llenpeck S037 Pimlico 34 l15Mfast fid 103 8 4 G 11 II12 C Turner 12 Brynary Little Jupiter Bryn 7898 HdcGrace 51 f 110 mud S 104 3 22 5 = 571 0 Turner 7 Hcnpeck Brynary C dAlcne 3501 Fort Krie 51 f lOSg fast G 111 1 23 Gtt 810iButwell S Dorlon Flabbergast Fatty Grub 3224 Hamilton Gl f l07g fast 8 107 2 24 51 7t2iButvcll 7 Ringling Flabbergast FrcdLcvy 3143 Hamilton 41 f 54 fast 96 110 4 1 12 I2 Butwell 8 BWSusan Miccosukee B Worth 2827 Montreal 58 103J good SO 107 2 42 2 1 1 Butwell 9 Capt Elliott Orowoc Ringling 2751 Montreal 58 102 good 15 107 G G G 4 1 Butwell 6 E Light Marie T BE Susan 2465 Toronto 5S 104 hvy 26 107 2 23 3 3 Butwell 5 Ringling C Elliott Honey Bee 2406 Toronto 68 1034 hvy 18 107 3 33 31 4TJ Butwell 6 Ringliug Oapt Elliott Marie T 2306 Pimlico G8 1012 fast 6 107 3 32 41 57i Butwell 6 E Light C o the Walk Brash 2237 Pimlico 41 f 5SJ slow 21 109 6 4 4MR 32 2n Butwcll 9 Lawsuit Smash Miccosukee MiccosukeeBy MR SPECS ch K 5 104 By Woolsthorpe Jill Greenwood R W Karrick 9017 Belmont 31 l12fast 15 113 2 4 5 6 6S272 51 513 Karrick 7 Montresor Sickle BouncliiiiLass S272 Pimlico 2 352fast 34 13 1455 1455S060 41 ° 413 J Butncr G Gun Cotton Jesuit Lizzie Fiat S060 Pimlico 2 355fast 13 138 1 2 Fell Fell63i9 J Butner 4 Bill Andrews Kingcash El Bart 63i9 Pimlico 34 115 J hvy 30 100 9 88 S 9l Ambrose 9 JKnight MMomenls T Hbodr 6246 Laurel 34 1142 good 31 112 7 44 44TRIFLER 5l S5 Byrne 11 Edith Inez Patrick S Plurceil PlurceilBy TRIFLER blk f 3 101 101S622 By Ogden Fads and Fancies T Monahan S622 Belmont 34 l134 fast C SS S 8 10 10 10S075 10 30iJD HolTuiaull Ella Bryson Lysder Perthshire S075 Pimlico 31 l14fast 21 10G 4 32 327SG1 3 33 Skirvin G HPryniie Sand Vale RMessage 7SG1 HdeGrace 51 f lOGfast 3 99 G 32 327S14 2 Thrifty4l 3 Wolfe 9 Double Five Siiolm Thrifty 7S14 HdeGrace 5S l00fast 2 101 G 54 4l 34 O Turner r PAntoinette P Pairy Sil Moon 6597 Jamestown Gl f 108 fast 4 109 3 32 24 Il Ivarrick 9 Gardenia Jack Kellogg Abdou 6501 Pimlico 51 f 107 fast 20 110 7 77 77DAINGERFIELD 72 StoiJ Glass 9 Lcochares Briar Path Tarts DAINGERFIELD ch g 4 103 10390S5 OakRidgeStable3U By Dolce Far Nicnte Cherry Wild OakRidgeStable 90S5 Belmont 1 11 268 fast 10 100 2523 2523S93S 3U 4 = J I lloltman 7 DMacdonald JCalTrey JWjIser S93S Belmont 1 1S l53fast 30 107 4133 4133S757 3l 37 B llolTman 5 DMaedonald Kormak WI lorn S757 Belmont 1 1S 153 fast 12 105 4 4 5 4 4S672 43 5 B llolTman G Star Gaze War Horn El Oro S672 Bcimont 1 110 l46fast 5 101 4 G G 5 5S321 5to G ° i Pord YellowEves Warllorn J Walsor S321 Pimlico ImGOy l46good 11 101 3 3 G 5 5S245 41 3J It Hoffman S Napier My Fellow Ben Prior S245 Pimlico 34 l14fast S6 107 S 7 G G 4 Snider S Ambrose Joe Knight Sylvcstrls 8134 Pimlico Im40y l41fast 10S 113 4455 4455GG17 74 71C Skirvin 9 Pardner Honnian Lewin GG17 Jamesfn 1 11G 149 fast S 100 235 7 765S9 7s Lewin7s 7S K Martin 11 Jaciielina LWiggins Copportn 65S9 Jamesfn 1 11G l48g fast 6 306 7 6 G 3 3G569 3 = 2i K Martin 10 Heretic Nimbus L of Langden G569 Jamesfn 1 14 209J fast 20 101 5 3 5 S GJ 51 Sell tit ger 11 Idleweiss Suiiervisor El Oro 6121 Latonia Im70y 1472 mud 41 102 10 10 10 4 462S4 41 5 C Turner 11 Idleweiss Crossover TomHigbeo 62S4 Latonia Im70y l44g fast 16510817 553 553WAR 4R 3 Loftus 12 Dynamite Clubs Georgo Oxnird OxnirdBy WAR LORD b g 3 103 103Sill By Broomstick Miss Hamburg H P Whitney Sill Pimlico 31 l14Afast G3 107 9 G G 71 nio Troxler 14 Mahubah Bruin Belle LAiglon

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1913062401_6_2
Library of Congress Record: