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ANACONDA ENTRIES The figures under the heading Rec in the entries below show tho best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1911 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbre ¬ viations show track conditions Probabilities Weather clear track fast Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 330 X Runs well In mud Superior mud runner M maiden ApprentIco allowance allowanceFirst First Race 4 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Selling SellingTrack Track rticord 84322 54 2 102 102Ind Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 10135 Fafner 103 54 107700 1040S Ceos 107 56 115695 10379 Ada Kenneday 104 56s 112X695 10408 Art Rick 113 54 110G95 10231 Deal Carroll 107 54 107 690 104081 Auntie Curl 107 690 Second Race Futurity Course 170 feet less than 34 mile mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 10382 111 5 98 9776 Emily Lee 109X725 104342 Anne McGee 107 109 109X720 109X72010350s 10350s Angeliis 105 114 Vfs 111X715 10350 Country Boy 109 113 111X710 10407 Annual Interest 113 111 111X710 10384 Decency 106 112 109X710 109X71010437s 10437s Medlo 108 l12sy 7 109X710 10351 Briton 108 112 5 115X705 104353 Bevcrstein 7 lllXi05 10438 Clint Tucker 106 111 7 111X695 10437 Abe Slupskey 101 110 5 1110600 10346 Brjghaui 3 99X690 99X690Third Furlongs3yearolds Third Raco 5 12 Furlongs SellingTrack 3yearolds and upward Selling Track record 84280 107 4 102 10319 fcnvv 106 l07h 3 104X725 10439 Pajaroita 113107 8110X720 8110X72010087s 10087s Elizabeth HarwoodllO 106 7 105X720 10348 Daddy Gip 111100 6105X715 6105X7159924J 9924J Duncraggan 7 106X710 1762 Hardy 110107 4 108 700 700Fourth Fourth Race Futurity Course 170 feet less than 34 milei milei3yearolds HandicapTrack 3yearolds and upward Handicap Track record 10382 111 5 98 10382 Simpsilla 105 110 4 104x725 104x725L03S22 L03S22 Parlor Boy Ill 110 5 112720 10381 Pay Streak Ill 108 5 118X712O 10382 Jack Paine 106 112 8 115X7ir 10382 New Haven 105 109 4 99X710 10136 Sir Fretful 109 112 7 107X715 Fifth Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 5165 141 5 104 10439 = MOLLIE RICHARDS 3 97X725 10436 Ora McGee 107 140 4 101X715 104363 Dr Dougherty 94 140 6 108X710 10233 Engraver 102 139 7 105X710 9990 Sugar Limit 100 139 5 100X710 10137 Nannie McDte 106140 4101X705 4101X705Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 5105 141 5 104 10410 = Madeline Musgravel07 141 7 990700 10349 = Lajoie 110 l45s 4 112X695 10349 Wassail M 104142 8111X695 10317 Harlem Maid 108141 7 99 695 10438 Mike Donlin 110 l45s 5 111X690 10384 Sharper Knight 110 l4Ssy 3 99 090 10232 Ormonde Cunning ¬ ham G 111XGS5 10461 Tony Faust 109143 9 1140GSO 10385 Big Claim 108142 5 111 080 080Seventh Seventh Race 58 Mile 3 and 4yearolds Selling SellingTrack Track record 84325 100 5 104 10157 Rose Sweet 105 101 4 107 705 10438 Ethel Samson 107 102 4 107 7CO 10456 Gomul 103 101 4 109X695 10415 Idiin lOt 102 4 107XC95 10433 = Ethel Wicks M 99 102 4 107XC90 10346 = Watso M 104 l05s 3102X690 10460 Klngsley M 3 105G85 10438 Golden Shower M101 102 4 107 680 10459 Albert Jones M 99 102 4 112 075 10433 Quill M 4 10 675 10346 Hutu M 105 lOGsy 3 102 675