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SECOND RACE About 2 12 Miles Saratoga Steeplechase Handicap 4yearolds and upward 4S004 00 C KiO KiONOBSCOT PENOBSCOT NOBSCOT ch g 4 163 By Yankee Courtplaster R T Wilson 10302 12 Saratoga Ab 2 423 fast 75 1G2 743 2 2 2J Wolkt 7 Wickson T EVader Geo Eno 9364 14 Belmont Ab2i 529 fast 32 155 3 4 4 2 I1 I3 Wolke 5 L Navarre Jim Hanson O Bear 8671 Navarreil 1 Belmont Ab 2i 533 fast 31 140 4 5 2 2 1s 1 Wolke 7 O Bear Coligny L Navarre 8351 il Killarneyil Pimlico 2 352fast 61 135 5 5 5 5 2 1 E Wolke C Exemplar Sof tWind Killarney 8061 il Pimlico 7S l27fast 33 106 12 7 7 4 61 7s Wolfe 12 L O M Life Kleburne Lochlel 7929 9 HdeGrace 51 f l06fast 12 110 2 5 53 21 2i Wolfe 9 Rolling Stone Besom Fly Fairv 7899 9 HdeGrace 61 f l08mud 40 107 6 6 6WICKSON 666 e3 Wolfe G CaughHill SpBoard GrUnghes GrUnghesCKSON WICKSON CKSON b g 7 160 By Wickham Dianas Daughter L A Ekers 10302 Saratoga Ab 2 423 fast 4 147 5 1 1 1 I2 1J Beamish 7 Penobscot T Evader Geo Eno 10225 Saratoga Ab 2 426 fast 2 148 3 2 2 1 1B 1 Beamish 5 Buckthorn TheProphet Astute 9238 Hamilton Ab 2 404fast 3 140 1 1 1 1 int 2 Beamish 8 Ennlskillen Kingcash DrHeard 9135 Connought 78 l29fast 7 105 2 6 G 6 6 G Hopkins C Havrock Magpie Breastplate 8881 BlueBon Ab21 513fast 41 147 6 3 4 4 410 411 Beamish 6 MysLight EnnisJnllen Kingcash 8777 BlueBon Ab21 521fast 5 152 4 2 2 2 22 31 ° Beamish 4 JDennerlen BuckthornTAfrln 8721 BlueBon Ab2J 456 fast 5 147 2 5 7 6 6 6 Beamish 8 JArmour Ennlsklln MysLight 6109 PlpgRock Ab 2 356 fast 4 148 4 4 4 4 31 2s Beamish 9 Hlghbridge Buckthorn Bello 5967 PipgRock Ab 2 401i fast 10 165 9 11 10 10 101 10 Beamish 16 Meadowswt Hlghbrldge O Benr 5385 Toronto Ab 2 416jj hvy 65 143 3 3 3 3 3 3 Beamish 3 Bill Andrews Young Morpheus THE EVADER br g 5 148 By St Evox Deceptive Angle R L Gerry 10302 Saratoga Ab 2 423 fast 6 146 4 6 6 30 3 Haynes 7 WIcksou Penobscot G Rno 10063 Belmont Ab 2 420 good 3 135 1 2 2 1 1 1s Haynes 5 Maltble Adventuress BAndws 6413 BelTer fast 95 147 3 3 Lost rider T OBrien 4 Hlghbridge RiceGralu OConnor 6396 Pimlico Ab 2 355 fast 12 150 8 S 6 662S9 7s 7lBooth 8 George Eno O Bear Buckthorn 62S9 BelTer Ab21 fast 85 147 2 3 3 21 25 W Booth 4 Hlghbridge K Grain OConnor 6109 PipgRock Ab 2 366 fast S5 145 9 9 8 71 5 W Booth 9 HlKhbridge Wickson Buckthorn BuckthornI2 3552 ElkwdPk Ab21 5001 fast 3 146 I2 W Booth 9 Kingpin OConnor Supplement Supplement2b 3305 Brkline Ab 2J 4578 fast 5 132 3 8 7 2b 2 W Booth 10 Kingpin Algie Buckthorn 3121 Brookline Ab 2 400 fast 31 132 7 3 3 22 3 W Booth 7 New Comer L Navarre Referee 2902 BelTer Ab 2 mud 10 141 I2 Booth 0 GtryGuy Day Bell RiceGrain 2702 Pimlico Ab 2 4063 slop 15 136 8 8 8 8THE 7 7 Booth 9 Kingpin Day Bell Racewbll RacewbllBy THE PROPHET ch g 6 152 By Islington Castalia G R Tompkins 10225 Saratoga Ab 2 426 fast 5 155 656 656SS29 4 31S Kermath S Wickson Buckthorn Astute SS29 BlueBon Ab21 515fast 2 152 1 2 2 2 1s 1s Kermath 4 GCotton BuckthornJDennerlen 8296 Pimlico 2 14 425hvy 10 148 1 11 11 7 5 4 Kermath 11 Enniskillen Relluf Hiuiatlon 2 21 24 Kermath 5 Coligny Shan River Buckthorn 6443 Pimlico 2 14 4451 slop 85 143 6 5 3 1 1 ° 1 Kermath fi Dissenter Topright Gallln 6396 Pimllco Ab 2 355 fast 8 150 2 7 8 G GalllnG 6s 5 5JKermath JKermath 8 George Eno O Bear Buckthorn 6435 Toronto 3 620 good 1 142 2 3 3 4 2s 21 Kermath 4 Hichbridge Buckthorn Bello 6344 Toronto Ab 21 522 slop 226144 133 2 I1 1 Kenneth 4 I Michael Wickson Buckthorn Buckthorn30LD 30LD PLATE ch g 7 146 By Magnificent Ansonella H S Page 9465 Belmont Ab2J 542 fast 3 163 4 3 3 Lost rider MrVonStc 5 RockAbuey WebCarter TSalnst 9203 Bkline Ab2 12 509fast 35 168 I5 Von Stade 5 Xarda Ace of Clubs Golden 9106 Brkline Ab31 659fast 25 157 1 1 F S VStade 3 Zarda Shanyballymore ShanyballymoreSS97 SS97 Belmont Ab21 541 fast 21 169 4 2 2 2 2 ° 22 Mr Page 4 Herculoid EssexILJackMidelon EssexILJackMidelonSOSSMbrook SOSSMbrook Ab3t good 710 16S 2 J AlrHSPe 3 Pall Mall Web Carter 8017 Mbrook Ab21 good 45 169 I2 MrVStade 4 Web Carter M Pride Pantaloon 6453 BelTer Ab 3 fast 75 169 4 4 Lost rider Mr V Stade 5 W Carter Herculoid K Abbey 6412 BelTer Ab 4 fast 65 168 3 1 2 2 I1 1 MrVStade 5 Herculoid Winkle 1 of Dulnth 6287 BelTer Ab 3 fast 1 166 2 2 1 1 I5 1s Mr H Tker 5 Tlllie D Winkle Cromarty