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I The small figure under Str shows the distance the horse was ahead of that next in the race I The small figure under Fin unless the horse won shows the number of lengths the horse was behind the winner Weight to be carried appears at top of column of weights in previous races I FIRST RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 84338 111 J 114 Index Course Dlst TimeTckOdds Wt St Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish HOBNOB ch c 3 120 By Star Shoot High Degree H C Hallenbeck 10183 Saratoga 34 l13fast 3 115 3 1 1 3 421 Musgrve 5 Hawthorn Genesta Star Gaze 10126 Saratoga 34 l13fast 31 111 1 1 1 1 14 1B Musgrve G OlIverLodge Scallywag Orovoc 8405 Churchill 34 l14hvy C 93 1 1 2 5 581 Karrick 5 Roy Tea H Private Bonanza 8356 Churchill 34 l12fast 2S 108 2 1 1 31 5 1 Musgrve 8 Silver Bill McCorkle FlyingTom 8180 Churchill 34 1 1G441 113 fast 32 107 1 1 1C441 1 21 31 Musgrve 11 Floral Park Cream Silver Bill C441 Pimllco 34 1 1142 slop 41 110 1 1 1 ink 421 Schutger 8 Buskin Tarts Abdon 6029 Laurel 34 1 112 fast 2J 11G 4 1 2 4l 44 McTagrt 7 Leochares HMajesty Barnegat 6457 Laurel 61 f 1 1BEATJCOUP 108 fast 1120 114 2 1 1BEATJCOUP 1 ink IB Hopkins 7 Federal Palanquin Ten Point BEATJCOUP ch h 8 119 By Ornament Ollie Bellt R T Wilson 10149 Saratoga 1 1 142 good 2 106 3 1 1 1 li 35 Wolfe 5 F Feet R Meteor BreakBov 10130 Saratoga 1 1 l39fast 3 106 4 2 2 2 2s 28 Wolfe 7 ColAshme MAnn K FMulnd 10014 Belmont 1 1 l40fast 85 107 1 3 3 1 1s I1 Wolfe 3 Reybourn Bayport 9888 Belmont 1 1 141 fast 4 112 1 5 5 4 2 4 = Wolfe 11 W Welles DaingerfieW Caliph 9695 Belmont 1 1 l40fast 5 115 10 11 9 7 41 21 Wolfe 11 O Em Little Jupiter W Welles 9390 Belmont 34 1 l14fast 35 112 1 3 6 4 2 I1 Wolfe 7 Little Hugh Fond Mr Specs 9419 Belmont 3J 1 114 fast 2 107 2 3 2 2 2 2 Wolfe 7 Deduction Mr Specs Accord 9188 Belmont 1 11 l40fast 185 110 3 3 2 1 2s 23 Wolfe 10 Strenuous Spin Capt Elliott 9154 Belmont 1 116 146 fast 3 108 2 2 3 3 C1 5l ° Wolfe 9 Flarama FMulholland WHorn 8919 Belmont 1 116 147 fast 85 108 2 4 4 4 3 1 51 Wolfe 0 Warllorn Lohengrin WorkLad 8757 Belmont 1 18 153 fast 3 108 1 1 1 1 1LURIA 2h 481 Wolfe C Star Gaze War Horn El Oro OroBy LURIA b f 3 100 By Scmpronius Illustrious R F Carman 10400 Saratoga 34 l12 fast 10 100 4 44 4 G NIcklaus CLLIghtning HBee HMessage 10224 Saratoga 34 l13 fast 20 96 4 3 7 4 4l 21 Nicklaus 10 LLIghtnlng TrlHer W Welles 10061 Belmont 34 114 slow 12 95 10 3 2 2 2 ° t I Nicklaus 11 LittleHugh BouncLass KateK 9831 Belmont 34 l13fast 12 103 9 2 2 4 9l 9lU htmlre 15 Ivabel Bouncg Lass Discorerv 9190 Belmont 34 114 fast 10 101 14 13 13 12 121 12 lRhtmIre 14 L Jupiter B Lass Perthshire 9083 Belmont 34 l14fast 8 101 3 1 1 1 5 C l McCahey 12 Cadeau L Lightning Henpeek 8914 Belmont 34 113 fast 30 102 8 1 1 1 7 8JRhtinlre 10 Sleuth Scallywag Montresor Montresor5i 6827 Juarez 5i f 108 fast 7 105 10 8 7 10 1019 Rhttnlre 10 InsMan SprighMIss Kamchatka Kamchatka5J G01 Juarez 5J f 1071 fast 115 105 3 3 3 3 4ltlBuxton 5 Stout Heart Klva Gar of Allah AllahBy TRIFLER blk f 3 107 By Ogden Fads and Fancies A Miller 10224 Saratoga 34 l13fast 5 100 11 10 3 4 3 Wolfe 10 L Lightning Lurla W Welles 10147 Saratoga 78 127 good 6 107 3 1 1 3 35 Byrne 5 Montresor Ella Bryson Virile 9461 Belmont 34 114 good 5 109 4 1 2 2 8 822 T McTagt 8 J oe Delbold Lace Isidora 9242 Belmont 34 l13fast II 10 109 7 7 7 7 72 7 1T McTagt 9 Kallnka Sleuth Scallywag 8622 Belmont 34 l13fast C 88 8 8 10t10 10 10D Hoffmann Ella Bryson Lysder Perthshire 8075 Pimllco 34 l14fast 21 106 4 2 3 3 Skirvln C HPrynue Sand Vale RMessag 7S61 HdeGrace 61 f l06fast 3 99 6 2 21 3 Wolfe 9 Double Five Spohn Thrifty 7814 HdeGrace 58 l00fast 2 101 5 5 4 4 3 C Turner 5 PAntoinette F Fairy Sll Moon 6597 Jamestown 51 f 108 fast 4 100 3 3 3COMPLIMENT 2 2 Il Karrick 9 Gardenia Jack Kellogg Abdon AbdonBy COMPLIMENT ch g 5 118 By Ort Wells Adeek J Butler 10301 Saratoga 34 112 fast 50 109 1 4 4 4s 3r Byrne 7 HoneyBee WaterWelles Lace 94918 Juarez 78 126 fast 20 109 6 9 J 8 51 6 J J Reid 9 Melton Street Sebago Sterlin 94277 Juarez 78 126 fast 5 108 5 6 6 6MAGAZINE G 4J 4s Keogh 0 Planter Salali Butter Ball BallBy MAGAZINE b f 8 121 By Mazagan Pink Hose A Simons v 10301 Saratoga 34 112 fast 30 112 7 7 7 7 713 G Burns 7 HonBee WWelles Compliment 10224 Saratoga 34 l13fast 15 112 13 13 12 12 13 11 G Burns 1C Lady Lightning Luria Trltler 9866 Windsor 34 115 fast 7 114 6 6 5 4s 4 ° 1 Small 7 Jes Burn Chapultepec La Mode 9619 Fort Erie 34 l15good 9 117 2 4 2 21 21 F Adams 0 Joe Stein Miss Edith Dilatory 9524 Fort Erie 34 117 good 15 113 13 11 11 102 912 Small 13 Cowl Gold Cap Chuckles 9456 Fort Erie 34 l18slow 41 111 3 3 4 51 6s Small 7 Gold Cap York Lad Grosvenor 9335 Hamilton 34 113 fast 7 113 11 11 10 10 9 Small 12 Yorkvllle Slmcoe Rosemary 9216 Hamilton 34 l12fast GO 121 8 8 8888 Small 8 Hawthorn Leochares Calgary 8805 Blue Bon 34 l14ysfast 95 116 14 9 987E3 9 gi g gzjj zjj Wilson 14 Thrifty Gold Cap Righteasy 87E3 Blue Bon 34 115 fast 2J 119 1 11 9 6i 5s G Burns 11 Lord Wells Fred Levy Cosgrove 8580 Toronto 34 l13fast 3 112 1 8 5 42 I1 Small 11 RoyMessage Righteasy Letrno 8465 Toronto 33 114 fast 4910 118 9 8 8SPIN 7 42 2 G Burns 12 DrNeet JHHghton Star Gift GiftBy SPIN ch m 5 114 By Voter Gingham E F Cawlran 10261 Saratoga 34 114 fast 20 108 3 7 7999 Troxler 9 VlaOctavia Dartwth CElliott 10182 Saratoga 1 l40fast 40 107 5 4 5 555 512JH Radtke 5 Kallnka Dartworth S ORyan 9637 Belmont 78 l26fast 8 110 3 5 5 4 5 62 H Radtke 5 Kallnka Yenghee W Welles 9413 Belmont 1 116 146 fast 15 107 2 1 2 9 9 9 H Radtke 9 Okhurst FMholland JWalser 9188 Belmont 1 l40fast 15 105 2 2 7 G 51 35 J Hanover 10 Strenuous Beaueoup C Elliott 9083 Belmont 34 l14Vfast 12 112 5 6 4 G G 5s Frach 12 Cadeau L Lightning Henpeek 8648 Belmont 1 l39fast 8 107 3 2 4 2 G 812 T Davles 9 Altarnaha CaptSwanson WLad 7939 HdeGrace 34 l14fast 6 108 6 3 37SCG 3 4 1 42 Madeira 10 Edith Inez Patrick S Horace 1C 7SCG HdeGrace 34 l14VSfast 10 110 5 1 1 2J 4l Madeira 13 Ardelon Lof Langden Magazine 7802 HdeGrace 51 f l07fast 40 110 1 1 1 21 21 Madeira 0 Cowl Blackford Honey Bee