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SARATOGA FORM CHART SARATOGA N Y FRIDAY AUGUST 15 1913 Twelfth day Saratoga Association Summer Meeting of 26 days Weather clear Racing starts at 230 11 in Chicago time 130 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate index uumlter track record age of horse and weight earned Indicates apprentice allowance O FIRST RACE 1 Mile 91561 137 3 119 400 added 3yearolds and upward J Maidens Selling Net value to winner 350 second 70 third 30 Ind Horsea AAVtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners OHC P S 10083CHQPIN wsn 3 98 2 2 31 2 21 2J I1 J McTagt L Blume Blumew3 7 8 6 lo OUt 10371PROSPECT w3 93 5 3 5 444 = 3 V1 J McDondE R Bradley Bradleyws 1 1 11200 Ut 101 86 EUTERPE ws 3 103 3 4 2 31 3s in T ° T Dayles A Barklie Barkliew 10 15 15 4 1 10371 ANN TILLY w 3 101 1 5 1 l 1 = 4 4 ° Nicklaus J M dimmer dimmerws 3 4 65 out TICK TACK ws 4 ion 4 1 4l 5 5 5 Ambrose A G Hlakclev 10 in IL f r Ing CHOPIN ran into a pocket right after the start and but got through and taking the lead at the eighth post i PROSPECT began slowly and wufe also Interfered with n tr but failed to quite gut up BUTKRPl ran forward y thr btt jiace to lie stretch but yult Mdly Iu the last quarter SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs 70207 105 tf 2 112 500 added 2yearnlds Handicap Net value to winner 485 second 100 third 50 Inil Horses AWtPPSt V V V StrFin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 403GRACILLA i w 100 6 1 l n 1 I1 E Martin T C McDowell 15 20 20 S 4 4LN 10181 UNCLE MV LN w 110 5 4 3n 31 3l 21 Troxler H C Hallenbeck 15 15 15 6 3 10330 FLITTERGOLD WB 120 7 2 2n 21 2 3 T McTagtA Belmont 2 1331351 12 10303 PUNCH BOWL v US S G 81 5J 41 Butwell E F Cooncy 463112 10330 RALPH v 100 10 7 5 61 5i J McCabe G J Long 30 20 8 3 85 1 0203s HURAK AX v 10G 4 9 7l S1 S1 64 Wolfe 10 12 12 5 21 9078 CORN BROOM v 102 11 10 7l 73 1 Rowley C S Campbell 15 20 20 8 4 233112tU3GG 10303 ROAMER w v 123 0 03 3 41 41 Gn S2 Byrne A Miller 233112 LttUGG FLORIX w v 110 3 S 93 93 9 92 Borel BeverwyckStable 20 20 20 S 4 4tis tis 15 ARMAMENT w v 102 1 11 10 10 10 10 T DavieB H J Morris 20 30 20 10 5 5i03 i03 GOLDEN CHIMES w 113 2 5 Fell Rhtmire R F Carman 15 20 15 C 3 3Time fastWinner Time lls 22 i 34 59 106 Track fast Winner DennyWent Ch f by Goldfinch Graciosily trained by G Denny Went to post at At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same GRACILLA set a fast pace and withstanding challenges from UNCLE MUN nnil FLITTERGOLD fuunely maintained lier lend to the finish UNCLE MUN ran the best race of bin career and passed FLIT ifRGOLD In the final strides Tlie latter ran a fast and game race but tired PUNCH BOWL was way poorly and in addition was in tight quarters next to the rail for the entire way RALPH met with ariy Interference and finished fast COKN BROOM closed np much ground from a poor start GOLDEN U1MES was caught In a jam and tinown In the first sixteenth HURAKAN closed a gap ROAilKR tired under his weight in the stretch drive driveScratched Scratched 101S4Casnarlna 122 10300Snrprislng 120 1025S Dr Samuel 100 10334Bradleys Choice iir KMXS1 Stake and Cap 112 103343Undaumed 102 10334 Valkyrie 107 7930Preslon Lynne 104 10181 Harry L 10 10404 Northerner 103 101S4 Contrary 10V 10427 Galaxy 07 10C5 PanAmeri ¬ can 10S 10SOverweights Overweights Uncle Mun 2 itounds Armament 4 THIRD RACE 34 Mile 84338 111 J 114 400 added 3yearolds and up ¬ 10451 ward Selling Net value to winner S4SO second 70 third 30 In 1 Horses AWtPPSt 14 Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H C P i 1 030 1 WATER WELLES w 5 109 55 4i 4 = 51 I1 Wolfe R I Miller 5 G 31 65 35 35J02CO J02CO PROGRESSIVE wit 3 106 48 8 51 4l 21 Butwell T F Sheedy 66521 1 0201 VIA OCTAVIA w 5 113 11 7 31 31 3 3 T Davles J Fiszslmmons 21 3 21 1 12 10224 INCISION w 5 109 10 2 2 21 2 4 Killwth J Griffin 20 30 16 C 3 3JICiHl JICiHl PATRICK S wu 5 109 311 9U 7 71 5l T McTagtP J Fox 15 30 30 10 5 5W4G1SMONCREIF W4G1SMONCREIF WSB 5 112 74 fl G1 6l C1 A Fergus nE F Condran 20 30 20 8 4 10224 LITTLE HUGH w 3 106 2 11 11 10 72 Byrne R Parr 10 15 15 6 3 021SCAPT ELLIOTT W3 9S 810 7 Sl 81 81 J McTagt S Ross 8 10 10 4 2 2I030XBROOKFIELD I030XBROOKFIELD w 3 98 6 3 51 91 9 9 J McDondE R Bradley 10 10 10 4 2 1 008S SILVER MOON w 3 101 16 1s li 10 E Martin Oak Ridge StableS 5 4 85 45 1970 INFERNO QUEEN w G 110 9 1 10 10 11 11 Troxler W Turner 30 100 50 20 10 10Time Time 12 i 23 35t 48 113 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch g by Dick Welles Parisiemie trained by F T Miller MillerWent Went to post at 340 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing WATBH WELLES began with the leaders and was on the outside until well Into the stretch where lie took the lead but had to be ridden out to the finish PROGRESSIVE made np much ground from a poor beginning and was a fast going second VIA OCTAVIA always held a forward position and had no mls Iitiiis PATRICK S closed a big gap from a poor start LITTLE HUGH and INFERNO QUEEN were hliittled back right after the start SILVER MOON showed the most speed for a half mile then quit badly badlyScratched Scratched 104003RoyaI Message 102 10400 Luria 90 2243Tritler 101 102G1 Orowoc 00 10301 Magazine 112 10224 Mindlnette 107 10013 Hammon Pass 109 109Overweights Overweights Little Hugh 3 pounds Inferno Queen 3 FOURTH RACE 1 18 Miles 34381 151 5 120 000 added 3yearolds and upward Handicap Net value to winner 545 second 100 third 50 uil Horses AWtPPStSt Vt A Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 101X3 HUSK1N wn 3 112 1 5 G 6 G 42 In Butwell J Whalen 3 4 11545 25 25E 102X4 STAR GAZE E WB 3 88 5 S S2 1 in I2 I3 2 J McTagt H L Pratt 4 C 21 1 12 12OWAY 10403 COL HOLLOWAY OWAY w w4 4 93 9 1 S3 7 7302X2 73 51 31 32 W Ward BeverwyckStnble 12 20 15 6 3 3w 302X2 JAWBONE w w4 4 95 6 6 In 2 22 2 2 43 E Martin J O Talbott 12 15 12 5 21 21fS 10403 STRENUOUS fS wn 3 98 2 2 2 244 244J04032PSS 41 4l G2 52 J McCabe 1 Bass 10 12 12 4 2 2A J04032PSS CALLAWAY A WAY wn 5 116 3 3 54 545 5 = 72 71 G3 Borel J Livingston 21 4 4 85 4 45 45WB 30403 AIREY WB 4 98 7 9 9 9 S1 8l 71 Rowley T Clyde 12 15 12 5 25 25LE 30403 ST STAR BOTTLE LE w C 101 8 4 45 3 34 3431 3n o S10 Wolfe R F Carman 10 12 10 4 2 1 1 102X4 IMPRESSION WB 4 10S 4 7 7 7l S S1 9 9 9 J McDondH H Hewitt 10 12 10 4 2 2Time Time 12 24 36 49 i 101 113 126 139 151 Track fast fastWinner Winner B g bv Hiimbnrg Slippers trained by J Whalen WhalenWent Went to post at 413 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same BUSKIN was shuttled back at the start and was In the rear division to the far turn then went to the outside and closing up with a great burst of speed in the stretch caught the pacemaker near the finish jind won drawing out STAR GAZE ran in tight quarters to the far turn then found an opening and shot into a good lead but tired in the stretch and was headed in the final stride then ran away a mile and a half after the race COLONEL HOLLOWAY after meeting with early Interference closed a big gap In tin stretch and finished with a rush PRINCESS CALLAWAY was anchored by her weight and was also curried wide by STARBOTTLE when entering the stretch JAWBONE and STRENUOUS raced forwardly to Hie stretch and tired tiredScratched Scratched 104033Barnegat 111 111Overweights Overweights Colonel Holloway 3 pounds Alrey 2 Starbottle 3 FIFTH RACE 1 516 Miles 48593 213 3 120 500 addod 3yearolds and 10453 upward Selling Net value to winner 400 second 100 third 50 4 AWtPPStSt 11 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P 10307 WAR HORN w 4 114 4 3 3 ° 3 3 ° 1 1 T McTagtH Meise 4a 1 710out JOX3 STAR ORYAN B 5 104 2 2 2 ° 2 24 3 2J J McDondJ MacManus 5541 out 1033 DARTWORTH wji 5 107 3 1 I3 1s 1 5 2nk 33 Byrne J Butler 10 15 15 3 out 1 IOX4 IOX4PATON PATON wsn 5 111 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 W Ward A L Aste 2 2J 11535 out Time 24 37 49 102 115 128 141 213 Track fast fastWinner Winner Br c by St Avonicus Eonic trained by M Hirsch HirschWent Went to K st at 440 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ln WAR HORN was saved behind the leaders to the far turn then moved up with a rush and taking tin lead in the stretch drew out and won under restraint STAR ORYAN followed the pacemaker to the la i eighth then passed him with a rush DARTWORTH showed the most speed for a mile then tired PATON was badly outrun for the first mile then closed np considerable ground but wae never dangerous dangerousScratched Scratched loJG73Inspector Lestrade 98 K t SIXTH RACE 34 Mile 084338 111 4 114 400 added 2yearolds Maidens T lltt O4t Special Weights Net value to winner 420 second 70 third 30 ind norSes AWtPPSt A Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H G P i 101X4 CONTRARY w 107 10 9 71 2 = 24 1 Borel H P Whitney to 883 75 7 S HAPENNY WB 108 2 4 ink m ink 2 T McTagtA Eelmont S5 21 21 1 12 3 334 EL BIOD w 105 5 6 6 5 31 Byrne Mr Earle 6 10 10 4 2 2I I i4 VALKYRIE w 105 5 3 3 43 4s 4 Ambrose H P Whitney to 8 8 3 75 3 H TO3 EL MAHDI wn 108 1 1 2431 33 52 J McTagtMissAMMarrone 10 12 12 5 21 3 TU IRIDESCENCE w 109 72 4 7 6 64 Klllwth J N Camden 5 8 31 12 12303GG 303GG DECOY WB 105 46 11 8 81 74 E Martin A S Cochran 5 6 6 2 1 30 BARTLETT w 108 311 101 9k 9l 82 T Davies D Stevenson 10 12 12 5 21 OREILLY wn 108 S 8 5 51 7 9 J McCabe J MacManus 454 8 45 45irHGG irHGG POSA wl05 9 7 8 1010 = 10 Wolfe Winwill Stable 20 40 40 15 6 6MARCH MARCH COURT w 105 11 10 9l 11 11 11 Karrick G R Tompkins 20 30 30 10 5 5fConpled fConpled in betting no sWe f Track fast fastWinner Winner P f by Hamburg Perverse trained by James Rowe Went to post at 510 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the siine CONTRARY began slowly but rushed up to the leaders after going the first quarter and bored out while passing the far turn then came fast through the stretch and got np to win In the llnal strides H viMXW showed great speed and setting a fast pace held on well in the hnal drive EL BIOD closed i in ind finished fast VALKYRIE showed speed and tired at the end EL MAHDI was prominent to the stretch and tired badly in the last eighth IRIDESCENCE finished with a rush after meeting much carlv Interference DECOY closed a big gap gapScratched Scratched 102S5 Great Surprise 108 108Overweights Overweights Contrary 2 pounds Iridescence 4