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THE FRENCH FLAT RACING SEASON. It is like old times to see M. Edmond Blauc once again heading the list of winning owners. This is a position he lias not occupied since 1903. During the past flat race season, M. Blanc has won thirty-six races, their value being 03,725. He also comes out on top among the breeders, having received In premiums the sum of ,500. It Is to the produce of Flying Fox that he owes this success, and that stallion occupies the iost of honor In his own class with 30,370 to his credit. Although M. Blanc has done so widl during the past year, his winnings are nothing like so great as they were ton years ago. when his share of the stakes amounted to 75,000. and In 1904 he won over 90,000. The money on the resent occasion Is more evenly divided. Baron de K othschild taking 51,315. the result of 27 victories, while M. de St. Alary, the Vicomte dHurcourt atid Baron Gourgand each, receive more than 00,000. 1 L A. Aumont, .Mr. H. B. Duryea. M. L. Olry-Roederer, M. Caillault and Baron Maurice de Rothschild come next. It is strange to see the name of Mr. W. K. Vanderbllt so low down lu the list, for although he has won 29 races their total Value is only a little over 2,000. Mr. A. Belmont has also fallen upon a lean year, his winnings being about the same amount, or 3,402. Mr. J. D. Colin has won nine races, their value being 7,050, and among the English and American owners credited with more than ,000 are H. B. Duryea. 1913.sh7,700; J. h. Wideuer, S,0G0; Charles Carroll, 3,S40; Sol Joel. ,085: the late C. Kohler, ,220: Mrs. Ileslop,,125; Mr. Hitchcock, ,075, and Princess Duleep Singh. ,550. Although Mr. Blanc comes llrst among the owners Ills colt Dagor to whose victories in the Guineas and the French Derby this position Is due is only placed second amoug the winning horses, his total being 5,000 behind that of Bruleur, which won !for M. de" St. Alary the Grand Prix de Paris, the Prix Royal Oak. hud the Prix La Rochet tc. The winning trainers list Is headed by It. Dennian. who has been private trainer to M. Edmond Blanc since 1901. From the stables at La Fouillcuse he sent oiit during the past season 135 runners and with 30 victories the average Is highly satisfactory. Baron Edouard de Rothschilds high iosltion on the winning list must be attributed to the successes of Predlcateur and Isard II., the former, as a four-year-old, having captured prize money to the value of 1913.sh7,850. M. Aumont may be considered the unlucky owner of the year, for if Nimbus had not broken down in the sprlug that horse would have put him very much higher on the winning list. He was unfortunate in both the English and French Derbys, but after careful treatment at the hands of George Cunnington, Sr., he came out and won during the autumn the Prix du Conseil Municipal, the Gold Cup and the Prix Greflulhe. The prize money won by Nimbus totalled up to 0,240. M. Aumont conies out third on the breeders list, the premiums he received amounting to ,050. The stallions that have done best after Flying Fox are Elf, Chouberskl. Maximum. Le Saniaritain and Rabelais. Other English stallions whoso produce have won over 0,000 are St. Frusquin, Aiiila, Dorlcles, Slmoiilan, Henry the First, Delaunay, St. Brls, Veronese, Bock Saud, Grey Plume. Barley Dale, Sou o Mine. Mackintosh. Plum Centre, Gorgos. Love Grass, St. Damlen." Le Var, Childwick. Quickly Wise, Ramrod, Fennoyle, Throwaway, Winktields Pride, Royal Dream, Tarporley, Prince William and Meddler. Among .those lower on the list that show good promise for the future are Glngal. Admirable Jrichton, Mark Time. St. Wolf, Plum Tree and Black Sand. . It is generally admitted that Nimbus must be reckoned the best of the French three-year-olds; hut next year there may not be much to choose between M. Aunionts colt, Dagor, Bruleur, Ecoiien and Isard II. Fauche-le-Vent is another three-year-old that came rather late on the scene, but he Is thought highly of by his owner and trainer and next seasou there should be a line struggle for supremacy among tle four-year-olds. The two-year-old that has done best during the past season is Mousse de Mer, M. Edmond Blancs filly by Ajax out. of Role .Mousse, that holds several English engagements. She- -won the Omnium de Deux Ans, and the Prix la RochettO crediting her owner with, stakes worth 2,215. Another two-year-old of great promise is Le Grand Pressigny, a chestnut eolt by St. Brls out of- Grace Gumberts, belonging M. A. Monnler and trained by Michel Pantall. He won the Grand Criterium and the Prix de la- Saln-lnandrc. the value of his- victories being S,100. I should not be surprised to see Le Grand Pressigny turn out to be the champion three-year-old next season. Another two-year-old that has won about the same amount of money is M. Edmond Blancs Ally Gtierroyatite, by Flying Fox out of Thais II. She won the Prix Biennial at Malsons Latiitte and the Prix de IAvenlr. at Baden-Baden. Another promising two-year-old is Sardanaple, a colt by Prestige oht of Gemma belonging to Baron Maurice de Rothschild. He won the Prix Morny at Deau-Vllle-uiid the Criterium at Malsons Latiitte. Baron de Rothschild and M. de St. Alary have entered two-year-olds for the New Stakes at Ascot next yean - ud--I .expect you will see several French hbrses competing in the: English classic events. The position of ONeill at-the head of the winning jockey list was assumed some time since. He has ridden 102 winners out of 759 mounts; J. Relff comes second with 91 victories and 495 mounts, and Stern third ,wltli, 74, victories and 35G mounts. It will be seen that there is not very much difference In ; the averages. Other jockeys who have ridden OVer .50 wliiners are J. Childs, Garner, Sharpe, T. Robinson and Marsh. Aintmg the provincial jockevs B. Johnson -comes first with 41 winning rides. Paris Letter to: London Sporting Life.