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PLANS FOR PIPING ROCK RACING. flourishing Young Eastern Organization Has Ambitious Program for 1914, Spring and Fall. Xexv York, January S. The management of the Piping Hock Racing Association, living up lo the promises made at the time of its institution, is ousily engaged in xvorking out conditions for the numerous events to be scheduled for the txx meetings that will be given at Piping Hock during the year, and xvhile details are as yet far from complete, the Race Committee, composed of Thomas ilitchcock, Jr., J. i:. Davis and Henry W. Hull, xvorking in conjunction xvith Paul 1. Cravath and Frank J. Hryan. racing secretary, are even now jble to assure sport in keeping xvith that xvhich has been furnished at the three meetings un over the iMiurse in lH;ust Valley. The aim of the association, as declared upon its irganizatioii. xvas to make evident that the love of .. -icing for its own sake still existed in this community, and its efforts will be continued along .hese lines. The association is increasing its liiem- ler.ship list every day and the roster noxv shoxvs lose to :;00 names of those whose interest means success. Many, in fact a large majority, of the members xvere never before associated xvith the turf m any active xx-ay. Today they are kei-nly inter-.--ted "and their supiiort means a prop that cannot oe underestimated. Imler a plan provided last xvin-rer a guarantee xvas secured in tin; xxay of stakes. ;nirses"and plate that assures a series of fixtures for three years. This means that tliu following vents will !. divided between the spring and fall meetings of 1!I14: Whitnev Memorial Steeplechase. Chambiet Plate. i.oopcrstoxvn Plate. Sullolk Plate. American Kelipre Plate. Piping Hock National Plate. liackiam Plate. Roogcr Red Championship Plate. Northxxood Plate. Heyday Plate. Itrook Championship Plate. Harbor Hill Cup. Orange County Plate. Itroad Ilolloxv Plate. Harvester Plate. Roslyn Plate. Jlen Cove Plate. P.rookville Plate. Oak Ridge Cup. -Hraes Cup. Piping Hock Cup. Dosoris Plate. One of the sexcral nexr features to be provided will he th- Piping Hock Jrnb Hag Handicap for txvo-xcar-oids. xvhich will he xvorth over $.".K0 to the winner. The ex-ent xvas provided for members of the Piping Hock Racing Association and the Piping Hock Club, the idea biing that by restricting the entries to these two organisations new friends for the thoroughbred V4iuld be created. The Piping Hock Racing Association will add ,000 to the subsenp-tkm moiiev, all of xvhich goes to the winner, as it is a true sporting event. The subscribers are: Anson W. liurchard. Henry V. Hull. .. 12. Davis. Ldxvard F. Whitney. Sherx-ood Aldrich. S. F. Rothschild. Thomas Ilitchcock Thomas F. Ryan. Samuel AVillets. August Delniont David Doxvs. T. SulTern Taller. II. A. Seheftcl. Frederick Johnson 2. iifford A. Cochran. Richard Iloxve. Herbert L. Pratt. V. R. Coe. Frederick Lexvisolm C. II. Thieriot. V. A. W. Stexvart 2. L. 1.. Cassatt 2. C. K. G. Hillings 2 J. C Agar. Paul D. Cravath. J. F. Johuson :!. W. I. Thornton. II. 1. Whitney :!. .1. E. Aldred 1nder the conditions the subscriber may lease a horse for the race. The distance will be four and a half furlongs, and the race will be run during the spring meeting. Another of the announcements to be made in the near future will be the conditions of the Hurling Cocks Memorial Steeplechase, to xvhich a friend of the late -Mr. Cocks will add $.",000, making it the richest cross-country event in the present schedule of American racing. Still another addition to the list of new races will be the Piping Hock Subscription Serial Handicaps. This will be for three-year-olds distributed at the original division of the Subscription in 1012. These races will not be confined to Piping Rock alone, but will be arranged so that one of them can be run at all of the hunt meetings in this vicinity, the idea being to carry out the intent of the subscribers to lend a hand in the building up of amateur racing. One of the members is personally xx-orking for a race at four miles to be run next fall. His idea is to have a purse of ,000, all contributed by those anxious to see a return to long distance racing. He has already been assured of more that half of the money and feels confident that he will obtain the full amount. Several xvere anxious t4 gi-e the entire purse, but the idea is to make the donation general.