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ASH MEADE, won This was Collyers one-horse wire on COL Charleston yesterday. Wednesday it was Oakland, won. Tuesday. Winning Witch, won. Juarez wire Wednesday, Bing, 4-1, won. Yesterday, Gemmell, won. 0 SPECIAL SATURDAY. My next special goes Saturday. This melon is included FREE in my big offer. Here it is: Twenty days, one horse daily by mail from BOTH Charleston and Juarez for the nominal sum of 0. Rush your subscription NOW. SPECIAL to LAYERS AND PLAYERS My News .Bureau furnishes opening and closing OFFICIAL PRICES as quoted in Daily Racing Form, delivered tb any part of the United States and Canada by 7:3.0 a. 111. In code for per week. KE31T E. CO-LLYER Formerly with the Chicago American. SUITE 309 OXFORD BUILDLNG, 118 North La Salle Street, :: Chicago, Illinois. NATIONAL RACING REVIEW. TODAYS SPECIAL: Utah. Morning, Marocn, Canary. Yesterdavs Special. YengliPe, 7-2. ran second, and Wire, Buzz Around, ."-2. ran second. Room 1101. 327 South La Salle Street. Chicago. 111. NEW BOOK NOW ON SALE. Two-Horse Daily-gave two thirds. Form Special ran second. FRIDAYS FORM SPECIAL: October-Plum-32-25-30-59-35-31-51-C0. STANDARD TURF GUIDE. Room 403, 22 West Quincy St. :: Chicago, 111. NEW BOOK NOW ON SALE at all news-stands and dealers who sell the Form, 25 cents a week. Yesterdavs Snecial lost. FRIDAYS SPECIAL: Orange-Sunday-MaNato-Jo-Date. THE TURF REPORTER. Room 509. 22 W. Quincy St. :: :: Chicago. 111. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM. TERMS: 5 Cents Per Copy. $ 1.50 Per Month. 60 Cents Per Week. 7.00 Per Annum. As plain enveloped letter, first-class mail. Single copies by mail six cents. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 Plymouth Court, :: :: Chicago, Illinois.