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CHARLESTON FORM CHART. CHARLESTON, S. C, TUESDAY. JANUARY 20, 1914. Ialmetto Park. Forty-fourth day. Charleston l air and Itacing Association. Winter Meeting of 78 days, li t hooks on. Weather clear. Presiding Steward. C. II. Pottingil!. Presiding Judge, Martin Nathanson. Starter. James Milton. Racing .secretary. .Martin Xathaiiun. Bating starts at 2:.".0 p. m. Chicago time 1::J0 p. m. i. Indicates apprentice allowance. l Q 1 A. Q KIKST RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 1S23 1 :00 1 10!. Purse !?:!X. 3-year-olds. JL O JL J Q Selling. Net value to winner 2..: second. 0: third. 2.. Irdex Horses A Wt PPSt It m Str Fin Jockeys Owners O HOPS 131 18 STUCCO wi: 101 It 1 l lh l"i 1" V Goose A Weber I 10 S 1 2 13128 Hl.NDLE OF RAGS w 99 S :: 41 -V 21 21 .1 CallalianF J Grefer 20 10 40 12 fi 13082 IONE wit 91 10 -1 2 1.. l 3! II Sumter E F Carman 5 S 7 3 3-2 13120-SINGLE RAY wn 99 fi 5 51 41 31 4! J MeTagrtA G Dlakeley 21 21 11-51-5 2-3 l:U2FLOOD wit PC 4 7- fi! 61 5 R XeanderJ O Talbott 15 SO 30 12 C 11 !! ATHLETIC GIRL wi: 11 3 2 3 7T1 fi. J McCaheyC J Casey 5 10 10 4 2 i:!I27 EDXA LISKA wit 103 5 S C 3l" 31 71 J MclntyreL Weiss fi fi 1 S-5 4-3 13!MMAGIC STAR w 34 2 7 S2 S S1 8 F Murphy W Walker 30 CO CO 25 12 I"0I2 LAIRD OF LGDEXwn 101 7 9 9 ! ! 91 E Martin J Kolirman 5 C 4 !i-5 4-3 12850 GOOD WILL wit 105 1 10 10 10 10 10 W Doyle E G Willard 13 50 50 15 7 Time. 24, 50, 1:03, 1:10. Track good. Winner Kr. g. l.y Filigraue My Eleanor trained by J. S. Ward. Went to post at 2::!."!. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same STICCO began fast and showed the most speed a!l the way. but was tiring and just lasted long -virgli to win. BUNDLE OF HAGS had to overcome considerable interference and liuished with a rush t i- ugh the last eighth. IOXE raced well up all the way. but tired near the end. SIXGLE KAY appealed dangerous on the last turn, but tired in the stretch. LAIKD OF LAXGDEX suffered from inter-1 once. EDXA LISKA showed speed, but quit. The winner, entered for 00. was bid up to .i00 and sold 10 W. Walker. Scratched 13000 Sueoler. 105. Overweights Good Will, 1 iKiimd. "I OA SECOND RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 182:: 1 :0Ms I 1 !!. Purse K. 3-yonr-o:ls. 19 O JL Q Xj Selling. Net value to winner 25; second, .0: third. !j:25. Index Horses A Wt PPSt Vt V2 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II U P - S i 30 12 ROGER GORDON w 109 fi 1 2 11 21 11 II Wolfe S Ross 5 fi 5 S-5 4 5 I238K tARRURETER w 100 3 4 4 31 31 21 J MeTagrtR A Drown 2 13-513-5T.-5 3-5 I3128-CASTAKA w 9S 4 2 1 21 11 3i R Xeander.T M W Green 21 13-513-54-5 2-5 i:tl83J!AX,ll JIM wan 100 1 3 31 4- -P 4 C Turner M C Moore 1 4 31 7-5 3-5 1280! WOODROW wit 103 2 7 C fi1! 51 5h W Ward H G Dedwell 12 15 13 5 2 13I27ADA wi: 102 7 fi 51 51 Ck J CantpbellG W J Dissell 10 15 15 fi 21 " I3I30FLA.SK w 103 5 5 7 7" 7 7 R WatkinsJ AV Dangle S 20 15 5 21 Time. 2414, 50, 1:10. Track good. Inner Ch. g, by Sir Wilfred Speedmast trained by W. Krooksl. WVnt to post at 3:03. At iost 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the s;.nie. ROGER GORDON begun fast and. racing into the .ead on the last turn, outstayed CAKKFRETER in the final drive. CAKKFRETER ran well, but had to overcome interference in the first quarter and lrcd slightly near the end. CASTAKA set the early pace and tired after . regaining the lead in the tret eh. KANJO JIM was in close quarters most of the way. Scratched 128123 El Maluli. 108; lUOSFront Royal, 100; 1313SRicks Pet. 107; 12034 The Gander. IoS: Kills Jozail. 107: l.-!127 Martv Lou, 10". Overweights Flask. 5 pounds. 1Q I i"7 f THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. ISO! 1:12 1113. Purse 00, :!-year-olds and up"-JL e V ward. Selling Handicap, Net value lo winner .25: second. 0; third. 5. index Horses A Wt PPSt VI V? Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C I S 13092 ROYAL METEORwit C 114 2 5 ! 2 21 l1 C Bgame P Hyams S-5 2 y-5 3-5 1-1 HJISOTHARTIER w 5 107 4 3 2 11 11 2U R Pickett C A Spiet 15 15 12 5 S-5 13012 CAMPEOX wn S 102 fi 1 4- 3 3h . McCalieyR F Carman I 5 5 !-5 3-5 13117 ROYAL TEA wis 5 101 3 4 3s 5 5" 4 J Callahan W H Raker S S S 3 7-5 13002 3 WATER LADY wn 3 !! 1 2 31 4- 41 5" R Ne.inderK McDride 21 13-513-57-101-4 1302G LOAN SHARK wit 4 1C0 5 fi fi fi C C Turner H G Dedwell fi 10 10 3 3-L" Time. 24. 48, 1:15. Track srood. Winner Ch. g. by Star Shoot Queen Regent trained by C. F. Clark. Went to post at 3:.!2. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. ROYAL METEOR was lucky for the entire way and wed ridden and. racing first or second from .-tart, outgamcd TIARTIEK in the closing drive and won going away. CIIARTIER, under an energetic ride, ran a good race and. taking the lead on the last turn, only gave way in the last sixteenth. CMPEOX was forced back in the lirst quarter, but ran well and liuished gamely. WATER LADY was knocked out of forward contention at the half niLo ground. ROYAL TEA was forced back soon after the i.irt : ud closed a big gap. LOAN SHARK ran a bad race. Overweights Chart ier. 1 pound; Royal Tea, 1. Q1 7"l FOURTH RACE 1 1-16 Kilos. l!!5i 1 : 17 51 11. Purse .00. 3-year-olds and JL O X and Jl upward. Selling Handicap. Xet value to winner .$."00: second. .:.: third. .5. Index Horses A Wt PPSt A 31 .Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 13003 ELLA DRYSOX w fi 110 3 3 l1 Ill1 1J 11 J McTagrtli F Carman 7-5 S-5 7-5 3-0 1-i tl DOR R. w 7 107 2 C C- 5li 51 3t 21 C IV game J O Talbott 13-53 3 1 2-5 I3t2!:!il.. ASHMDE wit 7 107 fi 5 4- 31 2 3k R Pickett L Most S 10 10 3.1 G-5 13051 CRACKER I!OX w 5 !H J 21 2"" 3i 41 41 H Sumter W Fencliter 0 20 15 C 3 13003 MARY ANN K. wit 4 and7 7 7 7,; 7- fir- fi- 5- J McCtiheyP Hyams 50 50 30 10 5 1314 1 MARSHOX w 1 101 S S S S S 7 fi- E Martin M A Colton 20 20 20 8 3 13030-COCKSPUR wsu 5 101 5 1 5k fi1 4 51 7 C Turner J A Hendricks 10 10 10 4 S-5 13003 EL ORO w S 10S 4 1 3i ! 7 S S II Wolfe X K Deal S S S 3 fi-5 Time. 25. 51, 1:16, 1:43, 1:50. Track good. Winner "h. m. by Juvena! Graziosa trained by It. F. Carman i. Went to post at 4:01. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third ilriv-ng. ELLA P.RYSOX was rushed into the lead immediately after the start ami. holding sway for the -lire race, won under mild restraint. I.OP. K. closed a big gap in the stretch and liuished fast and ;..imej.v. COLOXEL ASIIMEADE raced forwardly throughout, but tiled in the last eighth. CRACKER :X ran well up throughout and held on fairly well in the tinal drive. MARY ANN K. closed a gap in H;e last quarter. COCKSPUR and EL ORO tired badly in the stretch. The winner, entered for .,000, vys bid up to .,005 and bought in. Overweights El Pro, 3 pounds. - Q l"7 O FIFTH RACE 3-4 Mile. ISO! 1 :12 4 1 13. Purse .00. l-yoar-olds and up- JL O X and jl ward. Selling. Net value to winner .25: second. .0; third. -5. index Horses AWtPPStt A -Y, Str Fin Jockeys Pwuers II C P S I3I30COPPEKTOWX wn 7 108 S fi 7- 7 4h 1 F Murphy T J Drown 3 4 4 7-5 3-5 13117 CHUCKLES wn 4 111 3 2 1 1J 2i 2" G P.yrne T F Ryan 3 5 5 2 1-5 13tOiDRlAR PATH wn 1 ! fi 4 2h 2" and 3" .1 McTagrU L Holland 21 3 13-5C-5 3 5 I 1313! RIGHTEASY wit S 101 4 3 3 3 lh 41 W Ward II G Dedwell S l S 3 fi-3 1310G-LURIA w 4 100 5 5 4 4- 5l , II Sumter II F Carman 3 3 3 G-5 3-5 131 10- THE DUSYDODY w fi 101 1 7 6 G- fi3 fi5 E Alley Mrs J D Misick 30 31 30 10 4 1312! DUQUESXE wit 7 112 7 1 f.3 5 74 7 R XeanderW Walker 15 25 25 10 5 13 103 3 DADDY" GIP w 7 1111 L s S X S s II Skirvin J H McCarren 30 50 50 10 5 Time. 2355, 48, 1:15. Track good. Winner KIk. g, by Keiiihvorth Mitten trained by T. J. OHcurui. Weni to iist at 4:32. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driv- 11 l;. COPPEKTOWX, after Itogiiiiiing slowly and being badly outpaced to the last eighth, came with a great rush and won drawing away fast . CHUCKLES, showing the most speed, set a fast pace and tired slightly in the stretch drive. P.RIAR PATH, showing improvement, raced well up most id" the way. but swerved out badly in the last eighth. RIGHTEASY raced into the lead in the stretch, but tired in the l.r-t sixteenth. LURIA had no mishaps. THE KUSYRODY finished close up. - .Scratched 13037 1 Lorctta Dwver. 105: 1313! Rve Straw. 110; 13130 York Lad, 105; 13102 Cherry ScmI. 105. Overweights The Kusybody. 4 iwiinds; Daddy Gip. 2j. OlffQ SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 18101 :45 4100. 1 Purse 00. .".-year-olds O X t O and upward. Selling. Xet value to winner .25: second. 0; third. .5. index Horses A Wt PI St 4 9t Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H O P S 13131 MASTER JIM wsu 5 112 1 2 1- 1J. U Z- 1IW Ward II G Dedwell !t !i S 3 7-f. 13l38XEI.LO wit 5 102 5 5 31 2 2 11 2 II Sumter P Hyams fi G 4 7-5 7-10 1311 0 3FIEI wit 1 104 4 fi fil fil 5" 4 3" .1 CallahanA R Dresler S 10 10 3 fi-5 131I!S1R DEXRAH wit 5 111 7 4 2 3- 31 31 4 J McTiigrtMis.sAMMarrone S-5 2 S-5 3-5 1-4 13013SER ICEXCE w S 107 6 3 l" 4 41 5 5" F Murphy W Walker 5 5 41 D-5 1-5 13I-12MYCEXAE wn 5 10S 2 7 7 7 fi1 fi5 fi1 R XeanderMrs W II Frey 4 ! 8 3 C-5 13131 DEXEDICTIXA wit 5 112 3 1 5.1 5 7 7 7 II ChapjKsllW Cahill 100 100 100 40 20 Time. 2444, 49, 1:16, 1:44, 1:49. Track good. Winner K. g. by Ornus Desdemona trained by II. G. Kedwelli. Went to iiost at ,1:00. At post 8 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driv-ii g MASTER JUL showing sudden improvement, moved into the lead at the start and but for being displaced momentarily on the stretch turn, held sway all the way and won going away. XELLO acted hr.dly at the post, but ran well and raced into Cue lead in the stretch, then tired. KIEL closed a big gap unit would have been closer up but for swerving in the stretch. SIR DEXRAII tired badly in the last Ukiith. SERV1CEXCE quit. The winner, entered for .00. was bid up to 05 and bought in. "Scratched 13142 Veneta Strome. 107: 13142 Helen M.. !4.