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Juarez Entries and Past Performances for Saturday January 24 WEATHER CLOUDY. TRACK FAST. i The small figure under "Str." shows the distance the horse was ahead of that next in the race. J I The small figure under "Fin." unless the horse won show3 the number of lengths the horse was I I behind the winner. Weight to ho carried appears at top of column of weights in previous races. FIRST RACE 3 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Special Weights. 93992 39 2 123. Index Conrso Dist TImeTckOdds Wt St Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish T3-p7jc rrotttFR h c 2 113 By T. Irishman Bes. Bisland J.F. and H.S.Newman. 131" luarez 3-S 31fast C-5 112 fi 2i 21 J Murphy 9 Superhuman. Ed Howard, Hay nn-,4 Inarer "?-S 34V?fast 6-5 112 2 2 23J C Kirschmll Tokay, .Mex. Yale 1301S Juarel 3-S 3lfast 7 110 1 2J 2 C Klrschm 9 Trulane. Tower. 1avor. Article rtt;v FTHTH h f 2 110 By Yankee Busy Maid F. D. Weir. fo?94 Juarez 3-S 34fast 7-5 110 fi 23 23 J McCabe 7 B.A.Jones, Meelleka, Wahaloty 129G4 Juai-ez 3-S 34fast 5 112 5 5U 33 R Estep 14 S. Blossom. MamieV.. Barbarita MTTJT THE PAINT ch f 2 110 By Superman Geisha J. Butler. 13120 JuaSz 3-S 34fast 20 112 I 21. 21 II AVoods 12 Blue Racer. Barbarita. Mcelicka TOD COOK ch. c 2 113 By Peter Quince Anna Loretta Daly J. Livingston. 131SG Juarez 31 f 40fast 20 113 3 5j23 J Loftus S Trulane. Commauretta. Nellie G. MAZNIK, b. g, 2 110 By Mazagan Nikita H. McDanicl. I 13132 Juarez 3-S SlTifast 20 109 1 G ;S V Mclnre 9 Superhuman. lt.IJtlier. L.llowd 1 33051 Juarez 3-S 34fast 15 111 10 10 9"1W Mclnrell Tok:iy. liens Brother, Mux 1 CANNONADE, b. c, 2 113 By Dick Welles Outwai J. B. Respess. I 1309S Juarez 3-S 31ifast 15 112 2 41 "IG W Car 11 S LadyCapricious. Tokay, Trulane j BATCHXER, b. g, 2 110 By Marchmont II, Fay House H. T. Batcheler. 13132 Juarez 3-S 31fast 50 109 2 S S"JC Gross 9 Superhuman, R.Bther. L.llowd First start for the following: 1 BAGATELLE, b, f, 2 110 By Planudes Faunette P. T. China. KAY R. MILLER, br. c, 2 113 By St. Savin Bobbinet E. L. Fitzgerald. VIAND ER, ch. c, 2 113 By Sir Huon Glovina J. C. Ferris. SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile. 4-year-olda and upward. Selling. 12990 1:09 C 115. INLAN, ch. g, 5 I15 By Star Shoot Outcome R. G. Martin. 1"066 luarez 3-1 1:12 fast 13-5 115 3 2 1 Ink 25 C VanDunl2 Connaught, Weyanoke, S. Knight l" 71 Latonia 3-4 l:17hvy C 105 1 2 6 S8 Si3C VanDun ! rmaster, J.Dockery. F.Roberta l"l73 Churchill 3-4 l:16mud 17-5 110 1 3 3 2i 2i W Andress 9 Duquesue, Oakland, It. Mundi Vl 5 Churchill 3-4 1:13 fast CJ 107 1 2 2 21 5J W Andress 9 Flex, Isidora, Winifred 1. 1"yC, Churchill 51 f l:0Smud 27-10 109 1 1 2 2and 3 W W Tlor ! Ambrose, Envy. The Reach . 1164 Woodbine 3-4 l:13fast 9-5 103 2 1 1 lot 2l II Gray S Sherwood. Tankard. I. Thorpe 10S"3 Connaught 3-4 l:14slow G-5 105 5 2 1 l1 l1 H Gray 9 Rack Bay, Spohu, Camellia 10513 Windsor 51 f l:05fast 6 109 6 2 2 l1 ll II Gray 7 Righteasy, Uettie Sue. Tankard 10057 Hamilton 3-4 l:12fast 5 99 5 1 1 l4 1 Deronde S W. Lad, Moisant, M. Katcliam 9"1 Windsor 51 f 1:0S Rood 4 10G 7 4 4 4s 3 Neylon 11 Useeit. Theo Cook. Chemulpo n-Ol Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 9 111 3 4 3 11 B W Andress S Autumn, Geo. Oxnard, Star Rose or0 Latonia 3-4 l:17g hvy 11 101 4 5 5 6 6" J McCabe G Coptown, Mortown. C.onDellvy 53S6 Toronto 3-4 1:158 hvy 17-10 10S 3 11 Is ll Small 8 B.ofPleasure. M.Joe, Bcing Lass 595 Toronto 3-4 1:14 slop fid 98 5 2 2 2s 21 Rowley 12 Lewis. FIowerGirl. Sc.Pimpernel 20CS Lexington 3-4 l:16i slow 9-5 112 9 2 1 U 2s T Koerner 12 DahomeyBoy. Fawn. Dorbie TOY BOY, b. g, 10 115 By Gorman Dolly J. W. Fuller. I TU Juarez 3-1 l:13fast 3 112 3 4 4 31 32 R HoffmanK! Seneca, Beda, Transparent liVG Juarez 5-S 59fast 2 112 G 10 9 9 S3 J Robbins 13 O.Lad, G.sFavorite, Brightstone 7 43 Juarez 51 f 1:07 fast 1 103 1 1113 11 Robbins 9 S.Alvescot, RoyalDolly, Q.Nunc 7 4S Juarez 51 f l:07i fast 6 110 3 4 4 4s 86 Small S .T.B.Robn, E.Bryson, M.Canomn TO"" Juarez 3-4 1:13 fast S-6 103 2 1 1 11 1 Robbins 10 Edm. Adams. Gift, Lady Macy 6974 luarez 3-4 1:133 fast 8-5 103 7 3 3 Is l5 Robbins 11 OrimarLad, Marsand, D.Warfleld CS15 Juarez 5 f l:07g fast 6 112 2 4 4 33 33 Small 11 Rogon. F. G. Hogan, Chas. Goetz 606S Latonia 51 f 1:061 fast 18-5 110 4 1 1 IS 3s J Callahan 10 .T..H. Barr. Imprudent. All Red 5506 DouclasPk 51 f l:05g fast 13 11G 6 4 4 5 4J Buxton 9 Cohort. Salesia. Gagnant mh nontrlas Pk 3-4 1:121 fast 11 109 5 7 8 8 S11 Gross 11 Trance. Sylvestris. Helcno 3SS0 Windsor 61 1 1:07 fast 7 110 2 2 2 21 2 J Callahan 8 Lewis. Wins Widow. Carrlllon GRAYS FAVORITE, blk. g, 4 107 By Bonnie Joe Myra Blackburn R. S. Plunkett. V177 luarez 51 f 1:06 fast 10 M 6 G 7 65 432 1 Marco 8 Herpes, Orimar Lad, Geinniell i?iv luarez 51 f l:06Afast 3-2 lC 4 3 2 lh 3 J Groth S Par.Girl, La Estrella. Ben Stone rrM Ii -iroz 51 f 1:06 fast 103 2 4 3 1 2 L Gentry 14 Miss Sly. Tliistlc Belle. Colinet r;Ki; ill-ires 5-8 5fast 12 10S G 2 2 2nk 21 J Groth 13 O.Lad. Brightstone. R. of Jeddah v 60 Ok City Ab5-S 59good 31 10G 1 E Smith 12 Wildlrish, MaryODay. B.Hayes II 7S TuNa 431 f aSslow 4-5 9S 21 K Smith 4 Dan Carson. M. ODay. Str. Out into Tulsa Ab5-S l:07mud 3-2 105 331 Brady fl Abrupt. Wild West. B. Mycr Tula Ab3-S 34good 2 106 3- Strang 5 DanCarson. Bob Wade, Dcorfoot W Butte 5-S l:01Vfclast 1 107 7,: Pcnrgast 11 BashfulBettie. Brigliam. Moisie sisf Tulsa Ab5-S l:00good 2 100 21 E Smith 5 Furlong. Dominica. Orimar Lad s-Tt Tulsa 31 f 45 slow 1 95 lnk Gentry 5 Audra A., Uan Carson. Tony C. Vii i Tuli 3 f 42fast 4 91 1" Gentry 7 Audra A., JackLamar, Belle Bird 79S5 Tulsa l-2m20y 51good 4 91 31 E Smith 5 B.Thomas. Carondolet. Silv.Link piittta b m 8 113 By Alvescot Snnlight, by London C. E. Ecjrerii. ri A liriVez 7-S l:25fast 2 MS 12 1 1 1! 2U C Jones 7 Dnrin, Rooster. Old Gotch i "rr til-ires 3-4 112 fast 1 10G G G 7 -l1 21 C Jones 12 Commendation, J.ofAsia. Itmar.v S In-lrez 3-4 l:12Vfefast 10 106 G 7 G 5 31 C Jones 11 L.IIeywood, Buttcrllall. HazelC. v-7 luarez 5i f l:07fast 2 115 2 2 5 33 3 R Carter 11 larnell Girl. Ferrona, Ethelda i-ill luarez 5 f 1:06 fast 4 102 2 2 2 33 351 Jl Carter 11 Herpes, LittleJane. R. of Jeddah i"7 i iinrez 5J f l:05fast 15 10S 3 3 5 53 55 R Carter 7 Thistle Belle. Gemmell, Dynamo r-674 luarez 3-4 l:12fast 12 109 4 4 4 4? 5 R Carter 7 R. Dolly. Cosgrove. New Haven liwvt Viiicouvcr 7-S l:26fast 5 110 2 3 2 2 21! If E McEwen 7 Semi-quaver. HhStrcet. Cantcm uvm- Vancouver 5S f l:0Gfast 27-5 10S 2 5 5 5 421 Burgame 5 Seneca, High Street. F. Fashon inS70 Vancouver 5i f l:07fast 11-10 10S 5 4 3 21 1 Burgame S F.Fashion. T.Tmpson. Fgerald 110 Vancouver 3-4 l:12fast 10 107 3 5 5 5 25 Washear 7 Lackrose, Yuba. Truly ion- Vancouver 3-4 l:12fast 23-10 111 5 3 3 3i 2 J Murphy ii Yuba, Bob Lynch. BatMasterson Timer Vancouver 5i f l:06fast 12 10S 5 4 4 3 21 Washear 7 Yuba, Bat Masterson. Ravaria io -t! Vancouver 3-4 l:13y5fast 51 103 3 5 4 42 2 Carter 7 Ravaria, Cleopat, Oldsmobile innoT Vancouver 3-4 l:12fast 21-5 113 4 3 3 33 3!J J Murphy 4 Rosiris. BatMasterson, Delaney 1TO Vancouver H l:13fast 9 112 2 2 2 21 1 J Murphy G B.Mastcrson. B.Lynch. O.Smile WATIDABEEO b. g. 5 115 By Mazagan Sckra L. E. Bird, vr I lirirer 1 l:S9fast 9-10 Pi7 7 11 1 2 4- A Claver ! llannis. Stevcstn. Ya-lIy-Yip i m -r iii-ir..- 1-4 1-HV-fast 4 10S 7 7 5 C! a1 A Claver S Butter Ball. Janus, An. Interest rwi In-lrer 75 1:"5 fast 2 103 3 3 2 2 15 2" A Claver S Ask Ma, Hasson. Old Gotch io i -irez 1 l:3Sfast 5 112 1 1 1 1 1- 2nt L Gentry 11 Ft.Sutntcr. Winnifredl., Calen i "7 Inarer 3-4 lllfast 5 112 9 C 3 3 4i J Groth 9 Lit.Jane, But. Ball, Winifred D. ir" v- lu-ire 3-4 1:13 fast 31 103 8 5 4 2i 23 A Claver 10 A.McGee. S.Berta. Commendatn i"S-5 "luarez 5 f l:12Vfchvy 41 10S 6 7 7 53 6i A Claver 7 Annl Interest, Ben Stone, Cool r-"-, luarez 51 f lOafast 12 103 7 8 8 53 45i A Claver 9 OrmondeCunningham, Cool, Nila i"i4 Victoria Ab5-8 l:01mud 3 112 33 W Gargan 7 Ramsy. BummerllL, Sad.Shapiro 17 Victor a 3-4 1:19 mud 9 113 5 4 3 3 31 Gargan 5 Binocular, Fitzgerald, Mammy - Victoria 6f l:24slop 11 110 331 Riddle G Safranor, G. Fallen. Phillistina 11W Victoria 3-4 1 17 fast 14-5 109 G G 5 4 3i Claver 7 Beda. Locust Bud. Fire 119 Victoria s l:29fast 12-5 100 3 2 1 1 l1 Is Claver 8 EddieMott. WiltrudeS.. S.Shapiro rnTTrvT h h 7 118 By Star Shoot Kentucky Belle II. C. Mulholland. viV- . i.v.r!.- v f 106 fast 2S 10S 1 7 7 G3 51 R Carter 11 An. Interest. Rosemary. L.Birdi- v M luare 51 f 1:06 fast 7" 10S 4 8 7 5f 4i R Carter 14 Miss Sly. G.s Favorite. T. Belle i fialiiarez 7-S l:2Gfast 3 111 G 3 1 1 6l 711 J Groth 7 Cool. B. of Bryn Mawr. O. Queen "Wi nro? 7-S l-CVfefast 6 10S 5 3 2 2 4 G8 R Carter 9 H. Lad. B.ofBrynMawr. O.Queen vS---i uwZ V f l-l"y-hvy 10 111 7 6 r G 5 R Carter 7 Annl Interest. Ben Stone, Cool litio Vancouver 3-4 1:14 goodl7-10 113 3 3 3 3 3 Carter 4 J.ofAsia. .T.R.Clay. P.Industry UT Vouver 1 1-1C 1 47 fast 19-5 110 2 2 2 2 23 31 Carter Cantem. Tahoe. Otilo low Vancouver 3-4 1 13fast 4-5 112 2 2 1 1 1 Carter 7 Ferrona. Tony Koch, Orba Smile lmr Vancouver 1 139fast 2 107 2 1 1 1 l1 21 Carter 5 Stelcliff. The Monk. Baby Doll inSfi Vancouver 1 1 40 fast 11-5 109 5 5 5 G 7i Gl Carter 8 Prin.Industry. M.Eraily. Balcliff iosot Vancouver 34 l:15hvy 29-10 113 3 2 4 6 GlCarter f! P. Industry. K. Elk. Province 10170 V:co,n"e r lmTOyl 44 fast 9 106 5 3 2 1 11 11 Carter 7 Loween. Melts. Vested Rights In 101 Vancouver f 1 19fast 14-5 109 4 4 4 4 4 43J Carter 5 Acumen, Sir Alvescot. Ravaria W Vancouver 51 f 1 07fast IS 102 5 4 4 33 3 Carter 0 Yuba. Bob Lynch, Delaney vnnn -rJ 1-4 vi9yslop 7 112 m Carter 5 Acumen, King Elk, Emerald Isle 7Turcz 11:39 fasPt 5 110 7 4 3 3 U 11 Carter 10 Compton. Wicket. Lotta Creed 7480 Juarei 3-4 1:14 fast 5 111 4 2 2 1" 11 Carter 11 Eck Davis. Transparent. Gimli irTCTWTV i.r p- 110 By Prospero Conspicuous S. A. Beckham. -7?.- iiiI-e 3-4 1-1 fast 10 110 G G 10 10 ll13 L Gentry 12 Connaught. Inlan. Weyanoke tr 5? f l!!fast 10 107 4 4 4 4 41 J Collins 7 Gemmell. Doc Allen, Orimar Lad are w,o ?.frcy U f 1 05fast 5 105 1 5 4 33 3i R Estep 10 Ed.Adams. DocAIIen. OrimarLad v vvs innrey 5r f 1 "06 fast 2 105 9 8 G 6 5C1 L Gentry 9 Edmond Adams. Lit.Birdie. Zulu " r, 5?fl:13hvv 8 101 3 3 3 Sl 3 J Collins 4 Parlor Boy. Salesia. The Fad iv.n-7s 3-4 l:153"go"od 105 3 4 3 3 l 2 E Smith G Furlong, Suffragist. Useeit Tvm! 5-8 1:05 slow 113 15 . 9 71 7" E Smith 1G Dominica, Quid Nunc. Orim. Lad v-"i- na la 3-1 l-Hi mud 109 1 1 1 1J 3 E Smith 7 El Pato, Rus. McGill. Inquieta i"rr nal as 5-S l:03V,sIow 107 1 4 3 3h 53 E Smith 7 Inquieta, Roy.Dolly, OrimarLad iifi nvi, rnv 1-i 1-lSVirood 11" 23 Fceney 5 Cordova, Raqnette, Edna inw OHa City s4 lilS fast - 109 21 E Smith 7 E. Padwlck. R. Dolly. I. Queen - Tn ?i Abts 2 109 3 Fogg G Royal Dolly. Cordova. Mintanka i tS 3-4 lliUfast 2 111 n E Smith r, P. Wooden. R. McGill. F.Alcovy 2 -S" 2; 6i f i 22fast 3 110 33i Fogg G OraMcGce. F. Wooden. E.Tangy 10G9 Alin Spgs 7-S 1:2S fast 31 107 3 S 3 4 4 431 A Hanover G Satyr, Cosgrove. John Robert pnnwfB ch ir 4 107 By Peep oDay Hunger W. C. Clancy. i 7, --s 1 -"wf-ist " 10" 1 4 5 2 2 33 A Claver 7 Dnrin. Chilla. Old Gotch s 3-4 1 12 fast 10 107 2 2 2 23 23 A Claver 12 Colquitt. Weyanoke. Van Horn i" laila are II 1-13 fast 15 106 9 9 7 d 6"i J Henry 12 Fncle Hart. Crisco. CliiltonKing -oi T oton a 3-4 l lS5hvy 33-10 109 3 3 4 3 3-i J Henry 11 Glint. Transport. Little Baker v-ms "nton a lmTOv 149 hvy 20 10S 7 3 3 6 GJ.T Henry 7 Marsbon. Sam Hirsch. Fly. Tom ftnnh f T vy 11 1071 7 7 8 4h 33 J Henry Just Red. Dr. Jackson. Willis i iM ,,.hni 3-4 l:15-inucl 46-5 107 5 3 4 3 3J J Henry 9 Jimmie Gill. Curlicue. Luther MS? M . 3-4 l:lSfaat 95 107 10 10 10 G 6 J Henry 11 Uncle Hart. Glint. Envy Mi- nA,,.Mas re 3 l-"l4ns ow 29 10S 4 6 G G 5?,.T Henry S U Steppa. .Tack Kellogg. Celesta 11$ Ss 3-4 l-13fast 10 107 10 10 10 83 S3 Small 10 LadyLondon. Unc.Hart. USteppa i i o,in-ton Vi l:14fast 3S-5 107 5 3 3 31 43i J Henry 8 Coy. Howdy Howdy. B. Holder Wr-7- re vinSton 3-4 1-17 slow 57 103 4 5 6 G6 G10 J Henry 9 Merrick. Hoffman. Ambrose inare 3-4 i-15I good 41 105 1 5 5 3nk 33 J Henry B Idle Tale. Kiva. Vested Rights TOM luarez 3-4 1:13 fast 41 107 1 2 2 21 and J Henry S Barsac. Sptly Miss, Madeline B. rwA-NTTir-T np br m 7 103 By Tanzmoister Mercurial fF. M. Honper. Si, Si i-VsLfast "0 110 11 G 5 4 S3?. J Groth l:: Seneca. Beda. Toy Bov i ;-7- u?M 7-S l:30y-mud S 10S 7 5 7 7 63 C"1P Hill S Vob Lynch. King Radford. Buss lir u,Zv 1 ofast 6 100 5 3 4 G 7 7iA Claver 8 O.Queen, Ii.ofll.Mawr, L.Mmont V f VO.Vfast h 103 9 7 5 61 61 J McDond 9 OrmondcCunningliam. Cool. Nila ;!v; il-3srast 8" 100 3 1 1 4 4 3J J McDond 7 B. of II. Mawr. M. Emily. Buss ;t . "-4 l:12fast 3 103 3 1 1 21 4i Neylon : OrbaSmile. Pcesslndustry, Buss IXPK 51 1 l:06fast 4 103 1 8 8 9 9 Neylon 9 Royal Dolly OrimarLad. Gimli ir.- nwonia 3-4 1:lGhvy 7 110 9 10 10 10 10lGross 12 Coy. Cutio B.. Maud McKce 1 t o.n ? ?4 1-lWmud 26 110 1 4 5 4h 3 Gross 7 Vreeland, James Dockcry. Envj - Ch r?MU 1 l:39fast rid 105 4 5 6 7 10 10" H Woods 12 Guide Post, Oc. Queen. CordieF noutrlas 2-4 1-13 fait 3S 107 8 8 7 7 Gls Gross R .T.D.Wakefield. L.Allen. Ambrose , i -T?inAton M l-l lgood33-20 10S G 7 5 6J 6i Gross IlKthelda. Beulah S.. Or. Tearl , l"4l ?ev 5 h4 1-15 good 13-5 109 1 4 2 2 23 Gross 11 M.B.Eubanks. B.Barnes. Blah S 1 if? Iw m 3-4 1-17 hvy 345 108 2 4 3 2s 23 Gross 8 W. Witch. L. London. Stanley S urll Min SnVs H l:01 fast 2 107 3 2 V U Gross S L.Jane, J.D.Wakefield. Cordova t Windsor 3 m mud 8 112 2 2 1 34 C Teak I LaMode. M.Katcham. Sprlngmass cr-Mvrn-R tat.TES ch c 4 112 By Ort Wells Miss Laetitia Doerhoefer and West Iu m-7 3-4 l:12fast 10 lf t C 5 61 3 J Groth 13 Johnllurie. Hardy. To.nM.uphy rvwl luarez 3-4 1:12 fast 25 107 7 10 11 12 12" AV W Tlorl2 Connaught, Inlan, Weyanoke VS-S Tuarez 7-S l:25fast 10 103 7 5 6 5 51 52 J Dreyer 13 P.Industry Clthumpian. Labold "m luarez 3-4 l:13fast 10 105 1 4 3 Z 33 J Dreyer 12 T. Belle. M. Chavis JohnR.CIa.v ! v-k-t inare? 5-S l:04slow 2 103 3 1 2 23 31 W W Tlor G Swede Sam. Sinn Feinn. Miami 1 vn 51 f l:llhvy 20 100 3 4 3 3 3-1 W W Tlor 7 Un.J.Gray, Or. Lad. R.McGill lW Juarez 5-S life hvy 21 105 1 2 3 3 53 W W Tlor 9 Ida Lavinia. Art Rick. C. Brown phttjof- CONRAD ch. g, 5 115 By Kismet Kate Campbell H. Foss. DeerLodgT 1 lVif. fast 1-3 109 1 Rosen S Bigtlaim, BayRose. D.rdClinton nr- 2 Rosen t, Danlierry, Clam W.. Bob i oi nenrl o Ice VI l:17 fast 1 108 Farley 1 lis- noonia 3-1 1: Wast G-5 111 3J Rosen : Thistle Belle. Rne. Great Friar w-- n tie V f l-07"slow 10 110 1 Burgame : T.WlTarth. F.G.Hogan. A.Inrst t lMtle Vfl:07fast 20 112 fi3 Burgame S LaCazadora, F.Fashion, T.Belle - loii- S 5?fl 07fast 10 IK 8 Burgame 10 ,T. IT. Barr, Sixteen. Angelus 0S70 Butte 5-S l:01good 5 110 1 Burgame 11 Gomul, Minnie F.. Ossian hftia -h m T 113 By Mindora Belle Shot W. Gargan Sr. f.f i,,.7,,.? !-4 l-13fast GO 110 8 2 2 2 2 W Gargan 13 Seneca. Toy Boy. Transparent - i 5fl:06 fast 30 105 3 5 o 11 111W Garganl-1 Miss Sly, G.sFavorite. T. Belle . i-nl7 n,!re? are 1 1-40 fast 30 106 5 1 1 1 2 7" W Gargan S S. Florence. J. Lackson, Q. Trip , i-rt-U tr7Z 7-S l-5 fast 30 105 2 2 3 5 81 S"1W Garganll Acumen. Bob Lynch, Ceos br --4 l-llgood 30 108 G G 8 8 S W Gargan S PeterGrimm. O.Smile. BobLynch , i"r!n inr 7-S 1:6 fast 15 105 9 9 6 7 13 133 W Gargan 15 Stanley S., Compton. Quick Trip io-Si "opv 3-4 1:13 fast 4 115 5 3 5 7 8" W Gargan S Rockdale. Hazel C. TrojanBelle : w hnr 5fl:0Sfast 10 10S 3 -2 7 Si 10 W Gargan 14 U.Jim.Gray. MissSly. EyeWhite 1 livn lunre? 5-8 l:00fast 5 112 10 7 10 11 103 W Garganl4 Velie Forty. Par. Girl. Gemmell I iinoi wotoria s4 1:17 fast 13-10 109 3 1 1 1-t m Gargan 7 Locust Bud. Mandadero. Fire 1WT V ctoria s 1 02iifast 9-5 112 7 5 2 2 21 Gargan 7 Ramsy, Ben Stone. Hugh Gray iinu v tn h 5S 1 02Vandfast 11-10 112 4 G 6 51 51 Gargan 7 Moller. Lady Pender Miss Sly 1 S Vancouver El 1:01 good 3 109 3 2 2 33 3 Gargan G Min.Jimmie. AutoMaid S.ODay i 1174 Vancouver 1 1 39?4fast 13 109 2 1 1 1 2nk 53 Gargan 7 Phillistina. G. Pallen. B Mate S Vnneonver 7-8 1 27 fast 41 107 4 1 1 1 11 U Gargan 8 Gerds, Acumen. D. Montgomery 1 1 40fast 19 103 2 1 1 1 2 21 Gargan 7 TheMonk. C.W.ICennon. B.Mate s ifrat Vancouver 070 Vancouvel- 5-S lioolfast 6-5 110 5 11 11 l3 Gargan 9 Safranor. .Tosie Lee. Isora 115 y Solitaire H. Makawa H. C. Davey. rriMirr rh 5 e Y-i,?: rJt -i 4 1-1 1i fast 12 115 S 10 7 f.h 32 II Woods 12 Masalo. Gen. Warren Sh.Kmght t " Mln 5 fl:06 f ist 30 107 9 9 S 6 G"l H Woods 14 Miss Sly. G.s Favorite. T. Belle hH i""?, r 5 I i-ifiVfast 3 114 3 W Powers 4 Medio. Country Boy. Bob Farley SeerH ?r l03tAfast 6 110 h W Powers 5 Country Boy, Wild Bear. Secrete HKDMrldleSlfifSt 11-5 107 23 W Fischer 4 CountryBoy G.Friar B.Farley r j ri f i in fast 9-5 W 1 W Fischer G Secrete. Medio. Sierra iU Reer d 5-S is ioVfast 6 b n 109 43 W Fischer 5 AnneMcGce. Clara W.. WildBear r 11029 DeerLodge l j Beverstn. Brigbam. LaCazadora 1 S Anacona H KoMtfast 4-5 111 Is" Woods 8 Ledalake. OsageChicf. A. Jones 5 104Slaconda tt US 2 109 2 Woods 8 Watsc , Idun. Golden Shower "5 B Filigrane Osee P. Colin. . RTKnriiT ah. b " 7 ri?, t U i .ir. .mod 1 111 2 4 4 3 35 A Neylon 9 Ramsy. Ilev, Rioja ?S2MUare5 MlM-Vfast 1 112 2 4 4 G Scl TT Woods 12 TheMonk, EyeWhite, An. Interest m6 Juarez 3-4 1 :-a I" jr, j s 4 4 31 j 2 IT Woods 10 Moller. Lofty I ley wood. Q. Trip i S Ju-ire ol f :0rast Woods 14 U.JIm.Gnty. MissSly. EyeWhite i 7a,re?,n U i -M mud 10 113 3 2 1 ll 11 Taylor r. Fitzgerald. Mandadero. Mammy v cil3? sw : tad 112 1 2 2 4 3 41W Taylor S B. Stone. L. Creed. K. Radford ii Z wa i a ttest 1 114 4 2 4 5 31 Pauley 7 Safranor. Ramsy. Arany 1 v SJri 7S l:29fast 21-5 107 5 3 2 2 23 3J PJckens G Stoneman. Shawnee. Quick m Trip D Will 7r c;or a V.ifi ft 2 107 4 2 2 23 in Taylor 7 Commendation. Palaver. Oblivion n SvictoS WlandSSt P 114 6 2 2 2.J23 Taylor 8 K. Itadford. Efficiency. LU. Ray f I 1 1 I j 1 , t - . , , : 1 I s t r 1 5 i i D n f EVA TANGUAY, ch. m. 7 113 By Ccntcstor Grotesque Massey and Murray. 13190 Juarez 3-4 l:13fast 12 110 7 7 8 71 51 L Gentry 13 Semva, Beda. Toy Boy 11961 Ok. City 1 1-1G l:49y5good 4 107 Left at the post. Pcngast 7 II. Lad. Racpiette M. Tilgliman 11932 Okla-City 61 f 1:26 good 114 2 Pcngast 8 M. Tilgliman, F. Birch. F. Pearl 11790 Ok.City Ab5-S l:03hvy 111 43i Pcngast 9 Chilton Dance, Minnie I.. Coed 11727 Okla.City 3-1 l:14fast 106 S3 Feeney S Edna. F. Wooden. F. Flesher 1154S Tulsa Gl f l:25sow G-5 104 Is Brady T. Iron Queen. F. Wooden. Dipper 11473 Tulsa Ab5-S 1:02 hvy 2 106 2 Brady r, Or. Lad. C. Dance. Carondolet 11131 Tulsa 3-4m50y l:25hvy S-5 10! 2s Jensen 4 Inquieta. It. McGill. C. Widow 1135G Tulsa Ab7-S 1:31 mud 3 10S 23 Jensen . 5 Husky Lad. Inquieta. Upright 1132G Tulsa CI f l:23H;good 3 109 4ei Jensen 5 Ir. Queen. R. .McGill. F. Pearl 10722 Min.Spgs 3-1 1:14 last 6 111 5 2 2 3 3s J Domick 7 Gemmell, llalronia. FlyingPearl 10613 Hillcrest 7-S 1:30 fast 21 111 5,s Franklin S Cecil, Henotic. Electric 10315 Dufferin 7-8 l:33slop 3-2 110 3 C Knight 7 Song of Rocks, Skeets. Linbrouk 10223 Dufferin 7-S l:31fast 3 110 45J O Knight 9 T.Bbodv, G.Treasure. Chemulpo 10163 Dufferin 7-S l:32fast 10 104 1 J Mclntyre 9 Cuttyhunk. Dvnamite. Nila 9755 Min.Spgs 7-S l:297sgood 2 105 5 3 2 3 31 Feeney 5 Otilo. Billle Baker. Ben Lasca 9722 Min.Spgs 7-S 1:29 good S-5 110 1 1 1 1 l1 1 B Steele 5 Roval Dolly. Palma. Electric 96G3 Min.Spgs 3-4 1:16 slow 21 10G 2 11 ll 1 B Steele 7 Tony W., Dipper, June W. THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 1299G 1 :09 G 115. GENERAL MARCHMONT. b. g, 8 114 By Marchmont II. Nina F. J. Lowe. 13112 Juarez 3-4 1:12 fast S-5 lus 5 5 5 4J 11 W W Tlor 7 J.D.WelieM, Cosgrove, Il.Street 13070 Juarez 3-4 1:11 fast 4 100 6 G 5 -I4 Ins J McDond 7 R.Dolly, Cosgrove. M.B.KuPnks 13031 Juarez 3-4 1:12 fast 4-5 99 4 5 5 43 3 J McDond 7 Pay Streak, Cosgrove. Suffragist 1299S Juarez 3-4 l:llfast G-5 104 1 5 4 3 33 J Metcalf 5 New Haven, Florin. May L 127G2 Juarez 51 f 1:05 fast 31 105 4 4 4 43 33 II Woods G Luther Dominica, Parlor Bor 7020 Juarez 1 l:3Sg fast 16-5 114 2 11 1 1and lnt Loftus 4 Injurv" G.M.Millcr. Cracker Box 69S3 Juarez 3-4 1:12- fast S-t 109 6 7 7 51 Si Robbing 7 Upright, Seneca, FlyingFootsteps 6942 Juarez 7-S 1:26 fast 2 111 1 2 2 2 1J Loftus G G. M. Miller. Ymir. Cracker Uox 6913 Juarez 7-S 1:261 slow 4 112 4 5 5 4 4 3i Loftus 8 Joe Deibold. FIving Feet, Injury 6S4G Juarez 1 1:39 fast 6 100 6 7 7 7 61 4 B Steele S Ir.Gentleman, Cr.Box:, Flv.Feet 6S22 Juarez 1 1-16 1:463 fast 8 103 3 5 5 4 41 33 Burgame S Injury, I. Gentleman, Fly. Feet 6S06 Juarez 1 1:39 fast S-5 110 3 5 4 2 2 13 Teahan G Flying Feet, Balcliff. Suffragist 6776 Juarez 7-S 1:2S2 slow 3 107 5 3 5 4 3 ll Teahan G Rio Brazos. F. Duster. Crossover 67C3 Juarez 3-4 1:113 fast 40 103 4 4 5 4 21 Gross 5 Meridian. Meadow. Batwa COSGROVE, b. h, 5 103 By Peep oDay Medica W. C. Clancy. 1314S Juarez 3-4 1:13 fast 3-2 107 3 3 3 lot 2n A Claver S Wluvler, G. of Ophir. Colquitt 13112 Juarez 3-4 1:12 fast S-5 100 1 4 3 23 2U A Claver 7 G.Mmont. J.D.Wfleld II Street 13070 Juarez 3-4 1:11 fast 3 107 4 3 2 2fc cl A Claver 7 G.Marchmt. R.Dolly, M 1! F.tibs 13034 Juarez 3-1 1:12 fast G 105 2 4 3 2 2l R Carter 7 P. Streak, V,. March in t, Sufgist 12721 Juarez 51 f l:0ofast 2 10S 3 2 2 21 21 R Estep S Dominica. Seneca. Bob Lynch 12674 Juarez 3-4 l:12fast 13-5 112 2 11 2 2 Estep 7 R. Do!lv. NcwIIaven. ButterBall 12601 Juarez 51 f l:07fast 3 108 2 2 1 1J l1 Estep S RussellMcGIll. Dominica Heroes 10692 Min.Spgs 7-S 1:2S fast 7-5 110 1 2 2 1 11 2h Buxton G Satvr. John Robert Viable 10G32 Min.Spgs 3-4 1:15 fast 7-10 117 3 3 2 11 2" J Hanover 5 G. Ramble, JohnRobert Pretend 10391 Fort Erie 3-4 1:14 good 4 108 G 11 2S 3 P Moody 9 Springmass. Moisant F Lew 10294 Fort Erie 3-4 l:lGfast 5 10S 4 3 3 31 33 P Moody S J.Stein, T.NIglitmare F Levr 10209 Fort Erie 3-4 l:13;fast 18-5 108 2 3 2 2- 33 Buxton 9 Counterpart. C Queen It Llov.l 9759 Windsor 3-4 l:lShvy 20 113 4 5 5 51 61 Gross 9 Yorkville. York Lad Glint S753 Blue Bon. 3-4 1:15 fast 41 112 6 3 3 31 33 Small 11 Lord Wells Fred Lew Anlolon S641 Toronto 3-4 1:14 fast 61 10S 3 3 2 U li Small 13 Ardelon. Gold Cap Riihteasr S465 Toronto 3-4 1:14 fast fid 115 6 3 2 2 5 Small 12 Dr.Neet. Magazine J II H-hton 7377 Juarez 3-4 1:13 fast 4 108 4 2 1 1 2i Sielaff 8 Chapullepec. Alimorioo. C.Goeiz DOMINICA, ch. m, 7 107 By Alvescot Evil Eye A. C. McCaffertyl. 13166 Juarez 51 f 1 :06fast S loy 1 1 1 lh 2" F Mutts C Parlor Bov. High Street N Nick 13I4S Juarez 3-1 1:13 fast 15 102 1 11 51 5"., E Ilaynes S Wheeler. Yosufove. G of" ilphir 13112 Juarez 3-1 1:12 fast 25 10S 3 11 33 a42 C Gross 7 G.Minont, J.b.Wfiehl Cosgrove 1299S Juarez 3-4 l:llfast 4 102 5 3 3 5 F Stevens r. NewIIaven. Florin. GrMclnnont 1293G Juarez 51 f l:05?;fast 21 101 3 11 Ink 2s ji Feeney 7 New Haven, Colquitt, Parlorl.ov 12762 Juarez 51 f 1:05 fast 1 107 3 1 1 21 2 E Taplin G Luther. G. Marchmont, ParlorUov 12721 Juarez 51 f l:05fast 7-5 101 2 11 1 U A Neylon S Cosgrove, Seneca, Bob Lvncli 12649 Juarez 51 f 1:05 fast 16-5 109 2 1 1 22 4 Moleswh S F. Roberts NewUaven B Lvnch 12601 Juarez 51 f l:07fast S-5 111 4 3 4 3l 32 Matts 8 Cosgrove. Russell McGill Hemes 12374 Dallas 5-S 1:05 slow 113 1 1 1 l3 Matts 1G QuidXimc. Orim.Lad. Amohalko S523 Tulsa 61 f 1:23 good 4 106 l3 Matts G Furlong. Duncraggan. OraMcGce S1S7 Tulsa Ab5-S l:C0good 4 115 3i Matts 5 Furlong. G Favorite Or Lad 8424 Tulsa 41 f 57slow 4 113 olu Matts 0 Orimar Lad." Furlong. DanCarson 8345 Tulsa 3-lm50y l:20?ifast 7-10 109 l4 Matts G Cordova. The Wolf. Transparent 8211 Tulsa 61 f 1:24 good 2 112 2h Matts r. R.McGill. Tparent. W.of the.Mg 8101 Tulsa Ab5-S l:0t7smud 41 110 3 Matts 5 R. Doll v. The Wolf Ti-ht Bov S050 Tulsa 3-4 1:1SsIow 2 109 21 Matts G Duncraggan. Cordova. Trsnarent 7991 Tulsa Ab 5-S l:00fast 4-5 116 1 Pdergast G Cordova. Quid Nunc. Arrowsha ft PARLOR BOY, ch. g, 6 110 By Dcutscliland Rcina do Los AngelesW.J.Dunn. 13166 Juarez Dt f l:06fast G 108 1 5 5 3 1" A Claver G Dominica. IlinhStreet Nap-iNiek 13112 Juarez 3-1 1:12 fast 12 111 2 2 4 7 7i P Hill 7 G.Mmont. J.D.Wlield. Cosgrove 1295G Juarez 51 f l:05fast S-5 111 4 4 4 43 44 A Claver 7 New Haven. Dominica Colquitt 12913 Juarez 3-4 1:12 fast 3 110 3 3 3 3 21 F Benton S Roy.Dolly, M.B.Eubanks, Seneca 12S7S Juarez 3-4 l:13fast 4 110 2 1 2 21 ll F Benton 10 Barsac. M. II. Eubanks Goldtitin 12S39 Juarez 51 f l:12hvy 3-5 110 3 2 2 3" Vi J McDond G P.Streak. F.Sumter. M.B Eubks 12S24 Juarez 51 f 1 :13hvy 9-10 110 1 2 2 11 1 A Claver 4 Salesia. Visible The Fad 12762 Juarez Blfl:05 fast 10 104 1 3 2 3 4"J A Claver G Luther. Dominica. G. Marchmont 10."S5 Anaconda FCl:10fast 10 113 53J Donovan S Simpsilla, DaddvGip J Paine 10 17S Anaconda F C 1:11 fast 21 113 5 Coburn G SirFretfuI. NewIIaven, "j.Paine 103S2 Anaconda F C I:llgood 16-5 113 2U Coburn 7 Transparent, Simpsilla j Paine 10190 Butte 7-S l:30hvy 6-5 109 l Burgame G M.Riehards. Province. Inqnifta 1G0S7 Butte F C l:09fast 15 113 5J Rosen G P.Streak, D.Gip, Eliz Ilanvood 10028 Butte 51 f 1:0S slow 41 115 61 E McEwen G SirFretfuI. Simpsilla. Mrs Ganm 99S8 Butte 51 f 1:07 hvy 11-5 112 l"k e McEwen 5 P.ofLmore, Amoricus Ellard 9923 Butte 7-8 1:29 slow 7 10S 2 E McEwen 7 Floral Park. Cu Hon JackPaino 9S3S Butte 51 f l:0Gfast 41 110 31 E McEwen G P.Streak. E.Harwood Americas 973S Butte F C l:10fast G-5 111 2n E McEwen 8 Americus. E.IIarwd, Chantlclor EDMOND ADAMS, b. g, G 109 By Russell Memorial C. Mulholland. 13100 Juarez 5J f l:n545fast 6-5 110 3 11 11 l3 R Carter ! .apa Nick. An. Interest Hern-s lOSO Juarez 51 f 1:05 fast G 110 5 2 2 2U 2 It Carter 7 Gemmell. Herpes nl Interest 12920 Juarez 51 f l:05fast 5 10S 3 11 Ink in j Carter 10 Doc Ailen. Visilile Orimar I -ni 12SSS Juarez 51 f 1:06 fast 20 105 3 11 1" U R Carter 9 Lit. Birdie. Zulu. O.Cimniirhaiu 11591 Vancouver 51 f 1:0S good 3 112 1" R Carter 7 Miss SIv M. Kennedv Binocular 11541 Vancouver 51 f l:07goodll-10 112 6 3 1 li 33 Carler G Dromi. Sal. ODay Capt DruU 11507 Vancouver 3-4 l:14good S-5 112 5 2 1 li 2J Carter S TheMonk. Mandadero. Tremar-o 11306 Vancouver 51 f l:107ihvy 22-5 100 Left at the post. Carter 10 Unc. J. Grav. Ben Stone M Ul 11173 Vancouver 51 f l:06fast S 101 4 6 5 3 33 Carter 7 Seneca. Yuba. Hugh Gray 10950 Vancouver 51 f l:06fast 21 109 4 2 2 24 H Carter 6 Miss Sly, F.Johnson. AutoMaid 10900 Vancouver 7-S 1 :27fast 21-10 109 2 1 1 1 lk 21 Carter S Acolin. Lotta Creed. Frieze 10S73 Vancouver 5-S l:00fast S 112 4 2 2 2 21 Carter i B.Mastcrson. A. Gulch. Teliurm 10S05 Vancouver 5-S l:02hvy G 112 5 G 4 3 3J Carter G F. Fashion. U. J. Grav, A. Maid 10554 Vancouver 5-S 1 :01 fast 2 112 6 6 4 31 1" Carter 7 OiiParole. B.of Iroquois C.Druse 104S4 Vancouver 3-4 l:13-7sfast 51 112 5 1 2 2 31 Carter S Phillistina. F.Johnson. Fastoso CONNAUGHT, b. g. 4 108 By Mazagan The Mecca R. G. Martin. 13112 Juarez 3-4 1:12 fast 3 10H 6 7 7 6 PJR Estep 7 G.Mmont, J.D.Wlield. Cogrove 13066 Juarez 3-4 1:12 fast 2 107 10 7 5 21 P R Hoffmanl2 Inlan. Wevanoke, Sharp. Knight 13034 Juarez 3-4 1:12 fast 15 105 6 6 0 G G7 R Hoffman 7 P.Streak. Cosgrove. G.Marehmt 120SS Laurel 3-4 1:14 fast 40 102 8 S S S1" SlNicklaus 9 Triller, Honev Bee. Deduction U5S3 H.deGrace 51 f l:07good 100 105 5 5 5 45 410 J Robbins 5 Yenghee. Wanda Iitzer. Lace 73S1 Juarez 3-4 l:12fast 6 112 2 5 4 3 41 Estep 7 Kiva. Ancestors. Dvnamo 7315 Juarez 51 f 1:10?. hvy 1C-5 103 5 6 5 54 4Bi Estep G Weyanoke. Fitzgerald V. Rights 7260 Juarez 3-4 l:14g fast 6-5 105 1 1 2 2 3J Robbins 7 Dynamo, Kalinka. Ves. Rights 6995 Juarez 3-4 1:14 fast 6 101 4 3 3 31 3!2 R Hoffman 7 Gasket. Trtilv. Idle Tale C931 Juarez 3-4 1:14 fast S-5 107 1 3 3 2nt 22 R Hoffman 5 Idle Tale. Weyanoke. S. Heart 6SS7 Juarez 51 f 1:061 fast 4 112 3 2 2 31 In R Hoffmanll Gordon Russell. Truly. Kenneth 6737 Juarez 51 f 1:062 fast M 103 2 1 1 21 2 R Hoffman 4 ElPalomar, Kenneth. ICamcliatka FOURTH RACE 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds. Handicap. 1299G 1:09 G 11.".. 1 SCARLET OAKS, b. f, 3 118 By Dick Welles Glcna Mrs. H. D. Poyncer. 13075 Juarez 51 f 1 :05fast 3 102 1 1 1 1 2" C Gross 7 F. Roberts. G. Russ41. V Kt-hls 12934 Juarez 5?. f ltfGifast 2-5 115 5 2 2 2"k y K Taplin 5 Ring. Milton Roblee Ratiii-i" 12720 Juarez 51 f 1:05 fast 4-5 309 2 1 1 111 G W Carll 9 Redpath. Ilinata. Bob Henslev 12G3S Juarez 5-S 59fast 3-b 112 4 11 I3 Is G W Car1110 AuntE.sie. Bob Henslev Kenw-ir 12:;:i7 Latonia 5-S l:02i4fast 5-4 110 4 11 11 l4 Montour 12 Christ.Eve. Bastante. "M.Kructer GIPSY LOVE, b. f, 3 112 By Cesarion Chinela C. Woodford. 1.3117 Juarez 3-ll:12fast 4-5 110 1 111 2 J Groth 4 Milton Roblee, Capt. Burns. Bin- 13099 Juarez 51 f 1:05 fast 3 103 7 4 3 2l 11 A Neylon 7 Bob Hensley, Capt. Burns, lvis 13021 Juarez 7-S l:24andfast 5 92 4 5 3 3 23 2- J Metcalf G NewIIaven. Scadiff, JimuiieGill 12916 Juarez 3-4 6 106 7 5 1 Ink 2U R Feeney 9 Sosius, Theodorita Chrvstophiiie I270S Juarez 3-1 l:12Vifast 5 101 7 5 5 2 l"k J McDond 9 Paw. Chrislophhie". C.MeDou-tll 1265S Juarez 51 f 1:0S fast 3-5 103 1 2 1 11 ls Neylon 7 A.Knedav. Theodorita V Pford 12611 Juarez 51 f l:0Gfast 6 103 5 4 3 3 22 Neylon G Ratina. Big Lumav Theodorit-i 12432 Latonia 51 f 1:0S fast 7-5 110 G 4 3 6 633 Goose 12 Shelby Belle. StellaGralno Collo 12025 Churchill 5-S 1:03 mud 12-5 10S 4 3 5 5 5-1 Goose S Bolala. Ratina, Requiram 11S19 Douglas 51 f 1:07 fast 33-10 10S 2 2 2 21 23 Goose 10 Theodorita. Tombov. Stevcstt 11711 Douglas 51 f l:06ifast 9 102 2 1 2 61 G" P.uxtou 12 Edith W.. Old Ben Ratina 11G51 Douglas 5-S 3 111 3 1112 1 Goose 11 Anytime. Ida Lavinia M f.oti 1139S Lexington 51 f l:09andslow S-5 10S 4 2 2 21 21 J Henry 10 Ida Lavinia. S. Tone," DrKdall 11212 Lexington 51 f l:10hvy 14-5 108 5 4 3 3 3 J Henry G Rustling Brass. Bac. Destino 9441 Latonia 3-4 l:13fefast 9-5 109 5 3 1 2 2 Goose 9 Hodge. Caro Nome. Bolter 9279 Latonia 51 f l:07tast 13-5 108 5 1114 Is B Steele 11 Eustace. L. Innocence. Destine 9180 Latonia 5-S l:03hvy 3 110 2 3 2 2 21 Borel 11 Charmeuse. Bronzewing. Gracilla CAPTAIN BURNS, b. c. 3 100 By Rockton Ravenna J. E. Dorsey, 131G5 Juarez 3-4 l:12fast 4-5 100 2 1 1 11 2 AV W Tlor S .Milton Sosius. Superl 13147 Juarez 3-4 l:12hfast 3 100 4 4 4 3-1 32 P Ford 4 Milton Roblee. GipsvLove, King 13099 Juarez 51 f 1:05 fast 4 100 I 3 11 3i A Claver 7 Gipsy Love, Bob Henslev, Alvi 12CG9 Juarez 51 f l:01fast 7-10 102 2 2 2 2" 21 R Carter 4 B. Hensley, Bird Man. Anvtini 13032 Juarez 3-4 l:12fast 2 9S 3 2 2 21 42 J Metcalf G Ring. Milton Roblee. Superl 12G03 Jamesn 51 f 1:08 good 41 109 1 3 3 33 33 Fbrother 7 Salon. Executor. Supreme 125S0 Jamesn 3-4 l:15fast 21 9S S Fell. W Ward S John P. Nixon. Salon, Harelell 12509 Jamesn 3-4 l:14fast 5 115 7 6 3 31 3"! F Adams S Valkyrie. Mater, Rav oLight 12331 Laurel 51 f 1:11 slow G IIS 3 2 2 21 In Butwell 5 Orryx, Supreme, Undercover US42 Trenton Ab5-S 591 fast S-5 115 2 C Grand 7 L.Leighton. Muskmelon, B.Crest 11333 Syracuse 51 f 1:09J slow 2 120 2 Troxler 3 Crossbun. Milky Way U31S Syracuse 51 f 1:0S fast 2-5 112 I1 Troxler 3 Milky Way. Fatigue 10557 Empire 5-8 1:011 fast 1-2 108 1 C Grand 4 Kedron, L. Neoskaleeta. Fatigue IO0C4 Belmont 51 f st l:07good 3 ICS 4 11 2nk 44 J Wilson 15 Notoriety. Mordeeal. Polly II. SOSIUS, br. c, 3 HO By Solitaire II. Aya J. Livingston. 131G5 Juarez 3-4 l:12ifast 2 112 1 3 3 35 3 J Loftus .S Mil. Roblee, Capt. Rurns, Sun.-rl 129 13 Juarez 3-4 1:13 last 21 98 3 1 1 23 2 J McDond r Irish Gentleman. Just Red. Zini 12916 Juarez 3-1 l:12fast 2 105 S 6 4 2? ll A Neylon 9 G.Love, Theodorita. Crvstophine 12S35 Juarez 51 f l:10;slov 8-5 105 G 5 3 11 I3 A Neylon G .May L.. Paw. Bird Man 1"797 Juarez 3-4 1:20 hvy 4-5 112 2 2 3 2nk 23 J Loftus S Milt.Roblee EdI.uce. B.HensIey 1270S Juarez 3-4 l:12fast 21 112 4 2 2 4nfc 51 J Loftus 9 Gipsy Love, Paw. Christophlne 123C0 Latonia 3-4 l:I5hvy 8 112 2 5 4 4 45, J Henry S John Guild. I. Cralsr, Claxoiielte 12337 Latonia 1 l:4SVhvy 4-5 112 4 5 4 2 2s 2 J Henry 7 Ruck Keenon. Mockorv. Otranto 12273 Latonia 3-4 1:17 hvy 22 106 5 G G G 6-2 J Henry 7 Ralph. Hodge. Bringhiirst 12178 Churchill 1 l:13mud 13-10 111 3 3 3 3 11 ll J Henry 9 B.Keenon. Stevesta. Christr.phino 12151 Churchill 51 f 1:08 mud 7 10S 5 4 4 34 31 J Henry S Bolala, Birdie Williams, Ralina 11977 Churchill 3-4 1 :13fastll7-20 107 3 4 4 2 21 J Henry 12 B.Brother. Bar.I.ane. ..Fortune 11732 Douglas 3-4 l:15if,hvy 17-10 112 4 7 5 5 3 Borel 11 Belloc. Lindar. Dr. Kendall 11GS3 Douglas 3-4 l:12fast 37 107 2 2 3 5 5 Gross r. Ralph. Black Toney. Bronzewing 11618 Douglas 51 f 1:06 fast 41 1061 5 3 3 6 G J nenry G B. Choice. Edith W.. L.Xephew 11438 Lexington 3-1 l:15andgood 19-5 107 5 2 2 11 ll J Henry 5 Bac, Osaple. Delft EMERALD GEM, b. f, 3 103 By McGce Cappadocia E. J. OConnell. 13165 Juarez 3-1 20 107 Excused by Stewards.G Gould S Mil. Roblee. "ant. Burns, Sosius 12S40 Juarez 51 f l:llhvy 2 109 3 1 2 2" 4inlW Wartn , Milton Roblee. Redpath. Osaple 12763 Juarez 51 f 1:05 fast 31 112 4 3 3 3 32 W Warton 5 Manganese, Blarney. Bird .Man 12744 Juarez 51 f 1:06 fast 3-2 112 3 2 1 21 41 W Warton 7 Bing. Manganese. Edith W. 12691 Juarez 51 f l:05fast 2 115 9 7 G 71 73 G Gould 9 Blarney. Edith W.. Bird Man 12660 Juarez 5-S 59fast 13-5 108 1 2 2 11 1 G Gould Manganese. Paw. Sir Harry 125SS Juarez 3-4 1:12 fast 10 96 3 3 3 5 G101W W TlorlO Pan Zareta. Mimorioso. Useeit 12401 Latonia 3-4 l:141fast 35-5 103 4 2 4 5 5"1 Gross G Gracilla. David Craig. Belloc 12245 Latonia 51 f l:09hvy 11-5 115 3 11 lh 42 Loftus G MaudB.L.. Bronzewing. EditiiW. 12129 Churchill 51 f 1:06 fast 7-5 105 3 2 1 l3 ll Gould 7 K.Worth, L.Fortune. Dr..Samuel 1200S Churchill 3-4 1:12fast 11 105 2 2 2 2" 43i Gould 7 Brad.Chohc Edith W.. Old Ben UC65 Woodbine 5-8 l:01fast 1 115 4 2 1 ll 1 Gould 10 Fathom. Pri. Petal. Sil. Pilot 11194 BlueBon. 3-4 1:13 fast S 110 3 111 21 Gould 7 Surprising. Tho Usher. Minda 11146 BlueBon. 51 f 1:07 fast 2-5 109 4 1 1 1 l5 Gould 7 Amazemt, LyricMuse. Indolence 11001 BlueBon. 51 f l:06fast 13-5 105 1 1 1 l3 l4 Gould S C.Michael. WaterLady Cannock 10S19 Connaught 3-4 l:14slow 15 101 5 3 1 lBk 2 Gould 7 Hodge. Stevesta. Fathom MANGANESE, b. g, 3 108 By Lithos Regea S. Ambrose. 13032 Juarez 3-4 l:12fast 3-2 111 2 11 Ink 51 E Taplin G Bing. Milton Roblee. Superl 1296S Juarez 51 f l:05fast 4 92 3 4 4 3 33 C Jones 4 FIorenceRoberts, Useeit. Hobnob 12919 Juarez 3-4 1:12 fast 9-10 117 3 2 2 2 2 J Groth G Little Will. Mcshacli. Redpath 12S76 Juarez 3-4 l:13fast 6 110 3 1 1 21 2nk L Gentry 9 Osaple. Blarney. Edith W. 12763 Juarez 51 f 1:05 fast 31 107 3 1 1 ll l1 J Groth fi Blarney. Emerald Gem. Bird Man 12744 Juarez 51 f 1:06 fast 5 107 2 1 2 lb 2 J Groth 7 Bing. Editli W.. Emerald Gem 12691 Juarez 51 f l:05" G 110 3 4 3 5 42 Kirschin 9 Blarney. Edith W.. Bird Man 12660 Juarez 5-S 59fast 21 10S 3 1 1 23 2 M Mthews ,r Emerald Gem. Paw. Sir Ilarrv 125S7 Juarez 5-8 4 105 6 2 2 2 2i M Mthews 7 Paw. Blarney. MUron Roblee 11911 Victoria 5-S 1 :013Bfast S-5 121 4 4 G 6 G"!Piekens G BigLuniax. DiisUvDave. Rimlfax 115S8 Vancouver 51 f l:07good 6 103 42 .entry 7 P.ofLismore. Fitzgerald. Seuec.i 11506 Vancouver 3-4 l:14good 3 116 4 1 1 1 l4 D Roland G Dalston. Transact. Feliha 11311 Vancouver 41 f 56hvy I 91 2 2 3 21 3J C Jones G Lackrose. Roseltaire. B.Thomas 11022 Vancouver 5-8 59fast 13-5 110 21 Washear 4 Pnw. Col. McDousall. Littlo Bit 10938 Vancouver 51 f 1:07 fast 12 113 5 1 4 41 41 Burgame G.Orb, Paw. Redpath 10791 Vancouver 41 f 55 fast 11-10 112 1 l 1 11 Is Burgame 5Big Lumax. Paw. Brighouse COLONEL McDOUGALL, ch. c, 3 92 By Buck Massie Gay and Festive I. Striker. 13103 Juarez 51 f l:03fast 5 10S 5 5 6 6s 5T1 E Denny S Barbara Lane, Ulrica, Ed Luce 1.090 Juarez 51 f l:03!;fast 15 103 1 5 4 3 ll G W Carll 7 R.Lumax. F. Fortune, Ed Luce 12S74 Juarez 3-4 1:14 Vfefast 6 100 11 11 J It Cl 12 Haynes 11 Rirka. Gen. Warreu. Old Gotch 12S42 Juarez 51 f l:ll4ihvy 5 ICS 1 2 2 12 521 G W Carll 9 Coos. Gen. Warren. Kiltie 1774 Juarez 51 f l:0Smud 5 112 7 3 3 3 4 G W Carll 9 Aug.neinze. OldGotch. Transact 11753 Juarez 51 f l-.OGrifast 4 10S 4 2 3 3 V 55J C Kirschnil.. Theoilorita, MuvISnena, OlilGotcli 1270S Juarez 3-4 l:12f-,fast 20 100 9 9 9 7 42 F Stevens 9 Gipsv Ixive. Paw, Cliristophine 12399 Juarez 51 f ROGfast 15 114 S 7 5 Cut 571 F Jackson S Bird Man. Sir Harry. Old Gotch 13506 Vancouver 3-4 l:14good 9 111 6 C G C Glu Jackson 5 Manganese, Dalston. Transact 11032 Vancouver 5-S 594ifast 23-5 100 371 Cavangh 4 Paw. Manganese. Little Bit 1091S Vancouver 41 f 55 fast 21 111 G G 3 21 1" Cavangh 0 Brighouse. MuyBuena. InDutch 10SC2 Vancouver 41 f 54andfast 23-5 110 7 G 4 41 1" E McEwen 7 Transact. LaEstrella. Cal. Jack 10531 Vancouver 41 f 54fast 7 110 5 2 2 2 3J E McEweu 7 Virginia S.. Cal.Jack. M. Buenc 10107 Vancouver 5-S l:01Vfast 31-5 103 5 5 5 5 5J McBride Little Bit. Muy Buena, Orb FIFTH RACE 1 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Horses, Colts and Geldings. Selling. 131.r.4 1:37 THE MONK, blk. g, 7 112 By Fatherless Eliza Russell Pontius and Boland. l llil Juarez 1 l:37fast S 100 S 7 7 G 52 5s J Metcalf 8 Dynamo, Oe.Quen, Sis.Fiorence 1.1023 Juarez 1 l:3Sfast 12 103 7 4 2 1 4-i 61 J MetcalC 7 B. of 15. Mawr. .Sigurd. M. Emily i1007 Juarez 1 l:3S4andfast 31 112 1 S C 4 5 5"3 R Mentry 11! Anne McGee. Amity, Joe Woods 1301 Juarez 7-S l:2CM;fast 4 110 G G 4 4 C4 5 R Mentry 9 II. Lad. B.ofBrvnMawr. O.Queen L$."3 Juarez 7-8 1:2 slow 31 10S 7 7 7 7 C 31 F Hill 8 S. Sam, O. Queen, R. ofJeddali 126SG Juarez 3-4 l:12Vfast 12 112 9 7 C 43 l2 Hill 12 EyoWliite. A. Interest, O.Cunliam 12217 Victoria 1 l:4S?Smud 2 114 1T Hill 0 Forge, Palaver, Nebmska Lass 12172 Victoria 1 l:404Bmud 3-5 109 3 2 1 1 ll 21 Hill 5 Flying. Tremargo. L.Rensselaer 12144 Victoria 1 l:4Gmud 13-5 107 4 3 3 2 21 25 Hill S SoutlierriGold. C.Desmond, Q.Trip 11990 Victoria lm70y l:474fast 3-2 109 3 1 1 1 l1 1 Hill 7 Flying. Florence Kripp. Gerds 11928 Victoria lm70y 1:47 fast 13-5 110 5 3 3 5 5 5s Taylor 5 Cool. John Louis. Balellff 11873 Victoria 3-4 l:154fast S 112 G 5 5 4s 41 Taylor f J of Asia. Ancestors, Palatable 11707 Victoria lm70y l:4Sfast 7-5 112 4 W Taylor 5 C. Desmond, J. Lasson. B. Mott 11307 Vancouver 3-4 l:14good 11-5 112 8 8 5 21 li D Boland S E. Adams. Maudadero. Tremargo 3 14S4 Vancouver 51 f 3 :09hvy 41 111 8 7 G 5 3" D Belaud 8 Unc.J.Gray, BenStone, KingElk 11175 Vancouver 1 IMOVsfast G-5 112 4 5 5 1 1J 1 D Boland 7 Acolin. Jack Laxson. Tremargo 3"942 Vancouver 1 l:39fast 14-5 109 1 3 3 3 33 31! Gentry 5 Stelcliff. Colinet, Baby Doll KELSETTA, ch. g. G 107 By Jim Kelly Santa J. M. Rawlings. ! ;iss Juarez 1 1-1G l:47f,fast 4 112 8 2 " 1 ? 2 E Taplin 9 Bine-Beard. L.Llam. II. Hawkins 13130 Juarez 3-4 1:12 fast 20 112 11 11 11 9 911 L Gentry 12 Commendation, Cliilla. J. of Asia l.fcl Juarez 1 1-4 2:0G fast 21 101 3 2 2 2 3"t 453 A Neylon 4 Cordie F.. Sir John. Sugar Lump 12SC7 Juarez 1 1-30 lMSIigood 4 105 3 7 7 4 4 2and A Neylon S C.W.Kcnnon. M.Emily, L.Elam 1.7G Juarez 1 1-1G 1:47 fast G 103 5 3 3 3 21 11 A Claver i Lord 121am, .Tack Laxson. Defy 32075 Juarez 1 1-1G l:4Sfast 7 103 3 4 2 2 2"t 21 Claver S W.Mason. UrsulnEinina. Topland 32G21 Juarez 1 1-S l:53fast 20 100 5 S S 9 71! 51 Claver 9 Nan.McBee. J. Laxson, O.Queen 12141 Victoria 1 l:4CVinud C 111 1 8 8 8 S 7 Pickens 8 Sou. Gold, UheMonk, Ch.Desmond 12W3 Victoria 11:43 fast 12 110 5 5 2 2 2 2l OBrien G G. Fallen, O.Desmond. Shawnee 1I9G9 Victoria lmTOy l:4Sfast 14-3 112 7 5 3 3 3" 44 McMartin 7 Jack Laxson. Elgin. Oscuro HANNIS, b. s, 0 112 By Sandringham Lizzie Montrose F. Bahnken. i 174 Juarez 1 l:39fast 15 112 4 5 4 3 31 1" W OBrien !t Stevesta. Ya Hy Yip. .Maudadero 1 111 49 Juarez 1 1-1G 3 :454fast 40 107 G 5 4 5 43 3s W OBrien i B.Candle. Weyanoke, Blue-Beard l: 123 Juarez ll:3Sfast 20 112 C 8 S C 4nk 513 W 0Brienl2 Rey, Phillistina. Freewill 12993 Juarez 1 1-1G 1:40 fast 10 10S G 7 5 4 4 G14 C VanDun i Polls, Toiiland. Balronia 12900 Juarez 3-1 l:13fast 20 115 12 12 12 10 S"1W 0Brienl2 T. Belle, Mar.Cliavls. Sen.James 1-14S Victoria 3-4 l:197imud 10 112 G 4 5 5s 4S3 Riddle 8 Palaver, I-ookout, Ferroua 12121 Victoria 3-1 lHSslop 20 114 G9 Cavangh 7 Oblivion, Cisko. B.oflroquois H90S Victoria 7-S l:29fast 20 10G 7 7 7 7 53 G51 Ormes 7 Elliciency, G. Agnes, South. Gold 11920 Victoria 7-S l:29fast 12 109 8 S S S S 71210Brien 8 .Maudadero. E. Mott. WiltrudeS. 11"S9 Vcouver lm70yl:4G good 15 112 77 Anderson 8 B. Mate. P. of Bohemia. Flying 31544 Vancouver 1 l:41goodl9-10 112 1 3 2 2 31 3 Groth S Flying. Downland. Ocean Snore BALCLIFF,-b. g. G 105 By Balgowan Maicliff C. Hawk. Lilil Juarez 1 l:39fast 5 312 S C 5 G 51 G31 P Hill ! Haiinis. Stevesta. Ya-Hv-Yip 13US5 Juarez 11-10 1:47 fast 10 112 13 7 7 13 13 13- P Hill 14 Defy. .I.Woods. Black-EvcdSusan M03S Juarez 1 l:40fast 12 10S 3 4 G S S S19 P Hill ! OccaiiUuicn, ILllawkins, Janus 1273G Juarez 1 1:39 fast 12 103 1 7 5 4 Gi C81 P Hill 8 O.Queen, B.ofB.Mawr, L.Mmont 12C03 Juarez 1 1:39 fast 15 100 3 2 3 4 5 5i Hill 7 L. Marchmont. Acumen. Cu Bon 125S9 Juarez 1 l:39,ifast 6 112 5 13 13 13 13 10lsiHill 14 Melts. X. McDee. L. Marchmont 12022 Victoria 1 1-1G 1:49 fast 14 111 3 G 4 4 5b G Cavangh 7 Cool, Swede Sam. Phillistina 11G2S Victoria lm0y 1:47 fast S-5 10S 2 2 2 2 31 31 Claver 5 Cool, John Louis. Gerds 11913 Victoria 1 1-S 1:50 fast 4 10S 5 5 4 2 l1 In Cavangh ! Voladay Jr., G. Pallen. J Louis 11552 Victoria 7-S 1:29 fast 12 109 G G 4 3 31 33 Taylor 7 Mary Emily. SeaClilT. FirstStar 10937 Vcouver lm70yl:43fast 11-10 109 1 3 3 3 21 21 Benton 5 Otilo. Jack Laxson. Farraud 10SSG Vancouver 1 1:40 fast 12 103 1 3 4 3 21 31 Cavangh S P.Industry. .M.Emily. .T.Louis 10S0C Vcouver 1 1-10 l:51hvy 9-5 92 5 5 4 4 4lu 4s Mott 5 Phillistina, Ocean Queen, Hadad 10333 Vancouver 1 l:40Vsfast 43-5 102 3 3 3 3 3 31 Benton G Ocean Queen, Cu Bon, JohuLouis LORD ELAM. b. g. 7 105 By Lord Esterling Kate Elam W. B. Carson. HISS Juarez 1 1-10 1 :47fast 4 112 1 S G 3 4 ;! C Gross i Blue-Beard, Kelsetta. ILIIawkin.-, 1!1G7 Juarez llSlfcrast S 10S 3 10 S 3 2i 25 C Gross 10 Poiitefrart. T.Chapman. OldGoteh K122 Juarez 11:39 fast 10 112 14 13 S 4 2 2 C Gross 14 Blue-Beard, S.Feinn. Madeline;, lies:, Juarez 1 1-1C 1:47 fast 20 10S 5 13 12 9 9 93JC Gross 14 Defy, J.Woods, Black-EyedSusan 33047 Juarez 1 1:40 fast 10 10S 2 4 4 5 S S13 C Gross 8 S. Florence. J. Lackson. Q. Trip 12020 Juarez 1 l:3Sfast S 112 2 9 7 5 cnk 710 R Hoffmanll Ft.Smter. Mndadero. Winid 1. 12917 Juarez 1 1:33 fast 7 103 S G 3 G Cl GJ R Hoffman S Mary Emily. Cool. Freewill 12S91 Juarez 1 1-10 l:4Gfast 3 10S 1 2 3 3 31 G12iU Hoffman 7 Clinton. Iolls, Defy 3 2.SG7 Juarez 1 1-1C l:lSgood S 105 G 3 4 3 3" 4J C Gross S C.W.Kenuon. Kelsetta. M.Emilv 127G3 Juarez 1 1-S 1:53 fast 20 103 5 G 7 7 53 4i C Gross 7 Melts. NannieMcDee. SugarLmnp 1272G Juarez 1 1-1G 1:47 fast G 104 1 2 2 1 l 2J P Benton G Kelsetta, Jack Laxon, Defy SINN FEINN. b. h, G 108 By Filigrane Miss McMeekin E. J. Ramsey. 3::i22 Juarez 1 1:39 fast 7 113 19 5 5 ?, 38 H Cavanhl t Itlue Beard. L.Elam. Madeline.. l:V2 Juarez 7-S l:29slow 6 111 11 10 9 9 11 lllJ?.H Cavanhll 12. White. S.Florence, P.Jndustrv 32v:;G Juarez 5-S l:04slow 4 111 0 5 4 33 2 II Cavanh SwedeSam. Senator.Tames, Miami l.Soy Juarez 3-4 1:21 hvy 4 ill 1 3 2 23 32 II Cavanh S I. Bock. Zinkand, Calethumpian 127SG Juarez 3-4 l:21Jhvy G 115 3 3 5 4 23 II Cavanhll: Garter, Swiftsure, Frank Wooden 1137S Vancouver CI f l:21mud 4 115 0 5 5 G G8 G12iPickens U Safranor, Golden Agnes. Barium 31305 Vancouver 3-4 l:17,ihvy 7 115 7 S 3 35 33J Pickens S K.Nelson. Tellurium, Blacksheep 10S1G Vancouver 1 l:42fast 14 117 3 8 5 G 71 78 Pickens 9 Southern Gold, Elgin. M. McKee 10792 Vcouver lm70yl:4ifast 14 112 2 G 0 G G21 551 Pickens S Abound. Hannis, Oblivion 10531 Vancouver 7-S 1:28 fast 10 112 5 3 2 1 li 2n Pickens 7 Zulu, Kelsetta. Tallow Dip CISKO, b. s, 6 105 By Holstein Yachting Girl S. Polk. 121!W Juarez 3-4 l:13fast 100 112 4 9 9 C G23 C Riddle VI Seneca. lieda, Tov Bov 12190 Victoria 3-4 l:20!femud 11-10 114 S S 7 5 44J Riddle 8 Emeraldlsle. TheFeller. O.Smiie 1.147 Victoria 3-4 1:19 mud 7-10 114 5 4 1 11 l4 Riddle 7 TheFeller, TallowDip, Downland 12121 Victoria 3-4 lnSandsIop 12-5 114 2 Riddle 7 Oblivion, B.of Iroquois, Ptefract 30200 Vancouver 1 l:40fast 17-10 109 Wheeled. Moleswh 7 B. Mate, F. Star, K. Connor 10111 Vancouver 1 1:41 fast 31 109 G 5 3 2 2b 45 Jackson 7 O.Queen. UeeneW., D.Montgmv 10043 Vancouver 3-4 1:14 fast 12 109 3 4 4 43 34 Benton G Orba Smile, G. Fallen, Canapa 10003 Vancouver 1 l:40fast 9-5 111 0 5 2 2 2h 35J Battiste i Phillistina. Cool, C. W. Kennon 9945 Vancouver 1 l:40fast 9-5 104 G G G G 53 5" Yeager G Voladay.Tr., O.Qnecn, P.Industry 922G C.dAlene 7-S l:27slop 21 109 H Moleswh S Taboe, BalcIifT, Southern Gold 9197 C.dAlene 1 l:llslop 3-2 109 l2 E McEwen G D.Stafford. BeoneW.. NoQuarter JOE WOODS, b. g. 8 112 By The Roman Rival Bishop and Loranger. 3?1S Juarez 1 1-3C l:47fast 7 112 3 3 5 7 71 9" P Hill 9 Blue-Beard, Kelsetta. L.Elam Vc i9G Juarez 1 1:39 fast C 105 S 2 2 1 2 1" P Hill 10 Old Gotch. Frieze. Ave 130S3 Juarez 11-10 1:47 fast 4 10S 9 1 1 1 l1! 2S G McMtinl4 Defy. Black-Eyed Susan, Q. Trip 3305$ Juarez 1 l:40fast 10 30S 7 5 5 G C2 C2 G McMtin ! OceaiiQuecn, ILllawkins, Janus 13007 Juarez 1 l:3Sfast S 10S 4 3 3 3 31 33i G McMtinlll An.McGee, Amity. Ilel.Ilawkins 12912 Juarez 1 1-10 l:46fast 5 105 4 4 5 5 43 45 G McMtinll Curlicue, Clinton, Sleepland 12913 Juarez 1 l:39Vsfast 7 105 4 1 1 1 1"" 23 G McMtin 9 L.Marehmnt, C.W.Keuii. S.Sam 32S73 Juarez 1 l:40fast 8 107 0 4 3 2 123 G McMtin 7 L.Marchmont. E.White. lt.Uncas 12S31 Juarez 1 lMSslow S 112 1 2 2 1 ll 33i G McMtinl2 HuskyLad. CordieF.. JackLaxson DAVE MONTGOMERY, br. g. 7 105 By Bowling Brook Grenadine A. Borland. 3.1107 Juarez ll:3S4f;fast S "10S 0 7 G S S S!l II Woods 10 Poiitcfracr. L.Elam. T.Chapman 131 19 Juarez 1 J-10 l:45fast 0 105 2 4 5 0 0 5,UJW Kelsay G BurntCandle. Weyanoke, Hannis KM 10 Juarez 1 1:3S fast 15 10S S S 7 7 51 4i W Kelsay S Q. Trip, Star Berta, TrojanBelle 1302O Juarez 1 l:3S.;fast 12 107 4 2 3 7 9 lOlR Crawfdll Ft.Smter, Mndadero. Winid 1. 12979 Juarez 3-4 l:llfast 15 307 S 9 9 S 7" R Crawfd 9 Lit.Jane. But. Ball. Winifred 1. 3J5S5 Vancouver 51 f 1:08 good 30-5 112 G9 Grotli I;; Laura Clay. Elliciency. Fire 1137S Vancouver Ci f l:24mud 3 114 1 G G 7 S8 S4 Jackson 9 Safranor. Golden Agnes. Barium 11209 Vancouver 1 l:4GUvy 23-5 104 G 2 1 1 lu 31 Benton 9 S.Shapiro. Tremargo. D. Enrique 31175 Vancouver 1 l:40y5fast 12 104 1 3 4 5 C 55 Gentry 7 The Monk, Acolin. Jack Laxson 10979 Vancouver 3-4 l:134fast 12 109 3 5 5 5 512 Gentry 7 Colinet, Ferrona, Tony Koch 30932 Vancouver 7-S 1:27 fast 10 110 5 3 4 5 5s 431 E McEwen S Beda, Gerds, Acumen 10S99 Vancouver 7-S 1:27 fast 27-10 109 1 1 1 1 l2 21 Washear S Fastoso, Shawnee. Flying 10SG9 Vancouver 3-1 l:14fast 12 109 7 5 5 5t 221 Washear S Blondy, Mark Kennedy, Fire TOM CHAPMAN, b. g, 4 107 By Conjuror Lucky Star II. D. Howell. 3;M07 Juarez 1 l:3Sfast 10 1 04 10 9 9 0 4 2 353 L Genrty 10 Poiitefract. LordLlam. O.Gotch 13!l Juarez 3 l:37fast 20 103 1 S S S 8 S9i L Gentry S Dynamo, Oc.Queen. SisFlorence 1303S Juarez 1 l:40andfast 20 102 3 9 S 7 7 714 A Claver 9 OceanQueen, ILllawkins, Janus 12992 Juarez 3-4 l:12fast 15 104 S 7 7 S SIWJF Benton S Goldlinu, Hazel C, Jessup Burn 12SG7 Juarez 1 1-1C lMSgood 4 101 4 4 3 0 7 7JC G W Carll S C.W.Kcnnon. Kelsetta. M.Emily 12S13 Juarez 1 l:49hvy 4 99 3 7 5 5 48 2nk A Claver S C. W. Kennon, J. Walton, Forge 127G1 Juarez 7-S l:25fast 12 105 10 10 9 8 71 3s H Woods 11 Acumen, Mary Emily, Hazel C. lzCS3 Juarez 3-4 l:134fast 31 107 7 S 7 5 31 II Woods 1:; No Quarter, Quick Trip, Frazzle 1201G Juarez 51 f l:0GVandfast 10 107 1 9 G 5i 21 Groth 11 Cloak, I-oftylleywood, Swiftsure 12216 Victoria 1 l:50V5mud 15 10S 3J McMartin 7 Lotta Creed, The Feller, Zinkand 12141 Victoria 3-4 l:19mud 23-5 109 0 8 5 41 43 McMrtin S Commendation, Lehigh. Kit. Bum 121"1 Victoria 3-4 l:lSslop 27-5 109 58i McMartin 7 Oblivion, Cisko, B.oflroquois 11993 Victoria 3-1 l:15fast 14 109 1 8 5 3 21 McMartin 8 Canapa, Hazel C. Brcdwell 11923 Victoria 6S f l:23fast 1S-5 103 4 5 G 5 C4 51 Claver 7 Fire, Daylight. Belle of Iroquois 11553 Victoria 3-i l:151Ifast 7 109 G 6 G 5 551 OBrien G Safranor. KidNelson. Mercurium 11S47 Victoria 3-4 l:17fast 11-5 113 2 4 3 23 l1 McBride 9 Lamhertha, Unalga, Bredwell GARTER, ch. g, 4 107 By Golden Garter Fair Empress W. C. Clancy. 12S37 Juarez and-S l:04slow S 100 5 3 3 51 510 R Estep U Buck Thomas, Inquieta, Labold 12790 Juarez 3-4 l:214andhvy G 107 2 1 1 Is l3 R Estep 12 SimiFeinn, Swiftsure. F. Wooden 3773 Juarez 3-4 l:10mud 3 107 2 2 2 221 2 R Estep 10 Peter Grimm, Amity. Ketente 12719 Juarez 3-1 l:12fast 25 9S 0 0 7 8 Ss3 J McDondlO B.ofJdah, Palatable, A.Interest 12CS3 Juarez 3-4 l:13fast 10 10S 3 4 0 SJ 8s Estep 1.". T.Chapman, NoQuarter, QekTrip 12017 Juarez 5. f l:00ysfast 20 10G 1 2 2 4uk 591 Estep 9 Dynamo. CordieF.. Baron deKalb S031 Lexington 3-4 1:14 fast fid 105 3 7 11 11 ll11112step 11 Al Bloch. Just Bed. Clinton C9SG Juarez 51 f 1:07 Tast 40 105 4 4 5 S S9 Kederis 9 M. Katcham. Moller, Sptly Miss JUDGE WALTON, b. h, 7 115 By Nasturtium Loneta Smith and Farrar. 13110 Juarez 11:38 fast 15 115 C 4 5 S 8 S1" R Guy S Q. Trip. Star Berta. TrojanBelle 1 2825 Juarez 1 1-1G 2:00hvy 12 115 0 3 2 2 4 43 R Guy 7 Downland, Defy. Ursula Emma 12S13 Juarez 1 l:49hvy 10 313 2 5 3 3 3 33 R Guy S C.W.Kenuon, T.Chapman, Forge 12783 Juarez 1 1-30 2:00hvy 6 111 5 3 4 2 11 1 R Guy S Downland, JImCafferata. Clinton 12700 Juarez 7-S 1:2G fast 10 10S 2 4 8 8 73 0"J R Guy 15 Stanley S., Compton. Quick Trip 12713 Juarez 11-10 1:47 fast 10 111 S 5 4 S 10 101R Guy 10 Sigurd. Cordie F.. Robert 32075 Juarez 1 1-1G l:4Sfast G 111 1 5 3 5 41 5 R Guy 8 W. Mason, Kelsetta, Urs. Emma 12002 Juarez 1 l:40fast 12 111 3 2 2 2 3 4i Matts Jl Ben Uncas, Jack Laxson, S. Sam 12411 Dallas 7-S 1:29 fast 110 2 3 3 3 22 l3 Matts S Orbiculatn. M.Thman. P.Creek 12390 Dallas 7-S 1:30 fast 113 Left at the post. Washear 7 Nila. Farraud. Wise Hand 12370 Dallas 3-4 1:183 good 117 8 G 5 5 24 Washear 10 Arrowshaft. F. Wooden. Frazzle 12280 Dallas 1 1:573 mud 112 3 5 4 2 2i 23 E M thews 7 B.Uncas. Inexhaustible. B.Oneil TOPLAND, b. g, 7 105 By Orlando Topsy Over White and Vititoe. 13199 Juarez 1 1:39 fast 23 112 10 4 5 7 C 8,3iG McMtinli Weyanoke. Lthelda. Sh. Knight 13123 Juarez 1 l:3Sfast 41 112 1 4 3 4 11 111R Carter 12 Bey. Phillistina. Freewill 32993 Juarez 1 1-1G 1:40 fast 20 10S 5 2 2 2 2 2 E Taplin 9 Iolls, Balronia, Jack Laxson 12CS4 Juarez 1 1-10 l:4Gfast 10 105 4 7 7 7 7 712 Dishmon 7 Curlicue, L.Marchmt, Troj.Bellc 12075 Juarez 1 1-1C l:4Sfast 50 10G 2 7 7 G G21 48i Dishmon S WiseMason. Kelsetta, Ur.Emma 12030 Juarez 1 1-1G l:4Gfast 30 105 6 0 7 9 73 StIiDIshmon 9 Orb. Lad. Urs. Emma. Fan. Hall 1?I51 Latonla 3-4 1:15 mud 74 105 7 7 7 72 83UFrench S J. B. Robinson. Amoret. Kiva 12153 Churcldll 3-4 l:153mud 80 112 7 8 8 S 72 French 9 Jimmie Gill. Curlicue. Rooster 11521 Lexington 3-4 l:14fast 133 109 8 8 8 84 S4 J Henry 9 Silk Da v. Rosemary. Detour 2750 latonla 3-1 l:13g fast 1SS 112 10 10 10 10 1010 Goose 10 Sureget. Sea Cliff. All Red 97972 Windsor 1 1-4 2:07g fast 6 104 5 4 4 3 G5 Gl Sweeney S Startler. My Gal. Third Rail. 97S51 Hamilton 1 l:39g fast 6 105 2 5 5 5 7s G8 J Wilson 11 Mar. Doyle. J.ILReed. June W. 97770 Ham ton 1 1-1G 1:50 hvy 4 109 5 4 4 4 5s 514lGordon 7 Beaucoup. Bounder. F. Johnson. 97732 Hamilton 1 1-8 1:532 fast 6 105 4 4 2 1 31 31 J Wilson 8 Michael Angelo. Bounder. C!iek 97529 FortErie 1 3-10 l:5Sg fast 7-6 10S 1 3 4 3 3 3 J Wilson 5 ThlrdRail. Longhand, Rom.WIuj: 97401 Fort Erie 1 1-8 1:522 fast 9-5 100 3 3 2 1 ll 1J J Wilson 5 Cheek. Third Rail. Bang. FIRE, b. g, 7 112 By Cesarion Incendiary G. Melbourne. KilCl Juarez 3 4 1:14 fast 0 115 5 S 7 4i E Taplin S No Quarter. Ethelda. Silver Tone 13130 Juarez 3-11:12 fast 15 112 7 9 S 71 71 J Grotli 12 Commendation, Cliilla. J. of Asia 13073 Juarez 7-S l:25fast G 10S 7 7 7 5 521 43 S Horrell Burnt Candle, Ave, Retento 13007 Juarez 1 l:3S4f;fast 30 107 9 4 4 5 G3 7" F Benton 12 Anne McGee. Amitv. Joe Woods 129S! Juarez 3-11:12 fast 10 112 1 G 5 01 581 11 Woods 9 L. Heywood. Kali-lnla, Ferrona 12S9S Juarez 3-4 1:14 fast 10 115 8 9 3 l2i ll W 0Brienl4 F. Wooden. N.Muchacho. Frwill I2SC3 Juarez 3-4 1:15 good 20 110 5 G G 41 5?3 W OBrien 9 Ramsy. Hex. Binocular 32S01 Juarez 3-4 1:21 hvy 25 112 5 7 7 7 71W OBrien 8 Mazurka. Labold. Eye White 12234 Victoria Abo-S l:01mud 5 112 74 McMartin Ramsy. BummerllL. Mandadero 121CS Victoria 3-4 1:20 mud 17 112 2 8 4 31 2" Hill 8 Hazel C. Mercurium. LocustBud EDDIE MOTT, b. g, G 105 By Eddie Jones Motto T. A. Davies. 13141 Juarez 3-4 1:14 fast 10 115 1 7 7 SilO12 C Riddle 13 J.B.Maylow. Venetian. Angie D. 12SC4 Juarez 3-4 l:15good 40 11G 1 9 9 8 S1C Riddle 10 Hazel C, Hyki. Winifred D. 12730 Juarez 5?. f 1:05 fast 50 10S 2 9 9 7 7"1C Riddle 10 M.B.Eubanks. S. Alvescot. O.Lad 12352 Victoria " 1 l:47mud 22-5 109 2 2 2 3 4 41 Pickens 7 Flor. Kripp, Joe Frnnk. Elgin 12142 Victoria 3-i l:18mud 7 112 1 1 2 21 41 Pickens S Mercurium. C.W.Kenuon. F. Star 13994 Victoria 3-4 1:17 fast 2G-5 109 2 3 G 6 G4 Pickens 7 Beda. Locust Bud. Mandadero 11S"C Victoria 7-8 liast 4 105 2 4 3 3 2 21 Pickens S Mnndero. WiltrudeS.. S.Shapiro 11900 Victoria 7-S l:29fast 8-5 112 Sl0iAnderson 8 Gold. Agnes. Tom Murphy. Elgin 11S50 Victoria 1 1-16 l:49fast 5 112 4 1 1 1 21 31 Anderson 7 Ch. Desmond, J. Laxson, Frieze 11707 Victoria lm70v l:4Sifast 23-10 112 3S1 Hill 5 C. Desinoiid. J. Laxson. T. Monk 13r.90 Vancouver 1 1:41 good 81 112 1 Washear 10. Sw. Sam, S. Gold. Fort Johnson 11543 Vancouver 7-8 l:27sood 18-5 112" 5 3 2 2 2 22 Washear 10-Farraud, Safranor, Ft. Johnson t SIXTH RACE 1 Mile. 3-yealr-olds and upward. Selling. 13154 1:37 5 9S. LOWEEN, br. m, 6 109 By Intrusive Arthesia R. G. Martin. 13113 Juarez 1 l-ir. 1:40 fast 2 115 5 3 3 3 33 l"t R Eslep fi Voladay Jr.. Jim. Gill. Cord!. F. 13077 Juarez 1 1-S 1:53 fast 1-2 9S 4 4 2 2 24 ll A Claver .r B. of Brvn Mawr. Tahoe. Sigurd 12945 Juarez 1 l:37fast 0 100 7 S 4 3 11 1 A Claver 8 Swish. Butter Ball. Melts 10333 Vancouver 1 l:39fast 7-5 10S 1 4 4 3 21 21 Burgame 7 DangcrousMareh. Tahoe. Melts 10170 Vcouver lm70y 1:14 fast 13-10 109 1 5 4 3 21 21 Anderson 7 Colinet, Melts, Vested Rights 10109 Vcouver lm70yl:42fast 17-10 110 S S Pulled up. Anderson S Maimssch, Trulv, Sea Cliff 9932 Vcouver 1 1-10 l:47fast 9-10 107 2 4 3 2 lt lh Andersn 4 Tahoe, J Louis. Sister Florence SC31 C.dAlene 1 3-S l:53fast 16-5 111 3i Burgame 4 Meadow. Hadad. John Louis S440 C.dAlene 1 1:41 fast 9-10 110 3 5 4 2 Is l1 Warren 7 Hadad. Dutch Rock, Lotta Creed S30S C.dAlne 1 1-1G 1:47 fast 7-10 109 1 4 3 3 21 21 Warren 5 Cantem. John Louis, Hadad 800S C.dAlene 1 l:41iast 4-5 106 9 9 9 9 412 Pauley 9 J. Louis. Sea Cliff. Lotta Creed 74C9 Juarez 11-8 1:54 fast 6-5 105 1 2 4 C 6 G15lKirschm G Setback, Dick Baker. S. Beruurd 7354 Juarez 1 1-S l:53?nfast 4 105 1 5 5 5 3b 2nt Kirschin G Console, Bonanza, Palma 72S5 Juarez 1 l:2Sg fast 5 104 5 7 7 7 7 78i Kederis 7 R. .Meteor. Sepulveda. Lackruse 6944 Juarez 1 1:401 fast 11-20 109 4 7 3 3 31 11 Borel 9 Dutch Rock. Balcliff. llatteras VOLADAY JR.. b. g. 5 110 By Voladay Kismet Queen J. Green. M 13113 Juarez 1 1-1G 1:40 fast 4 111 2 2 1 1 l2 2"k W OBrien G Loween, Jimmie Gill. Cordie F. 13021 Juarez 7-S l:;Mfast 20 102 GOG G G C1 L Gentry G New Haven, Glp.Love, Sea Our 1291S Juarez 7-S l:215fast 12 100 S 8 8 8 8 883 P Hill S Miniorioso, Dor.Dean. J.Reardon 12S77 Juarez 7-S l:2C4fefast 4 103 C 5 5 5 S 44J P Hill 5 S.FretfuI. BouneChauce, B.Gettv 12841 Juarez 7-S l:31hvy 4 103 5 3 4 3 41 4s J McBride G Just Red. Brooktleld Bert Getty 32799 Juarez 3 3:49hvy 5 1W 4 3 3 4 21 2 A Claver 4 Just Red, Iton.Chance. V.Rights 12745 Juarez 1 l:37andfast 10 95 3 5 G 3 53 541 J McDond 8 Manasseh. J.Reardon, BertGettv 12C73 Juarez 1 l:3Sfast C 95 7 5 5 4 C 631 Neylon 7 C.Puss, Ir.Gentleman. Mimorioso 12019 Juarez 1 l:37fast 15 93 7 5 5 5 5 34 Neylon 7 .Mimorioso, G.of Ophir, Just Bed 12G00 Juai-ez 7-S 1:27 fast 15 105 2 4 4 4 4 45 J McBride 4 Cousin Puss. Meadow. Just lted 12150 Victoria 1 l:4Cmud 14-5 112 1 7 3 3- 34 1 J McBride 7 SwedeSam. K.Nelsou, John Louis 11913 Victoria 1 1-S 1:50 fast 23-5 103 3 C 7 4 31 2" McBride 9 Balcliff, Gaty Pallen. J. Louis JIMMIE GILL, blk. g, 4 101 By Fatherless Sister Anna Doerhoefer and West. 13113 Juarez 1 1-10 1:4G fast 3 101 1 1 2 2 21 33 W W Tlor G Loween, Voladav Jr.. Cordie F 130S9 Juarez 1 lSVsfast 10 103 3 1 2 4 7 79 W W Tlor S BertGettv. BonneChauee. Barsae 13021 Juarez 7-S l:24fast 10 105 5 3 5 0 5 441 II Woods C New Haven, Gip.I.ove, Sea Cliff 129S1 Juarez 1 l:37fast 11-5 100 2 1 1 1 11 11 W W Tlor 5 Cliristophine, Sigurd. Tahoe 12707 Juarez 7-8 llfast 15 102 1 3 4 4 4 3" II Phillips 4 Foundation. V.Rights, J. of Asia 12G73 Juarez 1 l:3Sfast 50 SO 3 2 4 5 5 5J II Phillips 7 C.Puss, Ir.Gentleman. Mimorioso 12G01 Juarez 51 f l:07fast 10 100 3 7 0 C 53 J McCabe 8 Cosgrove. Rus. McGill Dominica 12430 Latonia 1 l:3Sfast 115 101 G 8 11 10 10 1018 Hill 11 Glint. Flying Tom. Fie 123SI Latonia 3-4 l:13good 37 102 1 4 7 51 41 J McCabe 11 Flex, Herpes. Rifle Brigade 12292 Latonia lm70y 1:50 hvy 10 102 7 7 7 7 7 515 Hill 7 L.H.Adair. Dynamite. FlygTom 12221 Latonia 3-4 l:17hvy 32-5 106 5 G 4 2and 24 J McCabe 9 Luther, U Steppa, Oriental Pearl 12153 Churchill 3-4 l:15mud 81 107 1 4 3 2and l1! J McCabe 9 Curlicue, Rooster. Luther SEA CLIFF, ch. g, 8 . 108 By Clifford Fiesole J. Umensetter. 130S9 Juarez 1 l:38Vfast 3 103 2 4 3 G 54 54 A Claver S BertGetty, BonneChance. Barsac 13021 Juarez 7-S l:24fast 3 105 2 4 4 4 41 33 R Feeney G NewIIaven. GipsvLove. Jim Gill 12991 Juarez 7-S l:24fast 3 102 5 7 7 7 5s 2 A Claver 10 Barsac. M.B.Eubanks. PavStreak 12SS9 Juarez 1 l:37M;fast 15 102 C 7 7 10 12 121E Haynes 12 V. Rights. C. Puss. JolinUeardon 12759 Juarez 1 l:37fast 4-5 102 2 2 2 2 21 21 A Claver 5 Brooklield, Hen.Walbank, Swish 12051 Juarez 1 l:37fast 21-5 100 1 0 5 4 11 ll Claver 9 Ocean Queen, Cool, Clinton 12022 Victoria 1 1-1G 1:49 fast 21 10G 5 2 2 1 ll 4i Pickens 7 Cool, Swede Sam Phillistina 11993 Victoria 3-4 1:10 fast 1S-5 111 4 S 8 Gi 44J Anderson S Dotty. Burl. Fitzgerald 11925 Victoria 3-4 l:10fast 13-10 112 2 4 4 31 21 Anderson 5 Burl, Marsand. Flving Footsteps 11SS2 Victoria 7-S 1:29 fast 27-5 110 4 2 2 2 2 2i Anderson 7 Mary Einilv, Balcliff. FirstStar 10953 Vancouver 7-S l:2Cfast 13-5 10S 7 4 3 3 54 58i Anderson 7 Cliilla, Semi-quaver. II. Street 10114 Vancouver 1 l:39fast 4-5 100 3 2 2 2 2J 4U Burgame 7 Metropolitan. J.Louis. Vday Jr. 10390 Vancouver 7-S l:2545fast 31 108 3 4 4 4 4ll 4 Washear 7 Kootenay, Furlong. Lackrose BELLE OF BRYN MAWR. blk. f. 4 104 By Ort Wells The Belle of Mayfair D. Ford 13355 Juarez 1 1-S l:53fast 9-10 102 2 1 1 1 l3 1 W W Tlor Tahoe, L.Marchmont, Foxv Mary 13077 Juarez 1 1-S 1:33 fast 3 95 111 1 li 21 A Neylon Loween, Tahoe. Sigurd 13035 Juarez 1 l:3Sfast 7 101 3 3 4 2 1- 11 C Gross 7 Sigurd. Marv Emilv. Cod 12909 Juarez 7-S l:2Gfast 4 107 3 4 4 4 21 21 II Woods 7 Cool. O.Queen. Peess Industry 12901 Juarez 7-S l:2Gfast 4 100 1 2 3 3 2i 2 A Neylon 9 HuskyLad. OceanQueen. Acumen 12S33 Juarez 51 f l:12hvy 8 107 5 5 G 4"W 43i H Woods 7 Amil Interest. Ben Stone. Cool 12750 Juarez 11:39 fast 8-5 9S 2 2 2 3 l" 2h F Stevens S O.Queen, L.Mmont. Winifred D. 120S9 Juarez 1 l:3Sfast S 96 7 2 2 1 I1 11 Fora 7 Mary Emilv, Clianticlor. Buss 12G40 Juarez 3-4 l:12Vandfast 10 105 4 5 G 33 31 II Woods 9 C.Marchmnt, Stanleys., Ocular POLLS, b. h, 7 108 By Voter Picayune II. H. McDaniel. 13154 Juarez 1 1:37 fast 4 99 1 2 3 4 9 43i A Claver 7 Bon. Chance, J.Reardon. Cantem 12993 Juarez 11-10 1:40 fast 9-10 10G 4 11 1 11 1 A Claver 9 Topland. Balronia, Jack Laxson 12S91 Juarez 1 1-10 l:4Cfast 2 111 4 3 2 2 25 23 J Howard 7 Clinton. Defv. Lai told 12424 Latonia 1 1-10 l:4S7sfast 19 111 10 4 3 0 51 3J F Benton 11 PhilMohr. DiW.Briggs. H.nwdy 12127 Churchill 1 1-8 l:53y3fast 89-10 113 G 2 2 2 33 31 Loftus 9 Charticr, Anion. Wishing Bin- 12049 Churchill 1 1-1G l:4Gfast 29 10S 10 7 7 7 C1 5J J Hanover 10 Cracker Box. Anion, Effendi HENRY WALBANK. br. g. G 112 By Farandole Lady Galopin Mrs. H. Tullett. 130S9 Juarez 1 l:3Sfast 15 112 1 G C 5 4l 4s W Mclnre S BertGettv. BonneChance. Barsac 12955 Juarez 1 l:3Sfast 3 100 4 4 4 4 53 oi W Mclnre G Truly, Brooklield. Col.Marelimnt 12933 Juarez 1 1:3S fast 12 113 G 5 5 4 23 2nt "w Mclnre Bonne Chance Tahoe, Cantem 12503 Juarez 1 l:3S?;fast 3-2 110 1 2 4 4 5 5s A Neylon .r Nannie McDee. Cantem. Melts 12SC5 Juarez 3-4 1:14 good 10 103 G 7 C 51 443 A Neylon S Mimorioso, I seeit. Zim 12775 Juarez 7-S l:29andmud G-5 114 3 3 2 2 24 2 A Claver 3 Bonne Chance. Swish 12759 Juarez 1 l:37fast 8 110 4 4 4 3 3 33 F Benton r Brooklield. Sea Cliff, Swish 12727 Juarez 3-4 1:11 fast 7 104 4 4 4 5 581 C Kirschm 5 Useeir. Osaple. Dorothv Dean 12001 Juarez 3-4 1:13 fast 4 102 4 4 4 54 531 M M thews G G. of Ophir. Injury. Sir Fretrul 12037 Juarez 3-4 l:llfast 50 101 0 6 G 72 3l M M. thews S V.Rights. PanZareta. SirFretful S475 C.dAlene 7-S 1:27 fast 5 111 43 Tullett G Sea Cliff, Jack Paine. King Elk 82S4 C.dAlene 51 f 1:08 fast 31 113 8 8 8 8 7al Tullett S M. Canomann. Delanev. Platinum S205 C.dAlene 51 f 1:09 mud G 100 G G 7 41 lt Tullett 7 Par. Boy, Tellurium, "Ves. Rights LITTLE MARCHMONT, b. g, 7 101 By Marchmont II. Spolia Opina R. O. Egan 13155 Juarez 1 1-S l:53fast 5 112 5 5 5 5 43 31 W Mclnre .3 B.of B. Mawr, Tahoe, FoxvMarv 13113 Juarez 1 1-10 1:40 fast 3 111 4 0 0 G G 09i W Mclnre G Loween, Voladay.Tr.. JimmieGill 13059 Juarez 1 l:3Sfast 4 103 7 7 7 5 21 2"k A Neylon 7 Bert Gettv. Cordio F.. Cantem 13023 Juarez 1 1-10 l:45fast 2 112 4 5 4 3 21 l1 E Taplin 5 IluskvLad". Clinton, Sis. Florence 12999 Juarez 1 1-S l:53fast 2 107 2 5 G G G 453 R Feeney G Cordie F.. Tahoe, Freewill 12915 Juarez 1 l:39fast 7-5 109 3 9 9 4 24 l3 A Neylon 9 J.Woods. C.W.Kenuon, SwedeSam 12S75 Juarez 1 l:40fast 2 113 3 7 G 4 31 13 J Loftus 7 .ToeWoods, EveAVhite BenFncas 1275G Juarez 1 1:39 fast 3 112 G 6 7 7 4 3i D McCthy S O.Queen. B.ofB.Mawr. Wind D " 12711 Juarez 1 l:3Sfast S-5 110 1 S 7 4 34 lnt A Neylon 9 Sigurd. Cordie F., Winifred D 120S4 Juarez 1 1-10 l:4Gfast 1G-5 115 7 5 4 3 21 2 D McCthy 7 Curlicue, TrojanBelle, Lord Elam 12003 Juarez 1 1:39 fast 12 107 7 4 4 3 21 1 D McCthy 7 Acumen. Cu Bon. Jack Laxson HASSON, ch. c, 4 104 By Ornus Balsam Fir I. Striker. 13074 Juarez 7-S 1:25 fast 3 10S 7 G 0 4 41 3 R Hoffman S Ask Ma, Mandadero Old Gotch 1S031 Juarez 3-4 l:12fast 3i 110 7 S 7 C2 3i R Hoffman 12 Wheeler, Kali-lnla. Ferrona 12991 Juarez 7-S l:24?ifast 25 107 8 9 9 10 10 101S1R HoffmanlO Barsac, Sea Cliff. M. B. Enbanks 12762 Juarez 51 f 1:05 fast 7 101 5 6 5 5 5r F Benton G Luther, Dominica, G. Marchmont 12071 Jaurez 3-4 l:124fifast 10 109 1 1 2 23 341 F Benton 5 Dynamo, Wevanoke, J. of Aia 12332 Laurel 1 1:40 slow 7 101 G 5 5 8 S10 79 Campbell 11 Nanier. Defv." .Merry Lad 11G94 H.deGrace 3-4 l:13fast 7 108 3 3 2 23 2 Troxler 9 S.Moon. Dr.R.L.Sger. S APsco- 11G41 H.deGrace 3-4 l:12fast 15 105 4 7 G 51 5 Troxler 11 Star Gift. Deduction. Monereif 9S34 Windsor 3-4 l:17V4hvy 12 108 3 5 5 51 4;1 R Hoffman 7 Tankard. TerribleBill, B.DIpper 9595 FortErie 1 1-1G l:50good 1G-5 105 3 1 2 4 5 58 C Turner 5 Cogs. Gerrard. Counterpart 9160 Ft.Erie lm70y l:50slow 8 104 1 1 2 4 4 4" R Hoffman 9 MoEieS.. II. Howdy. L.ofLngden 9314 Hamilton 1 1-8 1:50 fast 3 105 1 1 1 1 Is l5 C Turner 12 McCreary. MarieT.. JudgeMonck