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FAREWELL OF A VETERAN SIR JOHN JOHNSON RUNS HIS LAST RACE IN HANDICAP AT CHARLESTON. Stable Boy Has tho Mount in Fulfillment of a Promise That He Should Have Opportunity to Ride the Horse and Finishes Second. Charleston. S. C. January 24. That sturdy Id ampaigncr. Sir John Johnson, made his farewell appearance in ihc Piiichursl il:iudic:ii. out - of I ho feature races of the Charleston Fair and Racing Assyria lions program at limt to Park this after-ii The old horse showed a splendid performance. He carried top weight, made all the pace until well inside the filial furlong and lhiished second to the heavily hacked favorite. Republican. Sir John John son was ridden liy a stable lad named .1. Hurley, lie latlcr lias hecn in the employ of F. J. .Nolan fir some time ami it was only to keep a promise ii- de i lie Im.v that he might ride the horse that he was permitted to have the mount this af tcriioou. .h a more experienced lad in the saddle Sir John Johnson probably would have won. At all events, the old horses farewell appearance marked a liitit effort. During the s -ason of I1H2 Sir .loan Johnson stood at the farm of rapt. E. I!. Cassatt in Pennsylvania and the lirst of his get will appear on the turf next year. The South Carolina Selling Stakes, a dash of oi mile, divided inleresi with ill - Pim-mirst Handicap. It resulted in an easy victory for Joe Dcihold. which led his Held from the rise of the barrier ai.d beat the odds-oii favorite. Dartworth. by a o-up!e of lengths. Dartworlhs chances were not improved by being Wrmiittd to go wide all the way. The vii h ry ol Jue Dcihold was unprolitable for his owner, who was forced to stand a raise of .1914.sh05 ;o retain his horse. 5. It. liryson was responsible for the bidding, which came in- retaliation for the bid-Iiug up of Kiln Rryson a couple of years ago. The races were run over a muddy track. The hit. e in the fouling was responsible for scratches, the lields in tin" lirst two races being nia-lorittTy reduced by withdrawals. Favorites were bowled over in the lirst two races, but the success of Republican anil Chemulpo helped form followers i a measure to recoup some of their early losses. " Bg Dipper, winner of the second race", was bid up I y William Walker from $.100 to 1914.sh00, and hMight in. Youpg Emblem, a shifty sorl .-of a timi-yonr-ull running in the miie of It. A. Brown, was claimed by II. Phillips after he was beaten In the third nice. Hi cost his new nwmv ,150. J. W. .May and J. M. Good? have arranged to ship tin ir horses to Kentucky on Tuesday next. Botn have some t wo-ycar-ohls at Lexington. Walter House announced that he had been instructed to dispose of the stallion Magazine. The latter lias six yearlings in Kentucky. Francis J. Pons went to Jacksonville tonight. Willie Shields went to New York, accompanied hv Jack Odom. Frazcr Lewis, one of Horace Pauls crew, was an arrival from Hot Springs today. He reports that Mr. Paul will be here Tuesday and prolmbly will join the ranks of the layers doing business here. The following is the summary of a sale held in the paddock before the races this afternoon: Belle i f Xormandv. J. Todd, 00: F.lla Curry. Captain Wagner. : Castara. W. H. Frey, 5: Captain Jinks. W. W. Ingle. 1914.sh0; .Mini Ami. Captain Wag-Jiei. 00: .Monkey, W. C. Weanl. 15: Edna LI sit a, G. E. Kidge. 00: Luxurious. Captain Wagner. 0; P.illv Finnell. C. 1. Altinan. 5: Black Chief. T. 1". P.tilkloy, sciiO; Yorkshire Itoy. T. Shannon, 00. Jefferson Livingston was an arrival hero this morning. He will remain over until .Monday night, when he will leave for Juarez. The following were among the work-outs over the heavy track this morning: Dally Waters Three-quarters in I :24. Duquesnc Half mile in .11. Fathom Half mile in 50. IVolit Royal Five-eighths in 1:0.-.. Progressive Three-quarters in 1:24. Robert Kradley Five-eighths in 1 :!. Silas Orunip Half mile in 51. Southern Shore Quarter mile in 2.1. Stucco Three-quarters in l:l!l. Sman 15. Half mile in 51 if,. Toddling Half mile in .".1. Yolthorpe Three-quarters in 1:20.