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TIMELY GOSSIP FROM JUAREZ. First Two-Year-Old Stake of Season to Be Decided Today The Spreckels Juveniles, El Paso. Tex., January 24. Tomorrow the lirst two-year-old stake of the season will be run at the Jockey Club Juarez course. The event is the Sonor-itas Stakes, for fillies, three and a half furlongs. The entries total .11, including the speedy winners, Silver Itlossom, Lady Capricious and Joselina Zarate. James butler has four Castleton-hred youngsters engaged in tills stake in the fillies Gypsy, Ambrosial. Timber and Vicars Daughter, while J. Livingston has three engaged, including his remarkably well-bred lillv. Sanderling. a daughter of the 25,000 Epsom Derbv winner. Rock Sand, out of the Longfellow mare Selena I., a brilliant racer and prolific producer. Other nominators to this stake embrace G. L. Blackford, W. C. Clancy, I. E. Clark. J. D. Chivton, Dupee and Bender. .Mrs. .M. R. Farmer. J. J Ferguson, J F. and II. S. Newniau. E. J. OCon-nell. Qiiinlan and Iligel. E. J. Salt. Kay Spenee. Traniniell and Grav, 5. M. Van Gordon, S. Vciller and F. I. Weir. The Senoritas Stakes has been a fixture since 1!U at the Jockev Club Juarez course. That season W. Mcl.emores Ladv Itankln. by Leonid Belle Rankin bv Handball, won the event, carrying 11.". pounds, with George Molesworth up. in 40. Calisse finished sieojid. with Sadie Shapiro third. There were four other starters, including Royal Dolly. In 1012 the stake was won bv J. F. Newman and Sons Pan Zareta. bv A Ik? Frank Caddie Griffith, by Rancocns. 110 pounds, with C. Borel up, in 40. Truly finished sec-ond and Velie Fortv third, there being only two other starters. Last vcar the stake was won by R. J. Mackenzies Superl. by The Commoner Ice Water, by Watercress 110 pounds, and ridden by J. Loftns: time. 40. Aunt Mamie finished second and Ida Lavinia third. .... , In two runnings of this stake the winner has been a granddaughter of the great Hanover, both Abe Frank, the sire of Pan Zareta, and the The Commoner, the sire of Superl, being sons of that most successful of latter days American stallions. Leonid, sire of the lirst winner of the event. Lady Rankin, is a son of Hastings, and he. as well as Abe Frank nnd The Commoner, were all bred m Kentucky. That the record for the race will Ik? lowered this season Is regarded as a foregone conclusion and it mav be that Calisses American record of :19, made here, hut not in this stake, will tomorrow be lowered, as tho track was never so fast as at present and the quality of the field this season is rated as better than ever before. . Trainer C. W. Carroll hojies. to have in his barn at Juarez earlv In February the big hand of two-year-olds nwneil hv A. R. Spreckels. which are still at tlie Napa Stock Farm In California. Rainy, weather has prevailed in that section of California and has prevented getting the youngsters ready to ship here. Trainer Carroll is anxious to get the band under his care at the Juarez course, as it is the intention of Mr. Spreckels to let him take the pick of the collection to the Kentucky tracks next spring. Carroll does not as yet know the names of the youngsters, but he has a full list of their pedigrees. There are all told 2:! head. 12 colts and 11 iillies. Eight are bv Dr. Leggo. six by Solitaire II.. six by Vnorhees and three by Puryear D. The list in full is us follows: By Dr. Leggo. Rav colt, out of Coins!, by Solitaire II. Hav coll, out of Guerara, by Mavius II. P.av colt, out or Princess Alma, by So.itaire II. Hav colt, out of The. Peeress, by His Highness. Rrown colt, out or andva Girl, by Solitaire II. Chestnut colt, out or Saccharate. by P.rntus. Itav tillv. out of Norinne. by Rrutns. Rrown lilly, out of Georgia Girl, by Solitaire II. By Solitaire II. Chestnut colt, out or Formella, by lSrutus. Chestnut colt, out of Georgia VI.. by Flambeau. P.av lillv. out or Alma Dale, by Midlothian. Itav tillv, out of ltremerhafcn. by Sandringham. Rav tillv, out of Salvatrix, by Salvation. Chestnut lilly. out of Carnation II.. hy Flambeau. By Voorhees. Drown colt, out of Chitlie. by Prism. Drown colt, out of Handsome Florry, hy Handsome. Chestnut lilly. out of Gaviota, by Crighton. Dav lillv, out of Maya II., out of Prince of Norfolk. Chestnut lilly, out of Nanna, by Puryear 1. Ray filly, out of Prestcne, by Prcstonpaiis. By Puryear D, Rav colt, out ot Elininetta. by St. Saviour. Itav colt, out of Olathe, by Solitaire II. Chestnut lilly, out of Sevens, by Watercress. The latter lilly is a sister to Dr. Leggo, while the Prestene lilly is a half-sister to Ratta, the Handsome Florry colt a brother to Amity, the Chif-tie colt a half-brother to Kormak, the Peeress colt a half-sister to Cotytto. the Norinne filly a sister to Hyki. the Georgia VI. colt a brother to Media and a half-brother to Al Itloch. and the Alma Dale tillv a sister to Napa Nick. Trainer Carroll thinks these two-year-olds will prove the best all-around lot of colts and fillies ever raised at the famous Napa ranch. It. A. Jones has a yearling half-sister to Tru-lane at Parnell, Mo., that is said to be a grand looking lilly. She is hy Ilarrigan and is one of the first crop of foals by that sop of Plaudit. She is colored and marked just like her sire. W. S. Trevey. who developed and trained the crack gelding Hawthorn as a two-vear-old, thinks highly or J. W. Fullers gelding Tokay, which won his first start here and ran three furlongs in :tt. 1-kav is a son of Marclunont II. and Tokalon, by Tammany, the mare which won the rich Brooklyn Handicap for .Mr. Fuller in 1000. Trevey has asked for a price on Tokay, but so far the Texas turfman has not replied to his former trainer on the subject and it is probable that he will never settle on just what would satisfy him to part with this promising youngster. Fuller rarely sells a horse and in several cases where he has lost races by the selling process, he has regained them either pi-claiming them out of a race or buying them back by running their selling price up after they had won. He races the horses he breeds on his Texas ranch and has never made a business of marketing any of his youngsters until they have been thoroughly tried and found wanting. lite remarked a few days ago that a turfman was a poor horseman who sold his best racing tools. It is not known who Trevey is representing in his effort to buy Tokay, but it is said with authority that if he finally prevails on Fuller to sell the good gelding, that son of March-mont II will be raced on the Kentucky tracks next spring and summer. Tokay is a particularly well built colt with an abundance of size ami quality. The bay colt bv ntitnus Half Crown, credited with being about the most promising of the two-year-olds sent to the Jockey Club Juarez track by James Butler to race this winter, has been named Lost Coin. The dnm of this youngster is said to have the distinction of being the onlv mare in the stud iu America bv the great horse Cyllene. which was sold for export to the Argentine Republic for 57,.r00. and which before he left England sired the Derby winners Cicero, Minora, Lemberg and Tagalie. A number of horsemen now racing at Juarez would like to participate in the racing at Denver. Col., this season, but the dates as arranged will conflict with the spring meetings on the Kentucky tracks. Last year the spring and summer season in Kentucky ended at Latonia July Eugene Elrod, who has charge of the betting rings at Juarez and on all the Kentucky tracks, and who also looks after the shipment of horses from one course to the other, thinks that if it could be arranged so that Denver would have its lirst meeting aHer the summer season in Kentucky ends instead or in June, that from fifteen to twenty carloads of horses would be available there for shipment to Colorado. George It. Moreland. trainer of Just Red, has added to his string a two-year-old and a three-year-old filly, one by Billy Mayhue and the other by Palm Reader. Both of them are promising and he will take them to Kentucky with Just Red when tin? meeting at Juarez ends. Billy Mayhue, the sire of one or these Iillies, is a son or Buskin II.. and Palm Reader, a son or Horoscope, raced in good form for he late J. R. Keene. He is a royally-bred horse, being out of Daphne, bv Rayon dOr." With the ,000 that Mrs. L. A." Livingston presented him for winning the Kentucky Endurance Stakes at Louisville last fall on Pandorina and what he otherwise saved last year, jockey C. Gross lias accumulated sufficient to start the erection of a small flat building at Oakland, CaL, close to his home in that city. Gross is a rider of the best of habits and his frugality is an example which other riders could follow with good results. C. B. Reids much-talked about two-year-old brown colt, the lirst of the get of the good race horse, Ben Trovato, has been named Benieap. The youngster, which is wintering at the Churchill Downs track at Louisville, is out of Cappadocia. by St. George, which makes him a half-brother to K. J. OConnelPs good iilly Emerald Gem. now racing at the Jockey Tub Juarez track. A. L. Kirby hears that William Gerst. of Nashville, has soine promising two-year-olds wintering at his Tenuesee farm. One that horsemen naturally expect to see develop into a stake winner is the lirst produce of that good race mare Colloquy, by Russell. The youngster is a bay colt by Ivan the Terrible, the sire of Hodge, Little Father and other good winners. Mr. Gerst has two other Tennessee-bred two-year-olds for racing the coming spring, one being the chestnut filly by Zal. out. of Helnia S.. by Cesarion, and the other a chestnut colt by Yowric Gowanga, by Ormicant. Hanbridge is now tho leading sire at the Gerst farm and his oldest get are now yearlinss. Five of the two-year-olds that James Griffin has in his training barn at Louisville which are owned by J. S. McCullough. Illinois turfman and breeder, have been named. Trainer Griffin raced some horses last winter at Juarez, but last fall he concluded to rest in Kentucky until spring. The McCullough band, iu addition to Ghetto Girl, the half sister to Hanbridge and Judge Wright. Includes: Blushes, eh. f, hy Hurst Park Idle Fancy, bv Ben Brush. Frances Claire, b. f, by Hurst Park Belle Diablo, by Charaxus. Janitress. br. f, by Hurst Park Helen Connelly, by Uncommon. Kindling, br. c. by Czar Fontanet, by Frontenac. Skiles Knob. ch. c, hy nurst Park Felicity Mur-rat, by Disguise. Blushes in Griffins stalde is a half sister to the good fillies Fairy Story and Idle Tale.