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SEASON NOW AT ITS HEIGHT WINTER MEETING AT CHARLESTON GOING ALONG IN SATISFACTORY FASHION. I Management of Track Now Reaping- Reward of i Sagacious Policy Gossip of Approaching Derby and Other Interesting Matters. ; Charleston, January 25. Spirited contests, heavy speculation and liberal pationage now marks the winter meeting of the Charleston Fair and Racing Association. the upbuilding of the sport here has j been attended by some setbacks, due to false reports j sent out during the early days of the meeting by j some of the unemployed persons gathered here. , The free sate, or rather the practice of liberally lis- irihutiiig badges, which was in vogue here last winter was abolished this season by those in charge and it took some time for the local followers of t lie sport to make up their minds that they had to pay to witness the racing. The result was a tailing oil in attendance during the tirst few weeks, but now that the meeting lias settled down, one hears little complaint of the absence of complimentary badges. i he sport has been maintained on a high plane and the association is now reaping tne reward that it so richly deserves. During the past week a turn came in favor of the , biyers and they ale rccoii,iug some of the heavy losses they sustained during the tirst forty days. This has certainly been a good meeting for the haudicappcrs. They have outgeneraled the layers and it looks as if "their judgment in the matter of I rices has been far superior to that of the price quoters. The track is in fairly good condition, but the going is still tar from being fast. Contrary to expectations, the track was not scraped from the inside as many were led to Itelieve it would be. Instead about 200 loads of loiim were spread oii the far turn, correcting the grade which sloped to the .utside instead of to tin; inside. This was responsible for so many horses running out at this point. There is still some work to be done on this portion of the track before it will be in good condition. Fewer horses were on the track this morning at Palmetto Park than at any time since the meeting opei-ed. as a result of the unusually heavy going, which turned sticky under several hours of hot mui and a stiff wind. Barring further rain the coins--should be in better shape than ver by Tuesday at lie latest, as the recent heavy rain will serve to pack the new laySf suil and faster time should lie recorded from llioii oh. Owners of two-year-olds are hoping for improved conditions by the middle of ilu-week, as the Aiken Stakes, the second fixture of t!i-meeting for juveniles, will be run Wednesday. It was discovered today that Prince Kermis, Lew Marions handicap horse, is suffering from a high fever. This afternoon his temperature was 104. The horse started yesterday and it was thought thai he came out of his race in good shape. He had just reached his best form, having won a race during the past week and his sickness is a severe blow to ihi .Marion stable. Arrivals continue to come from the north right along, each day seeing new faces at the track, most of which are familiar at the courses in the east. Canada and Kentucky. The patronage on Robert K. l.ce day was by far the best of the meeting. The chief topie of conversation about the track during t lie past few days has been the indefinite suspension inflicted on jockey Borel for his handling of Oakland in a race in which the horse was badly beaten off from the three-eighths post to the finish, llorel has by far the best record of any ridel at the local meeting in proportion to the number of mounts he has had and his suspension was a hard blow to his contract employer, W. G. Yanko. Oak-laud has never been highly thought or either ny Y anke or other horsemen. He has always run in races for the cheaper grade of selling platers and generally found it dillicult to go more than five and a half furlongs. II. G. P.edwell is the first of the owners to reach the SI 0.000 mark in the matter of winning purses, he having reached that figure last week when I-chiel won a stake for hiiii. This marked the first stake victory of the meeting for the P.edwell stable. The other stake of the week, the .South Carolina Selling Stakes, was won by J rover C. linkers .loe Dcibold, but the purse availed the owner nothing, as it was used up in protecting the winner, which was bid up 005 over bis entered price. Mr. Bedwell continues to lead the wiiiniug owners for the meeting, with .1. O. Talbot t in second place. Winners of Sl.ono and over are: II. G. P.edwell. 10,2.H; .1 O. Talbott. 7.805; P.everwyck Stable, .,J80; .1. I.. Holland, 5,500: A. Weber. 4,4S5; It. F. Carman. 8.515: W. Walker, 2.575; ".. C. Raker. 2,080; G. W. .T. Bissell. ,985: M. A. Colton, ,075; W. G. Yanke, 1,900: .1. II. .McCarren. 81,570; .1. W. Iledrick, 1,585: .1. A. Strode, 1.4S5: i I.. H. Adair. 1.850; F. K. Brown, 1,850: II. C. I Moor, ,200: F. J. Pons, 1,200; I. M. Iledrick. 1,280: L. Marion, 1,805: .1. M. Zimmer. ,175; C. A. Spiet, 1.185; 0. T. Worthington. .,150: Mrs. W. II. Frey, 1,100; J. M. Goode. 1,120; T. F. Sheedy. 1.:.00. One of the disappointments of the meeting lias lieen the failure to uncover any likely looking two-year-olds.- True, there are a great many yet to make their appearance in public, but. of the lot that have been to the races, .T. !. Greeners Martinos looks best. The latter has been to the post but once, when he finished second to Brown Prince, hut his performance was a good one. lie ran greenly in the lirst furlong, but in the homestretch he settled down and fairly flew. Martinos is said to be the best vonngster in the string that J. W. May Is handling. He was heavily supported for his race and his failure was a keen disappointment. The original intention of his owner and trainer was to reserve this colt until the Louisville meeting before cutting him loose, but it. was thought that by that time his form would be so well known that he would rule tin odds-on choice in any race he might have lieeu started in, so it was decided to run him here. .1. L. Holland has a big band of youngsters here, several of which are said to be above the average. There are brothers and sisters to winners, but there appears to be no disposition to hurry them along and probablv thev are being reserved for racing over the New York tracks. The three-year-olds Gordon and Curl have leen turned out in paddocks here, but will probablv be taken up shortly. Roth look rough, but thev have developed and grown quite a bit since last fall. Triller has also been allowed to run out since November. , , Judging bv the anxietv of some of the leading, eastern owners to sign up promising riders, a big season on the New York tracks is anticipated during the coming summer. There have been a great many offers for different lads here and W. M. farter, trainer for Thomas fortune Ryan, apiears to liave acquired what looks like the most promising or the lot in Deronde, whose contract lie purchased from II. G. Bedwell. The contract 1ms four years to run anil the transfer is said to have cost Mr. Ryan something like ,000. Carter just managed to beat Jefferson Livingstons agent to the safe. The latter received a wire Monday morning authorizing him to go as his" as 10.000, but when he made the offer he found that he was too Jate. as the deal with Carter had lecn closed. Deronde- is a skilful rider for a light 1kv. He had trouble with Redwell and was not riding at the time the sale was made. Carter left with the lad Tuesday night for Benning, where Deronde - will assist in the preparation of the Ryan horses for the spring meeting at Pimlico. Carter will have about twenty horses in his charge this year. Several of those which raced on the Hat last year have been schooled through the field during the winter months at Beiming. Those that have shown tho most aptitude at jumping are Worstdale and Rockfish. both of which are said to be promising fencers. The track- at Renning lias been kept in splendid condition all winter thanks to the efforts and attention of S. O. Hildreth, wlio is wintering the horses be is training for August Rclmont there. Hildreth has also been busy with several of the Relmout horses, giving them lessons at jumping. It is the intention of Mr. Relmont to go in for this branch of the sport on an extensive scale and no less than seven of his string have been developed into steeplechasers since last fall, including Missiou, Top Hat Flitaway, Merry Task, Foolseapv Tea Enough and Meaty. A first-class steeplechase jockey will be employed and it is just possible that Fred Williams may be induced to cptne hack from France to ride the Belmont horses, as Hildreth is known to have a high regard for this lad as a rider of jumpers. Rock, View is said to be wintering splendidly. One of the best looking horses in the Belmont string is Vulcain. which raced so well as a three-year-old in France last season. The Relmont string numbers twenty-four. Other owners who have wintered at Bennlng are M. Dalv, Walter H. Congdon, and Captain P. M. Walker. Amos Turney is expected to arrive there from Kentucky shortly with eighteen horses, and William Garth is looked for about February 1 with fifty head that he had wintered at his farm near Charlottsville, Va. The stable that A. G. Weston wintered at the Norfolk- track has been increased by the addition of three two-year-olds shipped to him from the Thomas Clyde farm at Salisbury. Md. They are some of the lot that Capt. W. F. Presgrave purchased in Ireland last vear. The two-year-olds that Alliert Simons is handling for Harry Payne Whitney are going along promisingly and are an extra good looking lot. Of the older horses, Nightstick is in grand condition. Simons lias always made it a point to have his young horses ready early in the season and the chances are that a majority of them will be disposed of during the Norfolk and Pimlico meetings. With, the running of the Palmetto Derby but a few weeks off. the prospective winner is already being discussed. There are thirty-seven eligibles to this event, but the chances are that not more than eight will go to the post. Czar Michael, which is among the eligibles. has been showing up well in Ids recent races, and may lie an important factor. The colt appears to have overcome his ailment of bleeding, which proved a serious setback to him last fall. He has taken on flesh since his letup and appear to be in grand condition. It is said that no attempt will be made by R. F. Carman to get Surprising ready for this race. II. G. Bedwell has a couple of likely eligibles in Brave Cunarder and Boiter. The latter is a maiden by Voter Red Light, that is highly thought of by his owner. Gordon is in the race and so is Addie M. The former has not been doing much training and Addie M. will not be hurried along until late in the spring. The firing irons were applied to Addie M.s ankles not long ago and her legs have greatly improved in appearance. Charlestonian. a stable companion of Addle 3Ls will probably go to the post in the Derby, and his victory would lie a jmpular one as he is owned by J. W. Mcsservy. a local turfman. Ivan Gardner and Old Ben are lxith certain starters provided they continue to train well and both will have to be reckoned with.