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KING EDWARD PARK CHANGES HANDS. Montreal. iue.. March W. The realty holdings i the insolvent Kinjr IMward Park Co. are now the pfi iierty id -I. T. K. 1-iurendeau as a result of a sale bv auction tinder authority of the courts. The i i-riie brought was .rti.::oo. this bein;- the lilhost of I ix bid--, received. Keport oT the transaction has bet II tiled with Ihe Itiral courts in virtue of whose iiiil;;iin-iit the sale took idace. The bidding was inoro Vr less desultory and after the sale had been in progress for an hour or so Messrs. Marcottc. wh: had been appointed by the court, knocked the holdings down to Mr. I.aurendeau. The property ac r quired bv Mr. ljiurendeaii includes almost the whole ! Isle C.ros I5ois. situated in the river rroutins P.ouchcnille! There yet remains the scenic railway, a small farm and a Tew Island attractions to he illsiiosed of. , . , , It i understood to he Mr. I.aureiuleaus intention ti. establish a mile track on the island, though no delinite statement to this effect has been as yol. Iven out. It is not unlikely that the buildluK ol The course will he roniliienccd as soon as the season opens up. Several offers have Im-i-h made during t!ie past sjx months for a lease on the race track prop-Irtv with a view to turning It Into a mile course. These offers were llirned down oWhiC to the hisI-poiuiliellt of the sale of the- properly from lime o The propertv- also carries with it tin- racing char tei which would enable I he owner lo carry out their plans of building mile couino without seenr-Intf a new charter, ax Ihe niiil track Iisik been raced over twice a veiir for the piiHt few xi-axon.