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MARYLAND CRISIS COMES TONIGHT. Ihtllimorc. Md.! March lit. -The question or racing and race track iMttlng In Maryland Is today up in the air. The matter will come to a crisis not later than tomorrow nl;ht. when the Hull anti-betting bill will tome before Ihe house of delegates at Annapolis for discussion. If a state-wide com-uiissiun bill is to be passed to regulate racing and betting. It probably will be brought up at that tiir.e. To complicate matter, it bill to especially provide for racing In Anne Arundel county, hi which ;he Laurel track Ik loi-atcil. Ih rumored. This, If offered, will create a county commission and will provide? that fifteen per mil. of the gate receipts shall Ik" converted to the county use. it will also permit racing iu the spring al Laurel, which is not now allowed. While the nnll-iacliig people are iittshiiig the legislation at Antmpollfi the situation m has quieted down to a certain extent and race fol-lowers are hopeful that all will turn out well.